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Everything posted by buzzinbee

  1. I'd be ok with this, the idea had been tossed about in chat before and some survival players thought that it would actually work the other way and give players a taste for survival. They also pointed out the fact that survival is more than just killing each other.
  2. I will have to talk to a head admin, most likely cyotie seeing as it seems to be him that banned you. We will get back to this and try and find a reasonable outcome. In the meantime I'd like to ask you to just refresh yourself with the rules http://www.redditpublic.com/wiki/Rules. Again thank you for your cooperation and patience.
  3. Okay, thank you for being honest and very cooperative with the whole situation. First question, how long ago were these bans? Secondly do you remember the extent of the griefing/trolling you went to? Discussed with you and you agreed to have this account banned until the situation is sorted out. Again thanks for your cooperation with this.
  4. I have talked about this with LetsBFehr and marting11, they both agree that it would be good and fun, I would like to hear from Dumbo and from the survival admins to make sure that they are fine with the idea. This was brought up a while ago but Tharine thought that PvP arenas on creative would draw too much attention away from survival. I personally don't think that will happen but it's still a genuine concern so I would like to hear everyone's view on it. Basically we would allow players to modreq for a pvp arena they have built to have a pvp allow flag set on it. If we did this I think it would make creative a little more interesting than just blocks although personally I'd like to try and remove the death messages that would come from pvp fights. Thoughts?
  5. What about a snowman building contest? Or a Christmas tree building event?
  6. Another thing we could do would be to make a public thread asking for event ideas that the community want, the subreddit might be a good place for this for the upvote downvote system.
  7. Odd you haven't got 2 sets of minecraft open at once with different versions on do you?
  8. Wow yeah that was a while ago, it's routine for you to go check over the rules http://www.redditpublic.com/wiki/Rules and then reply in this topic stating that you have done so. When you have done that I shall unban you and thanks for your cooperation :)
  9. I would very much like to get spleef tournaments to be a big thing on creative, I remember several revisions ago we had them and they were pretty much the highlight of creative for a while. Personally I'd make a few rules such as you have to be in survival mode. Having said that it would be difficult to run on my own so if anyone else is interested I'd like to get quite a few people who are up for organising matches ect.
  10. That is actually a really nice idea! I like the idea of having it split so it will get players from all 3 servers to engage with each other potentially making server relations better! and also creating a lobby is a very rewarding thing if you win so people would try very hard to do well. +1 from me.
  11. Just out of interest what would happen if the server you wanted to go to was full? would it just say server full or send you to the lobby?
  12. Additionally it might be fun to have another contest where we make large blocks of a stone and the players have to make the coolest thing by just breaking the blocks not adding anything to them.
  13. I think it would be cool to make a plot based event maybe based on some of the hidden rooms we have had in creative such as the many times creative have had hidden rockets to launch like the one in the tree this rev and the one in verros' old spawn.
  14. Thinking about it general ideas for making the servers more interesting would also be good such as frequent open mic nights on mumble or server quizzes.
  15. This is mainly for creative however the other servers may find it useful even to just have some ideas laid down for future events. Basically creative is incredibly low on players just now, this could be due to still being 1.6 however I still think that once we update we will still have low numbers. So I would like to get a few ideas put into a thread that we could possibly implement some time soon to attract more people to creative and generally make it more interesting for people. I'll start off with some ideas such as having proper spleef tournaments with prizes for winning teams, possibly running frequent build contests and having a few more mini scavenger hunts or parkour races with minor prizes. It would be much appreciated if you have any suggestions or queries with any suggestions brought up to comment in this thread with them. Thanks for your time. :)
  16. After reading it through more I'm personally against it, it seems like the rest of the CAdmin staff are also against the idea despite how fun it sounds! so I'm sorry but I don't see this coming to creative any time soon. Perhaps we could go through with having it as a one day event.
  17. This has been brought up before, I have personally always gone by the rule that the map is free to view for everyone even inside builds. Having said that there are certain circumstances where going into a build is dangerous eg someone has a large redstone machine that causes a lot of lag allowing players into the area in which the controls are at can be risky. The other disadvantage is the general lag, I'm not sure if you would be able to restrict the number of times that you use the compass in a set time frame. It is a very useful tool, and would be good fun for players. So far I have not cast my vote but I'd like to put forward one more point, a lot of players avoid creative as it is not as rewarding having all the easy tools to go and do things do we really want to make it even more easy and risk players finding it even more boring than before?
  18. I'm actually not sure about amplified, as much as it is fun to explore the amount of times you die from the terrain instead of by someone's sword is kind of annoying. Not a big problem imo though just we could test the normal types of terrain and see which one seems the most fun.
  19. I am sorry for the delay in getting back to you, I hadn't noticed the appeal and I had also been having exams. You had put blocks of lava on the floor in a path several rollbacks were required to remove the spam, the area was a flat surface and there was only a build by another player nearby in sight. However you have already been banned for the time I would have banned you so comment stating that you have read the rules as cyotie stated and I will unban you.
  20. We should probably get this thread to a conclusion as soon as possible the suggestion about this was made quite a while ago, it would be nice for the players to see something come of it.
  21. I'm with forty_two on this one, give it a shot but lets not do it too often people would start to dislike seeing our names.
  22. If a player doesn't get along with any of the staff members at all, they might not enjoy modding. That may sound harsh but there are so many staff members that you should at least get a long with one of them. If we make a post saying you are allowed to ask this, so the players know it's allowed then I think they would just go up to the staff member that they feel most comfortable talking to.
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