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Feedback on Progress Update


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Should you have any concerns, suggestions or thoughts on the update for our Counter Strike: Global Offensive server then please post here. I'll keep Redwall_hp updated on your replies given his involvement in the server.

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Guest Former Staff
  On 7/3/2015 at 3:18 PM, Ridiculous said:

Why CS:GO?


From my understanding, this has been a popular game from some past community events and the poll that Deaygo established showed interest for it as one of the more voted for games. Why exactly this game has been chosen first over others who have received similar demand, I don't know but I can foresee that we would not stop at just adding Counter Strike: Global Offensive to the server list.

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Seems odd that focus would be given to cs:go when, based on the data you linked, only 39 (55 total for all CS games) people responded favorable to it, compared with 59 for tf2, 93 for garrys mod.


As well, between those three, counter strike received a slightly greater amount of "no" votes. 29 "don't want it" on counter strike, 26 "no" on garry's mod, and 21 "no" on tf2.


The "no opinion" counts were comparable on all three, slightly lower on tf2.

Edited by Mumberthrax
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Guest Former Staff
  On 7/4/2015 at 12:48 AM, Mumberthrax said:

Seems odd that focus would be given to cs:go when, based on the data you linked, only 39 (55 total for all CS games) people responded favorable to it, compared with 59 for tf2, 93 for garrys mod.


As well, between those three, counter strike received a slightly greater amount of "no" votes. 29 "don't want it" on counter strike, 26 "no" on garry's mod, and 21 "no" on tf2.


The "no opinion" counts were comparable on all three, slightly lower on tf2.


I tried digging through some of the previous admin meeting notes but I can't find the moment upon which Counter Strike: Global Offensive was decided as the first (other) game to expand upon. I'll try to bug some of the admins who were present during those meetings and see if I can try to establish the when / why which we still don't have a complete picture for, in terms of answering Ridiculous' question.

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I have a crazy conspiracy theory. There is a person who has subtle influence over members of the admin team, who plots and nudges people in the direction of his/her preference. This person likes playing cs:go more than garry's mod or tf2. Like, a few hundred hours-worth more.


This person may or may not have influenced other *unusual* decisions in the past from members of the admin team.


Like I said, crazy. Probably not worth paying attention to.

Edited by Mumberthrax
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  On 7/4/2015 at 1:15 AM, Mumberthrax said:

I have a crazy conspiracy theory. There is a person who has subtle influence over members of the admin team, who plots and nudges people in the direction of his/her preference. This person likes playing cs:go more than garry's mod or tf2. Like, a few hundred hours-worth more.


This person may or may not have influenced other *unusual* decisions in the past from members of the admin team.


Like I said, crazy. Probably not worth paying attention to.



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We plan to expand into quite a few different games if this trial run with CS:GO goes well. 


It's very simple, we needed to pick a game to start with and we, the heads, decided to go with CS:GO since it was popular in the poll Deaygo setup and it's one of the most popular games on steam right now.

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  On 7/4/2015 at 7:26 AM, SwitchViewz said:

To add to what Mrloud said, we talked about it in one of the Spring Admin Meetings and the general consensus was to expand to CSGO. Once CSGO is up and running and depending on hardware needs we will look into TF2/GMod. No crazy conspiracies going on.  :tongue:


Wait but didn't MrLoud say that the heads were the ones who chose the route to go, not the other admins? I'm really not trying to be involved with the drama, I'm seriously curious how it was decided. Yes it's true CS:GO is probably one of the most popular games on steam and that's great, but I thought we would be expanding into something that our community would enjoy first and foremost. 


Looking at the stats it's clear CS:GO has a large advantage in players sure, but if there are more within our community who would want something else, then why would we focus on outside players over our own? In my opinion it would have been smarter to start off with TF2, as the player base is still high, it had the least amount of no votes while still holding a majority of yes (more than CS:GO), and to top it off it's free to play. Free to play means anyone in our community could join in and try it, while players who are questionable on CS:GO wouldn't want to pay the $15 for it. 


So I guess I'm just asking for more of a reason that CS:GO was chosen over different games other than "most players" and "popular in the poll" (which isn't really all that true btw, unless having the 4th most yes's out of 8 games is considered popular).

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Guest Former Staff
  On 7/4/2015 at 12:55 AM, Barlimore said:

I'll try to bug some of the admins who were present during those meetings and see if I can try to establish the when / why which we still don't have a complete picture for, in terms of answering Ridiculous' question.



  On 7/4/2015 at 3:18 PM, dizney07 said:

Wait but didn't MrLoud say that the heads were the ones who chose the route to go, not the other admins? I'm really not trying to be involved with the drama, I'm seriously curious how it was decided.


I've spent a bit of time digging for clarification on this decision. There was an admin meeting on April 22nd where the head admins discussed the possibility of a Counter Strike server going up where the main topics were financial and technical strain of such a game added to our servers.


Then upon April 28th, Jchance was considering hosting a server for Counter Strike: Global Offensive, to get the ball rolling quicker. This is when the head admins agreed to move forward with this game first (based on IRC chat logs between the head admins).


Just as both Mrloud & SwitchViewz have mentioned, Counter Strike will not be the last game we expand our hosting into and once we're in a position to move forward with the next game, I'd like to bring the choice to the community this time around, although, based on previous poll results I think we have a good idea where to go after Counter Strike: Global Offensive is established.

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I don't play counter strike, but it does seem to lack some advantages of games which beat it in the public poll. TF2 for instance is more accessible and varied with a huge global fanbase (also a glaring shortage of decent public servers). Indie games like Insurgency should also be strong contenders because they encourage small community based servers, like early minecraft did for nerd. On one hand this is good news, if long overdue, and if admins pursuing personal preference is the price we have to pay for them being active and engaged then fine. If it works then we'll move on to other games in the very near future right? The problem is that this is in no way certain and it's also unclear why the community's time and money should go towards a server that only a small clique is interested in, will it be funded from the same donation pool as the rest of nerd and will the population be large enough to justify the cost? After cash the most important thing for the survival of a public donation funded server network is consensus, Barlimore and SwitchViewz are working to build some of it in this thread (and elsewhere gg guys), but past drama and dodgy moderation have already eroded it, along with the active playerbase, the result is that fewer and smaller groups of people play together, mumble is empty or silent and we can't sustain a PVP server (despite the popularity of that format). I hope this works out, but increasingly it feels the institution of nerd.nu is going the same way as survival.

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Guest Former Staff
  On 7/5/2015 at 12:26 AM, Ridiculous said:

 If it works then we'll move on to other games in the very near future right?


will it be funded from the same donation pool as the rest of nerd and will the population be large enough to justify the cost?


I've tried to make the message clear in that there will be further games expansion, just wanted to say yes again here.


Counter Strike is running from our existing hardware which is also being used for all our other services. I'd be interested to know realistically how many other games we could comfortable run without needing to buy any other hardware but the impression that I have so far is that we're good with our existing hardware for the meantime with current plans.


I hope it all works out too Ridiculous, as much as there has been past / present and possibly future drama, we're all here to have fun together.

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