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Everything posted by jchance

  1. It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. -Alfred Lord Tennyson
  2. Fucks are received, not given. I live in Georgia, and iced tea is served everywhere. My local hipster coffee shop has White Sunshine (white tea, light lemon flavor lightly sweetened) and green tea pomegranate iced teas that are far superior to "southern sweet tea" you see everywhere else. Are we talking homemade, big tacos or Taco Bell Tacos? I bet I could fit 2 taco bell tacos, but only one homemade one. There is a place in Atlanta called La Fonda Latina that I really like, but its more cuban than mexican. They do give you chips and homemade salsa though, so I'm counting it as my favorite. Best cuban sandwich in town.
  3. This is really only a problem on C due to TP being enabled. There has been a dramatic rise in regular players following new players (ones who join with a "-") on C. I have personally witnessed new players to join, get the normal barrage of "hello!" and then have up to 5 regulars immediately TP to them and follow them around, which I assume is a misguided attempt to help catch grief and get noticed for being a "good helpful member of the community." However, all this is really doing is scaring off new players, who arrive and are immediately harassed by 1-5 people shadowing them everywhere. They can't even leave spawn without having someone follow them around. If that were me I'd be creeped out and quit too. We need to stop scaring people off. The fact is, mods are much better equipped to stalk new players if they feel they need to with /vanish. We can see if they check the plugin list, we can see NCP, and we can assess their "threat level" and if they warrant a look where players can't. I had previously spoke to Dumbo about it in Mumble when I was a mod, and I've tried to speak to a few people via /msg who do it continuously, but its an ongoing problem. I don't think a short public service post in general server discussion is a bad idea. Some alternate suggestions that were made in Mumble when we talked about it: 1. Setting /tpmode ask for all new players. The drawback here is that new players might not be able to figure out the command. We could also add a join message to the effect of "Your TP is in ASK mode. Do /tpmode allow to allow all players to TP to you" 2. Not displaying the "-" for new players to the general server population. I don't know if this is a good idea or not since a lot of people like to welcome new players (and that's fine, just not the tp stalking). I'm just sitting here trying to think of ways to retain more players and this one keeps running around in my head- its hard enough to get new players and I don't want their first experience on our server to be crazy stalker people following them around, making them quit. What do you guys think?
  4. Jorge C. Hance, Esq. I would do anything for love, and I'll probably even do that. I've been a moderator since 2011, with a couple breaks in there due to work related stuff. I've been a mod longer than a couple head admins have been, so I've been around. Recently, I've had some life changes that gave me more time for nerd.nu in general, so I was ready to commit to the time requirements of being cadmin where I couldn't previously. I was waiting for a joke question, I'm glad you finally gave me one Random. I started playing Nerd.nu on C rev 14, was modded on Rev 16 (or maybe the beginning of Rev 17?) and I've played at least a rev on the other two servers to try it out. One rev I went rail crazy on P, and another rev I created Potatoville on S with cmdrtebok. I always went back to C though. omg I don't even Traffic. Too many people. Too many Starbucks and too few good coffee shops. babby don't hurt me, no more.
  5. I'll tell you just about anything that, you know, you should be telling people on the internet.
  6. I vote we go ahead with that proposal, I like it a lot.
  7. I logged on to dumbo's server tonight and checked the area around spawn out. If we don't have to have the spawn at exactly 0,0, there are a couple great geographical features I think we can use. To the east of spawn there is a large plains area with a small hill beside it: I really like the idea of an "offset spawn city." What if we put spawn on this hill, with a path leading down to the plain where spawn city opens out? From the top of the hill, looking down on the open plain full of spawn city would be a great view for people first joining the server: We would leave the sides and back open / free build with just the controlled plots of spawn city in the valley below. I would propose that we modify the hill as little as possible, scraping the top 3 or 4 layers of blocks off the top, building a small spawn building, and leaving most of the trees except for a path down the little draw and across the valley to spawn city proper. I'm kinda new here and I don't know what Lets and Marting already discussed, so let me know if this is crazy talk. (Sorry about the giant screenshots- #retnaproblems )
  8. For the other dimensions, I had the idea to use the End as a "redstone area" with a decent sized plot grid laid out for people to build their random redstone devices in. My reasoning is this: 1. Random redstone things are kinda ugly to have scattered around 2. We can do /warp redstone and move random redstone builds there 3. Redstone lovers can all go there and look at each others stuff 4. Random S/P players who come to C to mockup their contraptions can go there to build in a pre-cleared and plotted area. I don't really like the idea of moving contest winners and moved builds to the end- it seems kinda rude to shuffle them away. However, having a dedicated redstone area where people who love redstone can build their things, free of clearing land and surrounded by other cool redstone contraptions seems like a good use for the alternate dimension. I figure we could lay out an initial grid of 30x30 plots, and as it fills up just stack another grid above or below.
  9. Slide got on the server and we did some testing the other day and found what he thought was the issue. He is aware of the problem and said he was going to consult with other techs to get a solution, so this is not being ignored and is being worked on by the tech admins.
  10. After you joined and begged for op after being repeatedly asked to quit, you then started griefing. Immediately after you were banned you rejoined with 1wordac1 as verified by a head admin who was online at the time, Dumbo52. Joining the server with an alt or compromised account to evade your ban is not allowed. The alt account was also banned for ban evasion. I'm sorry, I don't believe that your roofer777 account was compromised. If that were the case you wouldn't have joined the exact same server as your brother at the exact same time, with you both begging for op. Until you can come clean and stop lying to me I have no reason to believe you can be a member of our community and follow our rules. Are you sure you don't want to change your appeal?
  11. So, just so I have this right- You joined at the same time as your brother (who remained on the server and kept playing after you left- he was on all night having fun) but you were in fact hacked? Your brother didn't notice that it wasn't his brother on his account but instead someone else? Also, you rejoined as 1wordac1 to evade your ban.
  12. This is an ongoing problem with all players of C affected. One minute it will be fine and then the next 8 out of 10 placed blocks will disappear. Everyone on C today was reporting it, so I don't think it was an issue with an individual players connection or my own. It has been reported by everyone from Aug 6 on and seems to be happening more and more.
  13. Mine is kinda boring, but I like it clean where I work.
  14. I'd like to see a Watson class. It has lots of cool features, and I've found the github documentation by Totemo, but a class for showing actual usage scenarios would be awesome.
  15. You were not banned for just building the "SUX" sign directly attached to someone elses build (which is griefing), you were banned because you griefed and when I tried to talk to you about it and resolve it without a ban you argued with me about how its not griefing and how you were "improving it." Rule lawyering doesn't work when what you did is specifically mentioned in the rules. Altering someone else's build without their permission, including directly attaching "SUX" to the side of it, is griefing and is against nerd.nu rules. Not only that, its a pretty dick move. To be unbanned: 1. Please re-read the server rules and quote to me the exact provision of the griefing rules that you broke. What you did is specifically mentioned. 2. State that you understand this is against server rules and you will not do it again.
  16. Ok, sorry about the confusion- my fault. I've removed the ban. Sorry about the trouble- the original block placements were out of logblock and all I could see were your breaks.
  17. While taking care of some grief at a big red dragon thing your name was in there with some others as breaking blocks. Whats going on with that?
  18. You were banned for edits you made on 6/24, specifically destroying someone else's pixelart/letters. You made no other edits on the server within the past few weeks. If you haven't played in the longest time as you put it, then your account is compromised. You should change your password to protect your account. You have been warned in the past about letting others use your account and this is not a valid excuse- you are responsible for all actions taken with your account on the nerd.nu servers. Your ban is for 2 weeks from this date. Reapply on 7/26 to be unbanned.
  19. I downvoted you because it's so meta and it made me giggle. I personally don't look at it, but I can see where some people could get their feelings hurt.
  20. Your griefing was minor so I'm going to remove your ban. Please respect other people's builds in the future- our server employs logging tools that make it extremely easy to find out who damages other people's structures.
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