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Everything posted by Mumberthrax

  1. Minor bug report: When on Creative I use /pet wear, for other players it appears to work but for my client the pet appears to stand where it was when i ran the command, and does not appear on my player character's head in third person view. I can hear the pet if I leave the area - though i cannot see it. I cannot use any /home or teleport commands (or compass) with a pet on my head (they act like they are working, but I don't get teleported), but that's not a big deal. Just wanted to report the command isn't working as expected - I'd post an issue to the github, but it might be an interaction with something else C is running. Not a huge issue anyway. Steps to reproduce: log on to c.nerd.nu with a 1.10.2 client (I have optifine installed though I don't know that that makes a difference) run "/pet spawn chicken" or some other type of pet run "/pet list" to find the ID for your pet (in my case it was #3) run "/pet wear 3" or whatever ID number your pet was. observe the pet remain in the location it was when you ran /pet wear. My chicken was flapping its wings continuously. press f5 to enter third-person view - your pet is not visible on your player character's head. have another player observe your player character - they will report your pet is on your head. leave the area and listen - you will occasionally hear the pet, though it is still not visible on your head in f5
  2. afaik this plugin still works https://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/worldguard-region-effects/
  3. I think it would be pretty neat if you would be willing to do that, redwall.
  4. https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/4185-update-all-servers-to-spigot-110/ https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/4178-publish-old-lobby-worlds-on-nerdnubackups/ https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/4177-distribute-old-world-map-files-through-bittorrent/ https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/4019-mail-sent/ https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/3931-crazy-idea-add-a-suggest-command-in-game-pipe-contents-to-this-subforum/ https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/3962-allow-ignore-to-persist-between-restartslogins/ https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/3932-enable-crafting-of-inert-tnt-repost-from-uservoice/
  5. https://www.spigotmc.org/ If there are plugins nerd uses which are not yet compatible with 1.10, please list them.
  6. I am not certain, but I don't think that it is possible to have both a vanilla server world and a modded world connected via multiverse. You could *possibly* connect them with bungeecord, but I don't know - I believe it depends on whether the server is running on cauldron or kcauldron/thermos (continuations of the cauldron project, basically spigot+forge) or just forge alone. I think there are other methods of having linked chat though. There are irc bridge mods, and one server i played on a while back had both an ftb and vanilla survival server with linked chat - it was their own custom plugin/mod iirc. I think a 1.7.10 modpack would be easiest, since cauldron for it is pretty stable, nerd can put its favorite bukkit plugins on, and there are more mods for it still than 1.10. IF C were to expand into a modded setup, these are some of the mods I think could be neat to consider (note, some of these mods are for 1.7.10 only, some for 1.8/9+ only): biomes o plenty building bricks chisel realistic terrain generation carpenter's blocks MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod pam's harvestcraft biome bundle extrabiomesxl MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod - Community Edition bibliocraft quark flat colored blocks ztones chisels and bits flatsigns et futurum garden stuff Decocraft2
  7. Some options: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/chairsreloaded/ (I've used this one in the past. Does what it says on the tin. Also it's open source and GPL'd!) http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/chairstairs/ (haven't used this one. also open source. Looks like it could work) http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/chairs/ (haven't used this one. open source. Hasn't updated in a while, but comments say it works in 1.9 still)
  8. Some of the old lobbies were pretty neat. Please consider publishing them alongside the old map downlods for the different nerd servers on http://nerd.nu/backups/
  9. If there are storage and bandwidth limitations that our second box (for hosting nerd.nu/backups) is nearing, I suggest nerd distribute .torrent files for these downloads. This would enable players to contribute a little bit of bandwidth by seeding the torrents, reducing strain on the second box when someone goes to download many large files. If storage really is an issue, then with enough seeders you could probably just remove some of the files from the server to clear out space, letting the torrents do the work. http://www.wikihow.com/Create-a-Torrent
  10. would be cool to hear from a tech on what would be involved in adding this, how feasible it is.
  11. the developer is working on updating it to 1.8/1,9/etc, but you can run the bundle of configs on a 1.8+ server with terraincontrol and it will still work. The only major issues that I am aware of are: ocean monuments sometimes generate partially above water and the 1.8 stones (andesite/diorite/granite) do not generate. afaik the problem with ocean monuments is due to the sea level being lower than vanilla... but I am uncertain. anyway, they're issues that I believe could be remedied with a little bit of tinkering if you guys find it appealing. edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/biomebundle/ for discussions about it. the developer hangs out and answers questions often.
  12. https://sites.google.com/site/biomebundle/ screenshots here: https://sites.google.com/site/biomebundle/media It is a set of configs for the Terrain Control plugin/mod that creates specialized terrain and map features intended to make the minecraft world more interesting and beautiful, and fun to explore.
  13. you know, just even having a command to dump the suggestions into a pastebin thing would be good. so the server admins/mods can see what's been suggested. there's some CH code in the /book stuff that could probably be just copy-pasted and tweaked a little for doing that.
  14. https://www.reddit.com/r/mcpublic/comments/4mlg6o/should_we_remove_or_limit_skeleton_horse_spawning/d3x2n68 use a bukkit/spigot plugin to fix the buggy Minecraft weather.
  15. write a plugin that turns all skeleton horses into killer totemobunnies.
  16. I do not know the context which brought this discussion up, but as far as I am aware the rules for PvE have stated that the pve server admins have discretion to remove basically any build they want. http://www.redditpublic.com/wiki/Rules#PVE
  17. some of these builds I did not see during the time that I played. Maybe next time we could do some screenshots of the builds since the forum poll thing doesn't let you abstain from some questions while responding to others.
  18. Please fill out the survey so that the nerd.nu staff know what the community would enjoy playing. For those of you new to the idea of modded minecraft, you can try out various mods from the minecraft forums, or try the super easy to use modpack launchers by the Feed The Beast team, the Technic team, ATLauncher, or Curse (the company that hosts the minecraft forums and wiki). The popular/featured modpacks are usually pretty well balanced and work without many issues. http://feed-the-beast.com/ http://www.technicpack.net/ https://www.atlauncher.com/ https://www.curse.com/games/minecraft (if you go with the Feed The Beast [FTB] launcher, a very good introductory modpack is the Direwolf20 pack) If you want to tinker with mods on your own (it can be a little bit tricky if you are new to it) I highly recommend using the open source MultiMC Launcher. It makes everything very very easy to keep contained so that if you make a mistake you can easily undo it or work in a separate instance. If you tinkered with minecraft mods in ages past, know that it is much simpler and less challenging than it used to be - Forge is basically the main thing that allows mods to be easily dropped in and out of a minecraft instance, and there are no more data value conflicts when multiple mods are installed. http://multimc.org/ http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods (NB: this poll and post were made by me, Mumberthrax. I am not a nerd.nu staff member. Voting in this poll does not necessarily guarantee any particular action on the part of nerd.nu staff/administration) Thanks for taking this survey! Feel free to share your comments below! Edit2: to allay concerns about security issues, the FTB launcher, Technic launcher, and ATlauncher are all three open source with code hosted on github. AFAIK your password/credentials never go anywhere except to mojang's login servers when using these launchers. The curse voice launcher doesn't even let you input your mc password iirc. Edit: To be clear, nerd.nu uses server plugins that are sometimes called mods, but client mods are what we're talking about here. Here's a video series as an example of what the direwolf20 modpack is like:
  19. Regarding spawn city: I think a decent amount of people like building there, and I think that sometimes new players may get confused about it and think that the whole world is just plots, not realizing there is a whole wilderness where they can build whatever and not just houses. I don't know what the ideal solution to this is - putting spawn city into its own world might reduce that ambiguity for new players, and would spawn city still be used as much or as appealing if it were off in its own multiverse world accessible by a portal at spawn like the creative classic world is? What about just having spawn city on one side of spawn, and then having just everything off on the other side of the spawn being freebuild?
  20. global WG region set to deny tnt damage. local regions with flags that override this. simple. "WG custom flags" and its offshoots made by der_mewin are the plugins to look at IMO if testing shows that plain jane WG flags aren't cutting it.
  21. actually this is probably not a good idea. maybe at the beginning of the revision when there are tons of people online... but around now it can get pretty quiet for extended periods... so this may not be a good thing to add after all...
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