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Everything posted by Magnyus

  1. What is your favorite type of Body Wash? Does it have shampoo pre-added?
  2. Theodore Roosevelt or Franklin Delano Roosevelt?
  3. If I were to stop at your cash register with $25 straight talk prepaid phone pay for my $1000 bill, what would you do?
  4. Schweppes or Canada Dry? (CLUB SODA BITCH)
  5. Have you ever found any hockey other than hockey more hockey *than hockey at any point in your hockey whatsoever?
  6. What is your favorite type of STEAK DINNER? (because fuck salad)
  7. What is your least favorite restaurant? What don't you order there?
  8. What is your favourite children's beverage?
  9. Do you find freeway interchanges utterly horrendous?
  10. Do you have any names? If so, what type, and their pets (as in pet names)?
  11. Do you like Hockey? And Walmart? And Hats?
  12. Not getting the notification is one of the oldest problems on C, it appears to be fixed every now and again yet always ends up breaking again. The request is sent but the notification doesn't appear in the recipient's chat. It's completely random.
  13. I play almost everyday with Nickeox and NEVAstop. and EeHee under extremely rare occasions. (literally playing at the time of this message) I'm not ranked yet, though I should be hitting level 30 this week. You can usually find me playing on NA under the accounts "Machnyus" (main) and "Magnyus" (smurf) If anyone plays on EUW, I also have accounts on there, all you need do is ask, and I'll add you.
  14. Probably not. It really isn't worth it. What colour isn't the Walmart star?
  15. He is Aussie after all...
  16. I love electronic music, whether it be dubstep, techno,house and trance being my favourites. Chances are I'll probably find some enjoyment out of it, but I have listened to a decent amount of other genres. My music tastes have often adapted and evolved throughout the years. But electronic music is the only one I find myself revisiting. I'm also a total sucker for video game soundtracks. But recently, I've gotten really into Chillstep and will most likely be listening to that. A sample of what my tastes are: My Favourite Track (for quite some time now): Amma - Heartbeat (the actual artist is Amma despite the video saying Kaskade, who only made a remix to the song, for some reason this song was incredibly hard to find, and I barely know how I found it to begin with, my best guess being that I downloaded it randomly in Limewire ages ago.) French House (the Daft Punk genre): Daft Punk - Something About Us (I've like this duo since I was in diapers, so no, I don't only enjoy them because of R.A.M. and my favourite R.A.M. track is Giorgio, not Get Lucky) House: De Souza (feat. Shena) - Guilty (quality kinda sucks, but I don't like the cheesy music video, and couldn't find a better video for the 8 minute version) Dubstep: Nero - My Eyes (I'm actually not too big on dubstep, it doesn't fit in very well to anything and I don't listen to it often.) Trance: Veracocha - Carte Blanche (a total classic, probably my favourite to play on Audiosurf) Techno: Dr. Stewart Theme from F-Zero GX/AX (half-joke half-genuinely good techno) Chillwave: Doni - Sneak Attack (This guy's music channel DoniMusic, is full of pretty good stuff, he does a few video game remixes but appears to be focusing on his own stuff) Progressive: Eminence - New Light (Progressive Mix) (found through an old Dunkey video, really good track) Dance (EDM): Kaskade - Move For Me (Kaskade used to be my favourite artist for a while, this being one of the best tracks) Chillstep: THIS WHOLE GODDAMN CHANNEL, IT'S AMAZING.
  17. 1. Land Claims So you're saying if I make the world border, I can have any build moved at my discretion so long as I make use of the terrain I'm claiming? Yes, I'm being extreme, but borders are a huge waste of time, there is no way to gauge how big a build may or may not be, and whether or not you'll even continue to be interested in that plot. If I had wasted my time by adding a border to the city I was planning 1500 block west from spawn it would've been completely ridiculous, and no one would have allowed me to keep it. Again, this is why being able to move builds is the better alternative, since I was there first, I should have the right of way to continue building in the area I claimed. But if someone decides to build a city of their own within walking distance, suddenly I lose any potential areas I could have used for my build? No, I don't approve. Atleast with a policy of having things moved, another player can build to their hearts content and they don't end up losing their work. I like being able to build what I want where I want, but if it means having to put a stupid wool border around a 1000x1000 (exaggerating) area simply to keep others from building anywhere near me, I'd much rather not build anything at all. It's too annoying of a hassle to undertake, and it kinda makes me seem like an asshole. It was different last rev with Mira because I had more or less a vision of what I wanted it to be, and I was willing to adapt to the size of the area, but even still, I probably expanded that region at least ten times if not more. And every single time I decided to do so, it was as simple as setting a modreq for stuff surrounding me to be moved. The changes were barely even noticeable. This rev I decided to try building something that would purposely expand and adapt to the terrain, but it got to the point where any expansion would have infringed upon other creations in that area that popped up weeks after I started building there, so I had to abandon it.
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