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Everything posted by twilexis

  1. Totally missed this Umm.... No idea And we shall. Our love shall forever grow in the shadow of the haters
  2. Because it's 42 backwards. 658 Since Cadbury's (google it) Zombie I believe the humble and noble banana bread is severely misrepresented and should be better advocated.
  3. I couldn't contain it anymore. Our love is pure.
  4. I'm sorry bby, that was a one night stand
  5. Okay, it’s time I come clean. You’ve all guess it anyway. Redwall and I are dating. We’ve been dating for a few weeks now. I guess we first started falling in love at the beginning of this rev. It started over our mutual interest in bdsm. Before you ask, I’m the sub. He’s moving to Australia soon, then we’re travelling to Tasmania to train under eehee to learn the fine arts of PVP and butterknife assassination. That’s why I laugh so much when people say I have redwall wrapped around my finger, because in reality it’s the other way around, and I love every second of it.
  6. Piano Cat P Green Wat You sniping me, you fucking arsehole!
  7. bored. bumping for more questions
  8. I learnt my lesson last rev. Intentionally not logging on until this is over. /me goes back to rocking in the corner in the foetal position
  9. Ohgod... This would be glorious/terrifying.
  10. Yeah but what ruined that was spawn camping. If we keep the random respawns it should be different gameplay-wise.
  11. Eehee, you can't help but to be an ass, bae <3
  12. Shh! I'm trying to get a rise out of dif! ...wait, that came out wrong.
  13. No! Hey buzzie, I think I'm going to stick close to you, let me be your body guard *evil grin*
  14. I can upload the video if need be. Of course. The thickness of which you spread it Yes, no idea Boredom mostly Because I can ;)
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