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Everything posted by buzzie71
Going to be honest, not sure how to do it with current plugins without additional tech magic ._. If it's a one-time obstacle course, maybe set up some redstone circuitry so that when one player walks down a path to the first place chest, a door closes behind them and another one to the second place chest opens, and similarly for when someone walks down a path to the second place chest? I can try to piece an idea together but I'm not too good at making circuitry compact - a redstone engineer would be more familiar with it and can probably build it faster :O EDIT: If all that's needed is a sign that's punched to announce completion similar to how portal discoveries are announced on P (can only handle player who hits the sign as well as a message, don't think it can count up for first, second, third place), that's trivial.
I've started looking around the jungle island (marked by home jungle1, it's unlisted) for places to place the stone ruins. I've found four capes to drop down the four stone faces already, but I've been unable to find a flat cliff face on that island for a relief sculpture - all the hills near the edge of the island are too small. Should I attempt a terraform to build a hill large enough for it, or stick it somewhere else, or bury it partially underground, or something else? I've been thinking about dropping the other pieces inside the dense jungle but I'm worried they will probably not be found - should I plant them more towards the outer edges where they can be found? Maybe try to cluster them together to look like ruins of a city? (Not confident I can pull this off :S) I've taken the other relief sculpture to the island with the volcano - currently it's in the air in view of MasterCommaThe's fishing village (on the other side of the strait). MasterCommaThe - would it be okay to embed the sculpture there? If you'd rather it not be visible from the village, I have a few other sites picked out that I can go to instead, and I'll clean up the existing copy. Also, should the sculpture be on the volcano itself or could it be on a hill farther away? I was thinking the latter since it would (lore-wise) be less likely to be buried under lava should the volcano erupt again. I believe I have enough sites picked out that I could do either.
I know I've been a bit lazy lately on my part >< - in the interests of time I'm thinking of scrapping the nether ruins in favor of moving forward. What criteria must I operate within when choosing sites for the ruins? I envisioned the stone ones being placed in the jungle, but there are only two(?) such islands and the ruins will thus not be very evenly distributed across the map, and I don't have too much in the way of the other biomes. Other than sites in the Jungle maybe, I can set up a relief sculpture on one of the flatter faces on the volcano - again, would like to know what criteria I should follow as well as if I should begin placing the structures or submit potential sites for review first. Also, I have insufficient background knowledge to work on the shipwreck build ._.
sshadow04- note appeal. [buzzie71 & head admins]
buzzie71 replied to sshadow04's topic in Closed Ban Appeals
The last note placed there by me has been removed as well. -
Are homes set to public by default? relief1 is one of mine I think ._. should be next to a flat-ish cliff face that I think would be easy to insert one of the relief sculptures in.
MasterCommaThe, I got a glimpse of that the other day and thought it was amazingly built, as well as the pyramid housing the buff on the Nether island (that wall detailing is so cool, it's like tiers upon tiers of revered animals or something :O) Both strike me as wonders-of-the-ancient-world-esque and I think players will be as impressed (if not more) when they chance upon them. I realize I haven't said a word in this thread yet ._. I've been taking a crack at some random ruiny things to scatter across the map (much more micro-scale). They should be easily spotted near the edge of render distance from spawning into /mvtp admin. For most of them I've tried to brainstorm things along the lines of "ancient Mesoamerican-y civilization structures" (relief sculpture, four-legged animal thing sculpture(?)) but have built things with BIONICLE influences (the 4 spires, a sandpit with obsidian and sandstone and wood blocks). For the relief sculptures themselves I was envisioning them mostly just set in the side of a hill or something - if hidden doors in the sculpture are required for anything, it's possible to accommodate that too. While building them I was thinking of a backstory thread idea - that these structures are artifacts left by an ancient tribe, who lived and thrived in the area until defeat by a technologically (more) advanced hostile tribe in a pivotal battle heralded their eventual decline. (Also attempted to build a sculpture that depicted a prophecy of Unity being built but that didn't go too well.) I can try to come up with something better for "animals are fucking everywhere" and try to put that in a relief sculpture, but as of right now the only idea I have for it is "just some act of Notch". Anyway, I'm currently fresh out of ideas for what to build next ._. Should I try designing structures that look like they belong on the other biome islands? http://i.imgur.com/iBzfUhV.png
Render distance in the overworld changed from 7x7 chunks around the player (radius 3) to 9x9 (radius 4)
I juxtaposed the current P ruleset with the new summary to see how closely the new one matches the old one, and found some wording that might alter their meanings (note that the Padmins may decide to change these later; these are just things I noticed when looking for preservation of rules): "Land that has been significantly improved through road/plot making or terraforming can be protected at admin discretion." - the current ruleset simply says "our discretion" which implies not necessarily admins only; would also recommend wording of "our discretion." (If, in practice, these are all done by admin only discretion, then I take this back) "This includes any named mobs, mobs that are enclosed/restrained, claimed pet-type mobs and villagers." - maybe add "Hostile mob "pets" must be enclosed such that they cannot harm players who pass by [and players cannot enter the enclosure without breaking in]." (The bracketed part is unwritten but enforced through precedent - if someone can enter the enclosure through doors or falling in or something similar, it also nulls the possibility of refund if the mob is killed. Unsure if that should be added in, but it is in line with current policy.)
Join an empty koth_nucleus server. Melee Heavy only. Encourage killing with the Showdown taunt.
Ban information: Ban for coolddddd on c.nerd.nu for PvP outside a PvP zone on P nerd.nu/appeal by buzzie71 on 2015-03-30T02:29:45.303 (no more bans, 2 notes) Additional notes: Note #40277 for coolddddd on c.nerd.nu: Warned about not replanting crops 3/28/15 by jchance on 2015-03-29T01:06:54.328 Note #38845 for coolddddd on c.nerd.nu: Crop grief on P. by Zomise on 2014-12-01T17:23:06.187 You are banned for killing a player outside a PvP zone on P. One of the core principles of PvE is that players need not worry about getting killed by other players unless they intentionally seek it, either by consent or by walking into a (clearly marked) PvP arena. As such, violation of this by circumventing the disabling of PvP is taken seriously, and in this case, consent was not given and the kill occurred outside a PvP arena. I was watching both of you when the death occurred and found in later examination that the only actions done to inflict damage were done by you - by placing lava to damage and ultimately kill another player. No evidence of retaliation was found, suggesting that the player you killed did not fight back and that you intentionally attempted to kill the player. It is evident that there is a land dispute between both of you as well. Regardless of the outcome of this land dispute, killing the player you have a disagreement with is an unacceptable method of working out a solution. You are banned for a month. Please make a new appeal on or after April 30, 2015 stating both the rule you broke and that you agree to abide by the rules to be unbanned.
Apologies for the delay. You were banned specifically for harassment via PM. Relevant logs are below with the player you were conversing with. Various redactions, including the name of the player in question who is referred to as "P1" in this post, are made because they have the potential to cause harmful social repurcussions for the player. This is not a new practice - past harassment appeals similarly conceal player names and other sensitive information. ... 2015-03-30 20:50:40 | [UNP -> P1] also, great [removed]. You totally don't look like a creepy, somewhat moist, skinny dweeb. ... 2015-03-30 20:51:57 | [UNP -> P1] I should get a betting pool going on whether you'll become a serial killer or a rapist. 2015-03-30 20:52:02 | [UNP -> P1] your look suggests either 2015-03-30 20:52:12 | [UNP -> P1] so maybe "both" is the correct choice? 2015-03-30 20:54:06 | [UNP -> P1] also, lovely [removed]. I'd be stunned rigid if you'd ever ACTUALLY 2015-03-30 20:54:12 | [UNP -> P1] interacted with a woman in the sexual sense 2015-03-30 20:54:15 | [UNP -> P1] at least consensually Your messages to this player show that you used personal and incriminating information on other services outside of this server to insult and shame the player in their face. Harassment, personal attack, stalking, whatever anyone decides to call it, it's uncivil and highly unacceptable. The severity of this borders on doxxing. To be clear: you are free to dislike whoever you choose for whatever reason you choose, but you are not free to insult anyone to this degree, whether you believe they deserve it or not. The latter act is why you are banned. Prior to this, you have been muted at least twice in the last six months for persisting in disruptive chat topics in global chat after being asked to either move discussion elsewhere or drop the topic. You have been warned once about harassment through private messages. In light of the circumstances leading to this ban and your relevant history, and in consultation with the head admins and the Community Interaction Policy, the ban length is set for 3 months. During this time you are banned from all Nerd.Nu services (including IRC, Mumble, and the forums). On or after June 31, 2015, when you wish to be unbanned, please send an email to admins@nerd.nu to request a forum unban after reading through the rules at http://nerd.nu/rules. Once that has been granted, make a new appeal mentioning that you have read the rules and will agree to abide by them to be unbanned. For reference, note/ban history is included below: Ban for unp on c.nerd.nu for Homophobia [removed] - http://nerd.nu/appeal by skuld on 2011-11-12 16:49:25,unbanned 2014-10-18 https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/2674-unp-skuld/ Ban for unp on c.nerd.nu for Homophobia on Pve nerd.nu/appeal by Trooprm32 on 2015-02-21T09:47:55.936, unbanned upon appeal https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/3116-unp-trooprm32/ Note #40255 for UNP on c.nerd.nu: (cont'd) circumventing caps spam filter by schererererer on 2015-03-24T05:35:25.462 Note #40254 for UNP on c.nerd.nu: muted for disrupting chat after 3 warnings, verbal abuse toward players/staff, by schererererer on 2015-03-24T05:34:49.435 Note #40061 for UNP on c.nerd.nu: Muted for cussing at other player in chat, being a dick, and calling everyone stupid by jchance on 2015-02-26T23:35:27.276 Note #38741 for UNP on c.nerd.nu: Muted for 1 week, until Nov 29th. by Trooprm32 on 2014-11-22T21:12:41 Note #38592 for UNP on c.nerd.nu: warned about minor harassment via messaging other players by schererererer on 2014-11-08T07:04:45 Note #38586 for UNP on c.nerd.nu: Warned repeatedly for inappropriate topics in chat. by Sapphric on 2014-11-07T17:56:15
Going to post here to say that details of your ban are still being deliberated and I'll post a resolution (hopefully if I don't get too busy ><) in the next day or two.
3/28/2015 Due to concerns about running of /list-all causing lag spikes on P, the command has been disabled until further notice. The denying of mooshroom spawning is now restricted to a cuboid region around the mushroom island instead of globally.
Ban information: Ban for Vonosis on c.nerd.nu for homophobia nerd.nu/appeal by mrschteven88 on 2012-06-08T21:31:57 (no more bans, 1 notes) This ban is a bit less than three years old, so you'll be unbanned. Do take a read through the rules and this page before you return though. Welcome back, and play well :D
Bumping this after getting reports that players are still looking for particular mods for protections. Additionally, modreq 3314 was also granted due to a huge number of edits and terraforming.
Apologies b00ds - re-examination of the proposed space (and a re-checking of the given coordinates in the modreq ><) revealed the significant terraforming endeavor, and thus the region has been expanded accordingly.
As a point of general principle, to me eliminating the longer set of rules and replacing it with a more concise but less specific set of rules will open up questions of interpretation. While discretion is expected in some cases (and in some cases explicitly legal) it is not something I'd like to see used liberally - regardless of what the rules may claim, over-reliance on discretion to handle issues feels unacceptably arbitrary. I like the idea of consolidating the longer ruleset to something more readable/understandable/less ambiguous, and if after doing so it does come down to the same set of short and concise rules, then awesome. But I treat it as one of the ultimate authorities to consult in times of dispute because it is the most specific, and using rules designed more as a summary as that ultimate authority would run counter to that purpose. As a quick reference though, having a shorter and concise set of rules as an easier-to-read summary of the longer ones would be excellent for new players, being much easier to read and understand. I took a cursory glance down the list of universal and P rules and think it looks great so far.
Apologies for the long wait; over the past week I took a look again at the points you've raised and checked them against what is shown in the logs: - Upon re-examination of the fire edits in the vicinity, only three fires were placed by Ridiculous_Face before the first deathpoint. http://i.imgur.com/Pt7tpQz.png Significantly more were placed by Storm_Splurge_2 minutes prior. http://i.imgur.com/z6CAZnl.jpg Given the patterns of fire placement it is feasible that both were lighting fires in an attempt to damage each other (at worst), and this therefore can be seen as implicit consent by both players to take part. - Examination of the second deathpoint shows that it occurred 12 seconds after the most recent fire placement in the vicinity. The pattern of fire placement does not strongly suggest an intention to damage players as opposed to the above. In light of what has been presented and corroborated, there is insufficient evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubt that unconsented PvP had taken place, and thus it will be immediately lifted. Note that you are expected to follow the rules on the server when you are on it. If you are goofing off and playing with fire with other players, recognize that this is a line you tread at your own risk. You are now unbanned. Welcome back, be careful, and play well :D
There's an extremely large land claim and I want to talk about it.
buzzie71 replied to Helmarok and Incapacity's topic in PvE
You need to seek out the player if you want to discuss land claim boundaries or aspects of the build. If that goes nowhere, you can ask an admin to mediate any disputes you have. Posting on the forums about why the build should not stand is not the way to do it. -
3/11/2015 Death messages stuff: Fixed stuttering from reporting killing item. Added in some messages missing from last rev. Kill messages added for all 1.8 mobs (Endermite, Guardian, Rabbit) and Ender Dragon Infamous "cave spider infighting" death message added back in as a possible cave spider death message. Other stuff (belated): Rabbits are now subject to MobLimiter culling with a minimum count of 8
Hello Ridiculous - just to keep you informed about this ban while it is being looked into: A modreq was made about the death by fire - upon examination of the death points (two were found), your fire placements were discovered. Some fire placed closest to the death points were placed within 15 seconds before the death, suggesting an intent to kill. The ban itself was issued late while I sought review of the evidence from other Padmins. (This was the line of reasoning before your appeal; see last part.) http://i.imgur.com/RAXhXJF.png http://i.imgur.com/bXd8bwy.jpg http://i.imgur.com/W3PwtV4.png <- contains coordinate locations of death by fire; first two are in the vicinity of death number 2; last three are in the vicinity of death number 1 http://i.imgur.com/0IRXI96.png http://i.imgur.com/vCHtTKE.jpg Standard ban length for unconsented PvP outside arenas on P is one month, so this ban would normally expire on April 6. However, given your appeal and the circumstances of this ban, that may change; I will get back to this appeal with a date once I've checked some more things.
Seems I have accidentally misread the timezone on your ban time and kept you banned several hours too long; my apologies ><. You are now unbanned. Welcome back, and play well :D
Ban information: Ban for ASHtheBass on c.nerd.nu for Major rail grief on P nerd.nu/appeal by buzzie71 on 2015-03-03T19:46:34.036 (no more bans, no notes) Hello ASHtheBass, You were banned for destroying blocks placed by another player - most of these are rails, but you have also cleared out ladders, chests, and an End chest, among other things, all of which were placed by another player and destroyed without their consent. The only rule you have violated here that led to the ban is the "no griefing" rule (under Universal) - the magnitude of your unauthorized edits (at least 1000) was also a factor. http://imgur.com/a/FusTo I understand that you don't want someone else's rail in the vicinity directly under your town and want to discourage continued construction or use of it - it's a perfectly reasonable desire. But it is not acceptable to take the matter into your own hands and break it all - this is the very definition of griefing. Some other things for clarification: The rule against building very close to other players' builds generally applies more to builds that are built next to other builds - we expect players not to construct their builds directly adjacent to or in close proximity to others. Running a rail just under a build's bottom-most built-upon layer, for example, would violate this. Rails deep under a build on the surface like the one in this case are, according to the rules, fair game (since it traverses a space considered public property - the underground, specifically) - you would need to talk to the player who has laid them to inquire about getting it moved. In times like these, if you seek the builder so you know who to contact and talk to about moving the rail, you can modreq to find out what the IGN is. You can then message the player if said player is online, or send /mail if the player is not. To help facilitate this, I've sent you a mail for when you return pointing you to the player to speak to. If negotiations reach an impasse, you may ask for staff to help mediate your dispute. Don't be afraid to approach one of the staff to ask about things like this - it's part of the reason we're here. The tunnel has been rolled back with the exception of two redstone ore you mined in there. The rails you have obtained from this have been removed from your possession, and the torches you used to light the tunnel have been returned. You mention that you've re-read the rules. The ban length is set for 2 days since the ban occurred, so you'll be unbanned in another day. In the meantime, if you have any further questions or concerns about this ban, or wish to contest the ban length, feel free to either post here or in a forum PM.
Probably the closest legal action relevant to this is that roads and plots (need borders for these) in a town are generally considered fair game for protections, so to me, something like the west two thirds of that image is not yet suitable for a protection. Terraforming is going to be more difficult to quantify in terms of how much warrants protections. Currently it is only listed in the rules as "by discretion" and the interpretation of this has seemingly varied widely since its introduction. To me, In the extreme cases, an island built from scratch in the middle of an ocean was considered fair, while planting flowers and other vegetation around existing terrain was not sufficient. Some examples in the (recent-y) past where protections were given for terraforming: Bromspring Island last rev was the island built from scratch in the middle of an ocean - that itself could be considered a build, since it was created by itself and not as a modification of existing terrain. Itamashi was protected in a space within complex (not monoblock or hastily built) walls - the dark oak forest within the walls had been completely cut down, the terrain lit, and cobblestone roads laid. Modreq 536 on the current rev - aside from the road segment, the surface of the northern sliver of land between the road and the water was sculpted by hand (an LB query at the time showed dirt had been placed/removed along the surface), trees and flowers planted, water placed to flow.