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Everything posted by buzzie71

  1. 3/1/2015 A serious SafeBuckets bug was discovered; flow reqs are on hold until bug is fixed. EDIT: Fixed!
  2. Donation chests are odd in that in order for players to remove things from the chest they need to be added as admins. Try adding the region as admin to the donation chest. (Note that with admin perms on LWC locks, players will be able to add players to the lock perms, as usual)
  3. 2/20/2014 Revision 14 taken offline and a whitelisted Revision 15 map brought online for final checks before the launch in ~1 hour. Don't worry; rev hasn't launched early! EDIT: Revision 15 is open for business! Check out the info post here. We've also turned the hopper tick rate back up to vanilla levels. Techs will tweak this during the early days of the rev depending on its impact on ticks per second (TPS, a measure of game speed).
  4. The rules should be extended to include impersonation of another player (or if that is too harsh, unwanted impersonation of another player). Being able to occupy the same identity as someone else leaves that identity open to tarnishing by forces outside the original's control, which can be socially damaging and allows social engineers another avenue of harassment. This is as insidious as impersonation of staff, if not more.
  5. So my (mostly unfiltered) thoughts about lore in CTF: Honestly, assuming that whatever happens in this story is considered canon, I'm not sure how to both keep the story where I intend it to go as well as make the story as compelling and personal as it was in rev 11. The way the story has been left off at the moment, Unity is (implied to be) somewhere in deep space after making the jump back from a parallel universe and it's implied they have been captured (or are about to be) by aliens who seek to reverse-engineer its technology. Vengeance is constructed after said aliens attack the homeworld for the sole purpose of finding Unity and bringing it and its crew home. To me it seems the next encounter would lend itself more to a PvE scenario (the good human guys on Vengeance + the captured Unity crew vs. the evil aliens sort of thing) for a continuation, unless aliens have been able to use or reverse-engineer the human spawners on Unity and generate soldiers from the Cryo Bay to fight for them? (Vengeance may have to have one too.) That could work maybe...hmmmm, would need to maybe work on making players comfortable with playing on the antagonist side. Also not entirely sure how to continue the story from the end of CTF - what context does capturing the other team's flag hold? If they're something like reactor core pieces (or maybe even REGE fuel :O) one neutral ending would be that the skirmish was unsuccessful and the aliens temporarily disable Vengeance while moving Unity away instead of draining their resources on an endless fight. It'd also imply that no one wins, which is historically probably not going to be true, but would avoid paths that would end the story at CTF (eg. Vengeance is depowered and aliens keep control of Unity...could have homeworld send another dreadnought to retrieve both of them but in terms of story it would seem silly for so much effort to be put into Vengeance only to have the ship ended when it reached its destination, or Unity is depowered and Vengeance fights off aliens before retaking the ship and both fly home). Actually that last possibility would work too, but in order to guarantee the story moves forward we'd either have to disregard the scores entirely or stack the teams so Vengeance team always wins, both not very desirable I think. Casting the CTF as a war game or a battle simulation (maybe for Vengeance crew? The best enemies they can train against are humans who can actually formulate tactics, over, say zombies), or throwing canon out the window, is always an option, but I'm worried the story will then lose some of its personal nature because the events that happen in the game don't actually happen in the story, something that was not entirely true for Unity rev 11. EDIT: Potential solution: - Vengeance catches up to Unity in an asteroid field. Shots are exchanged; both ship's defenses and weapons are knocked out. - Vengeance prepares its human spawner to generate boarding parties and sends them to steal Unity's fuel - the crew believe that cutting off its power will make it less interesting for the aliens who will give up and leave. (Spoiler: They wouldn't - they really want Unity's technology and they will do their best to maintain control of the ship, even if it's without power. Probably the only thing that would get them to leave is if Vengeance breaks into Unity and destroys the vessel, say by disabling safety mechanisms and creating a dimensional gate at Unity itself, maybe tearing the ship apart - but that is not very conducive to a CTF event, not to mention I don't want Unity to be destroyed yet :O) - Depowering Unity will also stop the aliens from using the ship's human spawner to send troops after it, making the ship easier to retake. - Aliens tweak the input soul matrices and reverse-engineer the human spawner to spawn in humans loyal to them, and send them to defend the vessel and steal Vengeance's fuel - if Vengeance suffers a power drop, the dreadnought's threat to Unity and the aliens is effectively nullified, not to mention that more advanced technology can be reaped from its hull. (John Smith, the AI on Unity, will probably be shut off and so won't be able to call out to the player to resist the programmed loyalty to aliens.) - The pretense of there being an infinite number of flags (fuel) to steal is that both ships are programmed to attempt to recreate stolen fuel at the cost of both the victim ship's power to other subsystems and the recreated fuel's power efficiency. Due to the immense power reserves in both vessels, It is not easy to depower either ship to the point of not being able to recreate fuel (and Unity for example is designed to be guaranteed limited power through its dual redstone power cores if the main REGE is knocked out), but minimum power (for perhaps both vessels?) only really guarantees enough power to life support and none to everything else (eg. weapons, defenses, labs, deployment mechanisms, propulsion, dimensional gate formation for Unity) and is a very undesirable state for operation. - The Storm (the aliens) are using this conflict to buy themselves some time while they examine Unity's tech, especially the beacon cannon. - Vengeance's scientists (do they have scientists?) or Unity's scientists that escape (they definitely have scientists...maybe escape pods on magenta deck?) will be working onboard Vengeance (does the ship have a lab?) on some sort of biologically engineered virus transmittable through skin(?) contact to block the pre-programmed loyalty that the aliens have coded into Unity team's soul matrices. - At the conclusion of the event (maybe not shown in-game), the biometric data in the virus is written into newly spawned Vengeance troops, who then use bows and arrows to shoot and infect the Unity troops to convert them to the Vengeance side. - If both teams have made little progress against each other or if Vengeance is losing, the aliens will either get bored or have finished enough of their examination work. They stop generating more loyal humans, EMP the Vengeance (fry their weapons, sensors, propulsion...somehow, maybe they reverse-engineer something on Unity to produce that pulse), and fly the Unity away. - If Vengeance is winning, the aliens will cut their losses and use the remaining power in the ship to EMP the Vengeance and fly Unity away.
  6. I like the general format of the applyformod page as it currently stands. The anonymity is not a disincentive to recommend players who may be controversial, and generally in a brainstorming session I'd prefer having an influx of names and then throwing out names that don't qualify, rather than restrict the number of names that come in and risk missing names that are good. Perhaps the forum verification can be put in place only to make sure someone who is registered can submit names, and then have that information (of who submitted the name) hidden from the final list of submitted names that are shown in the mod nominations thread. Given that we are no longer directing trolls to the page as was done when the page was first created, I think the similarly troll YouTube site should either be removed, or replaced with something that is more worth a user's time submitting a name (as stated on the page currently).
  7. buzzie71

    PvE Map Poll

    Greetings nerd.nu! As you may have noticed now, we are well past three months into the PvE rev, and it’s about time to look forward to the next one - somewhat.* Specifically, we are looking for feedback on a good PvE map - what biomes there should be, what features should be on it, how big it should be, questions like that. So with that being said, here’s a poll with some of these questions and more - and if there’s anything you’d like to mention that’s not in the poll questions, comment down below. Our goal is to build an interesting and enjoyable map, and the results of this poll will definitely influence how the map is created. *Padmins retain official word regarding the end of the rev and such announcements will be posted visibly; any comments to the contrary are pure speculation and should be taken with grains of salt.
  8. 12/7/2014 Edited first post with link to suggestions page; go post!
  9. 12/2/2014: (belated) Removed Thanksgiving resource pack. Fixed baby horses (foals) being un-agelockable with a nametag (previously foals disappeared immediately on naming)
  10. Some other minigames/servers I know of: I've only been on oc.tc for their PvP minigames, some objective-based (capture wool/destroy targets with TNT cannons) as well as team deathmatch. Some maps have novel game mechanics/loadouts to give variation in gameplay (in two of the deathmatch maps, one gave players weapons powerful enough for a one-hit KO; another allowed players to shoot ender pearls with a bow). I don't know how well-known multicu.be is but I also stop by from time to time, mainly for spleef but sometimes for a gamemode they call "zombie apocalypse"(?) - players run through a scenic track and get to the finish while defending against zombies that infect them. There are other games there too. There's also a Trouble in Minecraft Town (TTT on MC) minigame online somewhere, but I don't think it succeeds in gameplay as gmod's does.
  11. 11/27/2014: Added a server resource pack that changes chickens to turkeys: Chickens are reskinned and given a new ambient sound, and English (US) language file updated to label chickens as turkeys. Regardless of if you accept or decline the use of the server resource pack, you can change your server resource pack setting for P in your multiplayer menu (select server in list -> Edit -> Server Resource Packs) If applied, resource pack will be loaded in your client until you log out of a server, even if you jump between servers with commands (like /survival and /creative) Anticipated duration of change: one day
  12. PvE Suggestions To follow in the footsteps of S and C, PvE will also be maintaining a suggestions page here. We encourage you to send your suggestions there and vote on what you see! Though we cannot feasibly accommodate all suggestions, we do actively notice any new suggestions for P that are brought up, and with this page we can also gauge demand for specific requests. Please bring all your suggestions for P there, though you may also get in touch with us over the subreddit, the forums, email (admins@nerd.nu - note all admins will see your email), and in-game if you have something you'd like to bring to our attention specifically. PvE Changelog We will also be maintaining a changelog for the server, and we will endeavor to note any changes that impact gameplay in this log. Bigger updates will also have a corresponding subreddit post linked in the log. As with the other changelogs, though anyone may post to this thread, the Padmins reserve the right to remove posts from view when the next log entry is posted, mainly to keep the log uncluttered as it lengthens.
  13. Certainly the advantages of this are clear if a mod nomination thread runs for a long period of time (as has happened before - a quick check through PMC showed a thread that extended for four months and seven pages apparently O.o). Worth a shot :D
  14. I think a variation of our current system is the best way to go - what is most needed now, and most lacking in the current system, is really just the discussion aspect: explaining in depth about particular players, making a case for or against. The questions you put forth are definitely good starting points for the additional explanation with each names, even if it's really just pointing to other posts and agreeing with them.
  15. It has come to my attention since you were banned that there were accusations that you have stolen villagers from a town (Whiteoak) without prior consent. A moderator who suspected this spoke with you earlier: 2014-10-09 11:21:52 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] Hey there, do you have a few minutes to chat? 2014-10-09 11:22:02 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] ya 2014-10-09 11:22:27 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] I wanted to ask about the villagers that you took from Whiteoak, specifically the 2 perfect 2014-10-09 11:22:33 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] librarians that we had 2014-10-09 11:22:55 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] Why did you take them? 2014-10-09 11:24:30 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] a friend of mine was fooling around with them, i believe that they died 2014-10-09 11:24:40 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] i wasn't sure what exactly happened with them 2014-10-09 11:24:58 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] I just know it happened 2014-10-09 11:25:17 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] He was on your account? 2014-10-09 11:25:24 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] i heard several guys died, but i didn't know about it 2014-10-09 11:25:47 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] yeah, me and my cooworker 2014-10-09 11:26:14 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] So let me get this right 2014-10-09 11:26:33 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] Your friend, and a coworker, who happened to be on your account, found whiteoak's villager 2014-10-09 11:26:48 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] area, proceded to take the 2 perfect librarians, ship them through the portal 2014-10-09 11:27:01 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] through the nether, to spawn, and then to your cane farm with other villagers 2014-10-09 11:27:11 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] and then put them in a villaer stall, with the rest of your villagers? 2014-10-09 11:27:24 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] While also replacing the villagers that were taken with other librarians to cover it up 2014-10-09 11:27:25 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] yeah he said he was trying to move them around and they died in the nether 2014-10-09 11:28:09 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] "move them around" across the map?? 2014-10-09 11:28:27 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] we already had paper merchants here 2014-10-09 11:28:54 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] Correct, but one of the paper matches 100% with one of the paper traders that we lost 2014-10-09 11:28:58 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] WHich is pretty much impossible 2014-10-09 11:29:12 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] To get the exact same trades from unlocking him 2014-10-09 11:29:28 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] exact same trades? 2014-10-09 11:29:43 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] Yes, same ehcnahts, same order, same paper, everything 2014-10-09 11:29:58 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] All i know is that he said he joined white oak and was using their merchants and they they ended 2014-10-09 11:30:02 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] up dieing 2014-10-09 11:30:16 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] but he plays all the time 2014-10-09 11:30:47 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] As this is your account, you are responsible for who plays on it and what they do 2014-10-09 11:31:09 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] Stealing villagers and moving them across the map is a pretty serious offense 2014-10-09 11:31:18 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] Especially when they are found, back in your base 2014-10-09 11:31:29 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] where are they found here? 2014-10-09 11:31:36 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] One of them were yes 2014-10-09 11:31:46 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] i hope it's not the ones that got broken 2014-10-09 11:31:46 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] The other looks like he died in the nether 2014-10-09 11:31:52 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] cause we got like 4 of those now 2014-10-09 11:32:06 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] He's not 2014-10-09 11:32:21 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] Hes, if I recall correctly, one of the only perfect paper traders you have left 2014-10-09 11:32:38 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] we have 3 now 2014-10-09 11:32:43 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] and 3 broken 2014-10-09 11:32:51 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] and 1 with gold at the end 2014-10-09 11:33:04 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] well 1 needs last trade unlocked hes very recent 2014-10-09 11:33:23 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] we move these guys around alot 2014-10-09 11:33:32 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] so i'm not sure which one it is 2014-10-09 11:33:41 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] but i think it's 1 of these 2 2014-10-09 11:34:35 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] I have one question, how did your friend find out where our villagers were? 2014-10-09 11:34:59 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] not sure i assume there were just there 2014-10-09 11:35:17 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] There locked in a room that is hidden underground, so its hard to just 2014-10-09 11:35:19 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] I've seen chatting about them 2014-10-09 11:35:20 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] stumble upon them 2014-10-09 11:37:12 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] I don't mind whatever ya want to do, I think he just did stupid stuff 2014-10-09 11:37:26 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] I know that we get these paper guys like 1 in every 20 2014-10-09 11:37:38 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] og the white guys that is 2014-10-09 11:38:21 | [Moderator -> Poppyspy] Do your friend and coworker use your computer to play on your account? 2014-10-09 11:39:11 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] this account has only been used on a laptop and desktop 2014-10-09 11:39:17 | [Poppyspy -> Moderator] that i'm aware of Regardless of who was at your computer, you are responsible for your own account.Additionally, the trail of edits seen in LogBlock, showing rail placements from said hidden villager bunker to Whiteoak's portal, through the Nether, and out near spawn corroborate this pretty strongly: http://imgur.com/a/8Ufat Thus, I believe you to also be guilty of mob theft, something that is explicitly prohibited in our rules: Given the attention and persistence required to steal mobs (especially villagers) in this way, I feel this is something else to consider for Poppyspy's ban.
  16. I'm not sure if I'll have time when the contest(s) happens, but if I do I can try and help :O.
  17. I realize it's a little late, but to provide some closure to this issue we've decided to stick with Mumber's disabling of mob spawning in the castle.
  18. Since a Padmin has yet to weigh in (we've been somewhat busy, sorry :S): The way land disputes have been handled in the past (and currently) was, we usually expect the two parties to first try to resolve the dispute on their own, with admins at that point trying to facilitate discussion. If nothing comes of it, then final resolution of the dispute falls on the admins. Each dispute is handled case by case (and thus I hesitate to give a particular answer for this hypothetical situation), but we take note of many factors including, but not limited to: who built/expanded where first effort put into the build location of the disputed area As a general rule, as lethal points out, players should not be building on top of or unusually close to other players’ builds without permission in the first place - and this is one of the things we consider as stated above. We do and will remove builds that do this, but most land disputes that have come up now and in the past are not always this clear-cut.
  19. You're unbanned now. Good luck, and if you choose to come by and play here, play well :D
  20. Ban information: Ban #9849747 Ban for damo190 on c.nerd.nu for grief no constructive edits nerd.nu/appeal by Slugfrompluto on 2013-03-05 02:12:15 (no more bans, no notes) It's been more than a year and your banning moderator is no longer on staff. To be unbanned, please take a read through our rules at http://nerd.nu/rules and post back saying you've read them and agree to them. Also, since you were apparently hacked, please also change your account password and post back saying you've done so. I've gone ahead and altered the title of your appeal to include your name as well as that of your banning moderator.
  21. From what I've heard, the second grinder was built as a response to dissatisfaction with how the first one is run, and the request for PvP is meant as a means for players to eliminate players that are being rude at the grinder. That said, to set the record straight, PvP has never been enabled inside that grinder, regardless of what the signs may have implied. It's also worth noting that multiple End grinders on P is not new; there have been previous revs where there existed as many as three at once. The issue, to me, that arose last night was not whether more than one End grinder should be allowed, but whether or not the alleged foul play that happened last night necessitates staff intervention. Again, we'll get back with a decision as soon as we are able to.
  22. Speaking on behalf of the Padmins, we have been following the situation for some time now. We've noted that there is a lot of drama surrounding it, as well as the accusations of foul play, but haven't arrived at anything firm yet. We'll get back to you when we do. For now, as with any excessively negative chat, you have the authority to ask the topic be dropped, as you have been doing. I'm sorry I don't have a better answer than this...we'll do our best to expedite our response.
  23. I mention it because in a non-modded client, a player's nameplate behind an obstruction will disappear when the player crouches - so this feature in Zyin's would provide more information than could otherwise be obtained by a vanilla client, as well as gives additional information about what a player's y-level approximately is (a little more than what player radar on minimaps itself offers). On P, maybe this isn't that much of an advantage, but given that it gives more information than player radar, I'm feeling a bit iffy about it. (I definitely don't expect something like this to fly on S)
  24. Wanted to point out that the player locator feature in Zyin's HUD will show player locations even when players are crouched behind an obstacle, and that I'm not too fond of it for that reason.
  25. You're unbanned now. Welcome back, and play well :D
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