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The Cyotie911 ama


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Did you know that you spelled "Coyote" wrong when you made your IGN?


What does the 911 stand for? Is it named after the number you call when you need help?


Why do you have so many pets?


Do you miss being a C admin?


Which admin do you like being better? Creative or Head? 

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What's it like to be you?


I haven't seen you ingame in a while, this makes me sad. Any comment?


Dribble or Waldo?


What's better: A flower sized fridge or a bat sized freezer?

I'm not sure how to describe myself, but if I had to compare it to something... I'd say it's pretty close to being Brad Pitt in a porno setting...

I've unfortunately had issues with bad weather that I've been having to deal with that has kept me away from mine craft more than I'd like. hopefully I'll be around more as soon as I get a break from the weather.

bat or flower? either. They both aren't big enough to do shit with.

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I'm not sure how to describe myself, but if I had to compare it to something... I'd say it's pretty close to being Brad Pitt in a porno setting...

I've unfortunately had issues with bad weather that I've been having to deal with that has kept me away from mine craft more than I'd like. hopefully I'll be around more as soon as I get a break from the weather.

bat or flower? either. They both aren't big enough to do shit with.

I'm dissapointed that you left the 3rd question out, 3/10 would not make a song about. 

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What's it like to be you?


I haven't seen you ingame in a while, this makes me sad. Any comment?


Dribble or Waldo?


What's better: A flower sized fridge or a bat sized freezer?

I'm not sure how to describe myself, but if I had to compare it to something... I'd say it's pretty close to being Brad Pitt in a porno setting...

I've unfortunately had issues with bad weather that I've been having to deal with that has kept me away from mine craft more than I'd like. hopefully I'll be around more as soon as I get a break from the weather.

bat or flower? either. They both aren't big enough to do shit with.

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Did you know that you spelled "Coyote" wrong when you made your IGN?


What does the 911 stand for? Is it named after the number you call when you need help?


Why do you have so many pets?


Do you miss being a C admin?


Which admin do you like being better? Creative or Head?

Yes, I misspelled it on purpose. It stems from a misspelling that happened a long time ago.

The 911 is related to the number associated with help. I've always been a person to help people so I just associated that number to my username.

I've always been an animal lover. Some of them are rescues and some of them I purchased but they are all my family.

Yes I miss being a CAdmin but I like being a Head Admin. I like to help the community as a whole and being a Head admin affords me the opportunity to do that.

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What would you say are your strengths and weaknesses in general and regarding your position as an admin and leader of the creative server?What is your vision/goal?


How do you plan to achieve it ? 

I'm on my phone at the moment and this will probably be a longer than I want to type with my phone.

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What would you say are your strengths and weaknesses in general and regarding your position as an admin and leader of the creative server?

What is your vision/goal?


How do you plan to achieve it ? 


Okay, Now that I have power back on let's get to some of these questions...


What would you say are your strengths and weaknesses in general and regarding your position as an admin and leader of the creative server?...  Well, I would say that one of my greatest strengths is my ability to stay neutral in all situations in server events.  I can keep myself neutral and make logical decisions regardless of who is involved.  I would say that my weakness is wanting to please everyone and knowing that can't always happen.  Decisions have to be made and there's always someone who's not going to like you for it.  As far as the being the leader of the creative server???  Not sure I really can answer that anymore since I'm not.  I can always give my thoughts to the creative admins but they are the real leaders of the creative servers.


As far as a vision/goal?  All I can say is that I will always strive to better the servers and try to give the community what it desires provided that it doesn't stray to far from our core values.


As far as achieving it?  I'll just wing it as it goes I guess.  You're never going to know how to prepare for situations that haven't happened yet.

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What is your favorite block (A) to build with (B) to look at © to destroy?


Are you into poetry? If so, who is your favorite poet? If not, what are you into?


Favorite 90s sitcom?


What is my favorite block to build with? Well I guess that depends on what I'm building... But as far as the block that looks the coolest. I fond of Nether Quartz Ore.


Block to look at? See above.


Block to destroy?  That's easy. TNT. Everyone loves to blow up TNT!


Poetry?  I'm not really into poetry, however, I have always like Edgar Allen Poe.  Things that I am into?  I like cars/motorcycles/things that move with a motor.  I own quite a few.  I also bowl, golf, play xbox and playstation (just picked up a ps4 a few days ago), Animals, and other stuff.


'90's sitcom?  well, Not sure, I'd have to think about that.  Now if you had said 80's sitcoms.  I loved Knight Rider, Dukes of Hazzard, A-Team, Magnum PI, 21 jump street, and Hawaii five-0 back in the day.  90's??  Can't really remember any real good tv shows I watched in the 90's

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Do you like the recent changes on C?  As a user who has been on for longer than all of us, I would love to hear your feedback.


I've always been an old school player and really loved the old "No fly, shit I fell off my build and will now have to dirt tower my way back up, shit I just placed an obsidian block where I didn't want it and will now take me 30 seconds to remove it" creative.  I found it to be really fun/challenging.  And while the new updates and such have made it easier to play and build, it just doesn't seem like it's as much fun as it used to be.  I'm not opposed to the changes, it's just made it less of a challenge.  I know that you can set your build to be a no fly but most people use that after they are done building and it makes it hard to want to build without flying when you know it's available. 


Other than that. Yes. I like the direction that the server is going (not that I don't like the other stuff too).  I like the attractions (events) that have been happening.

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Favorite hot sauce? It's a hot sauce called "Z" Awesome stuff, but very very hot. I use a few drops in a pot of chili.


Favorite beer/cocktail/adult beverage?  Well I used to love a drink called DNA, It was Alcoholic Spring Water with a little citrus flavoring.  However, They don't import it into the US anymore.  If anyone lives in Australia and would like to ship me a crate I'd love them forever! lol.  However, my second favorite drink is something that I came up with myself. It's Grey Goose with Strawberry Fruitopia.


Have any pets? Bonus points for pictures.  Instead of making this a ridiculously long post I'll just post a link to the "Post your pet" thread: https://nerd.nu/forum/index.php?/topic/131-post-your-pet/

I posted a lot of pictures in it.  However, I have a new pic of my 2 wolves that was taken a few days ago while we were outside playing:



Favorite place traveled? By far it has to be Aruba.  I loved it there.  I was there for their Carnival which is like New Orleans's Mardi Gras.



Place you haven't been yet but want to go to?  Haven't been to Australia yet.  Wouldn't mind taking a trip there sometime in the near future.



Best friends on the server?  Friends?  I'm an asshole. No one want's to be friends with an asshole...



Favorite builds?  I made a huge Atari complete with joysticks and with a TV showing Pac Man on it a while ago.  I enjoyed building it because I built the entire thing from memory.

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