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Everything posted by tompreuss
It's basically just for fun. For example there is no "real reason" to have a /drunk command either. Cailin is supporting the addition of /hat, she just used a double negative.
Thank you kitcatbar. ---- Bans Ban #13428375 for johndabrute on c.nerd.nu for homophobic language on P nerd.nu/appeal by tompreuss on 2014-03-02 13:32:41 (no more bans, 4 notes) Notes Note #31541 for johndabrute on c.nerd.nu: Warned for minor grief on P. by mrloud15 on 2013-05-28 23:40:28 Note #31563 for johndabrute on c.nerd.nu: Warned for animal grief on P. by cab417 on 2013-05-29 14:43:47 Note #34797 for johndabrute on c.nerd.nu: warned for crop grief on pve by trooprm32 on 2013-10-11 14:16:24 Note #35827 for johndabrute on c.nerd.nu: Warned that stealing others' animal is animal grief by wondrland on 2014-01-19 11:18:40 ---- Hi JohnDaBrute, You were banned for using homophobic language in chat on P: Homophobic language is never tolerated on our servers. And you did not randomly type letters on your keyboard and come up with those four. Additionally, I'll take this time to re-remind you about the previous warnings you've received regarding the rules of our server, in particular the griefing rules that are noted above that you violated. The length of time that I would have banned you for has already passed. Please read nerd.nu/rules and additionally this post by Cyotie911 and reply here to this thread saying that you have done so and agree to abide by them from that moment forward to be unbanned.
Thank you kitcatbar. ---- Hi Resenex, You xrayed. You also had a small amount of grief on the road near spawn. I'm setting your ban length at one month. Please read nerd.nu/rules and open a new appeal on or after 2014-07-16 saying that you have done so and agree to abide by them from that moment forward to be unbanned.
Added already on P, just now.
The C /hat is currently as follows: *:/hat [$data] = >>> _assertperm('admin', 0) if(equals(pinv(player(), 103), null), set_pinv(array(103: array(type: if(equals($data, ''), 298, $data)))), #else: set_pinv(array(103: null))) <<< The one we used on P/S for halloween was "/wear" and actually required the item to be held in hand, and was on removal was returned to the player (so as to be survival mode friendly). So no need to worry about odd things being put in that slot I guess, only normal obtainable items. Yeah, we'd need a tech to weigh in on if the C one could be opened to defaults, my guess would be we might need to make sure there's nothing that when worn on your head could mess up yourself or others or the server.
Bans Ban #13792819 for theking939 on c.nerd.nu for study ban, unban at his request after 2014-05-21 nerd.nu/appeal by tompreuss on 2014-05-13 21:00:48 (no more bans, 1 notes) ---- Unbanned.
As you say, FTB is very resource intensive and I'd imagine it would take another more powerful server in addition to the one we currently use to run. I've always heard that high quality, free, well moderated, non-whitelisted FTB servers don't exist because grief prevention is difficult with the large amount of mods used that can do so many things, the large amount of exploits available for the various mods make griefing very easy, moderation tools like the ones made for bukkit servers can't exist because of all the different mods, and the cost involved for hardware. It's just so much easier to play on a whitelisted one with people you trust with funds of your own. That being said, I've never been on a free public FTB server. Do you have any experience on one? There's lists like http://ftbservers.com/servers/tagged/free and I'd be curious to see how something like that runs. If you want to put a couple hours together at some point one night like we did with civ and hop on one and see what's up, I'd be down for that. I'd also worry about the playerbase on the three existing servers if we were to introduce something so time intensive. I figure that with you guys considering using something like factorymod that greatly increases the tech tree and time it takes to do things that might scratch the itch of people who like FTB-type things.
I believe permanent bans, for alt accounts anyway, are still upheld.
These changes are fine with me. Mrloud, thank you for your work putting them together.
I'm setting your ban length at one month. Please read nerd.nu/rules and open a new appeal on or after 2014-06-22 saying that you have done so and agree to abide by them from that moment forward to be unbanned.
Thank you Mrloud15. ---- Bans Ban #13811492 for rubiksmaster4556 on c.nerd.nu for xray on P nerd.nu/appeal by tompreuss on 2014-05-21 23:53:51 UTC+0000 Prior Bans July 2012 grief on S, April 2013 appeal (closed due to inactivity), June 2013 appeal (unbanned) ---- Hi rubiksmaster4556, You xrayed. For thirty-nine different deposits of diamond ore:
Excellent work, thank you Dumbo. I'd like some feedback on possible values for 'region.maximum-volume' ? Also some feedback on how to go about training mods for the possibility of setting dispensers unsafe. Currently if players want to have redstone controlled fluid dispensing they need to use a piston/sticky piston that holds back the flow and those are easy to spot and determine what's going to happen before we flow the liquid. I'd imagine it'd be similar with dispensers, but I want to make sure we think of everything.
The flags are in protected regions, and all the interacts should be right-click so the protecting doesn't interfere, right?
Since you were recently unbanned and xrayed shortly after coming back, I'm setting your ban length at six weeks. Please read nerd.nu/rules and open a new appeal on or after 2014-06-29 saying that you have done so and agree to abide by them from that moment forward to be unbanned.
Thank you kitcatbar. ---- Bans Ban #13801622 for jacob_orion6 on c.nerd.nu for xray on P nerd.nu/appeal by tompreuss on 2014-05-17 17:08:00 Prior Bans April 2014 ban for villager grief ---- Hi jacob_orion6, You xrayed. For nineteen different deposits of diamond ore:
Flow started out as off. Then a decision was made after pressure by some people to allow players to have flowing liquid. Then BCB did this and it was turned it off again. I'd implore us to please have it off again.
I can help with CTF prep and testing as well, please. I'd stick with square/rectangular bases again for ease of protections. Team numbers is always a tough choice, having more teams means they can work together or get discouraged easier. I felt the buffs worked well and added an element to the pvp nature, and when we added the third last time I felt it definitely contributed. I feel a decently hefty ore plump is a good idea, absolutely. I think the spawners for potions were good last time, we could always add in some more fun ones as well. I felt while the 48 hours was good for allowing slightly more people to play, I felt it both dragged on a bit on the second day and took a bit away from the normal server gameplay for a bit too long. And I agree, no flowing liquids and yes please have logblock log all things per usual on P/S.
eehee2000, I've been instructed by Denevien to unban you due to the rules not actually disallowing activating lag machines. My apologies. Unbanned.
Thank you kitcatbar. ---- Bans Ban #13785038 for eehee2000 on c.nerd.nu for setting off lag machine despite warning not to on C nerd.nu/appeal by tompreuss on 2014-05-11 03:33:53 UTC+0000 Prior Bans May 2013 chat spam September 2013 nsfw build September 2013 chat spam March 2014 command spam ---- Hi eehee2000, Thanks for admitting to setting off the lag machine. Also thank you for noting that setting off the lag machine, especially one that froze all of us in place every time you activated it, should earn a ban, that saves us a bit of time as well. Given your prior ban history I'm setting your ban length at three days. Please read nerd.nu/rules and open a new appeal on or after 2014-05-15 saying that you have done so and agree to abide by them from that moment forward to be unbanned.
Thank you kitcatbar. ---- Bans Ban #13785038 for segadude20000 on c.nerd.nu for setting off lag machine despite warning not to on C nerd.nu/appeal by tompreuss on 2014-05-11 03:33:25 UTC+0000 Prior Bans October 2012 chat spam September 2012 combat logging September 2012 lag machine May 2013 abuse of moderator permissions ---- Hi segadude20000, Thanks for admitting to setting off the lag machine. As you're aware, this is against our rules and affected the gameplay of all of the other players on the server at the time, freezing us in place repeatedly every time you activated it. Given your prior ban history I'm setting your ban length at three days. Please read nerd.nu/rules and open a new appeal on or after 2014-05-15 saying that you have done so and agree to abide by them from that moment forward to be unbanned.
Once we get all the numbers from Nat, we will get a Google Doc set up that helps keep track of how much we have at any given point. Did we ever get these numbers?