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Everything posted by SirTacoface

  1. Heres some brown water to go with that ice.
  2. I'll ask something late! What is your favorite TV show to watch lately?
  3. If only I had all the games you all played I would love to get involved and help out! I still need to add all of you on steam as well... Also eehee, that was perfectly said, "This really doesn't need to get overcomplicated, we're here to play games - not be politicians. "
  4. Just wanted to report that the C server began to lag several people out again and rolling back some of their stuff between 8:30 to 9 PM CET and at the 9 o clock restart, I seem to be the only person to have quite a bit of stuff rolled back. This seems exactly like a repeat of last rev, but not as drastic thankfully.
  5. What is your favorite thing about the elder scrolls series? They are on the top of my list of favorite games I have ever played, especially morrowind. How does it feel to be vegetarian? Every one I have met are over optimistic, it scares me. What is your favorite kind of music to listen to? What is your favorite mexican restaraunt? What is your favorite TV show? Are you into woodworking?
  6. Completely 100% agree with this, I feel adding a donations badge/rank would completely ruin this. Although it would be nice to get a small nod to donators, I still don't think this idea would work. Donating itself should be a pleasure/reward because you feel happy to contribute.
  7. Eehee, when you're around, it is guarnteed guaranteed a fun time for me, as well as most of the people around ye. (I hope heh) Surely we will see each other online again sometime but for now, shame to see you leave Nerd, Adios mi amigo! And keep on dribbling! :DL
  8. Ah yes, I have a soundcloud where I post really loud meh stuff (that some seem to like) and my expirimental/chillout alias. I do many different types of electronic genres. Heres the muckaround soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/projectsynapsys With this one, it's just loud noisy electronic music, I personally do not like it. And with this one: https://soundcloud.com/comatose-state I do chillout/experiemental and lately I've been recording my ukulele and guitar into songs so it should be interesting and more... "live." And If you do not like this music, I can understand, no need to make drama out of it. Edit: Heres a piano cover I did a while ago that's private but I can share it here: https://soundcloud.com/comatose-state/linkin-park-iridescent-comatose-state-cover/s-Knx0Z I thought it could show that I can do piano stuff for "calm" videos and such.
  9. This will probably get shot down but I make music and it would be cool if my stuff could be played in some videos there hehe
  10. Dude, jchance, please do that "This week on creative" thing, that sounds super fun and would be a great way for the C community to converse more and discuss on the forums/reddit! Also thanks for the constructive response to his questions, I've been wondering the same things for a while.
  11. I don't know as much but as a player/new moderator of C, I feel like I can answer a few of these questions, at least using the knowledge I know currently. 3) I think LetsBFehr mentioned something about him building Bigtown and planning it out, so I'm pretty sure they will be there when the new rev starts! 4) The pet plug-in is probably what the name suggests, gives players pets, probably like the safe horses, allows the player to spawn pets. Theres plenty of videos of it on youtube, but knowing how this server works, it's probably a tweaked version of some sort of pet plugin. 6) I know Dumbo52 should be doing his usual Speed build contest arena and NEVAstop said he will be doing more spleef stuffs. 7) Sort of answered up here ^, it probably won't happen but I uh... plan on doing some sort of gameshow-like event, don't know if it will be official or popular but we'll see. 8) I've actually asked this question! If you scroll a bit on here https://nerd.nu/forums/index.php?/topic/2518-what-are-some-ways-to-improve-the-creative-server/ you will see I asked that question and got some responses as well as other suggestions to improve C a bit. I know what I said here aren't really "established" or "confirmed" but it's what I have an idea for next rev, nice questions man, I hope to see them answered by someone who really knows!
  12. How Can Our Eyes Be Real If Mirrors Aren't Real?
  13. You're a really great dude. You are a strong dude as well for hanging in there, I will be here if you ever need anything and I wish you the best of luck on your next surgery and your life further down the road!
  14. Oh yeah those dungeons are a nice find, sometimes the spawners make for some interesting decor with some builds!
  15. See this, we should bring this back. One of the biggest problems with C right now, personally, is the lack of events. See in P, we have firework shows, fun parkour events, arenas, mob slaying, tons of stuff. So far in C we have Dumbos great building event and the cool warps, although most of the warps consisting of creative builds to look at, nothing much interactive.
  16. This is something I would like to see, very well said Dizney. It would be nice to not have JUST Dumbo's speed build but have some other ones with a different style and rules? Also what would be a great addition to C is (Don't know if it's possible, probably not) maybe a droppable items flag? Like I know it's disabled because of the exploits but what if for instance, LetsBFehr's and My labs, we could have more puzzles using droppable items. Difficult1 is doing something along those lines on P, don't see why we can't enable it in certain circumstances on C. It may be hard to manage with trolls and stuff, but that's just a thought. Also, this: https://nerd.nu/forums/index.php?/topic/2492-suggestions-for-security-permissions-and-griefers/#entry18545 Edit: Oh also, (Then again, if possible) disabling ores, it's creative and theres no use for ores in the ground, and people like me would love to dig giant holes for big builds ore free so we don't get slowed by those pesky ore viens that slow you down.
  17. I feel the servers are "growing" more than anything. It's like the old people, the veterans, are the ones who are leaving because of various reasons. I've been on C and P a lot and I see TONS of new faces, it's awesome. Of course it's great to see all the older generations still playing but I don't think this community is, "dying". What Eehee said also sums up what I was going to say next.
  18. This is really well said and exactly what I have thought. I'm glad you're the one to speak your mind first!
  19. Now THIS is a great idea to add in!
  20. Question for your son: How many ginasaurs have you seen in your lifetime?
  21. Wow this was a very informative post and you point out very good things. This one is the one that really sticks out to me, is there a reason why these are banned in the first place? I can't see them causing any damage, at least any more than splash pots would...
  22. I truly like this, this is a great way to see what the community as a whole has to say, not just the staff. It's great to see the other side of things.
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