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Creative Ideas and Suggestions | Creative Changelog


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Allow us to use colored text on signs.


redwall and I were discussing this the other day and he was throwing around the idea of players being able to access EasySigns SignText only on signs you've placed. There was some blah blah tech admin talk about using lb (I think) logs to show you've placed it before being able to edit. That also gets around the grief factor, because a griefer would have to break and replace the sign someone else placed to edit it, so there'd be a lb log of the sign being broken.


EDIT: Wrong plugin, derp

Edited by twilexis
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Creative has sort of lost the idea of being a community based server and has become a bit more of a test your builds sort of server. The idea I have would be to use the multi world plugin on different servers we could have the suggestions that have been coming in from quite a while ago e.g. an old style world for instance no fly, no compass, no world edit, just the blocks, another world we could have mini games, now that'd require a lot of plugins but would draw more attention to creative and give it another use other than to build a sack on. We could also have the competition world like we have just now for the lobby. I think we should make use of the multi world thing a lot more than we are. Our numbers are very low and pretty much anything is worth a shot at this stage. I also believe that creative really does need some new mods. I'm sorry if some of these suggestions have already been made but I really think you guys should give them a shot.

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I would love to have a "test world" maybe using the /plotme command where anyone from s/c/p can come over to test mechanics. That would keep it out of the main c build area. I was guilty of doing this in the redstone playground last rev to test my redstone builds before building them in p. I hate having to log off and go into single player to test something, perhaps that would help? Maybe something like a 40x40 plot structure. It would keep the testing out of the normal c builds while allowing players to test/design things as a group or without having to go to singleplayer.

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now that'd require a lot of plugins but would draw more attention to creative and give it another use other than to build a sack on. We could also have the competition world like we have just now for the lobby. I think we should make use of the multi world thing a lot more than we are.


I think so too, we have ideas in store, we just need to fix things first before we can continue.


Silver: Yes, we looking into it.

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Personal opinion but I don't like the idea of creative being a test world for s and p. I know it attracts some players but it's kind of like the server we like a lot being used as a tool instead of a legitimate server. I know this might be irrational however it's just a personal opinion. 

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Personal opinion but I don't like the idea of creative being a test world for s and p. I know it attracts some players but it's kind of like the server we like a lot being used as a tool instead of a legitimate server. I know this might be irrational however it's just a personal opinion.

Most of the bigger cities have their own planning servers, so the traffic wouldn't be that bad.

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Most of the bigger cities have their own planning servers, so the traffic wouldn't be that bad.

It's not so much a concern about traffic more the fact that creative's purpose would be shifting towards people just using it to test their creations on and not towards an individual server in its own right with its own unique qualities for the game. I may be a bit irrational on this matter but it is most likely down to the fact that it was the first multiplayer server I ever went on, and it has remained the only multiplayer server I keep going on. In my mind it's sad to see the server I used to build cities on with friends and dig on as part of a community, change into a junk yard for tests with very little sense of community. I believe there are more important uses for creative, I don't think the old way is going to work for it anymore however there are many other roads we could take it down instead of this one. I would like to see it advance into a multi world server making use of the creative aspect for building contests, such as running competitions for the lobby like the one currently going on, or designing a map for a mini game which could be held on the server, or for large tournaments such as spleef or PvP, which was the whole reason we enabled PvP in the first place, or for just getting together with your friends on the server to build a city without the restrictions of regular game play. There are so many ways to improve creative and to attract new players to it, but we have to do something and making it a test world seems like putting the final nail into the coffin. Again, I do have a very bias opinion on this matter though and all arguments should be carefully considered.

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While I agree on what Skraps is stating, on how Creative is more about how the community comes together and builds their solo and group projects in unison. We all love to share our builds and create memories, not just a throwaway test ground. 


However, that being said, it's clear that the majority of the people want this planning server. Yes, we're talking about it, I apologize again, for how long it takes.


Also to the /signtext being avaliable for everyone, I discussed with a few techs and we can see a few problems happening and we would like to refrain from using this command for everyone. For now, please just /modreq for colored text and whatnot, we'll come around.


And to the list of commands roastnewt posted here:

  • //center
  • //brush
  • //gmask
  • //naturalize
  • //biomelist
  • //green
  • /ascend
  • /descend
  • /unstuck

The techs have tested them and are going to implement these following commands soon:


  • /biomeinfo
  • /biomelist
  • /brush sphere
  • /brush cylinder
  • /brush clipboard
  • /brush smooth
  • /brush gravity
  • //green
  • //unstuck
  • //ascend
  • //descend
  • //ceiling
  • //up
  • //center
  • //naturalize
  • //farwand

I will edit this comment later stating when they have been implemented/changed and will post on the subreddit.


EDIT: Aha! And it is now posted here: http://www.reddit.com/r/mcpublic/comments/32tzrv/new_commands/


EDIT 2: Four more commands have been added, because why not. (Thanks Dumbo)


  • /mask
  • /size
  • /range
  • /mat
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I just wanted to add my thoughts here.


I do not mind the PvE, S players using the creative server for planning things, the only time I have a problem with this is when prototype builds are scattered haphazardly over the map. I think most players currently planning on C have done a good job of keeping planning in their regions. Having a multiverse world for PvE, S planning is a good idea, and I think we should continue moving forward with getting it up and running.


It is not feasible to prevent players from using C for PvE, S planning - we have to find a way to properly accomodate them.


It sounds like many PvE players use their own planning servers. If we brought in a multiverse world for planning; would these players come and use it?

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could pve not have a multiverse test world? just seems like a better idea it gives them the ability to test their builds and keep chatting to their friends on pve. Why creative? we could also stick a tester world on survival while we are at it.


Because we're a community only split by the natural dividers of what we want to do. Testing out anything - redstone, city plans, scale plans, homes - how do you neatly separate what is for each of the worlds you want? I don't want to see heavily themed worlds like where I see this going.

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Because we're a community only split by the natural dividers of what we want to do. Testing out anything - redstone, city plans, scale plans, homes - how do you neatly separate what is for each of the worlds you want? I don't want to see heavily themed worlds like where I see this going.

That's exactly what you want to do on creative though? I have no problem with people testing on creative just the idea of making worlds designed just for tests for the other servers is using creative as a tool, if you want that sort of a tool would it not be easier to put it on the server you are testing for?

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Guest Former Staff

That's exactly what you want to do on creative though? I have no problem with people testing on creative just the idea of making worlds designed just for tests for the other servers is using creative as a tool, if you want that sort of a tool would it not be easier to put it on the server you are testing for?


From what I understand of your proposition SkrapssparkS, you would prefer creative test worlds to be for "e.g. an old style world for instance no fly, no compass, no world edit, just the blocks, another world we could have mini games" and there could be pve test worlds, linked up with the pve server where people could plan builds in a flatland style map for example.


If this is the case, let me know. I want to try to understand your idea better before commenting. :-)

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That's exactly what you want to do on creative though? I have no problem with people testing on creative just the idea of making worlds designed just for tests for the other servers is using creative as a tool, if you want that sort of a tool would it not be easier to put it on the server you are testing for?


P and S players want to test their things out in a creative world - that's why Creative was suggested as the server to put this testing world on. Trying to set this up on P or S would be a mess. In addition to dealing with problems that would inevitably arise from permissions, you'd also need to deal with getting players between worlds and creating separate creative-mode inventories for players. It'd certainly be possible with enough work, but it seems a much more natural solution to create another world on C, which already has exactly the setup players would need to test out their builds, without any of the snags one would run into putting such a world on P.


In my opinion, creating a testing world on C would make Creative a 'tool' no more than than the lobby contest world makes it a tool for building lobbies, or BigTown makes it a tool for making statues, or /warp Redstone makes it a tool for trying out redstone ideas. Creative is already used for testing survival-mode builds, and like you said, there's no problem with with players using C for that purpose. Taking a further step to accommodate those players -- I don't think that's something we should be shying away from. 


Additionally, the proposed world wouldn't just be for P or S testing. If I'm understanding it correctly, anyone could use it for any purpose, whether it's to make sure something works before building it on P, for the use of WorldEdit to prototype a build for one's single player world, to try out a new design for one's creative build, or to just have fun derping around without having to worry about cleaning it up afterward. A testing world would basically be a place to put anything that doesn't have a home in the main world.


Not everyone is going to be happy building whatever they need to build in the overworld, so just like we have BigTown and PixelArt, I think the creation of another area for miscellaneous builds will be welcomed by most players.

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Could we possibly even get a separate world for pixel art?


This way there's more room for more pixelart builds (including room for expansions), and we don't have to worry about it being crowded so much the way it is


Also make a proper way to organise and showcase pixel art. Instead of leaving it like a clusterfuck of pictures.

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What I'm saying is there is no problem what so ever with players designing builds for p or s on creative, the idea i'm not keen on is taking a chunk of creative away from what creative was for (a separate server altogether from p and s) and giving it away to the other 2 servers, players can section off their own chunk of land that's fine they can do what they like with it however designing a place on creative that is just for p and s is not good it's changing what creative was meant for. If the need for a test world is SO great we could try and implement a multi world plugin for p and s. Another note, the difference between a world designed for builds like a grinder or a house on creative and a world designed to chose the next lobby is the lobby world is a contest, it's a creative event, it's a big difference between some build somewhere on p or on s and the world each server ends up going to whenever there is a restart, it's basically a spawn except all the servers use it so it's in a way a bigger thing than a spawn. I don't think you can compare the two. Creative should not change what it is just to make life easier on the other two servers, there are better ideas for it. We could have a world with retro creative on, we could also have the pixel art world, we could even have a sodding flat plot world if that's what people want, but a world designed to not further creative in anyway but to further the other servers belongs on those servers. You wouldn't have a Derp U server on P would you? telling you great ways to build a certain building on creative? No because it doesn't belong there, so why should we have a world on p designed to help you build on p? I'm saying it seems pointless in terms of furthering creative, when you think of ideas for a server it should in my opinion have that server in mind and not other servers. As I've said before my view is bias as I like creative a lot more than I like p or s, so in terms of ideas for creative, I'd like them to help CREATIVE not pve or survival.

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Rather than saying what we don't want in the main world, would it help to work out what is wanted in the main world?

I agree, for the main world on creative, I think what we have going is good, what would be interesting would be to have the separate multi verse worlds all focused on different aspects of creative, thus accommodating for all creative players, those that like flat world with plots, to those that like old style no world edit, no fly worlds.

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