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Everything posted by Silversunset01

  1. It told me i didn't have the correct perms to /mvtp admin ?
  2. Feel free to assign me something else then unless mrloud needs help. I dont mind :)
  3. Oh also will we be able to spawn in non-ai mobs for decoration? Oh oh oh, and maybe spleef made of slime??? I'll have to fiddle in singleplayer and see how it works!
  4. Go ahead and fire me Oh wait, you can't ;)
  5. ...I don't know what CTF stands for. But I can help out, maybe with the PvP Spleef or something?
  6. Leeroy tried to make it to the bathroom, but just before he could the man standing at the pharmacy window pulled out a gun and his bladder let loose all over the floor, splashing up against the would-be robber in the process.
  7. One day his girlfriend switched his regular coffee to decaf as a joke.
  8. Won't let you vote unless you do each category. I've never played on survival so I can't vote :(
  9. I was more thinking testing-ground size rather than full-scale-city-planning. But I agree, I hate to see derpy test builds scattered throughout the gloriousnes of of c, which is why I think this is a good idea.
  10. People already use portions of it for testing, I'm just suggesting we move the testing to its own corner and keep the bulk of c pure for fun :)
  11. I would love to have a "test world" maybe using the /plotme command where anyone from s/c/p can come over to test mechanics. That would keep it out of the main c build area. I was guilty of doing this in the redstone playground last rev to test my redstone builds before building them in p. I hate having to log off and go into single player to test something, perhaps that would help? Maybe something like a 40x40 plot structure. It would keep the testing out of the normal c builds while allowing players to test/design things as a group or without having to go to singleplayer.
  12. Whoa whoa whoa. Those posts weren't there when I looked this morning hax hax!!!
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