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Everything posted by buzzinbee

  1. What the title says. I'm kind of curious. EDIT: or mute for that matter.
  2. Players used to have to be active on all three servers to be considered for moderator position this enabled all mods to be familiar with the player, however now with our lower numbers this doesn't apply any more, I think that is what Mag was stating.
  3. I'd like to use roast's hub, at least as a temporary hub until the competition results are in which could be some time. It also gives us a guaranteed nice looking hub which the contest doesn't. I mean we might end up walking out of the contest with the best suggestion being a diamond block pony with gold ore ears. Not questioning building capabilities here just people might not be interested in the contest.
  4. Could we not include server admins on the final say? It makes sense as we also encourage people to voice concerns to us with players and we would then have a much more balanced background of people to make up the final decision. Just now the Head Admins background goes as 3 from PvE, 1 from Creative and 1 from Survival. Yes Head admins should be aware of the problems for all 3 servers but there is no way in which you are going to be able to get rid of all bias for your server no matter how hard you try. If we involve the server admins on the final say we would have 6 from PvE 5 from Creative and 4 from Survival. This would have a much more balanced opinion and we would be able to determine if a player is actually suited to the role a lot easier than if the heads have to do it all. I would also like to say if any moderator at all wants additional training on creative please do come and see me and I can walk you through the more difficult situations you may face on creative. EDIT: I would also like to add that I am in favour of having the Do not know option in voting threads, it would be a lot easier to hit than the no button. I also would like to propose that we have a second level of training for moderators which is either compulsory for modding certain things on certain servers or highly advised.
  5. D: Yikes hope you get better soon Cyotie. I like the idea of having the 2 servers if it's not a huge strain, i presume we'd start off with the same spawn the only difference would be the flight? I think that would provide a reliable comparison between the two ways in which you can play creative.
  6. D: who am I going to bombard with tech issues during creative chaos events now? In all seriousness totemo, I will miss you thank you very much for the work you have put in it really has made a huge difference for us all. Pop in mumble and irc every now and then.
  7. I still like the idea of no flight even for just a few weeks or so, however if we do go with /modreqs for no flight regions we could add region flags just outside the flight zone stating you are about to enter a no fly zone. Upside this allows people to see that they are then flying into a zone with no flight, downside it could get a little spammy. A player brought up to me the topic of rule books, they stated that people don't really read them and instead we should have the signs up with a few tutorials for people to look at. I say we should do this and keep the book that could be obtained by a command, this way you don't have to read through all of the book you can look at signs with examples and it's a little more user friendly in my opinion. Again I would like to hear thoughts on this.
  8. I will take over this appeal. This ban is from a while ago, you came onto the server and spammed, you then requested that the banning moderator ROCKONN would ban you. The time for your ban for spam is over and if you state that you have read the rules I shall unban you from the server.
  9. Closing due to inactivity. Make another appeal when you wish to be unbanned.
  10. I like the potion perks, I think 5 and 10 should stay the same, I'd like to see perks for 25, 50 and 100. 25 could be health regen, 50 could be something like fire resistance not sure on that and 100 could be a strength buff, I think they should add on the effects of the perks before hand so if you got to 50 you'd have the perks of 5,10,25 and 50 thoughts? EDIT:Forgot to add in I think it should be armour kills only but by that I think it should count if they have any armour on at all otherwise getting the higher streaks would be very difficult.
  11. I think we should test out drops and things like arrows, even ender pearls. If they cause too many problems we can always remove them but I think there are a few benefits to these things, would we be able to enable certain potions whilst keeping others banned for instance I don't want invisibility potions being enabled however instant health pots and speed pots for pvp are useful. For spawn city I'd like some more natural sections around spawn but I'd also like to see plots working with the terrain, I don't like the creative servers where everything is completely flat, it's really really dull. That said something like Bellevue working with the terrain would be very nice. EDIT: I still feel that we should have a period where the map is in no flight mode, we can really get a feel for how it works that way, then after a bit swap it to flight. This way a lot of the perks of no flight should kick in such as the necessity for roads being built and builds being closer together. Once flight has kicked in the map should then look actually fairly nice and it might encourage players to continue to build in close proximity to each other instead of flying off doing their own thing.
  12. Hmm we often like to have copies of the winning builds. You could try to grab an admin either cadmin, tech or head admin at the time that is free to help out. But I'd like to hear the other admin's point of view on this before I make my choice, in-particular those staff members that were staff when mods had access to World Edit.
  13. We have had several different types of spawn over the last few revisions, some with a spawn city some without none of which have had roads build to connect player's projects togther. Since flight was introduced they have gone completely. I am sorry but I cannot disagree more with that, the selection process that goes into selecting our mods is a very strict one. We do not just lookup their bans list we often have threads up for month discussing names in depth before we even consider putting them into a voting thread. When we pick the mods those that are modded generally are very responsible. World edit would still be too powerful to allow for them to use, it is the first time we see them actually in a position with powers that can be damaging to the server, we need to see how they handle that and not just throw them in the deep end with the most dangerous tool for mods. Our past mods have in general been just as good as our current mods, I do not want to open up the opportunity for more abuse when our system of modding generally works just now.
  14. http://nerd.nu/archives/index.php?p=/discussion/9791/holiday-reminder-for-mods This, and I hope to all those that do get drunk you have a happy new year and a night to remember... or not.
  15. Trusted user groups have been thought of before. I personally am against it I've always admired nerd for the fact that you can join and have no limitations compared to everyone else, a trusted user group would remove that trait.
  16. Ban for rockstar5520 on4 c.nerd.nu for griefing by jakemates on 2011-04-23 22:44:12 (no more bans, no notes) Giving the length of your ban I will unban you once you read through the rules at http://www.redditpublic.com/wiki/Rules and post in the appeal that you have done so.
  17. Ban for dragon3002 on4 c.nerd.nu for grief - nerd.nu/appeal by pilot3033 on 2011-12-23 15:54:43 (no more bans, 1 notes) Generally the banned player should make the appeal however seeing as his computer is not working well and giving the length of this ban I am willing to unban him. Just make sure he reads through the rules at http://www.redditpublic.com/wiki/Rules and also note that he is responsible for his own account. Once he has read them let him post in this appeal stating so and he will be unbanned.
  18. This please haha. I keep missing people that are talking in chat due to seeing their clan first and then looking along to see the player's name.
  19. One of my main points of concerns is allowing things like coloured chat which would annoy a lot of players on our server, I'd favour keeping our existing bunch of players over attracting a lot of new players any day.
  20. By limiting world edit the only cons that would really solve would be lag and it being monitored.
  21. We have had World edit allowed for mods before and from asking thrawn about it this was removed due to large amounts of abuse with the tool, it is WAY too over powered. Coloured names just give the impression of favourites within players, something I am completely against with creative. If we allowed players to modreq for world edited areas admins would have far too many requests as everyone would want their build world edited. As I stated before mods have had world edit but it is abused too much to enable for mods to use. We would have to judge each case to see if it is suitable for world edit eg if it's too large to cause lag or if it's potentially damaging or going into another region. As I said we allow roleplay on creative but you just have to keep it to a clanchat, I don't see what the problem with that is as everyone that wants to be involved is able to we aren't stopping people saying in chat we are going to roleplay anyone that wants to join can pm me and i'll add you to the clanchat. If someone is too lazy to create a channel then I don't see them lasting long on the server anyway. As you requested I'll make a pros and cons list for both. World edit PROS: You are able to complete your build faster You are able to make a more detailed build You are less likely to be burned out with building It is useful for attracting players to the server It is a useful tool for things such as terraforming World edit CONS: It causes lag It would have to be monitored to reduce lag Incredibly easy to abuse More difficult to fix if used badly Used by mods before and had to be removed due to abuse If made into a modreq system admins would have to handle all requests Areas would have to be assessed to see if world edit would affect someone else's region Most modreqs would be for the use of world edit creating a lot of stress on the admins. Reduces build satisfaction which is a prime source for a lot of our players to leave Use of world edit on a build run by several players could cause player dispute about the build. Makes large scale digging projects such as the domes redundant they do bring in a lot of players to the server and are enjoyed by most that participate in them. Roleplay in general chat PROS: Attracts an audience of younger players that want to roleplay. Saves players from creating a clanchat channel. I am sorry but I genuinely can't think of any other pros for this. Roleplay in general chat CONS: Spams chat Annoys a lot of players that want to use chat for general building purposes Often misleading in cases where arguments break out it would be difficult to assess if it's a genuine argument or not Attracts an audience of younger players that want to roleplay (honestly the creative server was meant for a more adult theme, if we have a lot of younger players joining they are going to be exposed to a lot of bad language and more adult humour, which would lead to them complaining or us having parents complain.) We already allow it in clanchat it's not that difficult to make a channel to do it in. Colourful names in chat PROS: Player feel a bit better about themselves for having a different coloured name than everyone else. Could potentially be used as a reward for stuff. Again I'm sorry but I can't think of any more pros for this. Colourful names in chat CONS: A lot of our current c players don't like colourful names in chat as it looks tacky and distracting. Could promote the idea of favouritism in chat. Often drives older players away as it gives off the impression of a server for younger players Could lead to things along the lines of "I have a colourful name you have to do what I say" so promotes arrogance. Gives no real promotion for gameplay. We have gone over most of the things mentioned but these have always been our least favourite aspects of minecraft that we see in a lot of servers nowadays. EDIT: Feel free to add in any pros you think of I really couldn't find many more.
  22. I'm not going to allow world edit it's far too risky we don't even allow mods to have world edit, I'm also not too keen on coloured name tags it's one thing I've never like about other servers, however having perks could be good for instance having a leader board like most blocks placed overall or most dug ect, we do allow roleplaying on creative however you have to do it in a clanchat so the whole server doesn't see it.
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