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Everything posted by Magnyus
At you hinting at your entry? NEVAstop had voiced some concerns that having the hub server build be a contest, since something of this scale may take some time. He had the idea that we use something that is already built. So, for those who don't want to build, or aren't capable of it, they could enter a build that already exists that can be used (or easily reworked) as the hub.
1. I think we should just drop the "maintaining vanilla" thing, we already aren't vanilla. S has enchantism and they're constantly looking for more things to add. We've been doing the same except for us, we just get told it's not happening and leave it at that. No trial runs, nothing. 2. I'd still like to trial no-flying, but I can definitely agree that we should have players focus on doing everything in survival mode. (brainstorm: buildmode, like modmode, but without the mod powers, used only for building) 3. Again, MOAR MODS FOR C! 4. For you. 5. Sounds interesting, and I'd like to hear more about this. 6. I'm kinda the opposite. But I would like to see more posts that are hand-in-hand with the forums, as well as more red and blue tags on the subreddit.
If I'm not mistaken our old policy used to require mods to play on all of our servers, while that was a bit extreme, since it's only natural to flock to one server. It should be a requirement to learn all of the rules and commands on each server since you are expected to assist on all the servers. I would also appreciate more moderators checking up on open modreqs regardless of the server, since it is a bit ridiculous that some can go on for more than six hours for something as simple as flowing water. How about the server admins teach new mods on each of their servers? They'd get to know them (if they don't) and basically make sure that they know the ins and outs pertaining to the server. If it's a problem of remembering the rules and commands, why not just make a document with the basics?
First off, I'd like to formally announce exactly why I "left" the servers. As many of you may know, I had been spending an absurd amount of time playing on C, throughout many different hours of the day, whether it be building, chatting, exploring, or helping out others I was almost always on. So naturally, I was getting bored. Then the Summer Mod Vote popped up, and I found that HailSaban (who happened to be very new at the time) had been put up for nomination whereas I was not simply because I happened to not be present online when JohnAdams and Thrawn logged in to see who had been playing the most. That was disappointing, but hey, I got over it and kept playing, with everyone around me telling me I'd be a shoo-in for the next vote. More hours, more posts, and of course more effort. At this point I had been playing so much Minecraft I was starting to get sick of it. So I gave myself an ultimatum, if I didn't get modded, I would leave. I was putting far too much effort into the server only to see absolutely nothing come out of it. The 3M meetings which Nick, Eehee, Neva and I had made ourselves because we were tired of waiting for the admins to set up a meeting for C players. The countless threads I had made and commented in. Not a single idea that anyone came up with really came into fruition. Then the October Mod Vote reared it's ugly head. If you revisit the poll, I am the only nominee that is from C. I thought I would be modded on principle, simply because I was from C and we were in desperate need of mods more than two months ago. So much for that, I didn't get the vote, I didn't want to put in any more effort for nothing. *stretches fingers* Alright, let's get started. 1. As Eehee mentions the 3M meetings were to generate discussion and ideas amongst the C players, and while our formatting was a little strange, we still managed to have fantastic discussion, unfortunately, like everything that relates to C, it's nothing but illusion. Nothing came out of it except for arguably the Hub server, (which was nickeox's idea by the way) something he wasn't even credited for. [as for the recording, I'll ask nickeox to post it later] 2. I have a feeling that someone would say that this isn't true. But take this into account, Why does it feel that way in the first place? 3. At this point, I think the C players wouldn't mind any change, so long as there is change. I am also getting extremely annoyed with the excuse that "we are going to change anything", it's absurd, clearly that mentality isn't working. Like Tornado, I am also not saying that we drop everything and start offering ranks, and perks to donaters, etc. I'm merely saying that we should be free to discuss and act upon any changes we may come to an agreement on. 4. I'm going to be frank, Denevien's reply to my post on the Advert thread felt as though it was brushed off. I agree with Rock that the advertisement issue should not be a contest, and rather something a bit more organised. I asked if we could be informed with the process of how we'll be advertising and was simply given a childish and silly response in return. 4a. This, on the other hand, should be a contest. Because it involve the community a lot more than advertising does, and yes, the current hub server looks terrible. But it's nice to see that this issue is being handled with already. 4b. Agreed, the Hub server should serve as an introduction to what each server has to offer, like a sort of museum. Any new players should always start off in the hub server so that they can at least sample a little bit of each server and then decide for themselves which one they'd like to go to. 5. Nick and I recently made a list of all the mods that are currently active consistently on C. We only counted about 3, and we were being generous. We counted about 25 give or take for PvE, and 10 or so for S. That is absolutely pathetic, 3 mods should not be in charge of C at all times. C NEEDS MODS. I don't think this can be expressed any more than it already has. 6. Too true, unfortunately it isn't only going to take C's (practically non-existant) community, but also the other two servers. And I'm going to be honest, we don't exactly see eye-to-eye with PvE. 7. *cough*shamelessselfplug*cough* I could offer that Mira's design be easily reworked as a Hub. I have a few other ideas as well. 8. Picking whoever has more yes votes than no puts all the PvE players at a huge advantage. And that is essentially the system we're using right now anyways. Unless of course they do add the "Don't Know Player" option, then a lot of those "No's" will be "Don't Know's". 9. You and me both Torn, you and me both. (and everyone else) 10. MCP pls. This should just be a standard, why it wasn't implemented in the first place, I have no idea. 11. Apologies, but I don't trust you, because the head admins decision went against what every single person I talked to told me. They were all disappointed when they found out I wasn't voted. 12. I think this is rather senseless, a nominee should automatically be someone who can handle rejection. I would prefer a straight up "No" a thousand times over than not being told anything. Also any No's can open up the possibility for a player to make amends with whoever said no. 13. Couldn't have said it better myself. 14. I would like it to change, but in reality, all that needs to change is factoring in which server is in need of mods, not just exemplary nominees for the sake of having a vote. 15. It was posted earlier today, Here. 16. I mentioned earlier that I'd ask nick to post it, and just for clarification, the recording is for the mumble meetings we had hosted a while back. *phew* That took longer than I expected. Looking forward to seeing this unravel itself. I think that this is long overdue.
For clarification, why is it that MCP supposedly isn't on good terms with /r/Minecraft? For a community that is known as the Reddit server, we never have anything to do with the largest subreddit dedicated to Minecraft. Also, have you taken into account how advertising might affect us? We'd be painting a big red target right on our foreheads if this isn't done correctly. Whether it be the myriad of griefers/"hackers" that are to follow suit, or the countless trolls, and even the downright stupid ones. And I can foget policy, you cannot possibly expect to advertise to Reddit and not expect the Reddit culture to make it way back onto the servers. I know we've prided ourselves as being a mostly civilised bunch, but if we want to advertise ourselves as the official Reddit server again, things are going to have to change. Could the process of how this is being handled be revealed? Rather than making a contest out of it?
PvE posts on the subreddit / any other post. (not too common but it does happen) That being said, the subreddit is set up to easily see anything according to the server because of the tags. The forums also have a tag system but they aren't as readily visible, since it's just a small icon with the corresponding server the topic is addressing. With only a few exceptions, I've noticed that in the server discussion area the polls are tagged with a small green square and some survival post have a grey one. Would it be possible to have that tag on every post for clearer visibility and using the same colours we use on the subreddit? Red for C, Blue for S, and Green for P, Grey for Chaos, "Orange/_____" for Polls? (also, can someone edit the server icons to also match? S is Red and C is Blue, and those ought to be swapped, gotta keep things consistent)
I want to hear OP's reason for "yes". I think that separation is the last thing we need despite already having a pretty torn community.
Diff, man are you late to the party...
One comment and this thread is already dark as hell...
It's a simple and fun sandbox as a base game. But it is also an open source game that give players the freedom to modify and change it to their personal desires or tastes. It's truly a game that makes you make a game out of it. It's an amazing catalyst to express ideas to others and to make them physical. (virtually, I mean in a sense that it's some thing you can see that you've made) But like any sandbox game, it's heavily reliant on your own imagination, and sometimes you have ideas, and other times you don't, so it can be extremely addicting, but very easily boring. Nerd is different from the base game because we play as a community, so you're here for the players and not so much for the game itself.
Could we just name favourite games? Because if we talk franchise we're extremely limited. Because everyone is going to say Zelda, Mario, Sonic, MegaMan, Final Fantasy, etc.
Official Server Icon Contest-Post Your Submission Here
Magnyus replied to TheRandomnatrix's topic in Minecraft General
I really like the style of these, they remind me of the countless hours I spent as a kid on Habbo Hotel. Good times. -
Official Server Icon Contest-Post Your Submission Here
Magnyus replied to TheRandomnatrix's topic in Minecraft General
I don't approve of Snoo being our icon, but I could at least settle for the Creeper Snoo instead. Could you sample what it would look like with the Creeper we use on the forums? Also I was prepared to see the worst for C only to be pleasantly surprised. (this coming from a huge fan of 'bacons') -
Official Server Icon Contest-Post Your Submission Here
Magnyus replied to TheRandomnatrix's topic in Minecraft General
But not the one it needs right now. So we'll mock him. Because he can take it. Because he is not our troll. He is a not so silent guardian. A player on P. A Matt Man. -
You're thinking of the /hat command which is only available to the admins I believe.
How about a competition for designing a server icon(s)?
Magnyus replied to TheRandomnatrix's topic in Minecraft General
Just got finished setting up a single player world for this. I plan on making four icons, one for each server and another for Nerd.nu in general. http://imgur.com/a/w0m6k I'll edit in the results at a later time. -
I play on this badass sonofabitch. I bought him in the Mission District of San Francisco, best 20 bucks I ever spent. It has atleast 70 NES games on it. The image is not mine, I have a black one that came with a silver zapper that has a brown hilt. Though now I want to search my garage to play it again.
A weekly mumble meeting for the creative server. User nickeox and I (with assistance from EeHee2000 and NEVAstop) have decided to host our own mumble meetings. Our primary focus is to provide C with a more in tune sense of community, and to gather as many opinions and ideas from our playerbase. It will also prove quite useful when presenting ideas and concerns during the official C meeting, and in turn, during the staff meeting. With a small amount of discussion, we have decided to host our first meeting next Thursday, October 17th, at around 5 PM EST. (though this is subject to change) For those that cannot attend the first meeting, we will be having a sort of mini-meeting at a later time, possibly at around 1:15 AM EST, October 18th. If the time and day does not work for you, I request that you leave a comment stating what day would be ideal. We hope to be able to host the meeting at time that suits best for everyone. For those that cannot necessarily attend on mumble, we will do our best to make sure that in-game players can participate as well. Simply type in /clanchat join 3M as we will be using that clanchat for anyone willing to voice their ideas/concerns. This post is just a friendly heads up, and it would help greatly if the word is spread. It would be great if the first meeting has a large turnout! If you have any questions be sure to talk to me or nickeox. We hope to hear from you soon! -Magnyus
I'm interested, which version on OoT do you have? The original or the newer one? What doe the mirror shield in your cartridge look like? Left or Right? http://i.imgur.com/oIY6bWW.png Also, Majora's Mask > Ocarina of Time.
I just wish there was some sort of interface to keep track of all the clanchats, I have created several public clanchats on C and it's steadily getting a bit more confusing to keep switching between all of them. Also the ability to omit a channel would be absolutely fantastic, specifically for my #SPAM channel, that way I don't have to kick everyone when I'm sick of it.
How old we talkin about here? Like Commodore 64 old or Nintendo 64 old? Cause I used to love an obscure N64 title called Aero Gauge, a futuristic racing game with interesting mechanics. Plus a bunch of kiddie MS Dos games I would rather not get into.
As far as I can tell /lb me has always been available on creative. Don't really see why this would be a problem, you can say it can be a tool used for griefing, but that's a pretty weak argument, a griefer is going to grief regardless of who built it. I would rather annoy a mod about a griefer than annoy a mod about who built what and when. Also, think what you may, mods are rarely around on C. Agreed, such a tool wouldn't belong on S as it would take away from the experience and gameplay. (figuring out who built what on your own)