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  1. Creative will be resetting to revision 26 in 10 days from now, on Friday, March 28th at 8:00 PM EDT. More information will be released as we approach the date. We look forward to making this the best Creative revision yet!
  2. Welcome to the official planning thread of Creative Revision 26!!! This thread is for you all to be updated on our progress and thoughts, and give input and feedback on how you think the next revision should be run. Don't worry if you still have buildings unfinished, we are very early in the planning process. We will update this list as things get implemented and added. 1: The Map -Right now we are looking at a map with size 4000x4000. -Since this map was heavily worldpainted, we would like to go with a full vanilla seed, with normal sized biomes. -We think we have a good seed if we go vanilla terrain. 2: Spawn -We have a good idea for spawn but would like to keep that a secret for all of you. -You will be able to fly out of spawn immediately, no need to navigate tunnels or a maze. -Spawning with a rulebook the first time logging in. -Spawn City will be much different, not giant square wool colored plots. Again going to keep the "theme" a little secret for now. -Spawn City with prebuilt roads (not straight boring lines, like real roads) and different regions (houses, city, etc.) -No CTA station prebuilt. If someone wants to take the initiative and do a rail station and rail lines, by all means go for it. 3: Changes on how C are run -Allowing arrows to work for a better PVP experience. -We are discussing having regions be /modreqable for the region to change the biome When it's appropriate to implement is being discussed. -More community events. These were a great success and brought so many players. This is a short list as I have to go, by all means critique it, give me your ideas, and Dumbo marting and I will try to respond and get a discussion going. -Letsbfehr
  3. For the past couple of days it seems batches of people are getting randomly disconnected from the server. Connecting through other servers and then transferring to C is fine. Apparently whatever is bound to the port is being unresponsive while the server itself is fine.
  4. Not really for roleplaying, but still cool to look at :3 If you wanna go here type /home u2fan25 zelda. If it dosent work then let me know.
  5. The current revision of Creative has been going on for around 5 months, more than double than the revision length we're aiming for. It's actually fairly close to the length that last revision went for, and as we know that wasn't a good thing. It's been said a lot that the current revision is getting boring and dreary, so I figured I'd ask. Will we be cranking the gears for a new revision soon? Just to kickstart this, I thought I'd add in some pointers just-in-case a new revision is already in development. Interesting, diverse map. Yes, this revisions' map was pretty sweet to begin with. For the first two months or so players absolutely loved it, as there were some pretty cool biomes, it was a relatively open map, there were some pretty massive mountains around the place, a long river running through a distance of the map, and the lake dotted with islands. However, it was too plain. Flying around, we see the same block again, again and again. Grass. Grass. Grass. Sand. Sand. Sand. You get the point. We need a living, vibrant world. Perhaps this revision we could go a little insane and add some volcanoes, some large forests, have the End world tweaked to allow for an all around eye-tease. Rivers running down mountains and through clearings in musty forests, eventually leading to the ocean. Cliffs that overhang vast swamps dotted with ponds and creeks. Again, you get the idea. A truly exceptional world with a vast array of landpoints is what we need. Some natural-looking landmarks might be nice, too. Such as a gigantic tree somewhere. Active development. Last revision in particular and this revision didn't see much engaged development and furthering of Creative. By this, I mean that things stayed mainly the same and not much changed despite the Creative servers' best cries. I understand that we just got a bunch of new toys to play with, and I'm pleased with that. What I don't want is for that to have been a one time thing. I, along with essentially the entire Creative server would support further movement to restoring Creative to a certain standard of incredible as it once was. Moderation. Ladies and gentlemen, it's our favorite discussion on Creative. The moderating status of the server! To start with this, we now have a passable staff team on Creative. nickeox, Diamond_Lover123, NEVAstop, WayneByNumbers, LetsBeFehr, Dumbo52 and marting11 are names that come to mind. Yes, we just got a couple new staff members, which is brilliant and was very well taken by the Creative community. WayneByNumbers and NEVAstop have been more active as of late, and the CAdmins are making some smart moves after being firmly poked with many sticks. But hey, why stop there? Whilst there isn't exactly a massive palette of suitable players on Creative, there are still capable players around the place. As we've finally got some traffic coming to Creative, we should be looking out for potential staff members more than ever. Okay, that's all I've got for now. Thoughts?
  6. http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/muchcraft/
  7. Alright, first off, Creative is in a terrible state. You mightn't agree with this, and I'm fine with that. However you mightn't know all the facts. Here's a general summing up: Creative is considered the "old horse" of the community. We average about 5 or so players online at a time, and on a good day we can reach around 15 or so. We have zero active, dedicated moderators able to attend to Creative. With the banning of ROCKONN, a mod who's spent over 350 hours online this revision, there aren't any more frequently active, focused moderators able to attend to Creative. Sure, we have admins, such as Buzzinbee and LetsBeFehr, but they aren't always on, either. Perhaps with the low player count, there aren't all that many modreqs to do, and I agree with that. However that should change. The Creative server shouldn't be so devoid of players that there aren't even any modreqs to do. Going further into the moderators issue, I'd like to raise a few points. I was told with confidence that the Creative server would get a small amount of mods, maybe 3 or so, by 3 admins, one whom is also pushing for the development and revival of Creative. Two Creative players were put into the voting thread, and I'm perfectly okay with that. What I'm not okay with is the fact that they are the two lowest voted players, despite one of them being a veteran of the servers, and the other having spent a whopping 370+ hours on this revision alone, holding first place for usage stats. It's been raised so, so many times by many people that Creative needs new mods over the past year, yet even a player such as Magnyus, who's now left the servers, couldn't get it. It's impossible for a C player to get mod. Not to attack PvE in any way, but to rather state an obvious truth, PvE has most of the power over who does and doesn't get moderator. PvE usually has in the least 3 moderators online, which would be at about 3AM EST. During the day, they'd usually have about 10~ moderators online at some point, correct me if I'm wrong. With this taken into account, none of the PvE players come onto Creative except to plan town builds. No socialisation is done between the two servers. The contrast just completely rips apart the "community" sense of nerd, because of the huge differences between them. Here's a memory jogger: Remember the 3M meetings? A lot of people attended that, to our surprise. Run by Magnyus and Nickeox, with NEVAstop and myself running the secondary meetings, it proved to be filled with thoughtful, well spoken conversation. Dozens of suggestions were raised and none were dismissed. It was formal, it went perfectly. Now, tell me two things that came from those meetings. Fun fact: Nothing ever came from them. Nothing at all. If you think there's a reason to disagree with me on that, go ahead. But first, please listen to the recordings. Please don't argue if you just disagree for no reason, because the evidence here is overwhelming. All we can really do for Creative is watch it die, as much as I'd love to think otherwise. PvE mods will always vote for PvE mods, whom shall vote for more unnessecary PvE mods. Will Creative get a share? No. It hasn't, and after this modvote it likely never will. Because it's dying. I know there are certain admins pushing hard for Creative's revival, and I really sincerely appreciate that. But nothing ever comes from it. It's just ridiculous, and certain admins can't bring themselves to do anything about it. Why? Because they couldn't care less. That's the honest answer. Survival also needed mods quite badly, so they got their batch of mods last vote. If Creative needed them badly back then but didn't get any, how badly do we need them now? Very badly. Do we get any mods? Nope. PvE and Survival do. Let me know what you guys think. EDIT: Just to mention, I could ramble on all day and night about this. The list goes on, and on, and on. And on. I want this to be a discussion toward developing Creative and finally pulling it out of limbo, not PvE players arguing with me for no reason. If you take offence to what I've said, go ahead.
  8. It seems the /i command has quit working on C, making blocks such as 43(double slab) or 62(burning furnace) unobtainable. When trying to use the command(for any block), this message is displayed: InvalidProcedureException: Unknown procedure "_parseargs" <<main code>>:give.msa:5
  9. [Creative] holy shirt i finally did it! :3
  10. I will be hosting a full week of nightly (Edit: 9pm Central) Speed Building Contests from January 25th - January 31st on c.nerd.nu. There will be at least 3 rounds each night that will take place in the official Creative Speed Build Arena. The prize is that the winning builds will be featured in a "trophy room" (until someone donates something else). I am accepting ideas for the topics for each round, please post your ideas for my consideration in the comments below! Edit: The final Theme on Friday will be "Redstone".
  11. Tonight it was brought to my attention by Eehee2000 that the "/give" command is still accessible to not only moderators, but also to common players. He informed me that earlier today someone was spawning items into his inventory. He got curious and looked into just what they did to access the command because if you type "/give" you get an error, however if you type the FULL syntax "/give [username] [item id] [quantity] " it does not give the error and instead works entirely as the command would be expected. I was around the last time this command was allowed, back during rev 12, it was a mess for players especially during the times of item spawning flightless creative. I'd also like to make note that about 3 months back, a hacker mass used this command on me, they were banned, however it tells me that the command indeed existed in a client mod, and clearly could be the next means of attacking the server and disgruntling players on the server. I suggest that we fix the problems associated with the command before things turn ugly. I did not post it in the technical problems section to avoid abuse. If need be, please check the logs to see who initially did this to Eehee, as he cannot remember their username.
  12. Cool builds everyone, cool builds :)
  13. Some awesome builds and good times for the third night of speed build. Here's to the next one. EDIT~ images are now fixed, back to full size.
  14. It was really nice to see so much people on c.nerd for speed build. Definitely getting online for tomorow's.
  15. u2fan25


    This is something that I plan on turning into a /warp. Some of you probably don't care, but I feel the need to post it anyways. [This is on the creative server by the way]
  16. I'm in the middle of a project were i'm digging out a large square that I protected. Although due to me being a clumsy oaf, I tp'ed away without setting home. So if anyone stumbles upon a big blue square with part of the inside dug out, please let me know. Thanks! EDIT~ No longer need anyone to search, dumbo found it :3
  17. SpeedBuilding on Creative! What? Last year we had a speed building craze on C that was extremely popular, and I think it's time for it to make a return! Speedbuilding is a game in which players are presented with a topic and only have a certain amount of time to build something. In our case, this even will have 4 rounds of 10 minutes each. Each round, I will announce a theme, and you will have 10 minutes to build the best thing you can within your plot, myself and a panel of judges will then choose a top three and we will move on to the next round! This sounds fun! When is it? This event will be this Saturday, January 11 at 2PM EST! It will be held at /warp arena on C.nerd.nu! If you aren't on the best coast (East Coast), you can use this converter to find when this event is! http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=SpeedBuilding%21&iso=20140111T14&p1=179 But wait, do I win anything? Glad you asked! While it's hard to give too many awards on C, the winner of each round will have his build immortalized at the C arena! The Top 3 of each round will be posted on a large permanent sign at the stadium as well. You also gain the satisfaction of being a better builder than all 27 other people and have bragging rights. Sweet sounds fun I'll be there! Anything else I should know? There are 28 plots available, and they are on a first come first served basis. I won't reserve plots so arrive a little early! Also, there are 28 plots, and if we have more than 28 people, some people may have to cycle through each round! If this event is popular enough, we can do more than 4 rounds and have more fun! Looking forward to seeing you all there!! -LetsBFehr
  18. I remember the old days of C.nerd.nu...every day brought new players, new builds, and new conversation. That was a long time ago...These last few revs have only had 15 people at the most in the days after the rev begins. I wish to get it back into its glory days of 80+ people who would actually stick around for most of the rev, and I think most people on C would like that too. I'm sick of people coming on for 3 days then leaving. I want to create a player base, have new people, and fresh faces every day just like the old days when I first joined. So ladies and gentleman, how are we going to go about this? Discuss....
  19. We need to start to think about planning this :) --- I suggested for the current revision to expand its borders from 5000x5000 to 6000x6000 somewhere around mid-january. Dumbo and Buzzin seemed to agree about this. --- I thought the idea of making Revision 26 a short test revision with flight turned off was just an idea thrown in a meeting, but I learned today that this is apparently the actual plan. The idea is to also test a couple of suggestions for the creative server (the only example buzzin told me was enabling ender pearls) on the span of a month or so on a new revision. So I want to say that I completely disagree with this whole idea. All the current CAdmins were around when flight was disabled on C. I know it was fun and I know some of you are nostalgic. Flight was disabled because it wasn't part of the actual game; we always made the effort to stay as close to the vanilla game as possible. Flight is now in the vanilla creative mode and is now an essential part of the game. It is incredibly useful to build things, which is the point of the Creative server. Sure, this idea may bring back some people for a short period of time for the nostalgia of it. But I doubt it would last long. We need to think more about the future players, not the past ones. Think about the new minecraft player, who played Creative in singleplayer and is now accustomed to flying being the norm. He would come on here and have to play like this is 2011. I doubt this will attract a lot of new players... An other problem with a test revision is if people know it's a test rev, large scale projects won't happen, and some people wouldn't bother building knowing the revision will be short. If we are going to test this, in order to have an actual relevant comparison between flight and no flight, we should have a quarter or half of the next (normal lenght) revision in a no-flight zone. This way we could compare how people behave in the two zones. Just put a wall between the zones to avoid people dropping from the sky when they enter the no-flight zone. --- Ideas for a "normal" revision 26 Map : 1.7 map generated will the large biomes option, with worldpainted areas for pixelart & bigtown and for spawn and others if needed. Have a large part of the map be plains, since most of the people build in this biome. Not too much forests but more than the current one. Spawn : Keep most of it overground. Spawn city : If you don't mind, I'd like to be in charge of the design of the next spawn city. It would have a more realistic layout than the current one. Something like http://redditpublic.com/wiki/Bellevue CTA : Do not prebuild a CTA station. It goes against the idea that it's a community project. CTA could have a reserved plot in spawn city but should not be in the actual spawn. Pixelart : Keep it at bedrock, that was a good idea. Other than that this warp seems in good shape this rev. BigTown : Could be at bedrock too but does not have to. Have a couple statues prebuilt. Some kind of "tutorial" statues with the dimensions of the parts of a skin on it. Redstone : If MasterCommaThe still wants to do this I have no problem.
  20. I'm considering volunteering my time to run a regularly scheduled 10-minute build contest league on C. How frequent it happens will depend a lot on how much prep work is required to run it. With WE copy and paste commands I could set it up 4 arenas to run in 15 minutes before the contest starts, without it I'm looking at possibly an hour or two of setup. The difference between these is running it weekly vs. bi-monthly for the time I'm willing to put in. Normally WE is Admin only, is there anyway we could modify our policy for moderators running events?
  21. I'm not saying that we're ready to commit the time to running a weekly 10-minute Build Contest League, but if I were considering it, what time during the week would be best for each of you? (Check all that apply.) Right now I'm considering running a 1 hour contest up to once a week. During the week players can suggest topics, and the topics will be selected by the hosting moderator (for simplicity). There will be 10 minutes for each build with 5 minutes for judging. Let me know if you think there are any critical problems with these general details.
  22. Speed building events were very popular on C (from what I've heard...) Recently knapptime18 tried to plan another one which doesn't seem to have happened. I think tacodude3 also wanted to plan a speed building event... Anyway. I think we need a speed build league. It would help to have more or less regular events. Events would have different themes and other variations like the numbers of players in a team, the plot sizes, etc. Now I need to know what you think. Should the league organize a tournament, where we have the same teams for a season and teams play against each other? Or should it just organize different events with different teams, themes etc. each time? (Personally I prefer this) For judges, I think 3 is a good number. I don't think they have to be mods. And, prizes. Maybe, but what? Also, if you have any creative ideas for an event, please post them in this thread. For example, I had the idea of an event where you have to build different sections of a tower with a theme for each section. nickeox suggested an event where people have to build different sections of a structure like a castle. I'm waiting for your comments and ideas!
  23. After the 1.7 update I've noticed that when joining the server with mail in my inbox (new or not) i get sent the green text "You have mail! Type '/mail inbox' to see" twice. This isn't a game breaking error, but I figured i'd post it anyways.
  24. I'm not aware of any specific reason players aren't allowed to use a compass on C. So why not let them have it if they want? The reason is either some tech stuff I'm unaware of, or more likely that it is a holdover from the old days when players weren't even allowed to fly. I can see there might be some arguments against this as it would prevent players from being able to make private structures, but to that I have to ask why those people are playing on a public server?
  25. Dome1735 is the 7th of the ongoing Dome projects on the creative server, this time myself, Nolanater5711 and Dumbo52 have decided to take over as the leaders for this Dome. Dome6 was run by JohnAdams1735 who sadly passed away recently, so wanted to take over and make this one as close to a year after as possible. The Dome is going to have a 300 block diameter and will be dug down to bedrock, the Dome itself will be built when the digging is over. If we can get as many people to help as possible we can get it done before the end of the rev. So let's get digging! DIGGING: All the details for what needs to be dug where and the best way to do so is at /warp dome1735 on the notice boards on C.
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