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  1. If there are storage and bandwidth limitations that our second box (for hosting nerd.nu/backups) is nearing, I suggest nerd distribute .torrent files for these downloads. This would enable players to contribute a little bit of bandwidth by seeding the torrents, reducing strain on the second box when someone goes to download many large files. If storage really is an issue, then with enough seeders you could probably just remove some of the files from the server to clear out space, letting the torrents do the work. http://www.wikihow.com/Create-a-Torrent
  2. Please fill out the survey so that the nerd.nu staff know what the community would enjoy playing. For those of you new to the idea of modded minecraft, you can try out various mods from the minecraft forums, or try the super easy to use modpack launchers by the Feed The Beast team, the Technic team, ATLauncher, or Curse (the company that hosts the minecraft forums and wiki). The popular/featured modpacks are usually pretty well balanced and work without many issues. http://feed-the-beast.com/ http://www.technicpack.net/ https://www.atlauncher.com/ https://www.curse.com/games/minecraft (if you go with the Feed The Beast [FTB] launcher, a very good introductory modpack is the Direwolf20 pack) If you want to tinker with mods on your own (it can be a little bit tricky if you are new to it) I highly recommend using the open source MultiMC Launcher. It makes everything very very easy to keep contained so that if you make a mistake you can easily undo it or work in a separate instance. If you tinkered with minecraft mods in ages past, know that it is much simpler and less challenging than it used to be - Forge is basically the main thing that allows mods to be easily dropped in and out of a minecraft instance, and there are no more data value conflicts when multiple mods are installed. http://multimc.org/ http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods (NB: this poll and post were made by me, Mumberthrax. I am not a nerd.nu staff member. Voting in this poll does not necessarily guarantee any particular action on the part of nerd.nu staff/administration) Thanks for taking this survey! Feel free to share your comments below! Edit2: to allay concerns about security issues, the FTB launcher, Technic launcher, and ATlauncher are all three open source with code hosted on github. AFAIK your password/credentials never go anywhere except to mojang's login servers when using these launchers. The curse voice launcher doesn't even let you input your mc password iirc. Edit: To be clear, nerd.nu uses server plugins that are sometimes called mods, but client mods are what we're talking about here. Here's a video series as an example of what the direwolf20 modpack is like:
  3. Around December 2014 I made a post regarding an overhaul of nerd.nu's ban policy in the admin-only subforum. Around the same time I also made a post about a "mass ban amnesty" event in the same admins-only subforum. I do not have links to these since they are in a section of the forums that is not visible to me, and I have since cleaned my web browsing history. I don't remember all of the ideas that I suggested in the posts, nor am I certain that I would still today support them or the sentiments i expressed, and I would like to see them again as well as the discussions from other admins in response to them at the time. Please consider moving these two posts/discussions to the public archives subforum. Thank you. (Link to previous request, just in case it is relevant: https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/3228-foia-requests/?p=28566)
  4. Go ahead. Post your random screenshots taken on the servers. :) Some from the C chaos: PUTTING AN END TO DIDY'S INHUMANE ILLICIT GOVERNMENT EXPERIMENTS
  5. After spending a stupid amount of time reviewing other PvP servers as a part of launching this latest rev I have noticed every other reasonably successful server has a more dynamic list ping. The list ping is the thing that shows up in your list of servers within the minecraft client. I propose we throw off the shackles of the oppressive default minecraft regime and embrace this era of color and fanfare! I spent an hour or so coding up a plugin which would not only give us a nice uniform feel to the server list pings, but could also allow mods / admins to dynamically change it from within game, an example of how this would look and also the benefits of this can be seen below. You can see an example of other servers list pings at http://mcnetworkstats.com/ While a lot of us only play on nerd.nu and probably cant see the benefits of having a more obvious list ping those of us that play elsewhere and compete for eye attention against these other servers should understand how much we are kneecapping ourselves in terms of visibility. Thoughts?
  6. Intro Create a pvp-enabled survival server to run on the event server for two weeks minimum. Include a handful of plugins to make the game interesting* and more balanced pvp-wise. Have an early target end-date in mind before launch, and announce it publicly. *(Interesting = environmental challenges from extra hard mode, mineralvein, & monster apocalypse) Plugins Include: the extra hard mode plugin monster apocalypse mineralvein (the one they use on civcraft) antixray and orebfuscator grief prevention nerdspawn (with random-radial spawn enabled and a handful of respawn locations around the map) pwnpvpbalance and/or redwall's combatrebalancer cobracorral vehicleraid mylineagepvp nocheat plus (disable chat spam filtering) pwnfilter (or just let griefprevention handle chat spam filtering) clanchat enchantism pearlnerf combat tag (or ideally something like it that spawns an NPC anytime anyone logs off - regardless of whether they were technically in combat or not; griefprevention has a combat tag config but it kills players instead of spawning an NPC and only happens while recently in combat) botany (because trees) moblimiter whatever plugin P uses to boost passive mob drops Optionally include citadel for those who want to reinforce stuff outside of GP claims. mylineagepvp would basically allow users to be pve if they want, passively discouraging PKers, but rewarding consensual combat. If you want links to or descriptions of any of these plugins let me know. ***Some plugins may require tweaking for MC 1.8 but I'm pretty sure all of these are open source and permissively licensed*** Configs Generate the world with roguelike dungeons. set "extra hard mode" plugin to nerf grinders. plump xp by a ton for mobs/ores. Enable siege mode in griefprevention. Possibly disable the nerdpoling nerf in extrahardmode. Definitely change the extrahardmode notifications to the chat window and not scoreboard. Find that damned plugin that stops snow golems from generating snow unless they're on obsidian. Monster apocalypse should be set to make mobs identify the player from farther away if nothing else. Use a relatively flat biome for spawn - like plains or savannah - to decrease fps/lag issues for those who want to pvp near spawn. Include warps at spawn to various locations around the map. Include warps with a 10 second warmup back to spawn at those points. These could also be the nerdspawn respawn locations. This warmup thing could easily be done with CH. Don't make spawn too elaborate or too big - KISS. Keep the rules straighforward too - e.g.: "don't be a dick. No cheating (fly/speed/pvp/xray hacks, etc.). Don't be a dumbass - if it isn't a fair fight, nobody is going to have fun." Put a melon farm at spawn. Consider putting a tree farm at spawn that autoplants saplings - so new players have access to lumber (worldguard and/or wgcustomflags for this). Make /help not ugly like it was on S, make it actually informative. Don'ts Don't mess with economy stuff. Don't mess with bounties. Don't mess with pvp ranking plugins unless it is polished, refined, not spammy, and easy to use. Don't mess with prisonpearl. Avoid dependence on LWC - consider not using it at all in favor of GP locked chests (LWC has rare chances to fail, exposing items assumed to be secure). Don't use safebuckets - it isn't needed with griefprevention. Don't make cardinal roads. Precautions Extra hard mode will respawn the end dragon periodically, so warn people about attempts to make end grinders. Roguelike dungeons have lots of mob spawners. ensure extra hard mode is set to nerf grinders - and/or worldguard protect the roguelike dungeons except for breaking certain blocks to gain entrance/escape (wgcustomflags plugins can help with this). I haven't tested monster apocalypse on a server with many players so pay attention to TPS and such while using it and adjust spigot settings like mob view distance and the like - pay attention to player feedback - it should be challenging, not pointless. If someone is obviously intentionally causing lots of mobs in dungeons to spawn, warn/ban them - or find a way to limit the maximum amount of aggressive mobs in a chunk. Concerns Grief Prevention will cancel the threat from monster apocalypse in terms of mob griefing protected bases. Grief Prevention will disable tnt use above sea level, making mining for coal initially fairly challenging... extra hard mode's torch nerf will favor people using gammabright and xray mods. Grief Prevention provides a method to teleport to spawn if a player is stuck - I'm uncertain if it works outside of GP regions which might be an issue if citadel is used. Make sure mobs are actually spawning at a reasonable rate for mild threat and reasonable ghast tear collection - play the game at ~peak hours (or alternatively buff tear drop rates) antixray plugin may be an issue if players tnt a very large diamond vein. Experiment and tweak accordingly. Blah blah Run this as an event, not a regular server. Invite pve regulars to try it out. Do this after activity on P from the new rev has died down some, so as not to detract from it. After a little while ACTIVELY gather feedback. Pester people not through in-game automated notifications, but say "hey, hey... hey joe. fill out this survey so we can do better." Or do it automated and provide an incentive"fill this survey out and get a couple blox of tnt and two diamonds." but only do it after the server has been up for a few days. Make the survey easy to fill out, and not too long, and allow for open-ended written responses. Make results visible to public either live or within three days of the end of the event. Make a fancy post introducing the event with nice headers and bullet points, with a quick summary at the top. Optionally set up some control points (like, ten or something) and let individuals/clans establish dominance over them to gain fame and mild buffs (i don't know what plugins for this there are, so consider it a low priority compared to getting the event up and running) Consider using that plugin from the CTF that added special blocks - basically for a speed-boosting block for players to make roads with. Consider providing a convenient source for gunpowder/sand/tnt, for mining with extrahardmode enabled. I don't know what the padmins have planned for their story this revision, but consider integrating this event with it somehow, to encourage p players to try out the event for a little bit and hopefully increase the ratio of adventure-style players versus "imma fuk u up" types. This is not about trying to replace P or steal P players, it's about setting tone. Maximum kit loadouts (this is basically what limits are set on permitted enchantments for armor and weapons, as well as brewable potions and their effects) This is where I'm inexperienced and the pwnpvpbalance/combatrebalancer/mylineagepvp plugins may alter the dynamics. go with vanilla. gather feedback. adjust. pay attention. watch for: evenly matched combat durations, armor/weapon damage, repair costs. Combat should be not too long, not too short, and players should not lose all of their gear just from fighting in a single match. Moderation Once the server is open, let it go with little moderation - mostly for chat/harassment and pvp "hackers". Grief shouldn't be an issue with grief prevention(+citadel) - if someone tears up natural terrain or makes swastikas just use GP's natural regeneration tool on it and do whatever with the "griefer" seems reasonable. Warn people using pvp/fly/speed hacks to disable them before banning. Don't be afraid to start muting/kicking trolls/toxicites for being dipshits in chat. Are private player notes a thing yet? They need to be for easier tracking of troublemakers without giving them a scarlet letter. orebfuscator and antixray should weed out many xray issues. Seriously, if someone is being a dick repeatedly, just ban them. Nerd may be a place of second (or twentieth) chances, but it doesn't mean you gotta let assholes ruin the place. A pvp server doesn't get a free pass on assholeism. Admin: exercise discretionary powers wisely, always in the interest of fairness and fun. if a rule is inhibiting creativity and/or fun in a specific instance and the reason for the rule in this particular case is not exceedingly clear, exercise discretionary powers. Fairness and fun. Fair and Fun is camping a worthy opponent's base and defeating them against odds. Unfair and mildly fun for only one party is camping an unworthy opponent and preventing him/her from playing in the way he or she prefers. This is also called "being a dick" and it applies at spawns, bases, or anywhere else. If someone is distraught enough to complain in global chat, leave them alone. If they're complaining despite being evenly matched, then they aren't going to be fun to fight anyway if they're a sore loser. Anyway, mylineagepvp plugin should help with some of this. Ending the event Ceremony or no ceremony, up to you. The point is having fun in the middle if nothing else. Gather feedback and use it for whatever survival server planned for the future. Having something interesting to look forward to at the end of the event might help encourage activity in spite of the announced end date. Closing This is some relatively easy stuff that can be thrown together for a mildly interesting relatively-low-maintenance pvp-enabled event. I don't really see any downsides to trying it. If anyone has suggestions for improvements please share. If any admins have any opinions, please share. Forum moderators, please remove any comments that are drifting off-topic or overly dramatic. Also, I'm not heavily invested in this. I just always kind of wanted to use extrahardmode+griefprevention+monster apocalypse on a server with nerd-quality moderation/community peeps and figured I'd jot this down and throw it out there. Edit: actually, I just want to play with the better TNT from extra hard mode. o___o Edit2: also, some stress-testing was performed on a testing spigot server running on my dinky laptop with extra hard mode tnt and worldedit (and grief prevention). Giant cubes of TNT+redstoneblocks were created. Spigot did a wonderful job of keeping the explosions asynchronous and the server was fine, as was my laptop. Also the overworld surface was pristine despite the new massive cavern below. Rest easy.
  7. Currently our staff page is sorted into categories of Admins, Moderators, and prior staff. I would find it helpful if we also sorted each section by the number of modreqs each staff member has completed. That way players can quickly find the titles of staff who are generally most active in-game. Since the statistics of the number of modreqs performed by staff are already tracked, I don't think this would require significant effort to implement. As a stretch goal (to motivate staff perhaps) we could put a star by the names of the staff who have completed the most modreqs on each individual server. Alternatively, play time or block changes could be used as the determining factor for the sort order. Please respond below with your idea of whether this would be helpful for you and which criteria would best reflect staff accessibility to players.
  8. http://www.spaceengineersgame.com/ https://www.reddit.com/r/spaceengineers/ Space Engineers recently won the Indie Game of the Year award: http://www.indiedb.com/groups/2015-indie-of-the-year-awards/features/players-choice-indie-of-the-year-2015 It could probably be described as being like Minecraft in Space. Some concerns: it isn't free. Currently the game costs $25 USD It is still under heavy development in open Alpha, on steam's Early Access list. New features are added weekly, and sometimes these come with bugs that break things. Multiplayer is not quite as stable as singleplayer (though the primary development focus now that planets have been added is improving multiplayer stability) Things sometimes bug out for unexpected reasons. Rotors, pistons, and landing gear have a history of occasionally causing explosions if not used cautiously. Planets can be fps heavy, and worlds with planets can only be played on computers that support directx11 There are not many admin tools to protect against griefing presently. Despite these issues, it is a very fun game, and there are tons of mods which enhance the game adding new aesthetics and novel gameplay elements (they are automatically downloaded when connecting to a server using them, so no hassle for players). I would recommend creating a world without planets, so that those with computers that only manage dx9 can play, so that there are fewer issues like low fps and other quirks that Keen is still working out relating to planets. I would recommend using SE Server Extender and several of the plugins available for it that manage cleanup of unused debris. SEToolbox is also a very useful administrative utility. The game has both a creative mode and survival mode. I play mostly in survival, but creative is fun too for trying out interesting designs. I mentioned mods above - for an idea of what's out there, here's a list of some i play with which I feel enhance the game: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=583224819 and here's a collection I've cobbled together of interesting aesthetic mods: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=583259352 I feel like the kind of person who plays Minecraft would be much more likely to play a voxel game about spaceships and asteroid mining than playing a first person shooter like cs:go. If we want to go with games that are not free like Team Fortress, Space Engineers seems like a reasonable choice.
  9. (Because Private Mod Chat doesn't always have to be serious, surely? Also, have had altogether too much tea this morning.)
  10. Hello everyone and thanks for taking the time to read this forum post and please keep in mind this is just off the top of my head and not 100% thought out but the beginning of what I think could be a great idea. Only a handful of you may know me, and that is probably because when I play on Nerd I only play for about the first month of a new revision before I quit and I think that happens to alot of players. After taking a look at the graph below I feel that this is the case for a lot of the players that play here early on in the revisions. When I play on PvE, after about a month I have accomplished everything that I have wanted to accomplish and with nothing else left to do, I get very bored of the game. I feel like the same thing happened to S players. This got me thinking about ways to help player retention and I came up with the idea of a Hybrid PvE / PvP server. In my mind this type of server was always the server I wanted to play on because I feel like it would be the most fun and realistic and gives the best of both worlds. Just to be clear I am in no way stating that we should turn PvE into this nor am I suggesting this as a “FIX” for Survival. I am suggesting that we attempt this as a completely new server in addition to the current servers on nerd.nu. So after reading my ideas below, if anyone has any constructive input to contribute, I would greatly appreciate it. Obviously this type of server won’t appeal to certain PvE and certain PvP players, and I understand that. If it doesn't appeal to you please don't post in this thread as that isn’t the intended purpose. Anyway, here is my idea so far: The hardest part and largest barrier that will come from this, is creating an effective balance of both play styles. Players can create towns. These players would then be allowed to claim land based on the amount of players in their town. While within the "claimed land" of their town or of a town they have an allegiance with they would be invulnerable to PvP damage. While outside in the wilderness or inside a town they are rivals with, they are vulnerable to PvP Players could self-designate PvP Zones within towns that would allow members of that town or allied members of that town the ability to PvP one another. If a player inside their town attacks an outside town member, the player would then be flagged for PvP for a variable amount of minutes removing their PvP vulnerabilities within their town. Players fighting within their town would be granted a slight bonus to damage output and damage reduction I also think making towns create PvP and Spleef arenas and then having server ran PvP and Spleef Leagues / Events would help with the longevity of the game. ALLIES, ENEMIES, and NEUTRAL Declaring Enemies: Declaring another town as an enemy means you are hostile towards them. If both towns declare each other enemies then the PvE conditions of those towns cease to exist between members of those towns. This would allow for strictly PvP oriented towns to attack one another at will. Declaring Allies: Declaring allies would protect you from other players when visiting allied towns Declaring Neutral between two towns would set the flags back to the standard. Declaring Neutral from Allied or Enemy would take a variable amount of time to prevent abuse Declaring Neutral Nerd has always traditionally been a vanilla based server which is respectable, however, the base game can only take you so far and ignoring additions that can accent the game I feel hurts the community overall. I would want to add plugins like mcMMO – Is a plugin that adds RPG qualities, experience, and abilities to the game. Everything about this plugin can be configured to suit the needs of the community and achieve balance in the game. The plugin offers both PvP and PvE abilities. The PvE abilities are nice. Take a look at “Tree Feller” for instance. “Tree Feller” allows you to chop down an entire tree in one swing at the expense of the durability of your tool. This ability can only be used so often (configurable) and recharges so often (configurable). Also depending on the amount of EXP you have in the Tree Cutting ability, this allows you to chop down bigger and bigger trees at once. For instance if you are level 0 and you try to chop down a large tree it won’t work. Many of the PvE abilities are similar to this one. There are PvP abilities too, however, I would disable them as they make the game very unbalanced due to the nature of the abilities. One of the cool things I like about mcMMO is the fact you can view all of the stats of players on a website. Below are a few of the pages from the site which I have access to the html files. · Statistics – is a plug that gives a ton of in depth stats about everything going on in the server a lot more than the current nerd.nu/usage stats. For a sample of what it shows you can look at this link http://blockynights.com/stats/ · An Economy Plugin – some type of an economy based plugin would be nice for various reasons and functions. Maybe make iron the currency and disable Iron Golems from dropping Iron making it more valuable and not abundantly available. · A Player Chest Shop Plugin – I think allowing players to sell items for the above currency would make the game more interesting from a PvE perspective. Those are the plugins I would 100 percent add in addition to the server and I can think of some others but for now am leaving them out of the initial discussion. POSSIBILITIES: Raiding: I was thinking of some type of raiding aspects but I don’t know how to balance them especially with the fact that I doubt any PVE player would want it to be a possibility. Personally I think it is ridiculous that you can lock as many chests as you want but also don’t think it is fair for someone to just open yours and get everything, especially if you are not online to defend it. What i was thinking would be Maybe some type of reinforcement system so it makes it harder to break / unlock the chest Offline protections so that it can’t be touched if no one was on to defend it A warning system to those online when a chest is being broken into Maybe only allow a variable amount of items to be removed from a raided chest per 24 hour period Weekly Wars: (pez252 idea) At the start of each week towns could sign up to join the weekly war At the end of the week whichever town has the most kills against other weekly war towns could be given a prize Obviously this would have to be monitored to prevent abuse Influence: (Waterslide’s idea) The amount of time you spend in an area the more influence you have in that area granting you more damage output and damage reduction up to a certain point. This would allow players the ability to better protect themselves in areas the frequent the most. The issue I see really comes down to the PvP aspects of the game. I can’t think of a way to include PvP, in addition to what I have already stated, that would not make PvE players not want to play and I think that is where my idea needs the most help. Thanks for reading my idea and as I stated before, if anyone had any constructive input to contribute I would greatly appreciate it. Sincerely, Blockbuster
  11. I was walking down the blue road and saw that someone had posted this sign (it's new, wasn't there Saturday) Always a fan of the risky link of the day, I drilled it into a browser and found that it is a griefing team, which is a thing? Sorry I've owned minecraft since alpha, but after playing through to beta, I didn't really play a huge amount, mostly to other cool games and free time sucks. Have been playing on s.nerd and enjoying, I read server rules and understand griefing is on honor system, there is no protected land plots, just locked chests, furnaces, etc. so didn't know if this was something the admins would be interested in. Please feel free to throw me a stfu noob if such is warranted, I'd just hate for someone's hard work to be trashed. From website: -and a post by admin maybe? So who pissed off Robin Hood?! Sign wasn't in front of my house so I didn't investigate to see what was done, if anything?
  12. Please help me welcome back totemo to the techadmin team! totemo was first modded back in Fall 2011 and was a techadmin between June 2013 and January 2014. He was recently remodded in September 2015. You may know him from his work in Pico or from just hanging around on the servers! I look forward to working with him and seeing the new ideas, perspective, and experience he will bring to the techadmin team!
  13. Starting to outline a quick process for this disk replacement, feel free to edit this post to include details or format nicely ( Make sure to cross out items if you complete work ) Create new BungeeCord instance on creeper, pointing to the existing servers on newnerd Change DNS entry for c & p to point to creeper - leave s and nerd.nu webserver on newnerd Wait for DNS TTL to expire for entries so all of our players will be operating on the new bungee Schedule downtime for PvE ( as it is most affected currently ) and rsync the server files across, export all pve database tables and import on creeper mysql instance change bungeecord entry for PvE to point to local server Start PvE with whitelist enabled and verify that permissions, LWC, logblock are all functioning correctly - disable whitelist after testing Repeat steps 4-6 for Creative Turn survival OFF, it is due to be shutdown anyway from memory Ensure any remaining server directories on /ssd/ are no longer required, archive any maps that have not been Kill webserver Export forum/website database tables from mysql and backup on the SATA drive - possibly copy to creeper tarball and copy the website directory(s) to the SATA drive - possibly copy to creeper Power off server, allow on-site technicians to replace drive ( might need to mkfs once the box comes back up ) Repeat process 2-7, swapping target servers from creeper to newnerd Untar server files to the web directory and import mysql dump of forums, starting webserver I'll clean the formatting and start work on it in a few days once my index finger is usable again
  14. Ok, so everyone knows what this game is right??? well if u dont, then ill tell you. it is a game to continue a story that someone starts. if it ends, then start another. and, RULES: no bad language, no sexual content, no more than 20 words per post, highlight good characters in green and bad in red, minecraft servers are one word, fave fun! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SO, the story starts... Once, there was a peaceful day on the minecraft server called [insert generic server address here]. Suddenly, a new guy spawned in named xXdiamondgamez235Xx.
  15. Hey there guys, a few weeks ago when we were talking about AdminMode and a bit during the mumble meeting, it was mentioned that it was not a very high priority for Techs and that they have other things on their plate. While I know some of the projects they are working on, I don't know what's a high priority and what is not, I'm just told "it's not a priority". Would it be possible to make a list of things currently being worked on and there priority? That way we can also request things and know if they are being worked on or not.
  16. Hello everyone, We would like to get a CS:GO server up asap, jchance has said he will pay for it for the time being. The only thing preventing this from happening right now is that we don't have anyone to set it up, so if you can, or know of someone who can, setup a CS:GO server, please comment here or contact the heads.
  17. Hello everyone, We are looking to add some new headadmins in the near future , and we would like to hear from you guys! If you believe someone would be good for the position, please message me here with the reasons why and I will add it to our discussion.
  18. http://nerd.nu/applyformod/ Current text on the page says: "Submitting a name will send it to the admins, and give you a little something for taking the time :D" Previously submitting a name would direct the submitter to a humorous video. The site that was used for this no longer functions, and that redirection was altered so that now submitting a name directs the submitter to a page thanking them: http://nerd.nu/applyformod/thanks.php There is no "little something" offered anymore. I suggest that either the text be updated, or some other cute/amusing video/image be visible on the "thanks" page.
  19. Hello everyone, Let me start with asking everyone to keep anything said in this topic between staff for the time being. We will be opening up a nerd.nu CS:GO server and we would like everyone's help to beta test it! We would like your feedback on any issues you may encounter, even if you believe them to be small, suggestions for any maps (see below for the current maps), suggestions for polices to better moderate the server, and overall feedback about the server. You will be free to access the server at anytime (this is a staff only beta test), but we will also have some planned games to better test the server with more people on. Please note that the server is still being worked on so things may change without warning, the server may restart without warning, etc. Server Information: Currently, the server has 24 player slots and the game type is Classic Casual. Hostname: csgo.nerd.nu Password: goaway Map List: Thanks to everyone in advance, and please use this thread to post any issues you may encounter (redwall_hp is the main techadmin on this project, so a ping in IRC may bring more serious issues to his attention faster).
  20. Hello everyone, We have come up with a list of possible mods after many weeks of discussion. Everyone on this list has been contacted and asked if they would like to be included in this vote. A few things to keep mind before you vote: "Yes" means "I am supporting this person, and want to see this person as a moderator." "No" means ""I don't think this person should be a moderator." "Don't know well enough" means "I don't know this person well enough to make a decision." The results are public, so anyone will be able to see who you voted for. As always, if anyone has any concerns about anyone on this list please contact myself (Mrloud15) or another headadmin (Cyotie911, jchance, or schererererer). Voting will end in 1 week, May 5th, and new mods will be announced no later than 1 week, May 12th, after voting has ended.
  21. Hey! Some of you might know me from Creative! I just made this forum user and i would like to do an AMA! I like Anime, Games, Movies, Books, Creepypasta, cosplay and alot of other things and i love building ships in minecraft, i dont give a shite about politics and sport. Ask Me Anything!
  22. Are you excited for Summer?! Are you tired of school/finals or work?! Then join us on Friday June 5th as we kick off our first 2015 Fundraiser! Who: YOU! What: The first 2015 CTF Donation Drive! When: Friday June 5th at 9PM EST - June 8th 12AM EST Where: Nerd.Nu Minecraft Event Server (e.nerd.nu) and Mumble Why: To help raise funds to help keep our servers running! A entire weekend full of building and fighting for your team! During this time our regular servers, C, P, S will be taken down for the duration of the event and will return when the event has concluded. An information post regarding the event will be put up within the next week containing everything you will need to know about the event and more! Stay tuned! Teaser: http://i.imgur.com/kiFdTEr.png
  23. Hello everyone, We would like for the server admins to write up a little description of your server so we can start actively advertising on /r/mcservers. The heads will be taking care of making the posts and all that fun stuff, so the only extra work for you guys after a description is written would be to keep the description updated. If anyone has any issues with this, please feel free to contact one of the heads.
  24. I recently had a discussion with a user on Reddit named go1dfish who maintains the /r/uncensorship, /r/POLITIC, and /r/ModerationLog subreddits, and I shared with him a method I discovered to easily generate public moderation logs for subreddits who wish for transparency and accountability. Being the awesome guy that he is, go1dfish whipped up a website to make the logs easy on the eyes, and helped set up a wiki page on my /r/publicmodlogs subreddit to make it super simple to add new subreddits. Long story short, it's easier than ever for a community on Reddit to have transparency and accountability, and all you have to do is have a moderator send an invite to /u/publicmodlogs to become a moderator of a subreddit, granting it NO permissions (so that all the account can do is view the moderation logs). Then anyone can view the log of subreddit actions taken at https://modlog.github.io, or viewing an RSS feed generated by reddit itself. Example here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Morrowind/about/log/.rss?feed=c7b83b457469643f1912d5fee30e18dba808f351&user=publicmodlogs As a moderator on the /r/mcpublic subreddit, I can attest that not much really happens there in the logs of any significance to the public - occasionally someone tries to advertise a server, or someone posts a personal attack that gets removed - basic rule violations. I must admit my belief is not that /r/mcpublic absolutely needs this, and my intention here is not really to promote drama or to rabblerouse, but moreso to promote the notion of and adoption of public moderator logs more broadly on Reddit, with /r/mcpublic and nerd.nu standing firm with the principles of transparency and accountability, to lead other communities by example in the hopes of strengthening online communities everywhere. So, what do you, the nerd.nu community, think about this? edit: subreddit post that links to this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/mcpublic/comments/35wcg3/transparency_and_accountability_what_does_the/ edit2: I've written up a fairly complete explanation of how the process go1dfish and I have setup works on /r/publicmodlogs here: https://www.reddit.com/r/publicmodlogs/comments/360amy/so_how_does_this_public_moderation_logs_thing/ for anyone who is interested in the details.
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