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  1. For the month of December we will be having Christmas Holiday Themed build contests! To participate, go to /warp WeeklyBuild and find a free plot, type: /nerdplot claim. You may build alone or as a group. Depending on turnout, there will be 2 contests in December. The first 2 weeks the theme will be: Santa Claus The winner and next theme will be posted in this thread on December 14th! Happy Building! ~Cadmins
  2. Over the next two weeks there will be a special Halloween themed build contest! Players can join the contest by going to /warp weeklybuild and use the command /nerdplot claim on a free plot. Players are allowed to build on one plot entry as a group or solo. The build will be open tonight, Oct17th until the evening of Oct 31st! ~Cadmins
  3. Today I am happy to announce that marting11 will be re-joining the Cadmin Team! marting11 previously held the role from September 2013 to mid-2015 and now we are excited to have him back as an admin after being active as a moderator since May. We will be working to bring you Creative 1.14.4 and Revision 35 soon! ~Cadmins
  4. Uptown station is now open! There was a ribbon cutting ceremony today! More CTA updates later! Happy gaming! Mr CTA
  5. The Winner from our first Weekly Build of this Rev goes to Stongduke, Congrats! This build can be found @ /warp weeklybuild in the Hall of Fame! Week #2 Theme: Space ships How To Participate: The contest takes place on c.nerd.nu In game, type /warp WeeklyBuild Make sure to read the rules and the category before starting. Find an empty plot and type /nerdplot claim You may build with a friend, and you do have access to World Edit! All builders will have 24 hours following the contest's end to modreq to have their builds saved, as the field will be wiped for the next theme! The contest will run all week until Wednesday, April 10th, at 9PM EDT. The most recent winner is now displayed! All winners will be displayed collectively at the Weekly Build Hall of Fame located at /warp weeklybuild.
  6. Entry #1: https://imgur.com/a/2vogsLF Entry #2: https://imgur.com/a/Xsd6U0B Entry #3: https://imgur.com/a/bxK8ABW Go to /warp SBAContest to see the builds! The poll ends Friday, March 1st, at 9PM EDT. Sorry for the repost, derped something up! Please just revote again.
  7. We are pleased to announce the first contest of Revision 34! The current /warp SpeedBuild is going to be retired soon and we need your help building a unique arena to facilitate our bi-weekly Speed Build competitions! We've got some requirements and guidelines for the arena to work to it's fullest potential, so please read carefully. GUIDELINES: You will have a 300x300 plot of building space! Any theme you want is okay. If you build SQUARE plots they must have a minimum size of 25x25. If you build CIRCULAR plots they must have a minimum diameter of 30. Plots must have FULL vertical clearance (nothing blocking potentially tall builds). Plots must be at least 7 blocks deep from ground level (for any builds that require digging). The arena must have a minimum of 18 plots. More is fine. (If your arena wins and does not meet these guidelines, it may be subject to modifications. If it cannot be modified, the 2nd place arena may be chosen in it's place.) HOW TO PARTICIPATE: The contest will take place on c.nerd.nu Enter the contest with /warp SBAContest or /mv tp speedbuild_contest Find and stand in a plot, then type /nerdplot claim You can use World Edit in your plot. You may add other players to your plot with /rg addowner. DURATION: Begins: January 26th 2019 Ends: February 23rd 2019 Public voting will be held upon completion of contest. Have fun and happy building!  -Cadmins
  8. Hello Everyone! Below is the schedule we will be following during the change over to Creative Revision 34! - November 28th WEDNESDAY @ 9PM EDT CHAOS (Survival Mode, World Edit Disabled, PVP enabled, Griefing Allowed - All other server rules apply!) - November 29th THURSDAY @ 9PM EDT TNT PARTY (Creative Mode, World Edit Disabled, Griefing Allowed - All other server rules apply!) - November 30th FRIDAY @ 9PM EDT Revision 33 Launch (Everything back to normal, with new map.) Here are some more details on the maps features: Main World will be 15,000x15,000 blocks, and made with WorldPainter and WorldMachine. Spawn City will feature Suburbs, Downtown, Uptown and City Representative Offices in the spawn building. Suburb plots, Downtown plots, Uptown plots, City Rep Office plots - Nerdplots available from the beginning limited to 1 of each per player. Cardinal roads will be player built. We have several players who are keen to build them. The CTA has a spawn station. The current map and Testbuild will be transferred with their contents to Revision 34 as separate MV worlds. The Revision 33 Map will be available for download shortly after it is taken down. It can be found at http://mcp-dl.com ~The Cadmins
  9. The Creative server will be launching Revision 34 on November 30th 2018. Due to delays with server plugins for 1.13 we will be launching on 1.12.2, we will stay on 1.12.2 until we can guarantee the functionality of necessary plugins for 1.13 or a future version of Minecraft. We apologize for the delay in bringing this news but we had to be certain as to what version we were going to use before announcing a date. Another announcement will follow, giving details on the changeover schedule. Thanks to everyone who took part in our poll to gather ideas and suggestions, we have taken all input into consideration! Here are some screenshots from the new map! ~Cadmins
  10. This Friday at 6pm - 8pm EDT there will be a group build with the theme Mayan taking place on the creative server. Take a look at some Mayan buildings and structures, here are a few examples. For some of the older players, you may want to watch the film Apocalypto for some ideas (awesome movie). The location for the event can be seen here. All server rules apply. You will have access to world edit. The event officially ends at 8pm EDT, however, if you still want to continue building afterwards that is up to you. We hope to see you all there, and hopefully we can have a pretty amazing event!
  11. Our new revision is approaching, and as always, we're ready to hear your thoughts about how to improve the map and server in whole during this time. *Please note that this Poll/Feedback topic will be up much longer than usual, as Revision 34 will not be released until sometime in October. (And as always, we will be announcing the official launch day exactly 1 month before launch) Questions on the poll resemble those asked last year. If there's anything that you don't see on the poll, please feel free to open a discussion in the comments. We, the Cadmins, will try our best to keep up in replying and working with the player base of Creative to make a map that will satisfy. A useful link to consider for discussion on events can be found here: All discussion and feedback is very much appreciated, thank you for taking the time to read.
  12. We would like to officially announce that the Revision 33 map will remain until the fall of 2018. This was decided mostly from player feedback, activity and amount of free space on the map. It was decided to have a longer than usual revision to facilitate more long term projects which players have seemed more inclined to create. A measure to promote large projects on Creative is that we will be making it easier for players to copy builds from this current map and into Revision 34. A new map can be expected in October of 2018. We want to give some clarity to this now so that players can properly plan out, or continue developing their large project. We also understand some players may be upset with this, but it needs to be known that it is a lot of work to make a new revision and all the work put into a map feels wasted if it doesn't get somewhat filled. We really hope our efforts to cater to large projects will be appreciated. Happy Building! ~cadmins
  13. Hollifer has rejoined the Cadmin team! We are pleased to have her back to help run the server and dedicate her time to it, we are excited to have her guidance again. Be sure to welcome her back when you see her in-game! ~Cadmins
  14. Last night we launched our first ever Weekly Build! This weeks category: WITCH HUTS Additional Weekly Build info: Every Saturday night after Spleef or Speed Build, we'll announce our new Weekly Build category. The contest will end on Thursday nights, and you will have the remaining 2 days to vote. Voting ends Saturday night, and the winner will be announced along with the new category. How To Participate: The contest takes place on c.nerd.nu In game, type /warp WeeklyBuild Make sure to read the rules and the category before starting. Find an empty plot and type /nerdplot claim You may build with a friend, and you do have access to World Edit! The most recent winner will be displayed at Spawn for a week. All winners will be displayed collectively at the Weekly Build Hall of Fame located at /warp weeklybuild. -CAdmin Team
  15. Idea: Countries. Divide the world in countries, with different cultures, religions, politics, etc. How would the culture and religion would work: There would be different cultures/religions in the world, one for a country. They wouldn't be obligatory, but would serve as inspiration and/or lore. For example: I want to make a temple, but I'd need to have a religion/culture. Since irl religion/culture is polemic and would probably cause problems, and a person would have to create a religion/culture only for that building (maybe others by them, too), having several bases would be good. It would also be good to locate a building. For example: "My build is on (Country name), at the northeast region". We could have more events too, based on the religion/culture festivities. For example: "October 27th is (God name) day". Say your ideas and opinions in the comments!
  16. As previously mentioned, Creative will be launching Revision 33 on Saturday October 14th, less than 4 weeks from now! At this time I am going to bring mention to a major rule change so everyone has fair warning. Due to this map being the biggest ever for the Creative server with a radius of 7,500 blocks, we will be encouraging players to make claims larger than they normally would to include their own buffer zone. The rule change will be as follows: There will be NO 10 block minimum block region buffers, meaning players can claim regions right against each other. Players will need to factor in a buffer of their own into their claim size - the map size will easily allow for this. In Revision 33 the Cadmins will be cracking down on troll builds. Examples of troll builds include military type builds, huge canons, standing armies, copy/paste generic looking buildings meant to block expanding cities - things of that nature, directly beside cities or other builds with the intention of trolling. If you wish to build such builds, do it in your own regions or in areas that are vacant. There will be no excuses for this behaviour - we have put up with it for long enough. Troll builds will be determined at the discretion of the Cadmins and will not be dealt with by moderators. Such troll builds will be promptly relocated with a warning to the builder. Revision 33 we will be bringing back Weekly Build Contest, if it is popular we will keep it going. Also we will be alternating between Speed Build and Spleef Competitions every week. Lately Speed Build numbers have dropped so we will be doing this to change things up a bit. As usual, here are some Revision 33 Teaser Screenshots! Also a reminder to finish your Speed Build Arenas! Voting will begin close to the launch of Revision 33. We will update you at a later time as well as the Changeover Schedule. Happy Building!
  17. Today we are pleased to announce that Creative Revision 33 will be launching on the evening of October the 14th, 2017. The three of us Cadmins have had a very busy summer and players seem to want longer revisions. The fall launch will allow us to produce a good quality map and give players plenty of time to finish their current projects. More details and teasers to come! -Cadmins
  18. Here are some pokemon I built on the creative server. The one that took the longest was the charizard. I plan to build more whenever the new revision starts.
  19. It is against the rules to impersonate a staff member, this includes: Changing your name to a current or previous staff member's name (or anything similar with the intent of impersonation) Claiming you have a staff position (mod/admin/owner) Intentionally trying to trick/convince players you are staff, or have been staff. Cheating or account/identity theft. All offenses of staff impersonation will be met with a ban. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
  20. Hello everyone! It's that time again when we are gathering input from all of you, so that our next map will be everything you hope and dream! This poll and discussion is be a bit different than normal, and includes some non-typical prompts, along with our regular map feedback. We highly encourage comments and feedback to this post in regards to these topics. Revision 32 [our current revision] will be running until approximately early September. The official launch date of 33 will be released exactly 1 month before, as always. Please take your time carefully reading through the poll, options and consider writing out an explanation of each of your answers, as it helps us immensely. Direct discussion between players and the Cadmin team are key here, and we will be actively replying to messages on this thread. Please remember that you are absolutely free to bring up any concerns here regarding our next revision on this post. Since this poll will longer and more thorough than previous ones, we're aiming to keep the discussion going here for a good two weeks. Bullets below are dedicated to summaries of player concerns and ideas, as well as their responses for visibility.
  21. I decided to make a temple that looks evil. yay http://imgur.com/gallery/PPFG8
  22. The Post Office Build Contest has ended last night and thank you to all the players who entered a build! Below you will find photos to make your judgements by. I would also recommend checking out these builds in-game as well. They can be visited at /warp postcontest and for reference, the winning build will be placed HERE In the contest post I stated voting will be open for 3 days - I feel that is not long enough, the voting will last 1 week - until next Saturday. Haiku - Entry #1 Murtauh - Entry #2 PPGOME - Entry #3 TuxyWhale - Entry #4 venom20078 - Entry #5 Good Luck to all entries!!!
  23. Hello Everyone! Over the next two weeks we will be running the Post Office Build Contest on the Creative Server. The purpose of the contest is to produce a post office building that contains a minimum of 100 single-chest (or double-chest) PO boxes for creative players to claim and share mail in! The winner's build will be placed by spawn and warped. The build will be located beside the Spawn CTA Station (See the building site HERE), The site can also be visited @ /warp postoffice To participate login to C and type /warp PostContest, There are 12 plots (more will be added if all are claimed). To claim a plot, stand in a free plot and type /nerdplot claim You may claim 1 plot, and you'll have until July 7th to finish your build. It will be listed for public voting on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Tuesday July 11th the winner will be announced from the poll results. Users will be able to claim chests for PO boxes (donation chests) Mostly for all that spam we love. [ Or send you that novel-length /mail message in a book instead of blowing up your inbox ] Have Fun!
  24. The carto maps on the wiki have the most recent revision labeled as 31 thought that's definitely incorrect. I'm trying to get screenshots of CJC from rev 31 but the rev 31 carto is rev 32!
  25. We have considered and decided to have the new testbuild world available at the same time as the old world to make the transfer of builds possible for players who have testbuilds they want to keep. The old testbuild world will be available for 2 weeks upon which the old world will be deleted along with test builds left behind. - To visit the current testbuild world, join Creative and type /mv tp testbuild_old - The new blank testbuild map will be available later tonight (Monday, June 12th) @ /mv tp testbuild You will be required to make new region claims on the new testbuild as region information cannot be transferred.
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