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Everything posted by zburdsal

  1. Hello metwpost, very sorry for the delay. So, firstly, you are responsible for any actions done from your account, even if they were done by another person, as we have no way of verifying that it was. However it has been just shy of a year, far longer than we ban for grief anyways, so I'll go ahead and unban you now, but please in the future keep your account safe from anyone not mature enough not to grief, and read over our rules before rejoining. Also as far as the "no constructive edits" goes, this ban was from my third day as a mod, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt there.
  2. Hello Moultenx! As it's been over 8 months, and as the original ban language was: "Continued grieffing after being warned, but was quite nice about it on C." I'm going to just go ahead and unban you, however please remember that grieving includes *any* destructive edits of another's builds, even if they're abandoned, unfinished, or unprotected l, not just breaking big fancy builds.
  3. After much delay and some issues with my new computer crashing, I'm back! Unfortunately I got a job while I was away, so I won't be able to on as much, but still should be fairly active!
  4. Just btw, there's a little bit of one of my islands that was clipped off in schematica, someone may need to go in and fix it up, I'll do it if it hasn't been when I'm back but thought I'd mention still.
  5. Assuming what I linked is all good, I'll be ordering parts on the 14th-ish (when my family expects tax returns), so yeah two to three weeks.
  6. I have to turn in my current computer to my school until fall semester... So it'll be a week or two until I can scrounge up the money to buy this silly little thing: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/8ChTXL Edit: I'll still have my phone though, will try to have steam and irc on.
  7. Yeah, in general I guess that might just be more annoying. Does locking it mean other's can't sleep in it? Or could we limit it to only being able to do /cpublic on them maybe?
  8. You can also just modreq for a region around the bed to be added?
  9. A little green border around an online staff member or a dot next to their name would be more helpful for anyone looking for someone to contact, in my opinion. Such as even though I'd be at the top of this sorting, I'm not actually online that often, and almost any time I am, there's other mods online as well, as recently I've been playing at very standard times. Where as a little online indicator might help if there's only one mod online but they just started playing after a hiatus or if they just play at a time when modreqs aren't common.
  10. Both of my current notes are inaccurate in one way or another, and are also 18 and 24 months old.
  11. I've been running the numbers for awhile now, but I haven't been able to conclusively prove Silversunset is not Narissis. Padmins, what's your favorite town that you're not in?
  12. Hello again TechnoBass. I'm moving this to closed now as it has been two weeks without a response. If you wish to continue the appeal process, please simply make a new appeal with the information mentioned in my above comment.
  13. Hello Tyler, sorry for the delay. As your appeals seems genuine and as it has been almost a full month, I'll unban you now, but please in the future don't take your anger out on our player's builds.
  14. Hello Crackinq, sorry for the delay. As you've already admitted to it, quoted the rule, and seem to be appealing in good faith, I'll unban you right now. Welcome back to our servers.
  15. Hello harry, for record purposes, here is the language of the ban: "Avo signs, extensive grief, no constructive edits on C. nerd.nu/appeal" - "4 months 3 weeks ago" Unfortunately I don't seem to have any saves of the block edits, but as it's a few a months old, they won't be necessary. As for the brother reason, we don't accept that as a reason for unbanning, as you should be responsible for your account at all times. Because this is several months old though, I'll unban you now, as you've already stated the rules that you've broken.
  16. I'd like to break everything help, if I could.
  17. Hello TechnoBass! Just for reference, here is the full language of the ban: Greifing, building an infinite redstone block, no creative edits on C. nerd.nu/appeal ... Please ignore the typo I made. In addition to the griefing (which consisted of random griefing on statue and some breaking of redstone in the end), you also built an infinite clock in the redstone area of the end. As these tend to cause lag if they're left on, we don't allow that. To be unbanned, please reply here stating the rule you broke, in addition to the griefing you've already mentioned, and I'll unban you.
  18. Hello Xergre, as it's been 5 months and you've said in the appeal which rule you've broken I'll unban you right now, welcome back to our servers!
  19. I would suggest adding "for extensive self-activating redstone, please put an on/off switch on it" seeing as how the redstone in the op isn't a loop and wouldn't be effected by this rule.
  20. Oh hey you found my farm... >.> Adding a permanent on/off switch to that type of design should be easy enough, but actually for that specific one it shouldn't even be on, seems through some quirk of WE a few rows got replanted. I would support such a rule for C, no real need for such things to be always active. P I'd be a bit hesitant of but I'll probably add an on/off switch to my farms anyhow.
  21. Well in that case, please simply change your password on your account, as it may have been compromised, and respond back here stating that you've done so, and I'll unban you.
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