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Everything posted by Silversunset01

  1. Hm. Maybe I'll download this and see if I can play at it at all.
  2. Nooooo you have found my one weakness!
  3. Where are all the mods!!! /me begins anarchy
  4. I just have work stuff again this week which means I won't be on after work :( So when do grown ups get summer vacation?
  5. Funny, I thought you were MasterCommaThe.
  6. Well thank you helpy mchelperton :)Is it similar to mc? Or is it more of an fps? I am assuming it's an additional game you'd have to purchase?
  7. "Relax" Forced 16+ hour work days because the owner of the company thought it would be fun to buy three smaller companies and have them all go live in our system at the same time doesn't sound too relaxing :(
  8. Just FYI, I have been stuck late at work pretty much every day in the last week and will be for at least the rest of this week. Didn't want to think I've abanoned p or anything, I'll be back as soon as the crazy subsides. tl;dr life sucks, I'll be back on the server soon I promise!
  9. Plz Zburd. Apple also has a mumble app. Do not discriminate. :)
  10. it's much better on a real computer, not mobile. usually weeknights after 7 i'm home, but i did your checkbox painty thing :)
  11. This is why our planning should include a voice chat meeting at some point in the planning stage. "Tone of voice" is always lost online which leads to easy misunderstandings.
  12. Obstacle course did not fail at the beginning, I made some changes prior to go live :) also the entire thing was enclosed rooms, even if you you could pearl over the side wall there was no way into the race other than the starting box. And each room was a seperate closed structure so you couldn't cheat ahead (other than pearling across the one lava pit, which could only be averted with a "clear inventory to enter" sign. Maybe next time...). The only other way to clean up the cart section is to enclose everything in barrier blocks or tunnels. I didn't have time for that :(
  13. I have a whole playlist of mc parodies j pull up every so often.
  14. I think they are trying more to find ways to make the game more fun for everyone - once one team starts winning by a landslide both teams suffer. Yes, people should learn how to defend their flag, but not everyone is as good at it as others which can potentially make for a very one sided game.
  15. I sort of like the third round best, where you had to locate the flags before defending. Maybe something like "everyone spawns in the same place and you have to locate your base and your flags" type of CTF.
  16. (Also I really love this idea btw. I get involved with a lot of systems projects at work because I am able to translate between finance and IT and they always seem to start the project really well and the fizzle out. Because of that I got sent to some trainings on "how to complete a project with large groups of people" so I ha e PLENTY of ideas lol)
  17. Maybe we could have some sort of mumble planning kick off meeting prior to an event being built? I feel like talking in real time would help get things started. Maybe after the "planning template" is published. This would let people who want to help ask their questions in real time and hash things out quickly. Ideally I'd love to see a mumble kick off, and a mumble wrap up a week before go-live to tie up any loose ends. Not sure how feasible that would be. I know scheduling a time when everyone is available can be tricky, but it may be helpful to get things rolling.
  18. I wasn't trying to blame, I apologize if it came out that way. I was only trying to provide the reasoning for what I had suggested as a bullet point in the checklist. I believe having the admin running the event make a final run through of any prizes to be awarded and the method they are awarded is important. They don't necessarily need to run through the entire minigame (oh god imagine trying to test crocks maze!) but the last stretch should be validated.
  19. 2 and 3 are related so they count as one thing. I was only saying the admin because switch didn't like how I'd set up the winners boxes and tried to fiddle with them after the event went live. I feel like that should have been done beforehand, nobody else knew what he wanted which is why I was thinking the person running the event.
  20. Oh god 5000 rooms. I might have been murdered for that :)
  21. Two things I struggled with (and it may have been mentioned above, I only skimmed through your posts I apologize) is the "who is doing what and where" stage, and the prize stage. I will address each seperately. 1) who is doing what, and where - it would be nice to have clear communication/marked areas to make things. I made the obstacle race this time, and I enjoyed doing it, however until someone told me where to put it I wasn't really even sure where it should go or how to start. Making sure this is in the list is very important. I believe a good portion of your checklist addresses this so I am good with those. 2) prizes. There seemed to be no direction on how prizes should be awarded, what prizes should be given, and how often they should be given. (ie infinite signs vs one-time-win). Many of the prizes in the Olympiad first place were pointless (horse egg and armor) as it was an island map. I feel that if mini games are implemented in future events the prizes should be somewhat defined (for example: obstacle course minigame should have three prizes, first place should be ______,etc) - there can be some room for leeway but having no direction at all can make it unusable. I was trying to avoid the main world as much as possible to allow me to play CTF so I had no idea what a good prize would be. 3) There were also some last minute changes after the event had started, and I apologize for being short when changing the Olympiad prize box came up. Those need to be ironed out before the game begins - is there a place in your checklist where the admin running the event makes a run-through of all mini games to make sure they work/meet specs, etc? I feel like if switch had run through them beforehand some of the things he tried to fiddle with after the fact could have been fixed and tested without the game being live.
  22. Here are some dev shots of the Olympiad. http://imgur.com/a/aLjXX
  23. Every time I went into the sheep pen to farm is lag so bad I could barely move (Fps dropped to 6-7). And when totemo was dumping water on the sky-limit lava at red flag I was breaking blue wool. I climbed up the ladder and tried to kill him but it didn't register. Next thing I knew I was rubber banded back to the bottom of the ladder. This happened three times. I relogged to try to refresh the lag (sometimes this helps me) and when I logged back in I was at the top of the water/lava and totemo had killed me before I was even able to move. Needless to say, this resulted in a rage quit. Edit: I know the lava/water combo can be quite laggy. But the sheep thing is manageable (that's why moblimiter exists). Not sure how to help the other.
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