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Everything posted by buzzinbee

  1. favorite memory on the servers?
  2. That's nice teddy, ok what is your favorite memory about these servers?
  3. I really like optifine and rei's however, after this thread I would personally be in favor of not having them. As it is a clear advantage in locating things under lava or seeing structures like temples. Just my thoughts on it though.
  4. That would be awesome, if anyone has got the stuff to do this, please do haha.
  5. Staff members and non-staff members will be allowed to do it, if we ever do stop with the AMA's then staff will not be able to do it either. We do not give privileges to staff members.
  6. Nice plan! we need vids thinking about music we don't need to limit ourselves to one video, we can get a tone of different types of videos with different types of music and different themes. But if any videos are made, pm them to myself, ROCKONN or JohnAdams1735 and we could try to get them uploaded to the server's youtube.
  7. You have a note stating that you were warned for griefing aswell. However the player that banned you is no longer in the staff team, so please allow time for another admin to take over your appeal. In the mean time it would be a good idea for you to look over the rules at nerd.nu/rules.
  8. Enjoy your break Boredeth!
  9. Yeah levy it was you I talked about this with, the KOTH idea seemed to be a good one. Allowing players to fortify their base for the forthcoming attack :) not sure how possible it all is though
  10. Thanks for the idea GMMan however, many players enjoy digging themselves and also the system of banning the griefers and rolling them back has been working very well so far so I think we will stick with the traditional way. But again thanks for the idea :)
  11. I always thought that the picks then reappeared a few seconds later.
  12. Who is the sexiest mod me or tacodude3?
  13. Going into modmode in the nether and the end for me has caused a glitch where whenever I make a command it says i'm offline and has lead to my minecraft crashing.
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