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Everything posted by Magnyus

  1. Leave it to YouTube to give me an Ad before the big reveal.
  3. This is what's wrong with you people, CLEARLY this post is a joke, yet half of you are commenting about failing to see the practicality of it, IT'S FUNNY AND STUPID. Just go along with it. It only makes you look silly if you take it seriously.
  4. I'm pretty sure he has less of an idea.
  5. I see what you did there. AND YOU SHOULD KNOW BY KNOW THAT IT'S G.
  6. In an ideal world, option #1 would be the best, but the cons and pretty evened out with the pros. I'd personally choose option #3 since that was more or less the feeling I got when Barlimore would move my builds and adjust regions to make my project that much easier. The main problem with this is potential for a large influx of requests only to be handled by 3 people, and when it comes to land disputes, it's not a simple matter than can be gotten over with in a small amount of time. I never used W/E for the longest time and now that I've gotten a taste of what can be done with it, I'd be much more willing to use it for building purposes. especially when it comes to the projects I have a tendency of starting and not finishing.
  7. How the hell did you find out you were obsessed with MLP?
  8. Oh god, I remember I found that subreddit ages ago, I got excited saw how dead it was and quickly forgot about it.
  9. An idea a few of us have had for a while and d3north's post on the subreddit, inspired me to start a discussion on this. It's quite apparent that a few members of the community are steadily growing more bored of Minecraft, and have moved on to playing other games. Games like, Rust, League of Legends, Garry's Mod, Team Fortress 2, etc. But we do not have a concrete system with which we can organise ourselves. The Steam Group does exist but it isn't moderated and doesn't even appear to be even be used. It would be very convenient to add a subforum specifically for gaming, but I can see there being a few issues since this forum site is dedicated to the Minecraft servers. I see a lot of potential in the Steam Group to notify players of events or what games are being played, but without someone to organise and moderate that, it's never going to get used. It'd also be nice for players who have in-game groups to notify the steam page, so others can easily find out who to contact about joining. If anyone has any other idea, please help out and contribute to the discussion.
  10. Take note that Friday was actually the slowest day for the contest. Wednesday's turnout was huge though.
  11. First off I think you are misunderstanding the purpose of what I'm suggesting, you make it seem like I want to organise players according to their levels of trust, (something that isn't even possible to do) Wrong. What I'm asking for uses all the methods that are currently available outside of Minecraft. Things like the usage stats, MCBouncer, and even wiki profiles, I want those things to be readily available in-game. 1. Agreed, that is how we operate, but you must be very naive to think you weren't worthy of suspicion when you were new. New players always have a stigma surrounding them, atleast on C there have been far too many incidents of a player joining for the first time, requesting a TP, and going to town destroying stuff when it's granted. But that's never stopped me from letting them participate in any projects or such, if they actually chat with me and show me that they're up for the work, then of course I'd trust them, I've made plenty of friends through that. 2. Again, I want those stats available in-game. And notes don't appear to be used as much as bans are (what ever happened to warning people?). Also the ban lengths no longer apply to the one being banned but the banning moderator. 3. I feel as though you're putting me in a negative light here. I want to tag players using information that is already visible to anyone who is looking for it. If they have a bad record that is their fault, if they don't then clearly at a glance they must be more reliable. 4. I don't even think you read my post, when did I say that the moderator position was an incentive? Quite the opposite, I said that it is not a promotion, I also stated that a lot of the newer players definitely see it as that (since that is what it is on every other server ever). My idea is to make us stand out by simply making it easy for everyone to know who you are. And yes, the server's current incentive is to play with friends, but in my personal experience, staying here has felt worthwhile when I log into the server after taking a two month break and people scream my name the moment I log in. In other words, being easily identified due to the reputation attached to my name.
  12. Having trusted users is a topic I used to ask a few admins about a while ago and it almost always came down to the "we don't use a rank system". Which is fine, whatever. But, adding a 'trusted' user group would help in identifying players a lot easier. Specifically when dealing with things across all servers. My idea is something along the lines of some sort of tag, like an icon or symbol attached to a player's identity. The purpose being for newer players to know who to talk to if they need help (by asking players who've been around longer) or for older players to know who not to trust (since they might not be aware of the rules). This would also be useful when anything involving all the servers comes up for example, the mod vote, I always hear people complain about who half of the nominees are because they've never even heard of them. if it were easy to identify that [X] nominee has been around since [blank] date players would be more inclined to give said nominee the benefit of the doubt. For moderators, I would assume that easily being able to identify players would make bans, kicks, mutes, etc. a lot faster. Another example, player [A] has a small history of spamming and verbal abuse (a note added by another mod in the past), moderator can quickly mute him the next time they do, since it was already noted that they were aware of the rule. Another thing that could be implemented (although I have a feeling a few won't like it) is to ban players according to how long they've been playing. Like if an older player had for some reason or another, decided to grief (or break some other rule), it should be obvious to any mod or admin that that player is well aware of the rules and knows what they're getting themselves into, set a longer ban length. As opposed to a newer player who breaks a rule and has little to no idea of what the rules are (you can't make them read them, it happens anyways) gets a much shorter ban length since, of course adopting something like a three-strike policy against them would 'motivate' them to familiarise themselves with the rules. I don't think of this as a rank system, because it's not changing permissions or giving any said person priority, it's just a matter of adding a visual representation of a player's identity. The goal being to identify which players have been around longer and what they've done. I'm also constantly looking for ways to help us stand out apart from other servers and being open to adding radical changes, even ones that are really minor, works in our favour, because it will generate interest, especially when it comes to advertising. Another thing, is that most servers adopt a rank system as an attempt to make money through payment, or as an incentive to continue playing on their server. Nerd doesn't have an incentive to stick around like that other than what appears to be the role of a moderator, which has been expressed in the past as not being a promotion. Which many players see it as anyways. Something as simple as being easily identified to other players would be enough of an incentive for someone to stay, without being 'better' than those who aren't. Feel free to discuss.
  13. That's what I was talking about. Allow me to clarify. Not to mention both types of tags have the same function. There shouldn't be two different types.
  14. First off, to clarify, this isn't Reddit's forum site. This is a website dedicated to a few Minecraft servers that are affiliated with Reddit. If you need help using Reddit, scroll down to the bottom of the front page and check out the FAQ.
  15. Actually LetsB is a Robot what was created by Dumbo, Martin, and Buzzin. It's development name was LetsBeeDumbMartinoBuzzinGFehr1152.
  16. That's what I do, as well as simply keeping two of the same block in my hotbar, but it's still an unnecessary hassle that shouldn't be there.
  17. I can attest to this, I am a huge advocate for clanchat and would prefer that newer players get accustomed to using the chats. I've also been making several clanchats for a variety of topics that are completely public. I also have been trying to plan a build, "The Hall of Clanchats" which I would've like to be built close to spawn (if not in it) so new players can learn about the functions of clanchat and join any of the chats on the server, or contact the owners for an invite.Regardless, there will still be those who end up muted and immediately resume their antics after they get unmuted. Still, they shouldn't be allowed to do so.
  18. Русская пропаганда стиль, пожалуйста. Сделать это выглядит: это. ( Russian propaganda style, please. Make it look like: this.)
  19. Minecraft: the RTS, coming soon to an S near you. I voted for 5 seconds because it gives anyone without pearls time to close the gap, while still allowing the player enough time and leeway to heal and pot up. Or to keep running.
  20. (This question applies to everyone) Has your experience on S changed because you cannot keep animals? Are you constantly starving? Are you unable to PvP? Are you unable to survive simply because you can't fill up an extra three hunger bars? If any of the answers above is no, then I don't really understand why you need to continue debating. Killing animals has always been allowed on S, and clearly it hasn't ruined what S is about. If you really want to keep your animals then just build a badass base to better protect or hide them, rather than change the rules for everyone. In regards to crops being grief-able, that may actually affect people's gameplay, S has always had a bunch of public (or easy to access) farms that make it easy to keep your health and hunger high, which in turn keeps you more prepared to fight, run away, or even explore. Think of it this way, a person who makes an animal farm is most likely going to keep those animals for themselves, whereas a person who makes a crop farm is (usually) going to leave it easy to access so others can take from it, because they know that they will replant what's taken. So crop farms are treated more like a service and making them grief-able messes with everyone that uses that farm as opposed to an animal farm where you're griefing the sole owner. also, not being able to kill animals means we don't get to have things like this anymore.
  21. For situations like this, it's much more efficient to place a modreq on the server and a moderator or admin can easily tp you back to your original location. You can also try using the /back command if you only tp'd away once. Always remember to set homes!
  22. Again, another thread that died down a little too quickly. I'd like to BUMP this thread. I'm also pretty sure we'd like to hear a bit of follow-up to the discussions that were supposedly had in the Admin Chat since it appears that absolutely nothing has come from these posts. (yet again)
  23. 1. Our own moderators are tired of C... And yet we still can't find ways to fix that? Just because they aren't leaving nerd and merely going to another of our servers. Personal question: you are good at building, what would you personally want to see out of creative since I can assume that you aren't a free to build on P due to restrictions of survival mode? (other than W/E) 2. That sounds good, considering how convenient switching between servers has become. You wouldn't happen to know who is working on that would you? 3. Anyone that cannot take rejection should not be who you are looking for in a moderator position. And honesty is the best policy. Worst case scenario Player A holds a minor grudge against Mod B, good, someone who does that shouldn't be a mod. 4. Isn't nerd.nu/applyformod a joke? Or does it actually take in names? 5. That is essentially what the current system is. The problem is, no one leaves their server to help out the others. 6. Not so much biased as heavily unbalanced. (though like anything involving people, there is bias) 7. That is what they (the Head Admins) do, but we've been discussing that the Server Admins also get to be a part of the final decision. 8. Bardidley is referring to the way that C's spawn is set up, it's rather strange and over;y complicated and many new players log in see a bunch of dark hallways without an obvious means of escape and promptly leave. It's too late to fix Rev 25's spawn but for for future revisions, please take this into consideration. 9. For advertisements on Reddit, and for advertisements anywhere else. 10. Not an official contest, (yet) but there is a discussion involving the Hub server. Here.
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