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About Mumberthrax

  • Birthday January 28

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    United States of America
  • Interests
    Liberty, Justice, Minecraft

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  1. Hi. I'd like to appeal my ban. I was on the nerd.nu discord server in the politics channel often. I became frustrated at the way i was treated by users there in ways i perceived to be in violation of the rules. I became frustrated by the treatment i received from cheezychicken in response to my complaints. I became frustrated with some of the other staff who accused me of being the source of the conflict rather than those who were mistreating me. This happened in parallel with other events where the head admins engaged in what i perceived at the time to be misconduct on the PvE server. Fazaden in particular would engage with me on the politics channel and appeared to have the same inclination as I did at the time to get hot-headed on matters that are important to him. There's much more that went on to all of this, a lot of issues that really bothered me, but which don't really need to be brought up here. Suffice to say though, at the time I felt attacked on all sides by several users and by the staff who i believed had a responsibility to maintain order and justice, and that led to a lot of resentment and frustration. The fact that this intersected with the emotions of real-world political issues sent me to what I'd classify as peak amygdala hyperstimulation. I lost my patience and began treating the channel with flippancy commensurate with the level of care i perceived others to be putting forth. I cracked what seemed to me clever jokes in response to insults and attacks. In retrospect, there was no way that any of that would be productive. The people there were never going to accept any kind of argument against them, and losing my temper in response to trolling and trolling them back was never going to produce ideal results. In particular, lashing out at the admins who were themselves ideologically driven (as I was) and who mostly just would have preferred for the whole thing to go away was an error on my part. At one point I stated truthfully my belief in criminal prosecution leading to the death penalty for people who perform abortions. I still do not believe this violated nerd.nu's rules. I also made a statement which I fully intended as a joke, which I thought was obviously ridiculous enough to be understood as satirical - and which at the time I also thought cleverly referenced several topics that had arisen over the course of the conversation in a funny way, but because the admins saw me as the central figure in all of their problems, this satirical comment could be plausibly argued to have been made with serious intent. The context didn't matter, and stripping away that context was a strategy used to argue for the denial of my previous appeal. I understand why that was done. To make it extremely clear: my argument at the time was that "KILLING IS BAD". From my perspective, abortion is killing. ergo, i don't want people killed. At the same time, I was REPEATEDLY in support of the rule of law and criminal justice. These are very very basic concepts for functioning civilization that nobody should have issue with. To the best of my recollection, it was Fazaden who pressed me to describe what I would want done to people who perform abortions under a hypothetical scenario where the rule of law has dissolved and anarchy and chaos have taken over my country. So I said, iirc, that in that scenario such people should be executed - in much the same way that murderers are given the death penalty. (FWIW, my stance on the death penalty today is more reserved than even then. I tend to believe in repentance and forgiveness.) My "joke" was suggesting in that scenario a 'genocide' of people who support and perform abortions. Obviously it is not a genocide, because people of various races and ethnic backgrounds share in that activity. Obviously extrajudicial killing people who merely give support to murderers is a violation of the concept of law and order, the rule of law, and a violation of the belief that "KILLING IS BAD". I hope this is making some sense. I'm not sure how better to explicate this. My intention right now is not to argue against abortion or turn this appeal into a political debate, to argue the nuances of law and 'what is a human' or any of that stuff, because that's not what this is about. I share what I have shared because it is what happened, and I was instructed at nerd.nu/appeal to do so. My stance is that the head admins and deaygo made considerable mistakes in their handling my previous appeals - but they are understandable mistakes. I don't care that they did, it doesn't bother me anymore. Nobody cares. I have no interest in going on the politics channel at all. I have no interest in talking about political issues with people who already have their opinions cooked. Getting into heated arguments about politics is fruitless at best, and disruptive and harmful at worst. I simply wish to have the ban reversed at this time. Also, for what it is worth, I'm much calmer these days. I am sorry I caused trouble for you admins, for not conducting myself at a higher standard even when I felt mistreated. Previous appeal posts: https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/5780-mumberthrax-defiex https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/5823-mumberthrax-defiex-please-re-open-my-previous-appeal-so-that-i-may-respond https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/7167-mumberthrax-defiex/
  2. Hi Defiex. Thank you for responding. Would you be willing to specify exactly what rule you believe I violated, and what I specifically said or did which violated that rule? And are you willing to address the obvious lie that I threatened members of the community - or really any of the items I pointed out in my first appeal in response to your comment there?
  3. Just a 24 hour bump after my 48 hour one above. https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/2865-ban-appeal-policy/?do=findComment&comment=21999 According to Nerd.nu's ban appeal policy, after the 48 hour bump any staff member may attempt to contact Defiex, or presumably in this case any of the other remaining head admins if they are active, about the appeal. I'm not certain if this has happened, but would appreciate hearing if it does. It does appear at least that Pez is still actively moderating on the servers - good to know:
  4. 2 years, 5 months ago on Sept. 11, 2020, 1:24 p.m. I was banned by Defiex from the nerd.nu minecraft servers, as well as being banned from the nerd.nu discord by another head admin. I immediately appealed this ban as improper, the appeal was closed and locked by an admin. I requested the appeal be re-opened, and was denied. This was my first time being banned at nerd. I maintain that I did not violate any of the community rules at nerd.nu/rules. I maintain that the ban I was issued, "Advocating violence against members of the community." is libelous and unsubstantiated by the facts. However, I do think a temporary ban was warranted, even if the rules did not directly cover the situation, and generally was a good thing for me overall. I think the admins didn't know what to do, but they knew they didn't like the situation and I was at the center of it, so removing me made sense. I am sympathetic to this. Two and a half years has been plenty of time for me to cool down. Thank you. I'd like the ban to be reversed, and for my name to be cleared of the libel. I don't intend to cause any more trouble and have no real intention of hanging around in the politics channel of the discord server - I have far too many other discord servers to keep up with as it is. I would however enjoy being able to check out my friends' builds on the minecraft servers. Therefore I am appealing this ban once more. Relevant links: https://mcbouncer.com/userban/14365686 https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/5780-mumberthrax-defiex https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/5823-mumberthrax-defiex-please-re-open-my-previous-appeal-so-that-i-may-respond I have read nerd.nu/rules and they do not seem to have changed substantially if at all since I was last a server admin here. I have also re-familiarized myself with the following policy documents: https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/2865-ban-appeal-policy/ https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/2908-community-interaction-policy/ https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/4576-policy-update-ban-durations/ https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/1199-expectations-for-staff/ https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/437-ac-pmc-community-and-what-that-means/#comment-3113 https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/7166-outside-conduct-policy/ As well as these admin discussions of which I was a part - the public did not have access to these and had no input so every comment (or lack of dissent) comes from a nerd admin at the time: https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/2574-ac-mass-ban-amnesty/ https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/2836-ac-propsal-for-overhaul-of-ban-systempolicy/ If I were to make an addition to nerd.nu/rules which would cover the situation I was involved in, it would be something like: "Chill the fuck out. If you are getting too agitated by stuff, calm down and walk away. Keep it up and you get a timeout/temp-ban. A little grace goes a long way." I'm sure the grammar could be improved. - Mumberthrax Edit: man, I'm reading through the copypaste that Pez posted of some of the chat logs and you guys were really piling on me hard, especially Fazaden with rapidly changing the subject before the last one got finished. I know tensions were high and all, but jeeze. It's almost like I was some kind of dancing monkey you were entertained by, and I was stupidly obliging by trying to answer every question. Kind of glad I didn't read it before writing the above or I'd probably be all frazzled and irritated. xD tbh I felt a lot more agitated than I think I appear to be from the logs, so maybe my rule proposal wouldn't work after all.
  5. Please re-open my previous appeal so that I may respond. https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/5780-mumberthrax-defiex/ My previous appeal post was closed before the banning staff member (Head Admin Defiex) explained her actions. Head Admin Pez posted in the thread despite this section of the Ban Appeal Policy: https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/2865-ban-appeal-policy/ I did not respond to Pez at the time because it was not Defiex, the banning admin, and Pez did not assert that he was speaking for her or that he was taking over the ban. If Pez is now responsible for the ban, then I would like to reply to his statement in my appeal, rather than create a separate new thread and disrupt the continuity of the appeal process.
  6. No, I was not. Yes, and disdain is not a violation of nerd.nu/rules. This also is not true, and it isn't a violation of nerd.nu/rules. This is irrelevant, and out of context. Repeating the same false statement to make the list of supposed justifications appear weightier only works on people who can't think. If you have to redefine what a joke is before the evidence is even presented, then you do not believe in the strength of your primary claim. This defeats the entire purpose of the appeal section of the forums to deny an appeal before it is even able to be made - telling me that I cannot make an appeal before I even knew what it is that I had done to warrant the ban, much less providing evidence of such. This appeals process was meant to keep the staff accountable to the player base, but each line of your response appears intended to obfuscate and evade that very purpose. Two lies three things which are irrelevant one item intentionally taken out of context to create a false impression of the conversation a prophylactic redefinition of humor an explicit rejection of the process meant to held staff accountable and nothing concrete for me to even address such as a specific quote, or a copy of the logs. It doesn't look good. In fact it looks desperate. To be clear, I'm saying as someone who has been an admin on these servers, and as someone who has been targeted by admins abusing their powers multiple times in the past, that this head admin team are not doing their jobs properly and the community should take note. Why the desperation?
  7. I noticed the other day that I no longer had access to the nerd.nu Discord server. I checked MCBouncer, and saw no ban for my account. Didn't have time to do anything yesterday, but today I double-checked MCBouncer and saw a minecraft ban was issued from Head Admin Defiex a day later. https://archive.vn/3OPRo I can recall only twice where I advocated violence, both in the #politics channel for nerd.nu's discord server over the past few days. Once was against pedophiles under the hypothetical scenario which Head Admin Fazaden invited my opinion on where all credible government, law enforcement, and judicial systems have broken down - and another was where I stated that I believe abortion (the killing of children inside of a pregnant woman's uterus) is genocide and thus people who perform abortions should be subject to the death penalty. If it were the case that someone at nerd is a pedophile or an abortionist, then I could understand how this advocacy would apply to "members of the community". To my recollection none of the people I was engaged with at the time have explicitly admitted in public to being either. Both assertions on my part are comparable - in the case where there is a judicial system and system of government which are deemed credible by the people governed, I support the death penalty as a law for pedophiles and for people who kill unborn children - in much the same way that I support and will openly advocate for the death penalty for people convicted for mass murders, rape, etc.
  8. I'm going to reiterate this in the clearest, most unambiguous language I can presently muster - thanks to Flumper for helping me to realize there are more people without a sense of humor than i actually realized: By making this expression into a forbidden word, every time anyone thinks about it being banned, they will more strongly form the association in their minds eye the notion that autistic people cannot control their tempers and are subjects of mockery and embarrassment. YOU are responsible for the reinforcement of this image if you set this phrase apart. To those without a legitimate sense of humor who actually took offense to my jibes in my original comment: understand that the topic is serious, and I forgive you for not getting the humor I attempted to employ. To Flumper, stop being a dick to funny people and autistic people.
  9. Flumper, I'm going to temporarily disregard the offense I feel at your patronizing tone and attempts at mind-reading and apparent lack of a sense of humor. I skirted around the meat of the trick going on here in order to avoid creating imagery that might be triggering, but its apparent that I need to go straight to it: By saying this word means this offensive thing, you are directly harming autistic people. Let me say that again: by making this expression into something people associate with guilt or shame on a *demographic-wide level*, you are yourself suggesting that autistic people have a predisposition to antisocial behavior and should feel personally offended and shamed by this word. You appear to be entirely missing the purpose of the healing aspect of humor as an evolutionary process for mediating the offense out of the expression. The world we all would prefer to live in is one where these words have no power to harm, where misconduct is treated the same no matter who you are, and poison is neutralized entirely by a laugh. If a child is lashing out due to pain they've been subjected to, there is no need to take that and double the pain for all by unwittingly meddling with the cultural mechanisms that are desperately seeking to bring psychological balance. If you took personal offense at the suggestion that being unable to understand humor, and then meddling with things you don't understand, makes you a nincompoop, then I apologize for your lack of ability to detect the humor and utter void of tangible malice in that very statement. I took offense at what YOU said about ME, but I can dispel that by pointing out that you're making yourself into a joke by being a soccermod. There is still hope for you - if you read these words and meditate on them, I am sure you will grow to realize that your own soft bigotry can be set aside for the betterment of society, in particular for the demographic you claim to want to protect.
  10. First posted here: https://www.reddit.com/r/mcpublic/comments/aij9pz/pve_suggestion_box_responses_for_rev_23_1/ef5spbi/?context=3 https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=REEE "Reee" is an internet meme. It has its ancient origins in an attempt to insult people who cannot control their temper who happen to be autistic - it has long since evolved past that, stripped out the old offensive elements, to refer merely to people who cannot control their temper/emotions, and in particular is a sort of self-parody used by the speaker to mock himself or herself after or during a moment of mild distress. An example usage would be "Normies get out! REEE!" when someone who is heavily addicted to memes encounters someone who doesn't live in their mom's basement. It is the memester being self-deprecating, making fun of himself/herself for being part of an insular culture that is rife with absurdity that benefits society and humanity at large in a questionably miniscule degree - if at all. Another example might be, "Darn phantoms got me again. Reee!" It is not serious, it is a mild annoyance since dying by phantoms is a common annoyance, but hardly a serious setback for most players. It mocks the player affected by the phantom's being annoying zergers. In both of these examples, which are almost archetypal in their form for the use of the meme/exclamation, there is no malice involved, no offense intended, no connection in the least to autism or any other demographic (except normal, well-adjusted normies - which are in fact not the target of the parody in its use in that case). The target of the parody, the only negative aspect of the meme/exclamation, is the person expressing it. There is precisely ONE exception to the above, and that is a variant in which a person attempts to use the exclamation in order to mock someone else - this is antiquated and generally itself indicates the user of the meme has a low meme-IQ, so ultimately is still a form of self-parody, but without the user being cognizant. This can lead to some confusion, but ultimately is harmless. This is the one case where I personally do not mind the USER being moderated for their USE of language to attempt to harass/insult. HOWEVER: there is an exception to this exception, and that is when it is used in a playful, teasing manner, where it is a parody of this exception - say your friend is killed by a phantom and whines a little bit, and you tell him/her "reee, time to sleep". This is a less common, but entirely trivial use of the meme - comparable to "waahh, time to sleep". It might be considered rude, but it really depends on the relationship and the mood of the people involved in the interaction. This is my assessment of the phrase. I could be totally wrong, but I don't think I'm off by much if any. Anyone who thinks "reee" is offensive is a soccer mom busybody virtue signalling normie, the cancer that is killing our civilization - comparable to article 13 which bans memes in the EU. If you only think its offensive because someone else told you it is, then you still have a chance at redemption into the realm of well-adjusted non-soccer-mom normies - just read what I've written above and consider that sometimes your associates are mistaken. So, having read the above, if the phrase is unbanned then the entire gaming community of nerd.nu (at least those with the ability to read, and with a sense of humor {which connotes intelligence}) will know and recognize that the staff of nerd.nu is run by competent, reasonable, clever and funny admins, techadmins, and moderators, who are incredibly attractive and deserving of respect and all the best in life. However, if after reading the above, every admin, techadmin, moderator (yes that means you!) does NOT unban the meme/exclamation "reee", then you will all be perceived by the entirety of the sensible nerd.nu gaming community as humorless, willfully-ignorant, and dare I say, nincompoops - normies of the lowest form, a pox on fun and perhaps worst of all... turning a harmless and societally stabilizing source of humor BACK into it's earliest proto-forms before it had offensiveness stripped out of it. That choice is yours, moderators, administrators, techadmins. IF you want to be seen as nincompoop willfully ignorant creators of pain and misery for not only memesters but people on the autism spectrum as well, fun-suckers without the intelligence to understand humor (or even pretend to get it), that's your decision. But if you want to be seen as great, as attractive and with-it, as intelligent and literate, competent and reasonable , and most of all, sensitive to the psychological harm your actions can cause to people susceptible to the toxic form of this word when separated from its humor-mediated evolution into its present form, then the phrase itself will be unbanned, and normal rules against harassment will suffice for moderating people who misuse ANY words in our language (or memeluage) to intentionally harm another. It's simpler, it requires less work, easier rules, less bureaucracy, less drama, and less annoyance, and will boost your credibility. Why create work for yourself when there's no benefit, when the only benefit is entirely imaginary due to unintentional ignorance? Wiser to make your job easier, and eliminate unnecessary tension like with a wave of a magic wand in your hand.
  11. the sign atop one of the towers with a gold and blue sphere states something like "globalism isn't bad". another sign near the throne room refers to hussars, which may or may not relate to recent political memes about polish winged hussars defending against muslim invasion. The latter may be benign, the former is distinctly political.
  12. I hope that the political sign(s) and testicle will be removed from texb's build before it goes live. neither are really appropriate.
  13. had another thought re: 6. rules/signs/newbie-intro. a while back dumbo made this suggestion about using books: and i made the /book commands as a technical implementation of most of it. This could be one option for making a simple, to-the-point guide for new players which could be added to inventory on firstjoin the same way the rules book is. all that would be required is like one line of code copied and edited (or the books.msa file edited to allow an admin to mark certain books as firstjoin books, but that's slightly more initial work) This is a system that already exists in the server cconfigs that would seem to fit the need well enough, without the effort of designing a tutorial area (though obviously there are some benefits to having a visual tutorial over a written one).
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