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How about a competition for designing a server icon(s)?


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While we're still in 1.6, and I have no rush to see that change for a while, I was reading the recently released official changelog for 1.7 found here: https://mojang.com/2013/10/minecraft-1-7-the-update-that-changed-the-world/


I noted that in 1.7:


  • Servers can now put a 64×64 image called “server-icon.png” in their folder, that you will see on your server list.


I think this would be a great opportunity to get the community involved in something everyone can see when they log in. The competition could be either separate for each server, or one overarching design for all 3. We could then narrow down the entries to a voting poll on the forums to see which one is liked the most.


I'd like to see what the staff and the community have to say about this idea.

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This sounds like a brilliant idea. I'd push strongly for this, were it to be debated. However, it'd obviously need some sort of notice to get players joining in, preferably a notice by [server] on each server, as well as a post on the subreddit. Only concern I really have however is whether there'll be a set date for starting and completing icons, as well as a specific source to post it to. Maybe/hopefully after all the icons have been submitted for approval, they could be put into a voting thread.

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Let's organize dis.  Subreddit post, server messages, forum post, a submission system, submission start/end dates, voting start/end dates, the works.


Personally, I also like the idea of seperate logos for the different servers, it would be kinda boring to have all 3 on your list and they all have the same icon.  Don't forget event and chaos, we could have logos ready for those too!

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Tell me what file type I am limited to, and what my maximum size for the file is.

Servers can now put a 64×64 image called “server-icon.png” in their folder, that you will see on your server list.


Going off of that, it's best to assume only png's

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GIMP or Photoshop fine? I have CS6 Extended


Definitely. Basically, whatever you're comfortable using and can output a 64x64 PNG. (I'm a Photoshop guy, myself. But for all I know MS Paint has improved since the last time I used Windows...which would be XP.)


I like the idea of having a separate icon for each server, and allowing each participant to submit for each one if they choose.

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Definitely. Basically, whatever you're comfortable using and can output a 64x64 PNG. (I'm a Photoshop guy, myself. But for all I know MS Paint has improved since the last time I used Windows...which would be XP.)


I like the idea of having a separate icon for each server, and allowing each participant to submit for each one if they choose.

I do, too. I think it would be a cool idea. I really haven't liked the new MS paint that came with 7/8, as I find it's really easy to create a bad looking image.

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Guys, its a PNG not a gif or bitmap... you can make smooth edges and have DPI, you don't need a pixel by pixel icon.


It has to be 65x65 by all means, if you can make smooth edges with 65 x 65 go for it.  You do realize you can't smooth the edge of a single pixel right?

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It has to be 65x65 by all means, if you can make smooth edges with 65 x 65 go for it.  You do realize you can't smooth the edge of a single pixel right?

you mean 64x64*

and to the both of you, any pixel artist knows that there's no such thing as a true curve, just an indistinction between two differing edges

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