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Everything posted by Silversunset01

  1. This post is quite interesting to me, as in the last year-or-so since I've been on staff I have seen all levels of moderation in regards to chat on p. When I first began anyone using the word gay would be instantly kicked or banned. Now it comes up every now and again and to my knowledge staff is only stepping in when it gets to the point of being offensive or negative. We have been trying, and I believe succeeding, in being a bit more flexible with what goes on in chat. Granted it is up to who is on staff at the time the conversations take place but we are making sure to tell new moderators to look at the context of a conversation rather than just the words themselves. This is something that I believe will take time for everyone to adjust to, but I think so far we've made a fairly decent start. When it comes to quoting lyrics and expecting that to be a "free pass" I don't think that will ever work. Anyone can claim anything is a song quote, and unless someone knows every song in the world by heart it would take far too much time researching on the part of staff who are here to play just like anyone else. A lot of song lyrics out of context can be very offensive, and as we are trying to create an exclusive environment we have to be careful with those. We have also been using a mute or some cases a kick rather than an outright ban. Those options are usually a bit less severe to players and give us the chance to explain the issue without having to deal with a lengthy ban/appeal process.
  2. Just a reminder, the first installment of the admin hunt will be tomorrow evening. Better get your gear ready!
  3. I have heard a rumor that a certain random natrix may be attending the event as well. You may well get your wish.
  4. https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/3892-hear-ye-hear-ye-mayhem-and-murder-are-coming-to-a-server-near-you/
  5. https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/3892-hear-ye-hear-ye-mayhem-and-murder-are-coming-to-a-server-near-you/
  6. I would volunteer but I won't be home yet so no lappy :( I also can't drop off my secret Santa, when is the deadline?
  7. Indeedypants. You *do* have to catch him on his semi-steroid induced romp through the wilderness but I have faith in you :)
  8. oh i promise there will be "nonononononno" it's involuntary :D
  9. Next weekend we will be having a very special event for EVERYONE to participate in from all servers! We will be hosting an all-admin hunt on P next weekend Saturday December 19th, 11pm EST and Sunday December 20th, 12pm EST This will be a VERY SPECIAL admin hunt, as you will not just be able to viciously murder Padmins but also Cadmins, Eadmins, Head admins, and Tech admins! For those who are new to the server or need help preparing there will be some kits available at spawn - you may want to show up a bit early to make your way out of spawn, or show up sometime beforehand to explore the map and get a feel for the land you will be hunting in. Feel free to start preparing now, you've got ALL WEEK to grind for materials and make your gear. And as usual the admins will be hard to catch :) The schedule is below - pick the time your least favorite admin is online and be ready to dance on their graves violently murder them to death. For prizes! For glory! For maybe even your head mounted in spawn for all to see your prowess with dealing death! Also make sure you are in mumble for some added hilarity as our evasive admins taunt and giggle and scream for their lives while they run from your flaming arrows. See you all next weekend! Saturday 11pm EST: - Silversunset - redwall_hp - SwitchViewz - Challenger2 - Sapphric - totemo - Bardidley - Trooprm32 Sunday 12pm EST - Silversunset - Barlimore - sirtacoface - ExcessiveToker - sir_didymus
  10. So I've got a good list of names. I am looking at holding two times due to the spread of time zones for both admins and players. As always I've scheduled based on EST, but I've made handy time converter links below. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHICH TIME YOU CAN PARTICIPATE - the announcement will go out to players tomorrow evening (Friday) and it will be helpful if they know who will be on when. Also feel free to show up to both if you are awake (I am planning to be at both) Names to pick a time: Barlimore, SirTacoface, redwall_hp, totemo, SwitchViewz, sir_didymus, Bardidley, ExcessiveToker, Challenger2, Silversunset If I haven't caught you yet and you want to play there is still time. \o/ Saturday evening http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=nerd.nu+All+Admin+Hunt&iso=20151219T23&p1=43&ah=1 - Silversunset - sir_didymus (maybe) - redwall_hp - SwitchViewz - Challenger2 - Sapphric - totemo Sunday afternoon http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Nerd.nu+All+Admin+Hunt&iso=20151220T12&p1=43&ah=1 - Silversunset - Barlimore - sirtacoface - ExcessiveToker - sir_didymus - switchviewz (teeeeeny tiny chance)
  11. I'll be out from December 12-December 19th. Available via email (silversunset02@gmail.com) or maybe irc occasionally. Otherwise I'll see you guys when I get back from sunny Floridia :)
  12. I can take this one. My favorite player is Silversunset because she always builds synmetrically and with pretty colors. \o/ Last time I checked Silversunset was not Narissis but maybe I am misreading the spelling :)
  13. Hey guys - i'm looking to organize an all-admin hunt on p sometime the weekend of 12/19-12/20. I will be on a plane until fairly late the 19th, but we can figure out times when everyone is available - i've got a bunch of people who have said they're interested so far (Barlimore, Totemo, Redwall, Switchviewz, Sir_Didymus, Bardidley, Challenger) - i'd love to have as many admins as we can get. I am planning to put some kit signs at spawn for new players / c players who haven't had a chance to build up gear yet to kill us with - that will be easy enough to do. We've also got admin buffs for everyone to use (health boost, night vision, speed, etc) so we can survive a bit longer. We do have the option to split into two groups - we've been doing some dual-time zone events to try to cover everyone possible and p players at least have been appreciative. So if people need to do that to attend it's totally an option. Let me know if i dont catch you elsewhere if you'd like to join in. It would be a good nerd community event so i'm really hoping everyone who is able shows up.
  14. Make sure you get Troop Tower at spawn ;)
  15. I think a lot of what is being discussed may come down to a misunderstanding of what moderators actually do. There have been a lot of times where we have "rescued" players when they could have rescued themselves. In the particular case above a little patience would have gone a long way to retrieving the lost pet, most people are more than happy to help out whenever they can provided they are treated with the same respect others demand of them.
  16. Thank you for admitting your error. As the standard time has lapsed for this type of ban I will unban you as soon as you post below exactly which rule you have broken per the nerd.nu/rules page.
  17. This is done. It's not going anywhere at all productive.
  18. It doesn't really necessitate that much red tape to fix, more to find out who did it so we know who to talk to. otherwise we'd be constantly pulling horses out for people. Even just since I've been on staff things have been loosening up, but posts like this do nothing to further that cause.
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