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Everything posted by Pyr0mrcow

  1. I haven't played on the survival server yet since coming back, but I'd just like to mention that I usually set off autoclick detectors via my normal clicking. Easing up on the limits is always welcome :D
  2. Yea, this is how things are commonly organized, really helps when one person can make the final decision on things. Even if people can manage to agree, that person's still valuable to, you know, actually get things moving. For selection of heads...maybe allow the next level up to decide, with suggestions from those that would be governed. EG, Admins would normally pick the mod head but mods would suggest and have input. Once you get into higher ranks or special ranks where the 'level' isn't really relevant, especially Tech Admins, have them choose their own, because if they're that high up or have that sort of influence...well, you'd at least expect them to be responsible enough to choose, and if they're not they shouldn't have such a position. Of course, you could always have exceptions, nothing's ever set in stone. The server lords might one day decide they want a reorganization and put in new heads. Nothing stopping that.
  3. You could open up the skin picture in Paint/Photoshop/Sumo/your picture editor of choice, and just slice out the face and put it where the brown spot is.
  4. Wasn't able to internet steadily during that so thought I'd just throw my 2 cents in now: I think it's a brilliant idea and that it could help bring people in if we let the event be known. The layout's pretty much perfect as-is, and wouldn't take much tech-wise if WorldGuard regions (and/or PStones) are used.
  5. I can probably be there too, just uh...bump this around then.
  6. Hm, maybe I'm thinking of someone else, circumstances were exactly the same xD
  7. Pyr0mrcow there too. Though...I don't do ranked. Played since sometime in S2 and it always just seemed like it'd be frustrating with how angry all the ranked people coming in to play regular games seem.
  8. Question for Switch: the friend you were showing the build to, was it their first time on this Creative rev? I ask because I was the one in the first example, who was sending the unsuccessful requests, and it was my first time on that map. I'm wondering if it has something to do with requests from map newbies, whose files might not be completely established, derping things up. Also went straight from P to C, if that matters.
  9. Nothing weird to report today, but I went through the wiki while the server was down and updated my page, among Oasis, some redirects and other things. Check it out if you're curious! http://redditpublic.com/wiki/User:Pyr0mrcow
  10. Pyr0mrcow


    Yea, at the moment noone seems interested, but it might just be that noone's on at the right time xD
  11. Yea, it was happening periodically late last night(/really early morning, and I'm Mountain Time). Went strong, cleared up and then went strong again, but not as much as the first time. I had more success staying on if I just kept doing things instead of stopping all action like I'd usually do, maybe that'll point to something.
  12. Pyr0mrcow


    So far...I haven't seen $pudcoind being of much worth. Sadly.
  13. Actually had that go well in the past...but I don't think this server's in quite that much need.
  14. I like things like this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9k3imc8ZV1Q But then there's ones like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5285GwUj8dw If I'm trying to write or build or some other things, some kind of soundtrack usually. This one for ornate things. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_dgUf8VHd8 Playing League with AP midgets. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmDPPc23BCg And this...is pretty much the only band that I like nearly all of the songs from. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vvfy8ym08k8
  15. Pyr0mrcow


    Yea. Though, remember that there are a few different ways of doing different ammounts items for single $pudcoins, and the other way around.
  16. Yea, all it'd do is split people up more. Personally, I usually only use the forum. Also the ingame chat kinda serves the same purpose.
  17. You can make it more than 1 deep, put down blocks, water, delete blocks, more water. Rinse and repeat (ehehe pun).
  18. Pyr0mrcow


    And price drops are kinda built in. Anyway, yea, I like poisonous potatoes as the currency, and that item together with the exp requirement (even if it's small) requires enough work to be put into the currency, I think. I think the $pudcoin shops will be really helpful once they get going, too. When I think about it, the redstone ones are easily modifiable. Shops could be changed in a couple minutes to sell items from anyone having trouble finding buyers.
  19. I've actually been involved in making a couple boat racing tracks, and going up/down isn't much of a problem if you do the water right, you don't even necessarily need locks. Apparently it doesn't work with flowing water anymore, but boats will still float to the top of a river if it's made of source blocks.
  20. David Tennant? I stopped watching when he left, but...mainly because of his ending. T-T
  21. Pyr0mrcow

    PVE megathread

    I get more flint than I get poisonous potatoes, so I don't think flint's the way to go. Serial numbers...eh. I think it's fine how it is, though I like your idea of an end of rev giveaway to the person with the most coins. There's also going to be a bank and such for $pudcoins, and we've been discussing automated $pudcoin shops, businesses based around $pudcoins, ect.
  22. Oh god the parquor possibilities...I knew Slime blocks were coming but not that they'd do that. Article said that boats aren't affected, but who knows if it'll change. Now that they have more use I could see slime grinders coming, so the expense might not be an issue.
  23. Yea, that's what I use, very reliable, never had it crash on me and has good quality (I'm the only one that managed to get usable video in a Hardcore series xD). Only thing is that it can't hook into MC's fullscreen mode, but that's not much of a problem...just maximise and cut out the extra bars. Though, I've heard there's a plugin to fix that.
  24. Pyr0mrcow

    PVE megathread

    Alright, simpler than I thought. https://nerd.nu/forum/index.php?/topic/1525-advertisements-elsewhere/#entry12088 I talked about it a bit there, making an attractive Uber to have something to show famous MCers as a way of advertising. But, I have no specific idea myself.
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