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Everything posted by Abitcat

  1. Oh, it's that thing on the right where it has the subreddit details, where you post, flairs, the new player button, etc.
  2. Yeah.. about that... I honestly don't like the new cleaner look of the forum now. Everything's too bright and in your face.. either make it more dark or change it bacc please. :L
  3. I like what you're doing silver, but to me it looks really choppy and doesn't live up to the current one. My suggestions? Make the bars on the top an animation so they don't pop up without a smooth animation. Maybe change the taskbar on the right to make it cleaner? It does look crumpled up. Maybe change the sub-reddit bar on the top? You can do that stuff. It IS my own silly opinion, but I doubt all of these will happen.
  4. Why did you get rid of The Lounge? And why did you move everything in off-topic to general? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  5. This has been one of the longest revisions in history... wew
  6. gotta show one for the girl one want.. also bad dating advice
  7. I wasn't even here for it... wait.. why am I even posting?
  8. I searched up "nope intensifies" and this came up.
  9. Berd heavy will now proceed with laying eggs in mouth.
  10. Do you actually write haiku? Also what the fuck is a sonic
  11. Can the speedbuild arenas be somewhat like the past ones? Could we build a arena that has ideas from the past arenas?
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