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Everything posted by Silversunset01

  1. Which is adorable since I'm an accountant. (Also I only half read the rules)-1
  2. That would work. Have everyone spawn on an upper platform that opens something like 5 seconds after the portal. They would also need to make it default so you don't spawn in flying mode.
  3. True but it doesn't let you connect either, at least for me. If I jump into the liquid portal it just bounces me up when the portal closes. Could just be me but I'm not sure that's an issue.
  4. when do these changes come to p?? It's not fair that only s mods get the abuse privileges, the rest of us should be allowed to as well! Especially since s will be be in chaos for a year it's not like the s mods will have much to do.
  5. I have a 2009 15" MacBook Pro with an additional 23" monitor. Only thing I've done do it is upgrade to 8gb of ram and install Yosemite. Battery died so I have to keep it plugged in to use it So it's essentially a desktop :) /s all worship the apple
  6. Is there a specific instance of this that needs to be addressed? I am only wondering if this is an overall issue across all protections or if it's a training issue that should be addressed with a specific individual.
  7. we have a 'public' and 'town' farm, because people kept harvesting our big town farm and not replanting. that's kind of rude. I don't mind sharing, but at least replant.
  8. well...maybe you shouldn't build elevated rail lines. Obviously the temptation is too great. This is why we can't have nice things...Edit: please read dripping with sarcasm ...
  9. Creepy stalker types who do nothing but follow you around. People who don't read signs and then get upset when something happens (example: big farm that says "no public perms" and then they can't replant) People who offer a trade and then don't deliver after you have provided your part People who intentionally build inside/over/under/against your build or marked area I guess grief in general, but since (on nerd) grief can be rolled back those are the only types that really bother me. Mostly because they show a general lack of respect for other humans. Which is the whole reason for playing on a community.
  10. Tnt is insanely laggy though, I have trouble with it even in singleplayer.
  11. i was told in chat that if they have done "significant terraforming" (i.e. leveling a mountain) and it was prettied up it was fair game depending on the area they wanted. something like your photo i would never protect only because it's just roads, if it's empty space they better have build or removed at least 40k in material first.
  12. Sounds like a plan. Just wanted to make sure I was on the same page :)
  13. Excellent! At least we have a workaround for now. I'm assuming this means it will *eventually* be added to /cregrion. So should we do it for all protections until it is added or is it an optional flag (like build allow)
  14. So, I have seen a bunch of Modreqs because the mob protections are so strong that you can't breed or kill animals within another players protections. I know there was some discussion on it in game via /mb the other night, but I wasnt sure if there was any resolution or if admins are thinking about / researching it, or what the plan is. Anyone have any insight? I know my opinions on the matter but I didn't know if there was an official plan to handle it. My thought is that it may become an issue once towns start expanding their protections, even if you come across an unclaimed wild animal you can't do anything with it unless you can find a way to lure it out of the protected areas. And places that set up public animal farms (like the breedatorium) are broken. Is there a plan to reset the default flag to allow mob breeding/killing by default or will we need to do like with public farms and manually set something to "allow"? (Edit: to add opinions because hey, why not)
  15. Also this rev may have been a bit deserted due to a little portal lighting delay in the area :)
  16. There wouldn't happen the be a nice safe spectators area for those of use who just wanna watch would there?
  17. IF nether Quartz is plumped. We won't know til we get there :) I'd love to see the design when it's done. I'll probably donate as my building schedule/mining allows, provided I get to reap the benefits of all your hard work ;)
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