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Everything posted by Silversunset01

  1. Cmdrtbok in this case a horse tp probably could have happened. Unfortunately mods cannot do this and you would have needed to wait for an admin to fill the request, but it never got that far. Rather than ask for it to be elevated to an admin or wait for one to be online to speak to the logs show you getting extremely rude which honestly is not going to get you anywhere. If you have a problem with how things are handled you should know to contact one of us or a head. Going off in the forums will not get you anywhere. This has nothing to do with being strict. Unfortunately we are not online at all hours of the day to fill admin reqs the second they come in.
  2. Sapphric was kind enough to record the community meeting for those who were unable to attend. Fair warning, it's a bit long :) I should be able to get the notes up in a day or so in a readable format. https://soundcloud.com/sapphric/pve-community-meeting-2015-11-22/
  3. Yes, they've eliminated the need for lapis ore. One step flows now :)
  4. Hello moderators! Thanks to the efforts of redwall_hp and totemo moderators are now able and allowed to flow dispensers on P (this means you do not need to /elevate them anymore!!) Dispenser flows follow the same moderation guidelines as normal water/lava, make sure it will not grief any builds or cause issues, and you may flow your own dispensers as long as you have cleared what you can from the modreq queue. Feel free to try it out in /warp testarea - i have set up three dispensers on the wall for you to play with. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. INSTRUCTIONS To flow a dispenser type /i blazerod 1 to give yourself 1 blaze rod - this is the tool used to flow dispensers. With the blaze rod in hand, click the front opening of the dispenser as if you were placing a block to check the status of the dispenser. Your screen should show the following SafeBuckets query: (world x y z) is UNSAFE ← this dispenser is flowing SafeBuckets query: (world x y z) is SAFE ← this dispenser is NOT flowing To toggle the dispenser between safe and unsafe, click the front of the dispenser as if you were breaking a block. You should see a notification pop up with one of the following messages: SafeBuckets toggle (world x y z) is now SAFE ← this dispenser is NOT flowing SafeBuckets toggle (world x y z) is now UNSAFE ← this dispenser is flowing
  5. I have gathered the replies to the whenisgood page and it appears that the time with the most player availability is Sunday November 22 I will create a channel in mumble shortly beforehand for the meeting, please pm or post below any addition topics or questions you have - if I know ahead of time I can prepare a better answer. I will also plan to be in mumble Sunday morning between 10am-11am est if anyone can't make the evening meeting and wants a chat. Hope to see you there!!!! http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=PvE+community+meeting&iso=20151122T18&p1=43&ah=1
  6. Feel free to post any agenda items you wish to see or send me a pm if you'd like to remain anonymous. The more time I have to look into your questions the better the answer will be :)
  7. Hello PvE community! We would like to invite all of you to a PvE community meeting coming up in the next few weeks. The goal of this meeting is to have a chance to sit down and have a chat about how PvE is going - things you want, things that work well, things that don’t work well, or any other questions or ideas you may have. I’ve set up a whenisgood page to try to schedule this meeting when the most players are online. If the turnout is divided we can look into having two meetings so everyone who wants to attend can find a time when they are awake. Please click the link below, select your time-zone from the drop down box, and highlight any times you are available to meet. I suggest *not* doing this on a mobile phone, the mobile interface is a bit cumbersome. http://whenisgood.net/cifih7y Once we have a date set more information (such as an agenda) will be posted. Thanks!
  8. Not a problem. If something better does come up in the future we can always revisit the issue, I'll keep my eyes open.
  9. \o/ Omgomgomgomg *hyperventilates*
  10. We walked through some easy modreqs on p (krapps too) after the training session, so far so good :D
  11. The signs were all typed in red text, I think (from the screenshots I've seen) the issue was that it was cutting off words, not ignoring the colors. Cujo I have a similar problem with soartex, but in the other direction. If I make signs using it I can see *more* text than what vanilla can see, which then makes it look cut off for others other resource packs. I think the only real way to combat something like this is to just spread the word.
  12. i think the only way to do it is to have a server resource pack for signs that players allow, otherwise it doesn't sound like something we can do. Otherwise players are going to have to be aware of the limitations of their resource packs, and if a sign looks like it's missing words - ESPECIALLY a staff-placed sign - switch to vanilla to read it.
  13. I am unsure if something this possible, but it can't hurt to take a look.
  14. Pez your situation requires a bit more conversation that would be best served in a live setting (at least to start with). We'll have to find some time fairly soon where everyone is available. Ping me in irc or in game next time we're both on and we can set it up.
  15. I think it depends on the situation. If you want to pop In a location we can take a look?
  16. goddammit dandyfloss i can't do eye makeup like that! *jealous*
  17. I have been thinking about how to reply to this, and I even typed up a lengthy response (which I have just deleted because it came across as extremely defensive). All of my reservations about allowing mods to handle their own protections and grief requests on p boil down to this one point: everything that we do as staff is scrutinized by players. All it would take is one accident or bad day, and if certain players caught wind of it there would be a huge fiasco. Everything comes back to how staff is perceived. Ever since I have been on staff mods have been required to let other mods handle their requests. To me this shows players that staff do not get any additional benefits to being on staff, and that we are all subject to the same rules. I would be wary of changing that dynamic if it gave the impression that staff do not have to follow the same rules and wait for their requests to be handled the same as any other player.
  18. Zomise, I do want to point out as a Sidenote that I am currently working on a "how to moderate on p" document that I think will help with some of the inconsistencies that occur. There is a lot of ground to cover and I also want to make sure that the other padmins are happy with it before I publish anything, but it is in progress and I think it will be useful. Also I have some thoughts on the rest of your post that I will post here later when I'm home and on a real computer. Tiny phone screens do not make it easy to type novels :)
  19. So other than player policies, is there anything in particular that you (as mods) feel that we are being too restrictive with? I know during the meeting protections and grief reqs came up during the staff meeting, I am curious to know everyone's thoughts on that.
  20. I think Sapphric and I were discussing this one night as well. I would be interested in renewing those discussions.
  21. I thought we'd made a change just recently to allow /rg sel for their own regions? Maybe I am misremembering it.
  22. After tonight's staff meeting I thought it would be good to get your input on some of the P policies to help us make them more fair for everyone. The intent is to help us refine some of our policies to make it more fun / less strict while also making sure we stay fair to all players and do not appear to be giving staff any unfair advantages. Post below any suggestions you have for any policies - new, changes, etc. We can't promise anything but the feedback will be helpful for us to make things more fun for everyone.
  23. Just a reminder that the mob arena on p will be happening tomorrow October 10th at 12p and 10p EDT - make sure to come, there will be PRIZES!!!!!! Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/mcpublic/comments/3nej63/pvethe_laggening_has_ended_celebratory_mob_arena/
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