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Everything posted by buzzinbee

  1. I'm new to this so i'm used to things like vodka and coke. However if you are having a lot of people around you can get a small bucket, fill it with chopped fruit like oranges. Pour in a lot of orange juice and vodka mix. No real measurements just keep testing it until it's not too strong or too weak. Other one isn't exactly a drink however put a hole in a watermelon pour in vodka, keep pouring and the melon will soak up all the vodka leave it for a day or so and you have got an alcoholic watermelon.
  2. We have been taking steps to making creative more interesting. Hence the new pvp arenas creative gets old with just building we want competitions and a sense of community with weekly events occurring. I have been thinking about making the ideas of cities more interesting and adding features such as spleef tournaments between groups of players or cities. The old days we had roads due to no flight, this connected everyone's builds together and made it easier to be involved with the community now we fly our own separate ways, build our own things, get bored, move on. It's getting tricky to find things to keep players interested. World edit is too risky to allow, plus that would get builds completed faster making it even less exciting to complete a build. We have clanchat for players wanting to roleplay. We do listen when you suggest things, please keep bringing ideas to us because we are just as aware of the lack of players as you guys and we do want to make creative more interesting.
  3. I like it a lot, I think we should make a default colour for the clan tags though like blue or yellow.
  4. Thanks for the appeal, it is clear you are sorry, I do not want to see you banned for this again though. You will be banned for 24 hours, once that time has passed please state that you have read the rules from http://www.redditpublic.com/wiki/Rules and I will unban you.
  5. Oh and we talked about this it seemed like a nice idea for next revision's spawn, we should have some kind of story behind the spawn, we were discussing the idea of maybe a plane crash spawn or based on an r/minecraft spawn, a spawn including some kind of fairy tale design with dragons or some kind of creature looking like it's either attacking or protecting the spawn.
  6. Warchamp if you would like to be unbanned you will have to make an appeal. The head admins will be sure to look into it for you.
  7. My idea for spawn city would be having a little bit of a gap from spawn to the city and allow more natural terrain there to keep the spawn from being over crowded. CTA is not going to be pre build that was a bad idea. Next revision I'd like the map to be a lot more small, I also would like to have a lot of interesting scenery, creative isn't just about placing blocks it's about making use of the surrounds you have. I personally don't like flying over plains for a long period of time it becomes boring, I would like some areas of plains but I'd also like areas with natural mountains so players can explore a bit more and build around and include the environment.
  8. The ender pearls wasn't an example sorry, we hope to have input from the community for what we want in the next revision.
  9. I'm okay with my build being moved but I would like to have permission from the contest winners to move their builds.
  10. This is directly for Carver, I apologise if what I wrote sounded like I was having a go at you, I was bringing in old forum threads which gave what I though the reason to your ban. It may be wrong as when this occurred I stayed out of it completely. To be honest I don't think LadyRavenOwl should be demodded, since she has come back she has been very helpful and an incredibly nice person to interact with. I also think that Carver has had a long enough time away to warrant at least a trial run on returning. I had not heard about you helping Rainshadow with the server which shows that it was a genuine mistake. This is a head admin discussion but I believe that giving you a trail run again on the servers would be a good idea, and yes the AVO attacks were incredibly useful in terms of advertisement. I think we should not take action against players to have a good reputation, if someone has something personal to them so long as they don't get it involved with the MCPublic servers, that is their choice and not for us to moderate. That is my opinion of course I was not involved with all circumstances so I cannot give the best answer out there.
  11. I personally believe that enough time has passed without having avo fanboys coming on spamming unban carver or griefing or ddosing due to his presence in avo to give him another chance, however as stated the head admins are discussing this but until he makes a new appeal there is not much they can do as unbanning when there is no open appeal at the time is against server policy.
  12. The point is that we have had no trouble from people over LRO from AVO she is not as active as Carver, she also hasn't done anywhere near as much damage to the community of this server as Carver, I don't see why LRO is being discussed that much I have never heard anything from AVO about her and she is generally an incredible help to our servers.
  13. http://nerd.nu/archives/index.php?p=/discussion/comment/59112#Comment_59112 A contributing factor was the fact that carver was so affiliated with them that other players then started to attack the server on his behalf spamming us and ddosing us. He also according to the ban appeal revealed a private ip address of a server from one of the community in our servers. This is just showing that it is not just his affiliation with them that has caused his permanent ban. That being said Denevien has stated that they are discussing it. He is meaning if Carver were to make a new ban appeal then it would warrant the possibility of an unban however it's server policy to not unban unless there is an open appeal at the time.
  14. Unbanned welcome back and hope you had a good christmas :)
  15. Thanks for the appeal please read through the rules quickly at http://www.redditpublic.com/wiki/Rules once you have read through please post here saying that you have read them and I will unban you.
  16. Message me anything about creative

  17. I like the Idea of black, red, white and blue roads. Easy to tell apart we could use light blue if the dark blue gets confused with the black. But yeah valid point thanks for bringing this up.
  18. Hey guys, this is just a thing I'd like to make a bit more clear, if anyone is struggling with modding on a certain server please Please don't hesitate to ask for help. I am willing to give anyone that wants it some extra help with how to handle modreqs and situations on creative if you aren't sure how to do so. We won't bite if you ask for help it's highly encouraged to get help. It's far better than jumping into a situation you aren't too comfortable with and messing up. I'm fairly sure that the survival admins mods and PvE admins and mods would also be willing to lend a hand to anyone struggling. So if you do want any help with certain rules or with certain situations please either post in this thread or give me a private message if you'd rather keep it private. Thanks that is all again please don't hesitate to ask.
  19. No you weren't banned for saying the f word that's allowed, you said in chat "that's fucking gay". Unfortunately your incident is not showing up in admin logs however there were several people that saw it in chat. I would like to refer you to this post here https://nerd.nu/forum/index.php?/topic/20-banned-for-a-homophobic-or-racial-slur-read-this/ The way in which you said it was putting a bad sound on the word gay. Not knowing it's in the rules is not an excuse i'm sorry but we have the rules set out very clearly you are able to read them and so if you break them it's your fault. You are banned for 2 days please read the rules http://www.redditpublic.com/wiki/Rules and post when that time is up not before hand.
  20. LetsB brought this up to me. Should we enable certain potions and make the pvp a bit more up-to-date or just leave it as you get a sword and enchantments no potions?
  21. Well we have the ability to create pvp regions now, is there a way we could disable the death messages or will that just be a thing we will have to live with (not a huge problem)
  22. Talked to Dumbo he said he would be ok with it, I would still like to have a go ahead from the survival admins though.
  23. https://nerd.nu/forum/index.php?/topic/1167-dunk514-rockonn/ You were banned just last month by ROCKONN on this account.
  24. One more question, this was on creative wasn't it? c.nerd.nu not on survival or pve?
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