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Everything posted by roastnewt

  1. I completely agree with the above. I've also noticed that forum threads are more likely to be "hashed out" over multiple posts, with people bringing up upsides, downsides, implementation issues, etc. A uservoice suggestion just sits there for months until an admin responds.
  2. By that same argument, all kicks are useless because you don't have to spell out your wrongdoing.
  3. I think people here are looking at tempbans the wrong way. Don't think of them as "banned people getting off easy," think of them as an "extended kick." It would be another tool for moderators, for minor offenses like spamming chat, using inappropriate language, not replanting crops, spawn-killing, very minor grief, etc. Give this person an "extended kick" as a warning, to correct the behavior. The idea being that if you can correct the behavior without rising to the level of a ban, it's better for everyone.
  4. http://redditpublic.com/carto/pve
  5. Suggestion: Allow us to use colored text on signs.
  6. There needs to be an option for "I know what nerd ropes are but they're fucking gross"
  7. Suggestion: Another UHC event, the first one was a lot of fun. Here's the announcement post from back in July: http://www.reddit.com/r/mcpublic/comments/2av449/ultra_hardcore_uhc_1/
  8. Thank you! Now when I spam C's chat again, everyone will be surprised! is joke pls no ban
  9. What sort of events will you be running? Are you coordinating events/arenas/etc on the P/S/C servers too, or will you be sticking to the Event server? Are you also coordinating donation drives?
  10. Hello friends, I was not aware until recently that we could appeal notes. I have a note from 2012 by Veronicron, which says "spammed c chat." Since this was almost 3 years ago, I don't remember the situation, but I have not broken any rules since then and would like to request that the note be removed. Thank you, FatherSouth
  11. Most S players WANT to PvP, so they build near where the "action" is.
  12. I like the idea of everyone having their money on them at all times, so when you kill them, you get a piece of it, but I don't think it's tenable. Unce's bank suggestion makes this a lot fairer. Without it, I see the server dividing into players that have alts and those that don't. Even without a /pay command, people with alts will just use one account as a "trading" account, and one as a "pvping" account, to avoid ever losing money.
  13. Yea, you can walk right out across the pvp area, it's "roofed" using barrier blocks. I figured this would make the fighting easier to see. It's on the creative server, in the "Contest-SAL" world.
  14. This is my entry for the SAL contest, let me know what you think! Album: http://imgur.com/a/GGWXf
  15. Suggestion: can we please have any/all of: //center //brush //gmask //naturalize //biomelist //green /ascend /descend /unstuck thanks m8
  16. Hey, I asked a few of these questions in skype, but I figured I would ask them again here so people could see the answers. The ones dizney already answered I will add in italics. Will selling ores directly to other players be against the rules? There will be no /pay command, so trading money directly will be impossible. Can you see other players' balances? yes Can you use the "create your own shop" plugin anywhere or just in the "mall" area? anywhere Will the "mall" area be pvp-enabled? no Is the "server shop" area pvp-enabled? no Can you warp to the server shop? yes If you can warp to this shop, will warping to avoid pvp be against the rules? warping will count as logging Will there be a warmup to warp? yes How long? 10 seconds Can you warp while combattagged? no After you warp to the server shop, how do you get out? There will be a command to return to where you warped from. Are you worried about runaway inflation from money being created from nothing (i.e. kills)? How long is the cooldown on pvp money? Will it apply to [killer,victim] pairs, or will a single victim not give money to anyone during their cooldown? Gold is renewable (pigmen grinders). Are you concerned about this? fak Emerald is also renewable (villager trading). What about dat? Villagers can be rebalanced Will there be anything to prevent farming noobs for money?
  17. Sounds fine to me, as long as each floor is designed with combat in mind, and not just random terrain pasted into the arena.
  18. I wouldn't say it's a conspiracy, but there does seem to be an attitude of "you're either with us or against us." If you criticise a certain policy, decision or behaviour on the part of staff, then you're grouped in as "one of those people."
  19. I don't think people care if you use the specific adjective "toxic," they have a problem with the underlying attitude. Eliminating a specific word doesn't rectify the problem behind it, namely, assuming that all people that agree on certain subjects are a homogeneous group, are "in cahoots," don't have the server's best interest at heart, or are a bad (e.g. toxic) influence.
  20. Should age really be included in this? I see a lot of "damn kids get off my lawn" and "old man" jokes, sometimes directed at me, but I don't think that's hurtful or inappropriate.
  21. The Bukkit API supports it: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/entity/Rabbit.Type.html The types are black, black and white, brown, gold, salt and pepper, white, and killer bunny. But moblimiter would have to be modified to support it. EDIT: did it: https://github.com/NerdNu/MobLimiter/pull/13/files
  22. To be honest, nickeox, it's probably inappropriate to discuss your sexuality in the public chat of a game that appeals to children. Whether you're gay or not.
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