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Head Admins
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Everything posted by defiex

  1. It has been a year+ since something has been moved to The Archives. Could we get stuff moved out for transparency? Are there any specific topics you are interested in or examples? Please contact us to let us know!
  2. Hi Tedbear, Thank you for being patient. I have responded to your appeal regarding your alt and have also unbanned your main as this was not a ban evasion. As always, please remember to review the rules and welcome back. -defiex
  3. Hi Tedbear, Thank you for being patient, pez is away so I'll handle this appeal. Here is a copy of your ban reason: The rule in question is below and can be found here. Please take a moment to review the rules and welcome back! I have unbanned your alt (and also your main, Tedbear). -defiex
  4. March 2019 Changelog dumbo(tech admin) stepped down from staff - March 1, 2019 bermudalocket (tech admin) stepped down to Moderator -March 19, 2019 The last lobby from the last lobby contest updated - March 21, 2019 cheezychicken rejoined staff as a moderator- March 26, 2019 Staff Meeting Notes (Public) update has been posted, includes June 2018 through February 2019. - March 27, 2019 Lobby Suggestion box responses have been posted/updated. -March 31, 2019
  5. February 2019 Staff Meeting Head admins Mod nominations and needs changelog Head admin meeting notes PvE Protections Villager Lag COLLECT ALL THE THINGS!! CreativE Speed build arena contest lobby contest tbd creative training state of FAWE mods Minigames ideas post made Fundraiser 2019 open floor Forum Questions Fundraiser BANS Financials Public Staff Meeting Notes Tech Admins State of hardware
  6. January 2019 Staff Meeting Head admins Mod nominations and needs Lobby Contest tbd HR PvE State of PvE on 1.13 Dragon Fight Events Protections Villager lag Creative Speed build arena contest Creative Training State of FAWE Cadmins mods Minigames ideas open floor next meeting dates discussed Other games Villager lag Tech Admins state of hardware
  7. December 2018 Meeting Notes Head admins Mod nominations and needs help wanted PvE Rev Prep Creative Rev 34 launched! 1.12 for a bit Chaos tbd Minigames ideas open floor next meeting dates discussed build
  8. November 2018 Staff Meeting Head admins Mod nominations and needs help wanted HR PvE 1.13 plugins ideas Creative Rev 34 Announced Minigames ideas open floor next meeting dates discussed
  10. September 2018 Staff Meeting Head Admins Welcome new padmins help wanted HR PvE Rvw'd recent padmin meeting end of rev ideas/planning rev prep 1.13 Creative Rev prep Creative events updates (weekly build, group build, spleef & speed builds) Ideas
  11. August 2019 Staff Meeting Head Admins Mod nominations/needs help wanted Fundraiser recap Log Search Update Pve 1.13 & rev prep Region protections refresher Creative rev prep Open floor discussion about staff apps
  12. July 2018 Staff Meeting PvE Rev Prep Events next week Creative feedback poll open until early sept updating to 1.13 as soon as possible rev prep building contest for speedbuild/spleef group build as event Minigames future plans? 6k in progress 1.13 testing UHC In progress but delayed by other project Head Admins Mod nominations and needs Help wanted Head admin search fundraiser current finances event update open floor Suggestion box disclosure update
  13. June 2018 Staff Meeting Creative Trial run for group build event held. Went well. Another similar group build event to be planned. C wiki update planned. Modreq list expected for wiki so users know who can complete various requests. Feedback thread expected in the next ~month. Updating to 1.13 or waiting for new rev? Discussed, but no finalized answer. PvE Events held Mapworld expanded Wiki updated mod guide updated upcoming events discussed suggbox responses new rev planning 6k 1.13 issues UHC nothing new Head Admins Mod nominations & needs Fundraiser planning update
  14. Hello everyone, Here's the January update for staff-cleanup. There will be another post coming soon for the April staff-cleanup as well. Current staff can be found on the staff page. Based on activity levels (and conversations with players) To be moved from INACTIVE to PAST STAFF djentlegiant -has stepped down To be moved from MODERATOR to INACTIVE ieuweh - per request nistune We have reached out to an additional 5 staff members regarding their activity levels and willingness to remain on staff.
  15. Put lobby spawn coords at 10k, 10k to prevent map mod overlap shenanigans Lobby has been updated and moved to new coordinates. Shenanigans thwarted! Vote rewards should last for remainder of voting day + 24 hours, so you don't have to reset if you vote within the next day we are discussing adjusting the 7 day award to 6 days. Use some of the extra funds to hire a developer to help with server lag and write optimization plugins Sorry, we are not going to pursue this as it is well outside our budget. We encourage any users with experience to take a look at our github HERE or those of some plugins we utilize and contribute if you are able. Pull requests will need to be reviewed by those leading a given project but helpful contributions are always welcome! Why aren't padmins answering there suggestions? Padmins do respond to their suggestion box entries! Please see this link
  16. What are your thoughts on a server that swapped out once a month? Minigames for a month, then a month of maybe testing out a new Minecraft update? Do you think that would help with the repetitiveness?
  17. Update: We will be closing this in two weeks on April 13th. Hello All, As most of you know, our Minigames Server at this point gets little to no action on an ongoing basis. Right now, we'd like to know what you'd be interested in. While we know that moving forward with anything specific would absolutely require further discussion (Tech/Admin heavy maps/etc) and might not be feasible, we still want to hear from you! To get the discussion started, here are some ideas - Limited time adventure maps Minigames that rotate Month Long PvP Ultra-Hardcore plugin Thank you!!
  18. Head Admin public meeting notes posted for meetings between August 25 2018 & February 2, 2019. February 12, 2019
  19. Does anyone ever even read these or are you ignoring us? We do indeed read the suggestion box submissions! I try to check them at least once a month, but average more often then that. The suggestion box y ou entered your suggestion on was for the lobby. Nerdnu does have separate suggestion boxes, however, so if you make a suggestion in one of the servers and not in the lobby, that is where they will show up. If you are having issues with one of your suggestions being responded to please get in touch with one of the admins or head admins and we'll see what we can do to help.
  20. The Staff Database update is complete. Any staff lacking or needing optional* staff permissions have been messaged. February 7, 2019. *Mumble/Discord/subreddit specifically
  21. Nistune moved to inactive, permissions updated February 6, 2019
  22. Hi joeseaward, Thank you for your post. I've moved your appeal over to the ban appeals part of the forum. Bardidley will be with you soon. -defiex
  23. Hi Vuul, Sorry about the late notice! I took a look and since the notes are old enough and you haven't angered the ? carrot gods in over four years, I've gone ahead and removed your notes! Happy playing!
  24. Hello GrayCountertop, At this time we cannot, in good conscience unban you. Your time with us was full of toxic behavior that spanned multiple years. From your appeal alone, you do not appear to be taking any accountability nor show any remorse for your past actions. We politely suggest that you find another community with which to play.
  25. Head Admin Meeting Notes February 2, 2019 GDPR request follow up activity updates head admin discussion mod training HR issue HR issue HR Issue HR issue Ban appeal lobby contest plans suggestion box C status P status Fundraiser plans Mod nominations Staff meeting plans
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