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About Hollifer

  • Birthday August 12

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  1. Congratulations to Week 45 winner, L_Morningstar! Pictured: Build can also be found at /warp HomeSweetHome Week #46 category: Soda Pop! How To Participate: The contest takes place on c.nerd.nu In game, type /warp WeeklyBuild Make sure to read the rules and the category before starting. Find an empty plot and type /nerdplot claim You may build with a friend, and you do have access to World Edit! The contest will run all week until Saturday night (9/15/2018) at 10pm EDT. The most recent winner will be displayed at Spawn for a week. All winners will be displayed collectively at the Weekly Build Hall of Fame located at /warp weeklybuild -The CAdmin Team
  2. Congratulations to Week 41 & 42 winner, Promaxxe! Pictured: Build can also be found at /warp AlbumArt Week #43 category: Pizza! How To Participate: The contest takes place on c.nerd.nu In game, type /warp WeeklyBuild Make sure to read the rules and the category before starting. Find an empty plot and type /nerdplot claim You may build with a friend, and you do have access to World Edit! The contest will run all week until Saturday night (8/25/2018) at 9pm EDT. The most recent winner will be displayed at Spawn for a week. All winners will be displayed collectively at the Weekly Build Hall of Fame located at /warp weeklybuild -The CAdmin Team
  3. Our new revision is approaching, and as always, we're ready to hear your thoughts about how to improve the map and server in whole during this time. *Please note that this Poll/Feedback topic will be up much longer than usual, as Revision 34 will not be released until sometime in October. (And as always, we will be announcing the official launch day exactly 1 month before launch) Questions on the poll resemble those asked last year. If there's anything that you don't see on the poll, please feel free to open a discussion in the comments. We, the Cadmins, will try our best to keep up in replying and working with the player base of Creative to make a map that will satisfy. A useful link to consider for discussion on events can be found here: All discussion and feedback is very much appreciated, thank you for taking the time to read.
  4. Congratulations to Week 38 winner, Abitcat! Pictured: Build can also be found at /warp Bigfoot Week #39 category: I N S O M N I A Special note for this week's topic: Feel free to remove or change the bed in any way you like! We're currently working to fix an issue where flags are being set by themselves within each plot, do not be alarmed.* How To Participate: The contest takes place on c.nerd.nu In game, type /warp WeeklyBuild Make sure to read the rules and the category before starting. Find an empty plot and type /nerdplot claim You may build with a friend, and you do have access to World Edit! The contest will run all week until Saturday night (7/28/2018) at 9pm EDT. The most recent winner will be displayed at Spawn for a week. All winners will be displayed collectively at the Weekly Build Hall of Fame located at /warp weeklybuild -The CAdmin Team
  5. Congratulations to Week 35 builder, AndyJF! Pictured: Build can also be found at /warp Military Week #36 category: Pets! How To Participate: The contest takes place on c.nerd.nu In game, type /warp WeeklyBuild Make sure to read the rules and the category before starting. Find an empty plot and type /nerdplot claim You may build with a friend, and you do have access to World Edit! The contest will run all week until Saturday night (7/7/2018) at 10pm EDT. The most recent winner will be displayed at Spawn for a week. All winners will be displayed collectively at the Weekly Build Hall of Fame located at /warp weeklybuild -The CAdmin Team
  6. Damn it! You got to my game show bit before I could comment. ALSO We're going to be doing a non-official DEMO of a NON-COMPETITIVE TEAM/GROUP BUILD This upcoming Friday on Creative at /warp Core. [6/29 From 10PM-2AM EDT] Please come if you're interested in trying this out, and helping us figure out if we can take this farther in the future!
  7. Congratulations to Week 33 builder, WaxTed! Pictured: Build can also be found at /warp WildWest Week #34 category: Butterfly How To Participate: The contest takes place on c.nerd.nu In game, type /warp WeeklyBuild Make sure to read the rules and the category before starting. Find an empty plot and type /nerdplot claim You may build with a friend, and you do have access to World Edit! The contest will run all week until Saturday night (6/23/2018) at 10pm EDT. The most recent winner will be displayed at Spawn for a week. All winners will be displayed collectively at the Weekly Build Hall of Fame located at /warp weeklybuild -The CAdmin Team
  8. Congratulations to Week #29 Winner, Kaval! Pictured: Build can also be found at /warp Aquarium Week #30 category: Birds! How To Participate: The contest takes place on c.nerd.nu In game, type /warp WeeklyBuild Make sure to read the rules and the category before starting. Find an empty plot and type /nerdplot claim You may build with a friend, and you do have access to World Edit! The contest will run all week until Saturday night (5/26/2018) at 10pm EDT. The most recent winner will be displayed at Spawn for a week. All winners will be displayed collectively at the Weekly Build Hall of Fame located at /warp weeklybuild -The CAdmin Team
  9. Congratulations to Week #26 Winner, EverySingleThing! Pictured: Build can also be found at /warp Demon Week #27 category: Bank How To Participate: The contest takes place on c.nerd.nu In game, type /warp WeeklyBuild Make sure to read the rules and the category before starting. Find an empty plot and type /nerdplot claim You may build with a friend, and you do have access to World Edit! The contest will run all week until Saturday night (5/5/2018) at 10pm EDT. The most recent winner will be displayed at Spawn for a week. All winners will be displayed collectively at the Weekly Build Hall of Fame located at /warp weeklybuild -The CAdmin Team
  10. Hello Omar. Thank you for being honest about griefing. Since you seem a little confused about the wording of your ban, I will explain why I chose what I did & what it means for you. You were banned for " Large amounts of grief (complete removal of builds) and very little constructive edits. " Since most of the builds on the server are protected, grief that exceeds over 5000 blocks is generally considered to be large. You griefed just a little over 12,000 blocks out of other player's builds, over several locations on the map which included the complete removal of two builds, which I take very seriously. These are the two builds that you completely removed, before and after you were rolled back in those areas. I have a suspicion that you might have targeted these builds because they looked incomplete, and this is why I chose to show them here. The removal of any build that is not your own, including incomplete builds, is considered grief. If at any time in the future you would like to report a incomplete or derpy build, please make a modreq so that admins can determine if it is abandoned or not suitable, never take it upon yourself to 'clean up' or edit other's builds. Hopefully this can help you avoid any issues in the future, and I highly suggest that you give our rules a thorough read. They can be found here: http://wiki.nerd.nu/wiki/Rules You will be unbanned in 2 days, on the 19th.
  11. Hello again! If you would like to submit a suggestion for the next time we compile these, please use /suggestion-box <suggestion> in game. -Cadmin Team Suggestions from Feb - April: We should have a carto of space, 'cause it's hard to find stuff out here. Our livemap was updated last month to include the space world & we will be working on making a carto for this world available. In World Edit tutorial have a link to a video. I keep forgetting what I just read We will be keeping our eyes peeled for a suitable video to link there! A tree world. Like mapworld and heads, a place with smaller and bigger plots for people to paste/build trees for everyone to use. It will encourage better trees and help those make nice areas that wouldn't be able to otherwise. If it was carried over across revisions it would be even better; a huge database made by players to cut down on custom tree time. This has been brought up several times by players, including a post here on the forums. It's about time we actually went through with it. We will be making a world dedicated to this available as soon as possible. (We believe it is a good idea that it will be carried over to new revisions as well! Traincarts for the vertical rails and sign commands would be amazing! We have been working on introducing this plugin's features to the server for a while now, but unfortunately have run into some technical issues that may need a bit more time to be worked out. (Hold tight, it'll be worth the wait!) On the weekly build signs, you should have a sign indicating which plot won for the past event We're starting to do this as of receiving your suggestion & have plans in the near future to create a gallery of the winners for each week. (Past weeks included) Let us use printer This is a very common suggestion, unfortunately we will likely never be able to allow schematica's printer function. Here's why: Schematica's printer function technically acts similar to a hack. It allows players to place blocks in a way that would realistically not be feasible. (e.g: placing blocks out of range of vision, out of reach & at an inhumanly fast rate). Not only is this against our rules, but even if it were made an exception, our anti-cheat will still prevent a large amount from functioning correctly anyways. Make /admanta command that says something like "Get off my lawn, damn kids!" A /admanta command that works the way /taco did. Kicking me and the user who does it 10 seconds later. We will not be issuing any new playername commands. Most remaining playername commands have been removed in the last 2 years. Sorry. (P.S.: Dear admanta: H*ck ok peepaw, we'll stay off your lawn. Yeesh.)
  12. Congratulations to Week #24 Winner, Disriter! Pictured: Build can also be found at /warp Artifact Week #25 category: Angel How To Participate: The contest takes place on c.nerd.nu In game, type /warp WeeklyBuild Make sure to read the rules and the category before starting. Find an empty plot and type /nerdplot claim You may build with a friend, and you do have access to World Edit! The contest will run all week until Saturday night (4/21/2018) at 10pm EDT. The most recent winner will be displayed at Spawn for a week. All winners will be displayed collectively at the Weekly Build Hall of Fame located at /warp weeklybuild -The CAdmin Team
  13. Congratulations to Week #23 Winner, WaxTed! Pictured: Build can also be found at /warp Tropical Week #24 category: Artifact! How To Participate: The contest takes place on c.nerd.nu In game, type /warp WeeklyBuild Make sure to read the rules and the category before starting. Find an empty plot and type /nerdplot claim You may build with a friend, and you do have access to World Edit! The contest will run all week until Saturday night (4/14/2018) at 10pm EDT. The most recent winner will be displayed at Spawn for a week. All winners will be displayed collectively at the Weekly Build Hall of Fame located at /warp weeklybuild -The CAdmin Team
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