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Everything posted by buzzinbee

  1. Hey sshadow, the head admins should deal with your appeal within the next 24 hours. I am sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
  2. We will see you when you are ready to come back :)
  3. Favorite creative revision?
  4. What is your favorite thing about the servers? and your least favorite thing about the servers?
  5. Are you wanting to do this before or after creative resets?
  6. You did, looks like everyone has made very nice entries :)
  7. Well, I don't see any possible down side to having one, where as it's quite a fun thing for the community, it would be neat to think that you designed the crest for the server you play on most. Who would judge it or would we put it up in a poll?
  8. I think it would be a neat thing, we could hold contests to see who could make the best server crest, and they could be displayed at spawns if they are simple enough.
  9. JohnAdams1735 however, I am not sure how busy she is going to be next revision.
  10. I am one of the heads of CTA yes. I can't actually remember, it could have been rev 13, but then again it could have been rev 15. Rev 15.
  11. I don't think there is going to be a pink wool rail next revision sorry teddy, but you are welcome to help with the other lines.
  12. I'd also like to back this up, it's just nice for players that have made requests about grief far off or about something else to have confirmation that their request has been completed.
  13. Rails, not only provide direct paths to locations, it makes the game more vanilla than just teleporting about the place, it can connect large cities to each other and it is an enjoyable ride.
  14. All you guys section: 1 - Try hosting events for creative, ie spleef events, we will often try to get the community involved in these sorts of things but it's time consuming. 2 - Giant pony in sandbox... erh well I completed a rubix cube a few times. :/ suddenly realizes lack of accomplishments in life. 3 - I personally would like to become a microbiologist, dream job play in a band (that actually gets money), get a job that I actually want to get up in the mornings to go to. 4 - I hate my username, I must have been really tired and I just thought of a bug/animal and then another thing that began with the same first letter as the bug/animal and was slightly relevant. :/ 5 - I think it's great more people the better. 6 - Talking to people and getting friends, I've always had a good friend on the nerd servers first one was an irl friend phantom_hoover, then btree then several people like zhenwan, john, char, taco and a load more. 7 - If you could change 1 thing about creative what would it be? For buzzinbee section: 1 - It's still early days, I am getting to grips with things, I hope to try and implement a few new things that could attract a few more player... ;) but more on that at a later date. 2 - CTA is going to be using the CARTS network, the 4 colours of cta will represent different quadrants, cities pixelart and bigtown will be given carts stations, impressive builds will be given the old cta stop stations, the reason behind using carts is that it's easy to teach new players and it can also spread throughout the map quickly. I believe there is a thread up on this and I also plan on using the CTA subreddit more frequently. http://www.reddit.com/r/mcpubliccta as you can see it's been left alone for quite some time :P Hope this answers your questions sufficiently enough :)
  15. I have contacted a tech admin about this, just letting you guys know that they are looking into it the problem isn't being ignored.
  16. You were set to be unbanned on this day so i've gone ahead and unbanned you. Please don't get in this situation again.
  17. If the password is linked to teddylover only, you could create an account like "teddy" or "teddy_lover" couldn't you?
  18. Again this is going far off topic, this is an AMA not a circle jerk page. Please keep it to questions for JohnAdams and not on the reasons people are upvoting/downvoting thank you.
  19. Woop welcome back :D please don't be mad at all of the burnt down stuff...
  20. Agreed we would set out the topics to discuss in MCP and then hopefully mods can run it. We want to have these each month just to keep people in the loop, the idea behind using mods to run them is that 1 it will make the mods seem more approachable for players and 2 there are more mods so time-zones can each have meetings to suit them. I would also like to have this idea with full server meetings, we don't want to make people think like there are 3 separate communities, some people might want to talk about all 3 servers at once, so to have a staff meeting talking about all the servers could be beneficial. We would put up the ideas that are brought up in the meetings onto a word document and try to implement as many of them that seem reasonable as possible. I'd like some feedback on this idea though like Njord said, Pros and cons.
  21. Creative is now 1.6 with the other servers, the following items can now be requested via /modreq Item frames and tnt. Fire is now place-able by players, have fun but use it sensibly :)
  22. We will be updating creative to 1.6 in about 20 minutes time, no more swapping between launchers :D
  23. Given how old this ban is i've gone ahead and unbanned you. Please have a quick look over the rules http://www.redditpublic.com/wiki/Rules thank you for the appeal and I look forward to seeing you in game soon.
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