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Suggestions for the next CTF

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No or less 1x1 holes into the void please. If I'm going to die in CTF I want it to be while fighting another team, or from normal Minecraft causes (mobs, heights, lava, ect.). It just felt kind of cheap to be walking along, fully prepared to sneak upon the enemy base, then slip to your death from a hard to see hole in the ground. I'm all for dangerous environments, but that was more annoying than challenging.

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Ressources like Reed wheat potatos and carrots should be provided at the homebase from the start.

That way the teams Start evenly, what they make out of it later on is there choice.



Worldholes are a no go. Like Kitcat said dying by the hand of an Enemy is fine, Dying because you jumped and a lagspike hit you, i can go without that.

But some more Lavalakes to cross would be a nice thing.


The Nether.

Defending a Base is fine, but why not think with portals? I think it could be a nice thing to have a Portal pop up in the Base and attackers storming out of it.

We just need to find a way to close them automaticaly, so there wont be 40 portals in one base.



We all know, whoever ist Koth can give his team a Buff, now what if the person could decide to give a Debuff like Slowness etc to another Team instead of giving his Team a Buff ?

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I agree with world holes needing to go and everyone getting equal resources to start. You don't have to specifically give them the resources, but make them available within 100-200 blocks of bases and clearly visible.


I liked having more than 2 teams, even though it got a tad unbalanced at the end. Too many people on one team and it just becomes impossible to organize anything. Plus, attacking one team meant exposing yourself to another, which was fun. Suggest some sort of autobalance feature to take into account less active teams.

Command posts:

I think it'd be pretty cool if teams could capture and hold secondary bases that have resources that are hard to acquire, or provide minor debuffs for their team unique to each base. Maybe pre built xp grinders to allow players to slowly grind for better equipment, which will be insanely useful early on. It would force teams to decide if they want to a resource at the cost of upkeeping it.

Allow for a little more leniency with griefing:

I'm not sure if this one is feasible and might make the admins' jobs harder, but I found it really annoying how I couldn't sabotage anything from the other team. It's just food for thought, I don't have any specific ideas on how to improve it. I do want to note that teams shouldn't be able to barricade their base entrances. Some teams had a serious issue with that last CTF.

Shrink the map


Maybe have some chokepoints in the map that funnel people into one area, like a mountain pass. The wool mountains were awesome, and I'd like to keep them, but they could also be annoying as there was no viable path through them without mining or making bridges.

Make enderpearls a valuable resource:

I loved how valuable enderpearls became during CTF. They were incredibly hard to get, but worth it as a few well placed enderpearls could get you in and out of a base fast. Maybe disable endermen spawning and give pearls out for events/buffs, or hide chests all over the map?

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I really like the idea of having treasure troves in the No-man's land, both buried and in the open (like the Hunger Games Cornucopia). Basically if some of these troves are resource based, and others are buffs, you get a more widespread KOTH experience trying to maintain control of available treasure troves.

I like the wool mountains, and hate the holes.

I'd like to second the idea that all but the Flag's immediate area should be unprotected.

As an alternative to using 2 teams so that outmatched teams don't unbalance the game, I propose that, beyond simple flag capture, holding a flag area continuously for an hour should "destroy" the base, awarding 50 captures to the destroyer's team. At that point the base becomes no-mans land, the flag area blows up, and the players on the "destroyed" team are randomly distributed to the two teams that didn't destroy them. Holding a flag area more than 15 minutes would automatically give the defending team buffs to bolster their defense.  


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I agree with world holes needing to go and everyone getting equal resources to start. You don't have to specifically give them the resources, but make them available within 100-200 blocks of bases and clearly visible.


I liked having more than 2 teams, even though it got a tad unbalanced at the end. Too many people on one team and it just becomes impossible to organize anything. Plus, attacking one team meant exposing yourself to another, which was fun. Suggest some sort of autobalance feature to take into account less active teams.

Command posts:

I think it'd be pretty cool if teams could capture and hold secondary bases that have resources that are hard to acquire, or provide minor debuffs for their team unique to each base. Maybe pre built xp grinders to allow players to slowly grind for better equipment, which will be insanely useful early on. It would force teams to decide if they want to a resource at the cost of upkeeping it.

Allow for a little more leniency with griefing:

I'm not sure if this one is feasible and might make the admins' jobs harder, but I found it really annoying how I couldn't sabotage anything from the other team. It's just food for thought, I don't have any specific ideas on how to improve it. I do want to note that teams shouldn't be able to barricade their base entrances. Some teams had a serious issue with that last CTF.

Shrink the map

1. Auto balancing teams would not be fair to the people that already worked hard on a certain team just to get moved over.

2. Command posts  sound really neat and something I would like to see

3. Anything outside of your base was able to be tore down by any other team which was fun because certain teams would take over the outside of other teams bases. I think griefing the other teams actual base would be terrible chaos.

4. Sure, though I thought the last map was a reasonable distance between each team.

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What about having a lava lake separating the sides and making it so you can either run all the way around the lake or take a path through the center with blocks spaced across that you can jump from block to block for a faster route.  Then protect the lake so bridges can't be built across.

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Lets play on this map.


But seriously.

I like the lava lake separating idea. Not so much the jumping across thing.  Maybe if there was one narrow path down the center, so if anyone dared take it they better not get hit off.

I also like the idea of treasure troves scattered about, but they should be hidden some and not just in the open.

As far as the auto-balance with more than 2 teams. Maybe if it worked not by disassembling another team but instead combining smaller teams somehow. 

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I don't like the idea of a protected lava lake. That may appeal to Parkour types, but it should definitely be optional. And by that I mean we should be able to mine under, adventure around, and build over & through it. Otherwise this is known as "minecrafting" to those familiar with the concept... :biggrin:


Treasure trove hunting in no-mans land (and even under your own base) sounds like a really great plan, and as much a mini-game as any of the others. Hence I suggest the awards should include team buffs. Treasure troves above ground should have challenging terrain (such as a floating island 100 blocks up in the air), making them equivalently difficult to access as the underground ones are to find. One should definitely be inside a protected maze (of DOOM!). Another should be on the island in the middle of the lava lake. And another should be inside a trapped temple (I have some familiarity with such temples...).

If we want a pathway between each camp, I vote we use the arch design from Dome6 to make it raised and resulting in some interesting combat involving pushing players off to their death! In fact, having such "highways" available at the beginning of the map, would lead to an interesting dynamic until they can be properly defended or destroyed.

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I think I may have finally thought of a way to more properly involve creative players in CTF. What do any of you think about allowing players to choose between "creative" and "PVP". "Creative in this case would be a limited version of creative mode with fast blockbreak and flying where such players can be killed, but not kill others directly. Such players would also be limited to their own team's area of the map (so they can't grief other teams easily). Optionally these players would only be able to use resources that have been mined for construction.  


I think this could result in some really interesting defenses and tactics. Given the "creative player class"'s limitations I think only a few people that C normally appeals to would choose it, but still be tactically relevant.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Former Staff

Being the captive? Not so awesome. =/


Throwing this idea out there: What if the captive gained items over time, such as levers, tnt, pickaxes, shovels.

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Allow for a little more leniency with griefing:

I'm not sure if this one is feasible and might make the admins' jobs harder, but I found it really annoying how I couldn't sabotage anything from the other team. It's just food for thought, I don't have any specific ideas on how to improve it. I do want to note that teams shouldn't be able to barricade their base entrances. Some teams had a serious issue with that last CTF.

Make enderpearls a valuable resource:

I loved how valuable enderpearls became during CTF. They were incredibly hard to get, but worth it as a few well placed enderpearls could get you in and out of a base fast. Maybe disable endermen spawning and give pearls out for events/buffs, or hide chests all over the map?


Those are the point i want to say something to


First of the griefing part.

What i would like to see is actually a harder way to deal with it.

Last time we had a user using his alt account to get into another team. Only to destroy theirs farms, kill their animals and plunder their chests. He got banned for that, his alt account for the whole event and his main account for round about 30 minutes. His team had no problems at all the other team was completly cut off from ressources.

That should not happen again, imho if a user uses an alt account to switch teams and then to grief the other team, both accounts should be banned for the rest of the event.

Either you play fair or you dont play at all.


Now to the enderpearls

I dont like them, not because you can teleport around with em but because you dont take damage with a diamond armor. Ive seen it too many times on S, players pearling from one side of the map to another, and they were still alive. Those things are too powerful. Either we should up the damage for them again or we shouldnt allow them in the event.







Things i would like to see again while the ctf event is running.


A Pvp arena for little tournaments.

Prizes could be valuable materials or a buff for the team of the winner.


A spleef arena, but not one of those softy arenas we've seen so far.

I want a fricking THUNDERDOME !! 2 Men enter, One man leaves. (lets see who gets that reference without google)

If the Players want to help their teams they should be willing to sacrifice everything. (or buzzie)

Again as prizes we could use valuable ressources or equipment.


Okay okay not everything i want has to be deadly, so how about a treasure hunt ?

The fist tip the team will get for free, after that its all up to them. Of course if someone wants it to be a little bit more dangerously, we could always let it take place in a Trapmageddon of a maze. But we dont need to. (But it would really be a shame without traps, all those crushing walls lavapits and suddently appearing tnt-charges. Oh well guess you cant have everything)



But now i gotta go, i hear the doctors comming



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Alright well you if the techs are reading all these suggestions they at probably getting grey hair... Some of these ideas I really do like such as the NO more holes in the world! Bloody hell that drove me insane, and then the giving players items to start with would be nice to cause last CTF my team had almost nothing. Another thing I would like to see is some kind of puzzle dungeon with mob fights and maybe even PvP. To put it into reality the dungeons would not be super hard as there are multiple plugins and world edit files for dungeons that are very light and very fun and could be a nice team building type thing if it you were to add teams to race/fight each other to get to the end of it for major prizes torwards CTF. Anyways I am excited for Saturday!

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