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So I'm going to be blunt in this whole argument, as I'm keeping this in MCP to avoid stirring the community. To start, survival at this moment has 10 players on it. Just 10. About 5 hours after a new revision and 10 people are online. I don't know how many times one must ask but how long before things change? Is this the fate we've given survival is to have 10 players on a map capable of holding 200 or more? This is not a shot at the admins, or anyone at all let me be clear. We are a community and as such, we take equal blame in survival deteriorating into what stands today. The point of all of this is what is to change? So far despite the numerous discussions that are being held for changing how S is run and operates, we launch a new revision, almost expecting for it to fail. In that sense I mean that the demeanor that everyone holds seems to be "S will die, its just a matter of time" What can be done to avoid this? Clearly nothing but total and complete overhaul of the system. Not bandaid fixing with shops and rewards for pvping, because the facts show that has not worked at all for us. I hope this gives a view of how we should change. Where the effort should go and what should be done as quickly as possible to ease our way back into relevance as far as a pvp server. Thank you.
Survival Revision 29 will be launching this Friday, June 19th at 9pm EDT. Not sure what time that is for you? Click here! Changes to look forward to: Smaller map Back to normal nether (mostly, will keep obsidian spikes if possible) Bringing back pearl cooldown Removing strength II (due to all the issues with it) (also because dat shit cray) Beds will no longer set your spawn point More PvP incentive through Economy Weekly SAL fights occurring on different days of the week (points from this revision will be carrying over to next revision) Bulletin board at spawn for player ads 100-150 block square buffer zone from spawn to prevent chunks constantly loaded Community farm inside spawn for new players The way shops are done Unsafe buckets for sale in the shop (griefing with them will be a bannable offense) Buyable XP from the server shop /spawn will be enabled with a 10 second warm up and a 15 minute cool down (this particular feature is a dying wish of rtr69 that I am respecting) You can now steal other people's horses All animals are now able to murderated Auctions (courtesy of c45y and another dying wish of rtr69) What to Expect The premise of Survival will be the same. Roads will not have ice and will not go to the end of the map; roads are also not based on colours this revision, but instead on biomes based on an idea that nickeynickey123 brought to me. There will be Nether portals in the middle and at the end of all roads, as well as the one in spawn. Spawn will be mostly re-enterable and shop will have access through spawn. Stay tuned for more details to be released up through revision launch! You may ask questions and comment in this thread. Many thanks to c45y, Barlimore, and zburdsal for all of their very very hard work in getting this completed with me. Revision 29 would not be happening without them.
Survival Revision 29 will be launching this Friday, June 19th at 9pm EDT. Not sure what time that is for you? Click here! Changes to look forward to: Smaller map Back to normal nether (mostly, will keep obsidian spikes if possible) Bringing back pearl cooldown Removing strength II (due to all the issues with it) (also because dat shit cray) Beds will no longer set your spawn point More PvP incentive through Economy Weekly SAL fights occurring on different days of the week (points from this revision will be carrying over to next revision) Bulletin board at spawn for player ads 100-150 block square buffer zone from spawn to prevent chunks constantly loaded Community farm inside spawn for new players The way shops are done Unsafe buckets for sale in the shop (griefing with them will be a bannable offense) Buyable XP from the server shop /spawn will be enabled with a 10 second warm up and a 15 minute cool down (this particular feature is a dying wish of rtr69 that I am respecting) You can now steal other people's horses All animals are now able to murderated Auctions (courtesy of c45y and another dying wish of rtr69) What to Expect The premise of Survival will be the same. Roads will not have ice and will not go to the end of the map; roads are also not based on colours this revision, but instead on biomes based on an idea that nickeynickey123 brought to me. There will be Nether portals in the middle and at the end of all roads, as well as the one in spawn. Spawn will be mostly re-enterable and shop will have access through spawn. Stay tuned for more details to be released up through revision launch! Many thanks to c45y, Barlimore, and zburdsal for all of their very very hard work in getting this completed with me. Revision 29 would not be happening without them.
So we have a development group for brainstorming/planning the server that is to come after revision 27 of survival. I've codenamed it Project Awesome, and the group involved in development/planning is the Project Awesome Strike Force. I'd like to know if there are any admins who are interested in being directly involved. We have a google doc setup for strike force members to collaborate in. This document outlines the goals of the project, a brief and informal confidentiality clause, membership roster, a short list of standards/philosophies for participation, a section on the purpose and use of the document itself, and then the rest is an open brainstorming sandbox, to be loosely organized when possible. So far we have a handful of moderately detailed plans/proposals for the server included. Ideally with collaboration and active brainstorming we can come up with a full cohesive plan to make the server into something very fun and attractive to many players. I'm trying to be cautious about who is added to this group, selecting only those who seem interested and likely to be productive and not disruptive. I would openly advertise it to all moderators, but I feel that making it open and all-inclusive would lead to disarray; that having it *relatively* small and focused is better. I know several of you have offered suggestions for the development of S in the past, so if you are interested in pitching in your thoughts or lending a hand then let me know. Below I'll outline some of the major ideas discussed so far. These are just excerpts and/or summaries in my own words and do not necessarily do full justice to the proposals in full. Even if you don't particularly want to be part of the strike force in any official capacity, I would appreciate any input you may have about the specific ideas touched on here or about the project in general, whether here in the comments or in irc or elsewhere. Dizney07's Islands Proposal TheAcademician's gameplay mechanics overhaul Smiler100's tech-tree, in-depth gameplay proposal
Greetings battlers! I apologize for the lack of communication. First off, another announcement, though he is still listed as such. rtr69 has decided to step down from Survival admin and back to moderator. We appreciate the time he spent working with us and the community, you can still see him occasionally in game doing your modreqs. As said, things we’re going to keep: Economy (though revamped with new aspects including auction etc) Lottery Mob Arena Horse locking (thanks to c45y this has been revamped) Landmarks Player Arena The Shop (with customizable spaces) Chests will not auto lock Reduced XP Changes to look forward to: Smaller map Back to normal nether (mostly, will keep obsidian spikes if possible) Bringing back pearl cooldown Removing strength II (due to all the issues with it) (also because dat shit cray) Spawn will be built as a community Beds will no longer set your spawn point More PvP incentive through Economy Weekly SAL fights occurring on different days of the week (points from this revision will be carrying over to next revision) Bulletin board at spawn for player ads 100-150 block square buffer zone from spawn to prevent chunks constantly loaded Community farm inside spawn for new players The way shops are done Unsafe buckets for sale in the shop (griefing with them will be a bannable offense) Buyable XP from the server shop Due to some map hiccups and such, we are launching on June 19th. Spawn winners are a combination of c45y's spawn and Bluuefuzzy's shop. Gorgeous designs, thank you for your hard work. We are looking to put Survival into Chaos as soon as technically possible. c45y has graced us with a new plugin to try to give Chaos a new twist, more will be posted by him when configuration occurs. Cheers.
Survival Rev 29 Spawn Contest Starts: Sunday, May 17th Ends: Wednesday, May 27th Where: Creative - World: Contest-SurvivalSpawn (/mvtp Contest-SurvivalSpawn) Info: You have a 150x150 plot Spawn can be on the ground or in the air Use any block you wish and terraform how you want Spawn secrets are welcome but please keep them appropriate Winner will be chosen by a community vote Rules: All universal rules apply You must build your design on C in the designated contest world, we will not be importing builds The spawning area where you first spawn cannot be re-enterable, however the rest of spawn must be The shop must be included in your design - Must have areas in it for players to have customizable designs - Does not need to be a solid building like Rev28’s - All shop stalls must be in one centralized location - Must include an area that has a shop tutorial board and shop announcement board You must include an arena date and announcement board (have at least three signs designated for arenas please) Must include a rules and information board Must include an area to access a nether portal via walking Please leave signs blank as they will be filled in by admins later Commands: "/plot claim" to claim the plot you are standing in "/plot home" to get back to your plot "/plot info" to get info about a plot "/plot list" to list your plots "/plot clear" to clear out your plot "/plot add <player>" to add someone to your plot "/plot remove <player>" to remove someone from your plot "/plot dispose" to give up your plot "/i water" to get flowing water "/i lava" to get flowing lava "/i portal" to get the portal block WorldEdit commands available: undo, redo, wand, sel, desel, pos1, pos2, hpos1, hpos2, chunk, expand, contract, outset, inset, shift, size, distr, set, replace, overlay, walls, outline, smooth, hollow, move, stack, copy, cut, paste, rotate, flip, cyl, hcyl, sphere, hsphere, pyramid, hpyramid, pumpkins, fill, drain, fixwater, fixlava, removeabove, removebelow, removenear, replacenear, snow, thaw, sp Exempt from rate limiting: sel, desel, pos1, pos2, hpos1, hpos2, chunk, expand, contract, outset, inset, shift, size, count, distr, copy, cut All contest entries will be voted on by the community and the winner selected will be used for Revision 29. Winning spawn may be changed upon admins’ discretion. Winning community member may be requested to be available for creative supervision of their masterpiece during the pasting into the Revision 29 map. Winning community member will be announced and have their name located at spawn during the revision. By entering this contest, all contestants agree to the terms listed above.
To start off, I'm hoping this little bit of background helps show I'm not giving this advice without truly having insight into how survival had worked over the past few years, nor the attitude everyone takes towards these changes. I have discussed this idea with a few staff members but didn't get the feedback I was looking for so here it is to you good folks. I 100% loved playing survival back in the day and seeing how far it's come is impressive, but also I feel we should consider how far it hasn't changed. The idea pitched a while ago about survival having a mixed non combat and combat areas was interesting, and I felt it wasn't given its proper turn over with consideration. The main focus would still be PvP, and it would have many incentives to entice players to journey out into the circular pvp area following the smaller maybe 300x300 interior circle area that is non pvp. The idea would be to go out into the "wilderness" and fight other players to find the admin made treasures (small but useful) or possibly even dungeons or something to that effect? The whole concept is to make the map constantly changing and dynamic and interesting. That's what S is lacking is the changing dynamic and while its worked over the years, I think we both can agree that survival deserves a little more than 10 players a day after 2 months or more of a rev. I'd appreciate your thoughts! Please keep in mind this is all just up in the air discussion, but I think with the proper influence, we could create survival into a highly enjoyable and renewed experience.
Could we get an exemption from the "Slow down Chat" plugin? When Kitcatbar does xray requests she gets kicked and it is very inconvenient while using other moderating commands.
According to the most recent update the new survival revision should be launching in 3 days! Will there be an announcement post soon with details on the upcoming features for the new revision? Is the new revision coming up right after CTF goes down, or during the week?
Alright everyone, we’re a solid month into the rev and we know there are some things that have worked and some things that haven’t worked. Based on what we’ve read, there are some things that people want changed and I would like to start getting communication in place so that we can get a new rev out to you all as quickly and efficiently as possible. First off, a couple announcements. Dizney07 and cab417 have decided to step down from Survival admin. We appreciate the time they've spent working with us and the community and are sad to see them go. We are gaining a few new moderators so look forward to welcoming zburdsal, C45Y, and DementedM0nkey to our staff team. Moving forward, let’s generally outline Revision 28. We introduced economy, landmarks, admin builds, player arenas, and the shop. We removed then re-added horse locking, had a larger map, mob arena, and custom nether. We also removed chest autolocking, removed pearlnerf, and dropped the XP plump. Moving into Revision 29, we’re aiming for finality in PvP, more PvP incentives, and more efficient moderating for players and staff. Things we’re going to keep: Economy (though revamped with new aspects including auction etc) Lottery Mob Arena Horse locking (though this will be possibly revamped) Landmarks Player Arena The Shop (with customizable spaces) Chests will not auto lock Reduced XP Things that will for sure be changing: Smaller map Back to normal nether (mostly, will keep obsidian spikes if possible) Bringing back pearl cooldown Removing strength II (due to all the issues with it) Spawn will be built as a community contest (see more information at the bottom of this post) Beds will no longer set your spawn point More PvP incentive through Economy Weekly SAL fights occurring on different days of the week (points from this revision will be carrying over to next revision) Bulletin board at spawn for player ads 100-150 block square buffer zone from spawn to prevent chunks constantly loaded Community farm inside spawn for new players The way shops are done Things that we are considering: Unsafe buckets for sale in the shop (griefing with them will be a bannable offense) The possibility to raid chests via lock picking or having a finite amount of chests that are able to be locked Buyable XP from the server shop There are a few other items that we are considering adding but need more discussion. For launch date, we are aiming to have Revision 29 ready to launch the first weekend of June. This would give us a solid 8 week current rev and a little less than a month to finish our launch tasks. As previously mentioned, spawn will be built by the community and then there will be a community vote for the best spawn. I will be liasoning with our Event Admin to set that up in a Creative build world. Details for the spawn contest will be posted by Wednesday and the contest beginning Friday. SAL will be sometime this Saturday. If there is something that you are dying to have added into Economy or you think you have the best idea when it comes to raiding chests, PvP incentive, etc. please do not hesitate to post here or message rtr, MrG, and I in a group message on the forums.
Are you excited for Summer?! Are you tired of school/finals or work?! Then join us on Friday June 5th as we kick off our first 2015 Fundraiser! Who: YOU! What: The first 2015 CTF Donation Drive! When: Friday June 5th at 9PM EST - June 8th 12AM EST Where: Nerd.Nu Minecraft Event Server ( and Mumble Why: To help raise funds to help keep our servers running! A entire weekend full of building and fighting for your team! During this time our regular servers, C, P, S will be taken down for the duration of the event and will return when the event has concluded. An information post regarding the event will be put up within the next week containing everything you will need to know about the event and more! Stay tuned! Teaser:
Hello everyone, We would like for the server admins to write up a little description of your server so we can start actively advertising on /r/mcservers. The heads will be taking care of making the posts and all that fun stuff, so the only extra work for you guys after a description is written would be to keep the description updated. If anyone has any issues with this, please feel free to contact one of the heads.
Lobby Design Contest #2 Starts: April 11th 2015 Ends: May 9th 2015 Where: Creative Server - World: Contest-Lobby (/mvtp Contest-Lobby) Rules: All standard rules apply You must build your design on C, we will not be importing builds. If you have a small part you would like imported then we can do that, but we are not importing entire designs Spawn can be anywhere, however, all portals have to be relatively evenly spaced from spawn. No “prioritizing” or “favoriting” one portal by having it closer to spawn then the others (exception being E) Portals must be at least 15 blocks away from the spawn point Unused plots can and will be reclaimed 1 plot per person, may be part of others builds Portal frames can be built out of anything Open portal blocks (the spinning purple blocks or water you travel into to teleport to the selected server) can be any block you want Closed portal blocks (the purple wool/ice that appears when a portal closes) can be any block Design needs to hold at least 200 people Design can be a max size of 200x200 (no height limit) Must have C, P, S, E Portals How it works: We will be using the same system as last time: PlotMe. WorldEdit commands will also be the same. You will be able to claim 1 plot per person in which to build your design. Each plot is 200x200 however you do not need to fill the entire space. Groups builds are highly encouraged. SafeBuckets is enabled, though you are able to place flowing water/lava. You will need to /modreq for flowing water/lava still, sorry =/ WorldEdit is enabled for use in your plot(s) only, however most commands are rate limited to help server stability. Any abuse will result in a ban. The map is currently limited to 36 plots as group builds are preferred, but we can expand if it's needed. The winner will be chosen by a vote on the forum. Commands: "/plot claim" to claim the plot you are standing in "/plot home" to get back to your plot "/plot info" to get info about a plot "/plot list" to list your plots "/plot clear" to clear out your plot "/plot add <player>" to add someone to your plot "/plot remove <player>" to remove someone from your plot "/plot dispose" to give up your plot "/i water" to get flowing water "/i lava" to get flowing lava "/i portal" to get the portal block WorldEdit commands available: undo, redo, wand, sel, desel, pos1, pos2, hpos1, hpos2, chunk, expand, contract, outset, inset, shift, size, distr, set, replace, overlay, walls, outline, smooth, hollow, move, stack, copy, cut, paste, rotate, flip, cyl, hcyl, sphere, hsphere, pyramid, hpyramid, pumpkins, fill, drain, fixwater, fixlava, removeabove, removebelow, removenear, replacenear, snow, thaw, sp Exempt from rate limiting: sel, desel, pos1, pos2, hpos1, hpos2, chunk, expand, contract, outset, inset, shift, size, count, distr, copy, cut
Hello everyone, I made a test post in the "Survival Suggestions" sub-forum and checked it out with another account with mod perms. The perms look to be setup right to me, so I would like to move forward with this idea. For those who don't know, the sub-forum is intended to replace the uservoices we have setup which have several drawbacks. The big thing using the sub-fourm over a uservoice would do would be to centralize everything. People would not have to create a new account to suggest something or have another website to check. There are a couple ways we can set this up. First, have one sub-forum where anyone can make a suggestion and use tags to filter through the ideas and let the appropriate admins handle the thread. Second, each server has its own sub-forum (maybe have a general one for the heads and techs) and let the appropriate admins handle the threads in their sub-forum. We could even pin the server's change logs in their sub-forum to help declutter the main "Minecraft Decision" forum. I would like to hear what everyone thinks about this, so please comment below.
I've put together an update to the approved mods list for Survival. Before i post it to the wiki, I'd like to check and see if anyone has any issues with this list, or any suggestions for additional mods to include. password: mods notable changes from old version: not-approved: zyin's HUD - has mild xray like feature for cave-mapping, and a player locator. gammabright both of these are on PvE's approved list. Be aware of this distinction between the two. approved: tabbychat journeymap fairplay edition batty's coordinates avancedHUD Schematica notenoughitems togglesprint (updated link to togglesneak) saturation display bupload Monster Spawn Highlighter updated relevant rules section to reflect current rules. almost negligible difference, just up-to-date now. removed a handful of obsolete/outdated mods, like ssp slime fix which hasn't been needed since like, 1.4.7. left reis link in there, even though it goes to an outdated version - it's still the relatively official link. Any other mods we should add? Any we should mention in the not-approved list? Any issues with these changes?
Hello everyone, here's what I have for the new alt banning policy. Alt Account Banning Policy - A minimum of 2 weeks will be added to the original ban length for every account used to evade a ban on any of our servers. Any accounts used to evade a ban will be banned for the same amount of time as the original banned account. Admins reserve the right to add additional time depending on the circumstances, and only appealed bans will be lifted.We decided to give everyone a week to comment and make any changes to the policy before implementing it. However, since there is a holiday this week I decided to not count that day as part of the week, so please comment below if you have anything you would like to add or change by December 1st.
Something that has been suggested to me which I think would be great to try on S is a contest to design useful or beautiful shops. Any contest needs judges - unbiased and responsible ones at that, and who is more unbiased or responsible than admins?! :D I'd like to invite all of you, head admins, server admins, and techadmins, to volunteer to mercilessly judge whatever shops players may create to stimulate trade and creative interactions on the survival server for revision 27. I'm thinking we announce the contest before launch, and hold final judging about a month in. If "best designed shop" seems vague or not very useful in terms of contest titles/parameters, maybe someone has a more creative suggestion? I figure we can allow players to modreq to protect any redstone mechanisms involved, as long as it can't be abused for PvP purposes. That should allow for a greater variety of creativity than would normally be exercised on the server. If you feel like taking a few minutes to review the builds a few weeks from now and offering your expert or pseudo-expert evaluations, please let me know.
Survival Arena League (SAL) this Saturday! Join us May 16th at 5p EDT (translate your time here) if you want to battle! There will be four different types of fights that you can earn points in: 1v1 (duels) 1v1v1v1 (4-ways) Free-for-alls Mob free-for-alls How does it work? Like any other arena, the round type will be announced along with a word to type. Keep in mind for points, you can only fight once per round type. If people want to fight for no points, they are welcomed to ask though! We will not be supplying any gear for these fights, so you must bring any items you would like to use (you will have access to an enderchest). Although diamond gear is appreciated for some fights, you don’t have to have it to participate! For information about the rules and scoring, check out the SAL spreadsheet. As mentioned in the Revision 28 Recap and Revision 29 Forecast post, points from this revision will carry over to the coming Revision 29. Can't wait to see you guys there!
The next Player Arena will be hosted on 05/02/2015 at 7PM EST. That's this Saturday night, at 7 PM. The arena is located mid-way on Red Road, on your left after the first Nether portal. You really don't want to miss it this weekend! Click here to convert to your timezone! I have lots to give away in terms of prizes and the final event alone is worth donning your best set of gear and stepping into the Player Arena. Also, among various other PVP beneficial prizes, I will be giving the winners of each bracket monetary incentive! If you don't have a set, don't fret. Most of the matches gear is provided, but won't be in the BYOG bracket and this weekend's upcoming final event. Note: you will not be able to leave with any gear that is provided by the arena. The kit is primarily iron gear, a few helpful pots, bow and arrow, with colored leather helms to help make identifying teammates more accurate. Something new this weekend will be the usage of a beacon for regeneration so the kitted matches can last just a bit longer. We'll be disabling the beacon for the BYOG Brackets. The Following Fights are Planned as Follows:Itemless FFA (winner gets 100 coins!) 1v1 Kitted Tournament (winner gets 300 coins!) 1v1 BYOG(bring your own gear) Tournament (Winner gets 500 coins!) 2v2 or 3v3 Kitted(both depending on player turn-out) (Winners get 100 coins a piece!) Kitted FFA (Winner gets 200 coins!) SPECIAL EVENT! see below for more details For this arena I've decided to end it with a little special event to convey my gratitude to everyone who's been supportive with their attendance! I'm going to thank you guys with a Wither Free For All. You can bring whatever you want into the arena, but only 1 person will be walking out alive. The winner gets a Nether Star, obviously. I look forward to seeing you guys shed blood! Again, this Saturday night at 7PM EST.
Hi and welcome to my AMA. If any of you were wondering, I've been around since like... 2011. Started off on the original servers, migrated to PvE for a few revisions, erecting many prosperous cities, and then on to survival. Now, I usually switch around on servers, trying to be active on all three. Outside of Minecraft, I am a college student who enjoy sports... specifically basketball, baseball, football, volleyball, and soccer. My favourite TV show is Star Trek: The Original Series, and if I had to choose a favourite school subject, it'd be geography. Feel free to ask me any questions! Thanks!
Hello everyone, We need to have a donation drive sometime soon, so I figured I would start a thread about planning it. The goal of the drive will be to provide funding for the servers for another year, and according to Deaygo we would need $4500 to do that. Here are a few things that we need to discuss before moving forward. What type of event should we have? When should we have the drive? How can we get the word out about the drive? I would like to ask everyone to comment asap so we can get this thing moving.
Survival Arena League (SAL) is back! Join us this Saturday, April 25th, at 4p EDT (translate your time here) for our first SAL battle! What is it? The Survival Arena League is a series of bi-weekly arena nights on to encourage top-tier PVP, all the time. In addition to the usual prizes given out for arena fights, we'll be keeping score throughout the revision. The top-scoring players at the end of the revision win fabulous prizes: Top 3 scorers get special subreddit flair! Top scorer gets a monument built in their honor in the next S spawn and a $50 Steam gift card! There will be four different types of fights that you can earn points in: 1v1 (duels) 1v1v1v1 (4-ways) Free-for-alls Mob free-for-alls How does it work? Like any other arena, the round type will be announced along with a word to type. Keep in mind for points, you can only fight once per round type. If people want to fight for no points, they are welcomed to ask though! We will not be supplying any gear for these fights, so you must bring any items you would like to use (you will have access to an enderchest). Although diamond gear is appreciated for some fights, you don’t have to have it to participate! For information about the rules and scoring, check out the SAL spreadsheet. Can't wait to see you guys there!
I'd like to announce that I'll be hosting the first Player Arena for Survival Revision 28 this Saturday, April 18 at 9 PM EST*. The arena is located on Red Road shortly after the 1st portal on the left. The arena is designed with 3 doors that are completely accessible by the participants with no mod intervention. The Following Fights Are Planned as Followed:Armorless Free for All(bring your own food) Kitted 1v1 Tournament(Kit signs will erase inventory, go in naked) BYOG 1v1 Tournament(Bring your own gear, pots, and food) Kitted team fights(will be decided depending on turn-out) Kitted FFA I'd like to mention that kit signs will erase your inventory and the server is not responsible for any lost gear. I will make sure that this known before the kitted matches commence. Players will also not be allowed to leave the arena with any gear provided by the arena and the arena itself will have a disposal area set up. Leaving the arena with any gear will count as an immediate disqualification. You will also be disqualified if you enter the kitted matches with any active potion effects. The rules of each bracket are simple, kill and move forward to the next round. The winners of each bracket will be rewarded with prizes that will prove beneficial to PVP. Also in the BYOG there is a chance to win some coin from your kills. Again the arena is set for this Saturday, April 18 at 9 PM EST. I look forward to watching you fight! To find out the arena time in your timezone click here!
So i decided to start a post about the new changes to the survival server. Economy: Always a fun aspect to any game. This gives people something to strive for and makes them think before they do something. Not to mention making it a bit better for newer people to get started. BloodMoon: The bloodmoons are always hectic and fun. The mobs are incredibly fast and scary as hell lol. It is a great way to make money and adds a nice change of pace from the normal mobs spawning. Mob Area: A great way to test your skills and play with friends. Who will get the farthest and what kind of fun rewards will you get? Who knows. Lottery: I have not played it yet but mostly it is feeding peoples gambling addictions lol Player Shops: Giving people like me a great way to make money. Are you good at monotonous tasks? Can you zone out and get a lot of something people want but are to lazy to get? If you answered yes than you are like me and can make a butt load of money from player shops lol. Then you can use that money to buy things you are to lazy to get (or are harder to find). exp Plumps: They lowered the amount of exp you get from kills by a decent bit and it does take longer to level now. That is a bit annoying to me since i tend to try and enchant as many things as i can at once. I would like to see increased orb lumping. Strength 2 Pot: These things are over powered. It is ridiculous the amount of damage someone can do with this potion. Ok so those are my thoughts on the new aspects of the games. What about you guys?
After attempting to create a clan it appears that 2 letter 'tags' are not allowed because they are too short. Why is this so? It appears that this is not the default setting, so this is a conscious decision that has been made, what is the objection to 2 letter tags? I would have thought the problem would be longer tags...not short ones The configuration value can be seen below: Any clarification would be greatly appreciated, if this was configured in error, pls2fix :)