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Everything posted by Hollifer

  1. Hopefully you do. You've be unbanned, and may rejoin us when you feel you're ready. Remember not to talk about bans in all-chat please.
  2. Thanks for taking the time to read through the rules. I appreciate you addressing the ban at hand and dealing with it appropriately, however I would like to shed a little light on past events. Ban for ppgome on c.nerd.nu for Bypassing mutes after being muted and warned twice for spam nerd.nu/appeal by Hollifer on 2016-03-06T23:18:15.831 (no more bans, 11 notes) While not stated [in the ban message] your ban was an accumulation ban, not just for this one instance of bypassing the mute you were given. You've had quite the record over the last two revs, and it's very alarming how much you have to be reminded by staff to follow these rules. Of your 11 notes, 6 are for grief. We take grief very seriously, and it's not fun for any person involved to deal with. You have shown in the past that you have not learned from your mistakes, or simply do not take these warnings seriously. I do not know any way to get you to take this seriously, except by assuring you that any occurrence of this in the future will result in longer and longer bans for each case. 4 are chat related On the 5th of March, in PvP, you were given 2 notes for using homophobic language in chat. This kind of behavior is absolutely unacceptable, as you uttered an offensive term 3 times in chat. I know for a fact that you're aware this is against the rules, and truly expect better out of a regular player. Two separate cases where you have spammed chat or PM's of another player. When you are asked to stop, we mean it. Other players spamming does not make it ok for you to spam, it's still against the rules. In the case where you were banned for: You not only disregarded a warning, but also various PM's by a staff member. Afterwards you purposely bypassed the mute to spam even more, and also blurt out in all chat how. This is extremely disrespectful. The other note was for building phallic objects It seems that somehow despite reading through the rules supposedly you managed to miss rule 1. We have also found cases of various instances where you are asking players to join your server. Not as a friend, but in a way that resembles advertising or bribing to multiple users, ( and straight out mentioning in all-chat) This is a rule on our server for a reason, and you are not 'above the law' in any way by owning your own personal server. Stop. If you want to be a part of our community, play here and have fun, if you do not--then play on your own server. In the end, i'd like to see you come back more aware of your actions, and far more respectful of the rules. As mentioned before, you will only get one warning next time you break a rule, then you will be banned, each time this happens your ban length will increase. Once you're done reading this, and addressing these issues that i've mentioned above, i'd like to see a statement showing you really do understand the rules, and also understand future consequences of breaking them.
  3. Right now we're currently working on getting these things disabled. I've notified techs about a few things on IRC, just waiting for a response now. The list shown by SirTacoface should reflect in-game. You however will be able to use item frames out of modmode as a moderator.
  4. Hello everyone, it's about that time! It has been a great revision 29 but it's time for a new beginning. A new revision is just around the corner. Revision 30 of Creative will go live on Saturday, February 13th! We're taking in consideration the results from the poll we posted (you can still vote, it's not too late). There's still lots of work for us to do. If you have any questions or suggestions leave them in the comments or PM one of the Cadmins if you'd like to stay anonymous. In the mean time, here are a few teaser pics! http://i.imgur.com/TgSnFwO.png http://i.imgur.com/wo30g15.png http://i.imgur.com/66wexmX.png http://i.imgur.com/YanWq0j.png _____________________________________________________________________ Just a reminder for the Speed Build Arena contestants: You still have nearly a month to complete/start your arena builds!! If your build does not appear to be complete, your arena won't make it through to the voting. Your arena MUST follow the guidelines presented at the contests warp area. If it doesn't follow the guidelines it won't make it through to voting. The contest world will be taken down on February 6th! A week before the rev launch and you, the public, will vote on your new Speed Build arena. It will be presented with the new rev, so get to work! - Cadmin Team
  5. Hello Choopie1 Your ban reasoning is as follows: Multiple cases of grief on Creative. nerd.nu/appeal - (no more bans, 5 notes) -- I'm restating this here to emphasize that it was just not one occurrence that warranted your ban, but rather many instances where you've chosen to ignore warnings, and continue to break the rules. Since you seem like you aren't interested in taking responsibility from your appeal, i'll get right to showing you some examples of what the issue is here. Dec 12th you were warned for grief on a railroad track. I PM'd you telling you to read through the rules, hoping to make sure you understood that editing other's builds without permission was against our rules. I never received a reply from you. Dec 23rd Here is an instance where you both griefed and edited a players build with no permissions whatsoever. This is the build where I believe you speak of "helping". Again, I must emphasize that editing other's builds without permission is considered a form of grief. Checking through the logs, I found you didn't even have a single interaction with this player. Here is also some PM confirmation from the owner, who was clueless of your edits. (Not that giving permissions to break things are ever common, but I wanted to make sure this was absolutely not a misunderstanding.) 2015-12-23 21:32:50 | [Hollifer -> Mewcifer] Mew did you give choopie permission to destroy your builds? 2015-12-23 21:32:58 | [Mewcifer -> Hollifer] No? 2015-12-23 21:33:10 | [Hollifer -> Mewcifer] alright, just asking 2015-12-23 21:33:19 | [Mewcifer -> Hollifer] Did he break something? D: These are just 2 examples of instances where you have griefed. Since your ban didn't specify other offenses like TNT spam & disrespect of space between builds. (which you also are accountable for). I won't include evidence for those, but be aware of them. -- What I really would like to see is a statement from you addressing each of these situations and taking responsibility for them, rather than making an excuse or ignoring your actions. I would be willing to unban you as soon as you show you're ready to start following the rules, and that you understand them in full. Please read through the rules carefully and reply back here when you're ready. http://wiki.nerd.nu/wiki/Rules
  6. ಠ_ಠ I have been deceived. I've always knew those launchers were fishy as heck. Thankfully I don't think many C players use them. Lots of it's probably for utilities you need for PvE , I know you've probably informed most Rose members by now who use Technic and modpacks quite often ( I know this because they constantly tried to convince me to use them ) I'm not sure about the rest of the cities, but at least now everyone knows the dangers. Thanks for the update though, i'll advise against it next time someone mentions they use it. RIP the super spicy drama that was never real.
  7. I'd like to help with #7 if that's alright. \o/
  8. I think this should be mentioned that it's probably not the best Idea to keep the middle "/modreq for. . ." signs after the plot is claimed. I'm starting to get modreq's for plots that are already claimed.
  9. What is the best way to prepare ramen in your opinion? When/why did you decide on the username Waxer? What are your summer goals?
  10. What ever happened to the really speedy speed builds? The competition type ones where you get 10-30m to build a subject! I really liked those, and found them really entertaining (also noticed a lot more people participate in those kind vs. the week-long ones.) Community builds are cool, I liked the old spawn town you guys had running last rev-- I think it looks a lot better than derpmesa.
  11. I was banned on Creative [Chaos/TNT party] for surrounding spawn area with a lava wall. I'm actually a bit surprised (and embarrassed) to be banned for this, but here's why: I'm admittedly a really unintentionally oblivious person sometimes, I just get really into what I do! When I saw the chat warnings for covering the spawn, I was thinking that had more to do with the players who were covering the ~10x10 spawn pad in lava and stone. After that warning to those players (which I had no part in, other than digging my way out a few times after the /spawn command) I immediately went off to do something else far away. First I had a bit of fun with with some TNT, then I came back around spawn This is where I don't connect two things I probably should have --and it reminded me of my goal in the first place during the whole TNT party. This http://i.imgur.com/ubSyA5K.png During the survival part of chaos, I surrounded spawn in this wall of lava. [Which I got absolutely no complaints about from any of the staff] http://i.imgur.com/XNszjiv.png so I started on it again All I was trying to do was recreate this -- I realize, obviously, that I should have taken more into consideration of the current time, and place. Right before I got banned I noticed one of the lengths of the rectangle was a bit short. I could see how that could easily block the spawn, but I had others building on top of/around my square, and it got kind of out of hand pretty quickly. I'm well aware of nerd.nu rules, and i've played a fair amount following these rules -- I by no means meant to ignore your warnings. I was having fun, and I'm sorry if I have taken a fun experience away from anyone else due to my oblivious nature. I'm a bit sad to be banned for the coming of the new revision, but I know i've made a mistake. I hope just to be able to rejoin you all again sooner than later.
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