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Everything posted by Magnyus

  1. 1. TPControl Woo! 2. Compasses/Ender Pearls Fair enough. But if there was a way to completely deny the use of the compass in a region, I'd like that to be explored. 3. Nether I absolutely agree, I was waiting to see what the stance on portals would be, since people building portals all over the place can easily become a nightmare. Using a /warp function would completely clear that up. Though it would be nice to sneak in a few secret portals activated at one point for something like the scavenger hunt. 4. Arrows Woo! 5. Grass Woo! 6. Map Size I'd like 2500 by 2500 should be the absolute minimum, but any of the sizes you mentioned would be fine. I just feel that 4k by 4k is way to big to start the map and would be better off as an expansion. Also could the expansions come at set dates? Because relying on people to fill the map is the only reason why our revs our now averaging 6 months, which is absurd. 7. Map Generation I prefer large biomes because the large spaces make the terrain appear more congruent. With small biomes, it looks incredibly silly to see deserts next to ice spikes, or mesa attached to tundras. If you can find a seed and paint the map to have biomes that make sense, then by all means, use small biomes. 8. Land Claims Not protecting empty land? Half of this rev is empty plots! I DEMAND TO KNOW WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTING THOSE REGIONS. Please come up with a system of unclaiming land from people who don't even play on the servers for more than a day. Again, I am against marking borders, because it's a waste of time. I would much rather start building right off the get-go, and have my builds evolve as I go, I cannot think up a massive region and take the time to mark it with ugly wool. BUT, it really doesn't help my builds when people decide to trap me by building a entire city two blocks away from me, leaving me with no room to expand. And the worst part of it all? I've been building in the area since it was a completely empty wasteland, but I cannot have anything around me moved because it's already been protected. (lovely) What about relocating? I literally can't build without getting rid of everything surrounding me, and I cannot fill in my area any more than I already have. Nope, I can't even move my own build anywhere else, so I'm left with an unfinished build surrounded by nothing that belongs to me. And even if I could relocate, I've been building into the terrain and moving it would make it look weird. So what is the point I'm trying to make? >:) 9. MOVING BUILDS MUAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!! I HAD TO TALK ABOUT THIS AT SOME POINT. But seriously folks, I really feel that this needs to be discussed. Apart from my example/rant above, there are plenty of reasons why we need to consider the concept of moving builds. Structures that don't match the theme of the area they're built in, non-pixel art "art" in Pixel Art, non-Big Town builds in Big Town, derp, etc.
  2. Least favourite moment ever of nerd.nu? Favourite not-Britis,h male, non-mod with the first letter being M? Smallest thing you've done as a staff member? Saddest moment on Creative? Worst enemies on the servers? Smallest/worst build you've done? Last memory on the servers? WHY U NO BOOZINBER?
  3. I can vouch for OBS, it's fantastic. Very easy to use, and very light on the CPU.
  4. Arrows are being enabled next rev. But a gun mod is out of the question, Dunk is clearly trolling.
  5. 1. Flyspeed No, we do not fly fast enough. But I'm also not really in the mood to argue why we should get flyspeed, I still think we should add it though.
  6. 1. Compass Does the compass work in survival mode? I'd assume it doesn't.
  7. 1. TPMode GMan, I'm pretty sure you have been around long enough to know that tp mode can be edited. Wayne mentions the common trope of new players trying to tp to each other in chat, despite all the other players telling them they can just go onto tpmode allow. If we make allow mode the default, it would prevent such confusion. And I can confirm that there are plenty of instances where the tp request does not appear, that should be brought to a in order to figure out what happened because that had been fixed before and it was working fine for quite a while. In addition to that, can we make the green message that says someone teleported to you appear even when in tpmode allow? Assuming that is already built into the plugin, I'm not sure why it's even off to begin with.
  8. Clearly the one of himself in the eighties singing that popular tune. LetsB, if you weren't born in the American United American States of American America, what would you do?
  9. SOMA Streatfood, is this the one that's located across the street from Costco? There's so many food truck parks I lose track of them all. My favorites are Onigilly and Phat Thai. Clearly i love me some Asian food. How'd you get into scuba diving? Any other builds planned for the next C revision? If not, would you be open to building a few aircraft on the carrier I plan on building?
  10. 1. TPMode Good call, as far as I'm aware, the only reason tpmode ask is the default is because it makes it easy for griefers to go to town. That seeks like a silly idea especially considering how easy dealing with grief is, not to mention the giant red flag that pops up when the victimised player begins exclaiming that he's being griefed. I say we just default to allow mode and add a server message about being able to change tp permissions. 2. Grass Spread Didn't know about the grass-proof dirt. I don't see why we should leave grass-spread turned off. Although it might not be a good idea to turn it on this rev, and just have it enabled once the next one starts
  11. Make the creative inventory accessible in survival mode, something minor but is a matter of convenience. Particularly when super mining and just for the hell of it.
  12. I'm well aware of that Torn, my particular goal is seeing something come out of the Steam group though, and unfortunately, that is under the control of Nerd's staff.
  13. 1. Road Region Sounds interesting for sure, but I'm a bit iffy about completely restricting where someone can build. If we do use a system of roads, it would be nice to make it easy for players to modreq that their build be incorporated to the road. Like another street leading to a town, stuff like that. 2. Amplified Terrain While I do agree that certain types of terrain trend to end up partially occupied, that's part of what makes building in such places dynamic. Part of the challenge of building in Minecraft, is working with the terrain you're given. (even if most people end up terraforming it anyways) I think it'll just help the map look more diverse. 3. Ocean Shallow waters would go quite nicely with an island biome or a lagoon, plus deep ocean floors all over the damn place is annoying. I would like see areas with shallow water as well.
  14. 1. End/Nether Biomes I SAID NO. (see above) 2. Spawn I agree that rules should not be limited to the rulebook, and should be readily on display at spawn for players to see, as well as any commands and quirks about the server in either the same area or another one nearby. (see above) 3. CTA I smell sarcasm... (see above) 4. Spawn City All agreed, save for the bit about flat roads, just have it move with the terrain, tunnel through mountains, you can also (see "Cardinal Roads" above) 5. Community Builds/Events A total must. We need more of them and bit frequently. I hinted earlier at using Spleef more extensively on C.
  15. 1. Cardinal Roads From what I can tell, CTA is planning cardinal subways with stations at certain milestones, but a few roads up top would be nice because most players will flock to build next to them. I'd personally like to see another, more organised system of freeways. 2. Large Biomes Agreed, large biomes do a much better task on unifying the land and any builds that are built according to the biome. 3. Hype I'm sad to see that this, very important post, has yet to be pinned on the forums, and should be linked on the subreddit in order to get others in on the discussion. We need to do a better job of keeping the other players informed of what is in store for the next revision of creative.
  16. 1. Worldpainter Yes, agreed, see above for my thoughts on this, and please refer to the biome discussion thread that was made for rev 25. 2. Size (see above) 3. End/Nether Biome NO. (see above) 4. Changes Is there no way to turn off TNT's functionality as a whole? How about just not have it explode at all? (assuming that's possible) /give Magnyus compass The pearls are okay but I honestly don't see any problems with being able to blink, the range isn't even that far. (if there are complications, other than potential grief, which is a stupid reason, please explain it to me) 5. Mobs (see above)
  17. 1. Against the size of the map (see above). But, I absolutely agree that building in close proximity is what allows big cities to form, and while it may end up a little derpy looking at times, a populated map looks a hell of a lot better than an empty one. In an ideal world, being able to have builds that juxtapose a certain area's style (or just straight-up derp) be moved would greatly assist the quality of the server. 2. CTA (see above) 3. Worldpainter (see above) 4. Mobs I agree with adding mobs, they definitely give certain builds a bit more life. Unfortunately, mobs are also fucking annoying, so my suggestion, rather than using a mob cap in the chunks, add a limit to the amount of entities a player can spawn, that way, it won't stress out an area. If people really want more mobs, they can easily invite others to their build to spawn some more. Its kind of obvious that having mobs opens a myriad of possibilities.
  18. 1. Size As I had stated above, I'm against starting the map at a 4k by 4k size, but should definitely be expanded to that size as the map is populated. 2. End/Nether Biome I am completely against having another nether biome. It's hideous and doesn't get used, rather, I think it's about goddamn time they just give us access to the nether in general, although the end would be a better place to host events and contests. But please don't open it once and then abandon it. 3. CTA Ideally, spawn should make the CTA easy to incorporate since it is most useful when players are new and want to explore the map prior to settling down and building. A spawn plot would be the next best thing, but, it would make it a lot easier to miss. As for warps, all the last stops at the end of the world should be given warps similar to rev 24's lighthouses, but not a random-ass lighthouse.
  19. 1. Map I do not approve of the 4k by 4k size, that was the size of revision 24 for the brunt of it and most of it remained empty until we expanded to 5k by 5k. We talk about getting people to build closer to each other but four thousand blocks off space is more than enough for everyone to go to their own corner and build. Much of the challenge of creative stems from having to build within such close proximity of other players. Which is negated by people who start the map and rather than build, create an absurdly sized buffer zone that gets used and protected instantly, then end up half abandoned midway through. We end up with the hideous-ness that is revision 25, as soon as you leave the spawn plots, all you see is a bunch of protected areas that barely fill their surface area, and they're protected from sky-limit to bedrock. Large plots like that should be reserved for big builds and community projects like Spleef, we also need a system of opening up those areas that don't get used. I am also on the fence about a completely vanilla seed due to how random the generation can be. I'd appreciate a world painted map that simply organizes the biomes to be a little more congruent with each other, so we don't end up with an ice spike biome next to a mesa. It would also be nice to incorporate some of the biomes that were discussed in the rev 25 terrain planning thread, such as the waterfall, fjord, island, glacier, canyon, etc. 2. Spawn Pls. Give details well in advance of the rev launch, and do a good job of keeping the theme. So don't tell me the theme is "sacrifice" and then give me a bunch of butterflies and bugs on a grassy patch of the yellow brick road. I can't say much else about the plans for spawn without knowing any details so I'll leave it at that for now. As for the CTA, I might be shying away from that because I don't want to end up doing most of the work only to not really ever see it get used. 3. Changes Don't really care about PvP on C but if the people demand arrows it's good that you're giving it to them. More community events is definitely a good direction to go, there are plenty of things we have yet to try out. *cough*spleeftournie*cough* Being able to change biomes is a wonderful idea especially when using grass and leaves in the desert, seeing a brown oasis doesn't really make you feel like you've found paradise. Only detail I'd like to add to this is if it'd be possible to make a plugin that automatically changes a blocks biome as it's placed to skip making it something that needs to be modreq'd.
  20. Magnyus

    Peaceful PVE?

    So you're saying you want entities on creative? Something that is most likely coming next rev? And if you want to build in survival mode on C, just use /mode. Many of us have discussed getting rid of flying on C to revert to what building was like prior to revision 15, but the consensus was that it wouldn't really be to our benefit to get rid of something that everyone is so accustomed to.
  21. Anchor Steam eh? I NOW KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE. If that is actually true, have you been to Ganim's? It's right up the hill from the brewery on 18th st. Best burgers in my opinion. Plus it's a nice place to watch the Giants and catch a bite. Also, if you've been to any of the Off The Grid's, what is your favourite food truck? And I'll ask in threes, song you can listen to and enjoy no matter what?
  22. Welp, I'm moving to Canada now.
  23. Going into the Navy, I ship out to Chicago in June. Then to Pensacola for A-School. Prior to me leaving for a while, I have no idea. After I left, because I left. Three dogs, two males and one female. I've been meaning to take pictures and putting them on the post your pet thread. (also, my favourite hot sauce is Sriracha, but I rarely ever buy it, so I only have it whenever I eat out, a close second would be Cholula, it's extremely mild and doesn't overpower food so it goes great with everything)
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