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Everything posted by buzzinbee

  1. I am sorry but then status of mod and admin is not something you apply for, you are chosen in a brainstorming thread and then if you pass that you are put into a voting thread and once that is over the head admins discuss which players are successful and which players aren't. Hope that's cleared up how mods are chosen for you.
  2. Bump for moving this discussion over to the archives.
  3. I used to play a game called commander keen, it's now available on steam so I got it although there are many that come with the pack i go Commander keen secrets of the oracle :P used to play that all the time as a little kid on pc. although you can actually just play it for free online.
  4. Question when are you planning on announcing the fact that you will be using the shopkeeper mod? just for the sake of once it's announced this should be moved to archives.
  5. Your banning moderator is no longer on he staff team giving that he stepped down a long time ago i'm going to go ahead and unban you. Please don't get in this situation again.
  6. I'd be fine with this and yes it would be given a warp.
  7. I had discussed this with tharine, I suggested PvP arenas however we decided that we would not like to draw any attention away from survival. The servers are set, creative shouldn't really have survival involved.
  8. The rollback occurs right after the ban, we are sorry but if edit have been viewed and seen as illegitimate then a full roll back will occur.
  9. The creative server will reset on Tuesday the 24th at 4:00AM BST, http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Creative+Reset+-+Revision+25&iso=20130924T04&p1=136 click that link to see what time it is for you. What you can expect: The world as you have seen is a world painter map, The world will start out as a 4000 by 4000 map then over the course of the revision it shall reach a 6000 by 6000 map. There are no cardinal roads but we are having a spawn city again. There shall be a warp for redstone towers (new addition where you can go and build redstone contraptions and learn new redstone techniques), a warp to pixel art and a warp to bigtown. If you have any questions please ask myself, Dumbo52 or Cyotie911 or comment on the reddit post. Just as a final thing I'd like to thank every mod/admin that worked diligently on making this new revision as good as it is.
  10. Building a dick in any circumstance is against the rules on the server, you should know better than that. You are banned for 2 days. Do not bump your ban appeal until this time has been met at which point I shall unban you.
  11. Agreed. also I'd love to see that implemented.
  12. Bla caps on messages, yeah that was what it was, i've gone through and deleted a load sorry about that.
  13. My account has been receiving pms. That's odd not sure if that's something I may have clicked by accident but, i've already had a few messages.
  14. Due to the length of this ban I'm going to unban you, please don't end up in this appeals section again. Unbanned.
  15. Look forward to seeing you back in game :) I hope everything has turned out for the best in whatever your situation was.
  16. The main benefit I had behind it is that, people are then no longer under pressure to genuinely speak their mind about certain players. Ok for instance if your friend's name pops up in a thread but you don't think your friend should be modded, you are expected to act maturely about it and put in the reasoning behind it, however some of it you may not want to put in as if they became a mod they may (wrongly) question how loyal you are to them. This is an odd example but this can happen. Or at least if mods were allowed to go through before the players were modded and remove their own comments they have made.
  17. Ok due to inactivity issues I have been discussing adding in another CAdmin with the other admins and we decided that it would be in creative's benefit to have another admin. So please send myself or another admin your suggestions and we will discuss them. Thank you for taking the time to read this and any suggestions you give us are appreciated. EDIT: In your message please state if you'd like to be kept as an anonymous source or not.
  18. Yeah I mean the first one. We could alternatively just move them up to an archive for head admins in case something crops up they can refer to that at a later point.
  19. Ok many people may see no problem with the system for modding players but seeing as we are making a few changes such as asking for permission for being put into a voting thread I think it could be beneficial to have a thread seeing if we can think of any other ways in which we can improve the way people are modded. Ok I'd just like to start it off by putting out the idea of removing negative comments put into the brainstorming threads. Pros: When players are modded they then don't suddenly get offended by anything they might see eg oh I think such and such is way too immature for this position, It would stop players having negative opinions on staff members and it would also make it easier for current staff members to voice their concerns without worrying about offending someone when they are modded. Cons: It is believed that if you are modded you should be able to handle seeing this sort of thing, it can also sometimes work as constructive criticism and make the player try and focus on improving that aspect of themselves. Another con would be that it will of course add more work for people to have to go through the sometimes very long threads reading all the comments to remove them. This is just my idea, if you have any concerns with this idea please voice them and also please give any ideas you may have to improve the system.
  20. Take as long as you need, real life always takes priority I hope you get whatever it is sorted out and I look forward to seeing you in game in the future :)
  21. If I get the go ahead from Cyotie I could put up a creative admin brainstorm thread
  22. Real life always comes first, I'm sad to hear that you are ill and I hope you make a speedy recovery. Get well soon, and best of luck!
  23. I have discussed this with Barlimore and we decided that it would be good to have all the admin's opinions on this idea. I have been incredibly inactive recently, which i'm sorry for and so we decided that it would be best not to put me into the inactive slot but to open up another slot for the server admin position on creative like survival is doing. We talked about this and decided that it would be good to open this up to all servers and just have it as a general thing. I don't really see a downside to having an extra slot but i'd like to hear everyone's opinions on it. We are aiming to close this post in a weeks time so if the responses are positive we can start to get to work on filling the new CAdmin and PAdmin slots so please get your opinions in quick.
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