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Everything posted by unce

  1. Both armored and unarmored kills. This makes holding money more risky and promotes putting on armor to protect it. It'll be like carrying diamonds around before endchests were added to the game.
  2. Every working economy has a way to directly transfer funds between two parties. New players will expect to be able to do this. Here is my suggestion for adding /pay. From what I've gathered pay is disabled to prevent money from being stored on alts. My solution is to give everyone a way to store money in a bank. Bank areas can be set up at spawn and by portals to prevent bank camping. Only money on your person can be used with /pay and you must be within 5 blocks of the other person to successfully /pay them. All money is now dropped on death, making carrying money a risk. Let me know what you guys think.
  3. Do you really need to be so dramatic about a feature implemented to help the community improve? I looked through the posts there and only one of them seems to take a bit of a rough tone. I say leave it up and see how it turns out. It's only been up for a few hours, I'm sure once more people start to use we'll get more constructive posts.
  4. AFAIK you must have a complete build to get a protection on PvE. The difference between your situation and boods is that you don't have a complete build yet. He had the build finished and needed the area protected for it to function well. I've been told that transforming land and setting up a border isn't enough to count as a "build." Once you finish the iron grinder you'll be able to get it protected.
  5. How were the 7 choices selected? My submission had the second highest positive vote count. pls 2 add this to vote list
  6. I agree nerd.nu/rules should be updated, but for a different reason. New players don't want to read a 2700 word rule page AND a 1500 word Community Interaction Policy before playing on a block stacking server. It is silly to expect them to do so. The admins need to make a better rule list that fits on one easy to read page and that is less intimidating to new players.
  7. I don't think changing a name to be similar to another player should be seen as impersonation of staff. Most name changes are made to joke around with the name of the account not to impersonate staff. I think that as long as the player isn't using the name to trick people into thinking that they are a moderator OR they are using the account as a tool for serious harassment, the name should be allowed. Most players don't know the names of all the staff anyway. If they need to contact a moderator, /list or /modlist will provide the full account name of all staff online. There were several active troll accounts made in the past with similar names to others, why is it a problem now? It looks like yall are just looking for something else to get worked up about.
  8. I thought you quit after you told us all to die in a fire? Please don't bring your drama stuff into my thread. It is going to take lots of work getting S back up and running smoothly. I'd like to see comments focused mostly on working to improve survival. Thanks
  9. Okay guys stop removing my shit. It is shit that S players have been lead on for the last 3 months with the idea that something new was in the works. Quitting after 3 months of work with nothing to show for it is ridiculous. Do the smart thing and promote players that actually play on the server and get involved in the community to run it. Look back at every successful S revision, the admins were actively involved in the community. Lets use this as a learning experience and fix the survival server.
  10. unce

    Update on PvE Rev?

    A known timetable would be great for all 3 servers. It sucks not knowing how long we're stuck on dead revisions.
  11. I like my antenna, it sorta shows where we started without directly associating us with reddit. I don't think avada submitted anything, that was a quote from my post.
  12. Come on guys, this rev has been up all year. Does anyone have an update on plans for rev 28?
  13. unce


    It looks like the first phase time bugged up. If everyone checks this box when submitting orders the next phase will begin.
  14. unce


    The game started :D
  15. unce


    Need 1 more player!
  16. unce


    I have rust :D
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