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  1. This week's Arena will be held on Saturday, March 14, 2015, at 9:00 PM EST. We've been having a good turn out and would love to see some new faces this week. If you play PVE or Creative you're just as welcome to come participate in the weekly arenas. Most of the matches are kitted so there isn't any need to bring gear unless you intend on participating in the BYOG bracket. As always, this is an official arena and as such the winners of each bracket can expect to be rewarded at the end of the Arena. The Current Fights are Planned as Followed:Itemless FFA 1v1 Kitted Tournament 1v1 BYOG Tournamnet 2v2 Kitted Tournament 3v3 Kitted Tournament Kitted FFA How the Fight Schedule Will WorkSign ups this week will be completely at-will. Before each match in a bracket, players will be given a special word to type and then contestants will be chosen completely at random. Once the initial rounds of a bracket have been completed the bracket will move in to semi-finals and then followed by finals where the winners can duke it out until only one contestant(or team) remain. Changes to the Provided KitsThis week we're changing the kits up. Chest, Pants and feet items will be iron. Due to the issue of being able distinguish teams the head item will remain leather. Also, this week the potions provided will be Splash II Health and one Regen. Any abuse of the kit system will result in immediate disqualification. You will also not be allowed to exit the arena with any kit items. Once more, the arena will be held on Saturday, March 14, 2015, at 9:00 PM EST. If you have any other questions feel free to contact me, Veltoss, or Avadakedavra03 here, on the /r/mcpublic post, or in-game. We look forward to your attendance! To convert to your time zone, click this link.
  2. To keep it consistent with last week, the S Arena Team would like to know what your opinions were of this most recent arena. How was the pacing? What did you think of the Arena? Were the brackets fun for you? What did you think of the provided kits? Were the prizes adequate? Mostly, what I personally would like to know, what kind of arena would you like to see in Revision 28? All player feedback is taken into consideration(good and bad) and will ultimately help us make these weekly Arenas fun and engaging for everyone. Again, thank you for your criticisms and opinions, and a special thanks to all of this weeks participants!
  3. The Sadmin team has a question for our Survival community. Would you prefer to have the SAL arena designed and built by the admins or would you like to have a chance to build it yourselves in a contest? As a whole we are making an effort to bring the community into the decision making process for the server we all play on. Please vote in regards to one way or the other. If you have anything additionally to say, please do not hesitate to reply below. We will decide on the course of action Friday, March 6th, and act accordingly on the majority vote. Cheers! :D
  4. Saturday night at 9:00PM EST the Sarena team will be hosting an Arena on the Survival Server. Gear will be provided to players in most brackets and we will also be hosting a BYOG(bring your own gear) bracket. At 9:00 PM EST you will be able to warp to the arena with a command, and at about 9:05-9:15(depending on player turnout) we will begin the first round. This is an official arena, and the winners of each bracket will be rewarded with a special prize :D. The Current Fights are Planned as Followed: Itemless FFA 1v1 Kitted Tournament 1v1 BYOG Tournament 2v2 Kitted Tournament 4v4 Kitted Tournament(time and player amount willing) Kitted FFA How the Fight Schedule Will Work:Sign ups this week will be completely at-will. Before each match in a bracket, players will be given a special word to type and then contestants will be chosen completely at random. Once the initial rounds of a bracket have been completed the bracket will move in to semi-finals and the followed by finals where the winners can duke it out until only one contestant(or team) remain. The Sarena team looks forward to hosting yet another arena and we really hope you'll join us this Saturday(3/07/15) at 9:00 PM EST. If you have any questions please feel free to PM here, on reddit under the username iamdarb, or in-game. You can also contact Avadakedavra03, or Veltoss for more information. http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=[03%2F07%2F15]+Saturday+Chaos+Arena+Announcement%28Gear+Provided!%29&iso=20150307T21&p1=623
  5. Ok, I know I have already started a thought provocative topic recently and that this may very well be locked simply because of it's title but I kinda want to establish something. I may have all my history/facts wrong and you can feel free to politely correct me bellow, but this is my view of how the term 'toxic' kinda got out of hand. Firstly, the term 'toxic player' wasn't even a big thing in the early nerd.nu days, in fact I barely recall it being said except for maybe being used to describe players who were legit just around to troll and ruin people's time. People who were no good for the server or the community by definition. In later times, when staff/player tension started to rise, one particular staff member used the term to describe a few players who they disapproved of in attitude and their opinions surrounding certain topics. This staff member at the time had been hit with a bombardment of stress due to their dedication to the server and was also undergoing a lot of scrutiny by disgruntled players and I believe other staff members. There were arguments surrounding the use of the this word to describe those people who were often involved in heated arguments and issues in mumble/irc etc etc. And these arguments and throwing of opinions were very common at this time (this is where a tiny bit of factionalism in the community started to occur) and what was worse was that players who were being considered 'toxic' often were in affiliation with players who had left the community on a bad note (like by being banned or having left due to other controversy). Now the idea of not being content with the staff team often coincided with outbursts, starting or commenting on controversial subeditor posts and the likes but the concerns that the people had against the staff were somewhat founded, and just the way they expressed a lot of their frustration about this happened to be destructive for both themselves and the staff team trying to handle the mess at the time, it effectively ruined communication. Originally there were arguments about the use of the word 'toxic' to describe players who were otherwise valuable to the community but didn't get along with and agree with everyone all the time. A lot of these kinds of people were S players, which isn't a surprise considering how the S server went into crisis and the general way a lot of the S players liked to express themselves as the result of the kind of environment they played on in survival (where everyone is pitted against each other and rivalries will occur). Which was a perfectly valid way of interaction (granted it was mostly kept to the survival servers) and often when these 'aggressive' players said things or bantered in certain ways it was somewhat more tolerated knowing that they were an S player (which aggravated more gentle mannered P players). Anyways, a lot of S players were starting to get pissed off, people started forming vastly different opinions about each other and in general those who started arguments with the P players or staff were normally seen as 'the toxic survival players'. There were quite a few hateful (and still are) goodbye posts from players who were at one end or the other of the overall divide. There were players who kinda had an anti staff agenda or at least an agenda to be rid of the shitty things about staff. And these players were known by and were friends with a lot of other players in the community and while vocal, weren't just there to have a bitch about nothing and stir trouble. But these people landed themselves a toxic label anyway in the 'new' sense of the word. So when you go on about 'all these stupid S players' and those who seem to push the limits of staff members and the likes, just know that once upon a time we all got along kind of better than we all seem to now. There was always a kind of banter between S and P now but never have I seen so many players share hatred towards the other servers. A situation kind of let these things get out of hand and no single party or group is to blame. And while you may see it as a lesson as to how P and S don't mix and can't communicate in a crisis, just let it be a lesson that we can decide to listen to each other regardless of not liking what we're hearing (that means you grumpy people) or the way someone says it (that means you staff and care bears). tl;dr if I see someone use that fucking word again, i'm gonna go play civcraft... anyways <3 darkelmo xoxo peace out homies
  6. What did you think about the Arena? How did you hear about it? What was you opinion about how it was hosted? What would you like to see in future arenas? Please critique us thoroughly so we can tailor these arenas as much as we can to the community.
  7. I'm very happy to announce that the new S admins have given Avadakedavra03, Veltoss and myself permission to host the first official player ran arena of Chaos. The arena will be hosted Friday night at 9:00 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time). At 9:00 PM you will be able to warp to the arena with a command, and at about 9:05-9:15(depending on player turnout) we will begin the first round. The Current Fights Are Planned as Followed: Itemless FFA 2v2 Kitted Tournament 1v1 Kitted Tournament 1v1 BYOG (Bring your own gear) Tournament 4v4 Kitted Kitted FFA How the fight schedule will work: You can sign up now by commenting on this post with what bracket you're interested in participating, or you can opt in before the actual matches themselves. Note: players who have signed up in advanced will have priority over those who opt in before a match. That doesn't mean you won't get to fight though! We will do our best to work in anyone who is interested in participating, even if it means we end up being your opponent! And you better believe, with three of us running this, we'll be fighting along side you. The winners of each bracket will be awarded with a special prize! This being an official arena, the sadmins have agreed to provided prizes to the winners of each bracket! So thanks kindly sadmins! About the Arena: The arena is completely new and somewhat different, and we're really hoping you'll enjoy murdering your friends on it! A lot of love went into crafting this map. It has a diverse biome theme, with 4 platforms in the center for flat oriented pvp. There will be a few hidden chests throughout the arena with some items, that may or may not aid in your fight, but to balance the advantage you may put yourself at a disadvantage when attempting to get to the chest. Note: you will not have this "advantage" in the bring your own gear bracket. We'll be hosting an arena once a week during chaos, and hopefully if this is successful, even during Survival Revision 28. Fingers crossed. We really hope to have a good attendance for this arena. All are welcome, so if you wanted a fun activity in-between the chaos of Creative, or planning on the new PVE map please consider us at 9:00 PM EST this Friday. We look very forward to seeing you fight! http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=[2%2F27%2F15]+Public+Chaos+Arena&iso=20150227T21&p1=179
  8. This is a thread for any questions or comments for the upcoming Rev 28 on Survival. Please be respectful and on track, posts that are attacks on other players will be hidden as well as anything off topic. You may reference the Introduction to Rev 28 here.
  9. Hello everyone! It is our pleasure to be your new Sadmins and cannot wait to launch Rev 28 for you guys. We know you have a lot of questions and hopefully some will be answered in this post. All further questions can either be left here, addressed in IRC, talked out in Mumble, or PM'd in the forums. As a whole, the goal is to institute more events and activities to help promote and retain players. This includes the Survival admins logging in more consistently and maintaining communication with our player base. There would also be more advertising and promoting done by the Sadmins in an effort to gain more players. We're looking to launch the new rev the first weekend of April 2015. We're very excited and plan to coincide our launch with a special Easter Event for you all on Survival. More details will be given on the Event as launch date nears--don't worry though, it's not maze related. The foremost thing that we would like to announce for changes, and this begins now, is proper communication. The first part of this plan is at least two community meetings per rev; this is to touch base with what the community likes and dislikes that is going on. This will also give us feedback on what we should be looking at to change for the next upcoming rev to help alleviate the issue of not being able to change rapidly enough with what people want. The goal of this is to also be a positive discussion, this is in no way permission to attack other players, we want you to voice your opinions in collected mature ways. Secondly, if players come to us with something that is completely messed up or that they really do actually hate (not one or two of them, but like 95% hate it) willing to make adjustments mid-rev for some things. If it’s something like “We hate that chests don’t auto lock anymore” then are we willing to be like, “Ok, we’ll compromise and put auto locking chests back on the map, however, this does not mean that refunds will be given on gear you lost because you didn’t lock your chest.” This being said, after the community meetings happen via Mumble and the notes are posted, any immediate community changes will be put on the forums to be voted on as well, just in case people who use the forums don’t use Mumble. Though we strongly encourage everyone to use both avenues of communication. Another thing you all can look forward to is SAL coming back. While there will be some minor (and exciting) changes made to it, we're happy to make this a thing that is going to happen successfully. Along with this regular activity, we will be adding in new fun events and activities. Have a standard arena that you want to see used for SAL? Hit up LadyRavenOwl. If more than one arena is submitted, we'll have a community vote! Make sure you submit the arena by March 28, 2015. Something that has been asked several times is "What is the orientation for Survival that you're taking?" We're going to have basically a hybrid of ideas and with five people throwing in ideas, it should be. We're focused on increasing PvP, bringing back in aspects of raiding, still being build friendly, and generally building a solid and positive community. We have some new plugins making an appearance, including some custom plugins being written, making things generally more of a challenge.
  10. What’s up guys, I’m dizney07 and I just wanted to make a short post basically introducing myself and talking about survival and what not. This kind of "inaugural" post was an idea I had a while back, and while I don't expect this to be the standard for server admins, I wanted to basically test it out. I know I might be a surprising choice for sadmin to some, so I wanted to try and talk about my views and what not. I started out not really caring about pvp honestly, but the “hostile” environment was much more fun for me than P or C. It wasn’t until later I actually began to pvp. So I joined S in Rev 17 for a total of 3 days before the revision reset. In Rev 18 I had a nice and tall smooth stone fort that I rarely ever left. Rev 19 I had a nice underwater base that got camped and griefed daily, and rev 20 I lived in the grand city of Egreth. Rev 21 I actually pvp’d a bit, while helping with the city of sanctuary. After that, I kind of got burned out from minecraft and decided to leave. During this whole time, I never took notice to the subreddit or forums (did the forums exist back then?). I stuck to focusing purely in game, and never entered any politics. I knew mods based off /list, and I had no idea sadmins even existed. Fast forward to rev 24 and one of my good friends I play other games with, DementedM0nkey, let me know he played minecraft. We decided to start (and never finish) a Survival Lets Play on youtube. It was fun for a bit, but we failed to really get any good pvp action because.. well it was nonexsistent. Rev 25 was pretty boring. Yeah it was a test rev, but we just could not find anything fun to record so it ended there. This started our discussion on different ideas to try and make S better and more fun. Over time, I’ve probably made around 15 full fledge survival ideas, submitted 6 to the sadmins at the time, and ended up making a few public (some with good, some with bad responses). Leading up to rev 27, I started talking with the sadmins more and more, and came up with a few different ideas for rev 28 to reinvigorate S. This is my main reason I wasn’t hugely active on Rev 27. Rev 28 planning was where I actually put a lot of my time. I probably still have pages in my google docs with over a hundred different plug-ins listed to review and test just to see what would work. I went as far to create a timeline set up for the sadmins, listing when to have the set idea by, when to have rev 27 shut down, when to have rev 28 start, etc. I was working/talking with the sadmins daily to try and come up with ways to make S better. At one point, I felt cut out of the planning, and eventually I felt it was just too late for me to join back in as I felt S was going to reset soon (it ended up lasting another month or so) so I decided to wait until rev 28 to rejoin and focus on S. And that’s where we are today. As a sadmin, I want to be completely open and not have this stigma that “Oh it’s an admin, I can’t approach him”. In the past, I never really spoke to any of the sadmins aside from one maybe two on a regular basis. I actually want to hear from you guys, hear your thoughts and ideas, see what you think works and what doesn’t. If you need anything, make a post in the forums/subreddit, or send me a message on here. If you’re really looking for daily communication, ask for my skype, I’m always on there. If you have any questions just ask. And one last thing, if rtr lures you into his swamp with candy, do not take the candy.
  11. The head admins have reviewed all the community input and decided on a group of admins for the Survival server. The new Survival admins are, in no particular order: LadyRavenOwl Mrgauthier34 rtr69 cab417 dizney07 These staff members have come forward with a plan for the future of S, care about the future of S, are all long time survival PVP players, and are able to work together to accomplish that goal. We look forward to them sharing their plans and updates and gathering feedback from the nerd.nu community. You should look for an announcement from the new admin team soon.
  12. So this morning during my shower, I started thinking about Survival and what can be implemented into a revision in order to make it more fun without taking away from the survival aspect. One of my ideas I truly liked was this one: https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/2250-a-survival-idea/ Now some people didn't seem to like the enchanting idea, and to be honest, I don't either as much now that I think about it. Not being able to enchant based purely on luck would be...well annoying. Enchanting has never really been the problem due to enchantism and grinders, so really there's no point in making that aspect harder. So instead, I would like to propose a few changes to the idea itself. Instead of making enchanting harder, I determined it would be better to make mining harder. Now I know, that sounds dumb at first but hear me out. - Ores are not plumped, but are more scarce than usual. - The areas, ghost towns, whatever/wherever the chests are will no longer hold enchanted books. Instead they can house any kind of ore, and any kind of armor. This puts an emphasis on going out into these areas to try and scavenge for armor and diamonds, instead of focusing on the mining aspect. Maybe I'm wrong, but mining in general tends to be a bit boring, and while it's still an option, this just feels like it adds more to gameplay having to explore and search. At the same time it's a risk/reward situation. More balanced enchants/kits for pvp. Honestly I have seen this come up in countless threads about S and I think it would be very important now that I actually know what it means. I'm not huge on PvP that doesn't require a stone sword and an angry person who just lost his carrots, basically because I never thought it was worth it to spend maybe an hour on a set for a 5 minute fight that I'll likely lose because I don't have great pvp experience, or I win and now I have two broken kits that need repairs. So with this, enchants and potions would be balanced out in the best way the community sees fit. Since I don't pvp a lot, I don't know what is the "perfect kit" to make pvp rewarding (actually earning a kit instead of having two broken ones) but I have talked to a few players about it and many seem to know what would be the best. Honestly this post is for mainly community feedback. Obviously we only have one sadmin at the moment, so that's not the target audience. I want to hear what the community thinks, for no other reason than to see what the community thinks. We have a ways to go to get back to where S once was so we might as well start now.
  13. We've had a few players ask about what ever happened to kits that were mentioned. Is that still a prospect for this inbetween chaos period? Many users are bringing up how much fun a previous chaos rev was because of the kits provided... Chests are becoming harder and harder to find and potions will be nonexistant soon enough. Consider it, at least. Thank you and have a nice day.
  14. So, are chest, heads, and furnaces going to be unlocked? Do I need to stash away a hidden cache of gems and gear just in case?
  15. This informal/unimportant poll was produced by cross referencing the following sources by me without asking anyone if they minded because I'm radicool y'know this is just how I roll: http://nerd.nu/staff/ (active staff) http://nerd.nu/usage/survival/index.php (top 50 users) If I've missed someone or someone doesn't want to be on the list I will try fixing it. edit: I'm being informed of the flaws in my polling since a lot of great staff don't play much bc it's boring, but I just based it on usage STATS. Uh, if I hears someone's name pop up a lot I will add them because I'm easily swayed by peer pressure.
  16. This post is announcing a couple major changes to the survival server: I'm sad to announce that Mumberthrax and TheAcademician have stepped down from their roles on staff. We thank them for their contributions the the community and their service as survival admins. This Friday, Feb 6th after Avada's Arena Event (calendar link) we will be switching Survival to end-of-rev PVP TNT Party mode with kits and TNT at spawn for the weekend. At the end of the weekend Survival will switch to 1.8 Chaos game mode while we begin the search for new Survival Admins. The Chaos server will have a dedicated arena area or world set up for the ongoing arena series being planned by the players and events staff. Players who wish to run arena events on S please contact Event Admin LadyRavenOwl for more information.
  17. Come on guys, this rev has been up all year. Does anyone have an update on plans for rev 28?
  18. This is a classic arena battle starring unce's arena being held Saturday, January 24th. Beginning at 7p CST (calculate your time here) on the dot, be ready to kill your peeps! Everyone is welcome to attend, even if it means just cheering in the stands! The matches will be as follows (if unspecified, it will be a kitted match): 2v2 2v2 1v1 (Bring your own diamond gear) 3v3 4v4 (if enough attendees) 2v2 (Bring your own gear) 1v1 1v1 2v2 FFA (no gear) Curious as to what the prizes are? They vary but include your standard diamonds, a mob egg of some sort (in some cases you get to choose!), ghast tears and more! Questions or comments? Reply here or shoot me a PM! Can't wait to see you all there!! :D
  19. I was walking down the blue road and saw that someone had posted this sign (it's new, wasn't there Saturday) Always a fan of the risky link of the day, I drilled it into a browser and found that it is a griefing team, which is a thing? Sorry I've owned minecraft since alpha, but after playing through to beta, I didn't really play a huge amount, mostly to other cool games and free time sucks. Have been playing on s.nerd and enjoying, I read server rules and understand griefing is on honor system, there is no protected land plots, just locked chests, furnaces, etc. so didn't know if this was something the admins would be interested in. Please feel free to throw me a stfu noob if such is warranted, I'd just hate for someone's hard work to be trashed. From website: -and a post by admin maybe? So who pissed off Robin Hood?! Sign wasn't in front of my house so I didn't investigate to see what was done, if anything?
  21. Hi there everyone! First of all, I wanted to thank everyone for their congratulations and such. I can't wait to work with everyone, staff and members alike, to help bring great things to all our servers. Next, I have had a few people ask me and other admins questions regarding my new position. To answer the first question I've been asked: yes, I do have quite a few ideas for different events for each of the servers and can't wait to set them in motion. Some time this week I hope to meet with all the server admins to discuss ideas and time frames so we can start things as soon as possible. In addition to the new events I will be running, I will also be hosting the moderator run arenas on Survival, speed builds on Creative, and (hopefully/possibly) that lovely game of Spleef on PvE. In regards to the Event server, what I hope to do is host three to four major events on it a year. The Head Admins and I are already discussing getting a donation event set up, so be looking out for that! All the other events will be hosted on our current servers: Survival, PvE, and Creative. I also want to take this opportunity to extend an invitation to the community to bring any ideas they have for possible events. My idea with this is not to take over any ideas the members of our community have but work along side you to make it happen. This way we can work together as a team to make our servers as great as possible. If you have any ideas, please don't hesitate to PM me here on the forums. Another way to reach me is IRC; if I am working at the office then just message LRO|Office instead of LadyRavenOwl. All of you are also more than welcomed to message me via Steam, my username is LadyRavenOwl. Speaking of Steam, another thing that I will start directing is Steam Events! I am looking forward to extending our community and having fun outside our virtual legos. If you have any ideas for that, hit me up and we can talk about it!
  22. Start mining and grinding for the maze arena being held this Saturday, January 10th on Survival. Beginning at 7p CST (calculate your time zone here) on the dot, be ready to kill your friends in a winding arena battle! Everyone is welcome to attend! Don't want to join the blood bath? Your cheering is appreciated in the stands! The matches will be as follows (if unspecified, it will be a kitted match): 1v1v1v1 2v2 4vMinotaur (Gear supplied) 1v1v1v1 (Bring your own gear) 4vMinotaur (Gear supplied; more difficult Minotaur) 4v4 (if enough attendees) 1v1v1v1 (Bring your own gear) 1v1v1v1 2v2 1v1v1v1 (Police hats) FFA (no gear) A reminder of the rules: Kitted Match: Fight to the death where the gear is given. Last participant standing wins the prize! Minotaur Match: Team match of four participants against an admin in special gear. The goal is to use team work to defeat the Minotaur. Killing your teammates will result in you being removed from the match. If the team of participants kills the admin, all participating players will be given the prize. Bring Your Own Gear (BYOG) Match: Bring your own gear. Any gear is allowed. Fight to the death match with the last standing person in the arena being the winner. Police Hats: Kitted match including a police hat. Fight to the death. Must keep the police hat on the entire duration of the match or you will be disqualified. FFA: No gear or items, fight to the death. Last person standing wins. Interfering with any of the arena matches will result in a warning kick. If you persist in being ornery after being kicked you will be moved to time out. All other general server rules apply. Curious as to what the prizes are? They vary but include your standard diamonds, a mob egg of some sort (in some cases you get to choose!), ghast tears and more! Questions or comments? Reply here or shoot me a PM! Can't wait to see you all there!! :D
  23. Hello everyone, We need to have a donation drive sometime soon, so I figured I would start a thread about planning it. The goal of the drive will be to provide funding for the servers for another year, and according to Deaygo we would need $4500 to do that. Here are a few things that we need to discuss before moving forward. What type of event should we have? When should we have the drive? How can we get the word out about the drive? I would like to ask everyone to comment asap so we can get this thing moving.
  24. Hello everyone! We S Admins are continuing to work on the new revision plans. To further that goal I've come up with a form with many of the options we're considering. We've been passing the form around the admin team and some mods that have already seen the pertinent documentation about these features. Now we're opening it up for any staff to provide us some feedback on these proposed features. Many of the options on the form require some basic explanation. The original documentation we compiled from all the suggestions is a bit wordy and so I will provide a brief summary of some of the more non-intuitive options. The Server Cauldron-based Modded Server - Uses Forge mods to add custom items, biomes, realms, etc. This would greatly increase the freedom we would have in building a server with the options on this form such as adding custom NPCs, ores, furniture, and other cool stuff. The downside is that players would need to have the mods the server is running to log in. Using an existing modpack or rolling our own and making available are viable options here, and there are a few avenues of making that easy to use for the playerbase. The Map Persistent World - Provide a static and unified experience for players. Many areas of the map would be off limits for modification by players. Lots of pre-built structures and landscape. Revisions would be longer, and new content and areas would be added on. Dungeons - Not just spawners in a room. These would be custom made (probably by many members of staff) large areas that players would need to group up to clear for rewards. Raids - Dungeons on steroids, need more people, get more loot. Instancing - Areas (Dungeons) are private to a player or group of players. This prevents outside interference when clearing a dungeon or raid. Non-Vanilla Mob Spawning - Spawn mobs based on locations or other circumstances, not on light levels. Custom Generation Custom Nether - A Nether that is more custom built like the overworld and isn't just a place to quickly travel between portal locations. RPG-Design - The world would be custom made and designed into continents, island, zones, biomes, etc to fullfill a narrative purpose for the world. This option works way better with persistent worlds as we don't have to redesign a custom map every time. Ores only available in certain parts of the map - Possible only in mines/quarries, but also possible to have specific areas rich in certain ores. This depends heavily on other options. Ores regenerate - Mostly relevant to mines/quarries, but this option mostly prevents strip mining the entire map by allowing people to acquire new ores by re-mining the same areas on a timed basis. Designated Areas - We have some ideas that revolve around varying areas of PVP, which ones would you like to see? Gameplay Partying System - Allow people to group up and take on PVP and PVE objectives together. Custom Abilities - Instead of just swinging swords and shooting bows, players would have additional abilities that would allow them to do more damage or place effects on their opponents. NPC Clone At All Logoff For 15 Seconds - Policing combat logging is a problem, to resolve it, an NPC clone would spawn any time you logged off for 15 seconds (or more) regardless of combat status. PVE/PVP Specific Gear - Much like now, some enchants are better against players than mobs, this could be expanded to have armor and weapons of many types that are good against mobs but not players, and vice-versa. Disable Minecarts/Track For Players - This is mostly relevant for a persistent world setup as it would be difficult/impossible to build cross-world tracks. There would be exceptions for people building inside their own areas. Hearthstones - An item that attempts to return the player to a set location. Would have a "cast" time and cooldown period, and be interruptable by combat. Classes - We're considering adding classes to balance the mechanics of PVP and allow for more interesting gameplay in general. These would likely be stuff like knight, rogue, hunter, etc. Class-restricted Potions - Only certain classes can use some potions, ie: rogue uses invisibility as part of their abilities. Guilds - Clans by another name. Formed by 3 or more players to unite against their foes. Factions - Non-player run factions (think fighter's guild, thieve's guild, etc) that the players can join. Professions/Crafting Remove/Replace Vanilla Crafting - To facilitate a lot of the other options on the form, most vanilla crafting recipes would need to be removed. Some of the more simple crafts could be kept in some form (think torches) but most item/armor crafting would be replaced. Meta Materials - These would be crafting materials made up of combinations of other ores/items. ie: 3 diamonds and 2 iron produces Cut Diamonds. Economy Players Can Make/Purchase Locks/Lockpicks - Non-bank chests would need to be locked, people would be able to pick those locks. Players could purchase varying toughness of locks, thieving players could buy varying levels of picks. If we use NPC factions, possibility of unpickable locks/skeleton key rewards. PVP PVP Toggling - Players would be able to "flag" themselves for PVP or turn it off. Players not flagged for PVP could still be killed in any non-PVE area but there would be consequences. Karma - A punitive system for players who kill people who are not flagged for PVP. Players with karma would be able to be attacked at will, even in PVE zones. Attacking a player with karma would not flag anyone that is not flagged for PVP. If you have further questions feel free to ask them below and I will try to clarify as best I can. Please keep in mind that this form is not definitive for the future S revision plan, and any and all features are still on the table :] Here is the form! Please do not distribute this link to anyone not on staff at this time, thanks!
  25. I'm not sure if this is the right section for this, but I wanted to ask whether or not it would be possible for Survival to get a modreq web portal similar to what Creative and PvE has. I assume the reason Survival never got one was due to the fact survival never had very many modreqs over the summer (due to Civ Craft), and it never really made sense to have it before. I'm not sure whether or not adding this would create a problem due to the fact users could potentially use this as an opportunity to gain an advantage over other users, but I highly doubt having modreqs public would cause an issue, unless the requester was posting their coordinates or something in the /modreq (in which case this could potentially could be abused). Cheers.
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