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Creative is getting too quiet.


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Ok, something is clearly wrong here.


Only a few revs ago we where averaging about 150+ players everyday through out the entire rev. PVE has gotten very popular but most of the people who would consider themselves C players have all left nerd.nu in general for various reasons. Today C is at about 8 players at the most every day, clearly something has to change. Anyone have any ideas on how to get back to the glory days? 

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Yes, we've been fixing this for about an entire year now. I think we're making slower progress than we were say, 2 months ago, but nonetheless we're still getting decent numbers compared to the 3~ peak we had before. We're getting, at times, about 15-ish players for peak, with a minimum of say, 4-0. I personally feel like I've done all I can for Creative for now, and frankly a lot of us feel that way - we've felt that way for a long time. 
I'm happy with our numbers if they continue to grow, but if the staff stop development and our numbers drop again, I'll be packing my bags. 

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You're a little late to the discussion diff, as the "glory days" you refer to are from well over a year ago, if not two. The problems facing C concerning a growing playerbase stem from the same problems facing all of our servers: a lack of advertisement. A discussion on how to draw in more players began several months back, and a new one was just finalized: https://nerd.nu/forums/index.php?/topic/1966-ac-advertising-on-rmcservers/?hl=advertising

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Hey, gonna put in my two cents real quick. C has lost some great players lately and things aren't as exciting anymore. I feel P and S have many events (even though S is also dead). I feel creative is ignored and whenever someone posts a topic like this, they are taken into consideration, then dropped. That's just me, and I am open to corrections on this. Thank you. -SextDexy

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My thoughts on this is that this might unfortunatly end c one day, Which is why I hope we can start some type of promotion. Maybe on a youtube channel, or any other sort of popular social media outlet. If there is anything I can do I would like to to it, Cause c is a good server with a good community.    [And btw, my personal reason for being inactive lateley is just cause of my life, I dont have all that much time to play minecraft cause of my work, school, and pretty much my life outside of the internet. But believe me, I will try to get on c more when I can :)]    {and also, another side note, if i said anything in this comment that was already resolved or discussed about, then sorry, I typed all this before reading others comments.}


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I've been continuing to work on the speedbuilding arena. While it's not finished, it is technically functional, so I'd like to hold the first contest within the next couple of weeks.

Additionally, we will be holding a Creative Mumble meeting (probably occurring this coming weekend and announced later today) in order to discuss with you some new ideas for improvement and answer questions. We have several additions and changes in mind which we'd like to share with you, so we'd like this to be an informative and productive event. More details will be made available in the announcement post.

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