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Creative Admins
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Everything posted by Bardidley

  1. The Creative map has been expanded from 5k x 5k to 6k x 6k
  2. Hello nickeynickey123, The note I added for you, gamergirl2251 and spamasaur; are all from the same incident which happened less than 1 month ago. gamergirl2251 asked in chat if it's ok to make a NSFW build. The response from another player was "No" - but the building continued until I seen it. This note is very recent and it was not made in error. Therefore I am not going to remove it right now.
  3. I just wanted to add my thoughts here. I do not mind the PvE, S players using the creative server for planning things, the only time I have a problem with this is when prototype builds are scattered haphazardly over the map. I think most players currently planning on C have done a good job of keeping planning in their regions. Having a multiverse world for PvE, S planning is a good idea, and I think we should continue moving forward with getting it up and running. It is not feasible to prevent players from using C for PvE, S planning - we have to find a way to properly accomodate them. It sounds like many PvE players use their own planning servers. If we brought in a multiverse world for planning; would these players come and use it?
  4. Ban information: Ban #1: c.nerd.nu (buzzinbee) [racism nerd.nu/appeal] 2012-09-18 Hello Legitchicken, Since the banning staff member is no longer serving on staff, I will go ahead and take over your appeal. This ban was from quite a while ago so I'm going to unban your account. Please make sure to re-read our rules as they have been updated since the last time you were online. Welcome Back!
  5. Hi FatherSouth, Since this note from C is rather old, I will go ahead and remove it. Bard
  6. Banned items on C: Spawner Eggs Mob Spawner Command Block Dragon Egg Eye of Ender Invisibilty Potion Bottle of Enchanting Banned items that can be placed upon request: Item Frames Flowing Water Flowing Lava End Portal Nether Portal Barrier Blocks
  7. Creative Server (c.nerd.nu) : A free to play, open world map without designated plots giving players an unrestricted building experience. World Edit is available to players in a community without ranks providing a fun and friendly gaming atmosphere. Join today - one of the oldest Creative servers online. EDIT: Me and SirTacoface discussed the description and this is what we would like to go with. Short and to the point.
  8. Hello Wolf2ag, Your son NoahisEP1C will have to make an appeal for himself if he wants to be unbanned.
  9. Your friend Rollic will have to make his own appeal by registering an account on the forums. The last comment makes me question your willingness to adhere to our rules. I hope you are ready to come back. Welcome Back.
  10. Hello Davidiv, Please respond here stating you have read the rules and I will go ahead and unban you.
  11. Hello HadManySons, It looks like your account may have been compromised. Please change your password and respond here stating you have done so and I will unban the account. Bard
  12. Hello Financer, Your kick on the account Pixles occurred when you directed an inappropriate comment at ixphia the moment the player joined. Whether they are your friend or not it is against the rules to make these sorts of comments towards other players. Consider the kick as being a warning. After rejoining the game you kept going with the comments, resulting in being removed from the server. It was unfortunate you decided to evade your ban with two alternate accounts instead of coming directly here. Due to the original ban (Pixles) and the evasion attempts (GamerSquid, MobMilitia) Your ban will be set to 2 weeks. Please respond here on February 23rd, stating you have read the rules and agree to follow them. Bard
  13. Hello OrangeSheep77, I recommend carefully reading the link CROCKODUCK posted. Your quote below relates directly to it. I am going to set your ban length for 1 week. Please respond here on Monday February 9th stating that you have read the rules and agree to follow them. Also note that any future problems with this will result in longer bans. Bard
  14. Ban info #1: c.nerd.nu (Bardidley) [Homophobia On C nerd.nu/appeal] 2015-01-25T04:17:01.393 (No more bans, no more notes) Hello MarcVesper, You were inappropriate several times in Creative chat yesterday, including homophobic remarks. You were also warned about it. This is not tolerated on the server in any way, even if you are "joking". Your ban length will be set to 1 Week. Please respond here on Sunday February 1st, stating that you have read the rules and agree to follow them. Bard
  15. Hi Everyone, These are my thoughts and observations in Creative: - Moderators should be designated for one particular server, all mods should have status globally in case the need arises. -The moderator vote is biased. -The Admins should decide on a moderator. - We need a server broadcast for the live map (I don't believe there is one?) - I see many new people leave right away because they are frustrated with spawn. If we can get them interested in something right away, then they will stay and be dedicated to something. - Advertising is good... but where is an effective place to advertise? that is not bringing in a "bad crowd" - I agree we need a more interesting lobby. if there is a contest, I'm in. ~Bard
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