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Survival Spawn Amendments



21 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of the following proposed changes to spawn, if any, would you like to see put into action?

    • No change.
    • Shops are set to pve.
    • Shop underground level is set to pve.
    • Entire spawn area is set to pve.

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Hello all playing on Survival, we're looking to reach out to you in regards to a few design / gameplay changes at spawn.


For those that recall, there was a spawn contest held on the creative server to contribute to this revision's version of spawn. Due to a number of reasons, we ended up reaching this decision. Up until now, Wozdaka's contributions have not been incorporated into spawn, however C45y and myself have begun adding sections on the surface when you head outside and will continue to add elements from Wozdaka's design. Please let us know what you think of these aesthetic changes.


Additionally we have received feedback on the underside of spawn, specifically in regards to the shop area not being used as much as it could be as pvp is enabled there. We have a poll attached to this topic asking which, if any, changes you'd like to see to the spawn area, to encourage further use of the feature. We'll keep the poll open for at least 14 days and advertise this topic on the subreddit / server alerts to gain more feedback.


Provided we receive enough feedback in 14 days from the poll, that is representative of our community numbers on Survival then we'll go ahead with your choice, if not, we'll communicate further here.


Thanks for reading!




(I've very subtly linked to their profiles instead of my own. Send feedback you have regarding survival to either of us as we all sync up regularly and try to act on feedback)




No Change has been voted the most popular opinion. As such we will leave spawn as it is currently set up. Thank you all for voting.

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Shops set to pve - but just the bays or individual shops thou. The road/pit/portal/stairs should remain pvp - it has a fun element to it and removing it as a fighting obstacle would be a loss. Shops are not being bought because people get ganked in them and it is safer to just auction than be caught looking at signs/buying/selling items. Having them safe from pvp would encourage people to create shops and use them more.



 In addition I would add more elements on the surface over time (I realize the work is a lot and the staff to do it is not always avaliable). The original spawn the buildings were built for had buildings/trees to run around/on/over/in as obstacles like you would see in various pvp games. I think these kinds of elements to the environment give some fun. A big open field is just "run away" - but trees, buildings and obstacles is "fight on me" "play on me" - "kite around me" "try to juke and lose the person". Keeping the land part of spawn with some obstacles will really help with pvp when it happens there. Espically as people die and spawn back there. The action is continual. 

If you also give people "kits" of say wooden or stone swords - you create a potential for people to just spawn/fight/die/spawn and just have fun. Much like a modern pvp game/shooter/etc. If people see the action and the fun they will join in. Of course those who come in with armor/weapons would do better but with numbers/etc they might get overwhelmed or cause escalation of gearing to occur.

also the shops if they grow could provide potions/food/pvp consumables as a market to feed this need to pvp around the element/obstacle heavy spawn in those times when the action gets picked up there.

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I believe there should be pvp all throughout spawn, since people should take a risk taking their diamonds or other valuable ores to spawn in order to sell. Also could I walk into the pvp safe shop area to avoid combat? Overall, I think making anything in or around spawn a pvp safe area is just dumb. 

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The problem with these changes are If you make the spawn,shops or underground area pve your making it so people can enter an area easily to avoid combat. If you make any of these changes the nether portal at spawn needs to be moved so people cant enter the area from the nether to get out of combat. If you make the shops pve you need to make it so people cant run into the shops to avoid combat. If you make it so the whole spawn is pve you need to make it so people cant run into spawn from the outside roads so they can avoid pvp. If you make the whole underground area pve you need to make it so people cant just run down the steps to avoid pvp.


Also id like to mention that the shop with the sticky piston door and red glass is LWC abuse there is no way to enter that structure if someone is being hunted all they have to do is run in and lock the door.

Edited by Natdog
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How successful are the shops, how much would anyone be affected if they were a no-stopping-zone due to the pvp?


Auctions appear to be a lot more popular this revision, with most players making use of them for purchases. However everyone can't always online, so shops allow for a permanent presence on the server as far as trading goes.

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I agree with natdog, setting any area near spawn pve could make it SUPER easy to avoid combat. 


Well, thats kinda what people want when they are trying to trade their stuff without having to worry about the vultures constantly spawn camping. 


Auctions appear to be a lot more popular this revision, with most players making use of them for purchases. 




And shops are suffering. That's because there is no protection. People aren't going to go there if they can get killed when trying to trade.

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I like the idea of making the entire spawn area ( and maybe about 30-50 blocks beyond it) PVE. There's always an issue with spawn camping. Since making it against the rules would be difficult to enforce, disabling PVP around spawn sounds like a good solution to prevent spawn camping as much as possible. Also, I'm 100% for disabling PVP in shop areas too. 

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Well, thats kinda what people want when they are trying to trade their stuff without having to worry about the vultures constantly spawn camping. 


These "vultures" are people pvping on a pvp server. Get over yourself. Get geared up and kill people who are spawn killing you or trade with people somewhere else.

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Just because spawn is made PvE, that doesn't mean spawn camping will be completely stopped (this has been an issue for some time). What is then stopping the players from just waiting outside of spawn for players to come out? If ender chests at spawn is the answer, what's stopping friends from transferring gear over via ender chest and then teaming on the player outside of spawn (thus using a PvE area for PvP advantage)? What's then stopping players from running inside of spawn to avoid PvP? 


When rtr and I were discussing different econ things, we never wanted spawn to be about the shops. In video games, you go to shops for three reasons: The items, the prices, and the location. The problem with this is within minecraft, everyone has the same access to every item. Therefore players don't need to ever use the shop, as there is never going to be any rare gear, they can go mine diamonds and make their own armor. The game then becomes about who can set the lowest prices on the server (since everyone will be selling around the same thing), and it seems to be now just players choosing whichever shop they attend. Lastly that leaves location, which rtr and I agreed was probably the most important on a minecraft server. In regards to this, players should be able to open a shop anywhere on the map. If this is the case, players can choose which shops to go to based on who's at which shop. Maybe a player knows someone in full diamond on one road, so he goes to a shop down another. It's no longer set up perfectly in one place.


Personally I'm for removing shops at spawn all together, as all it does is increase spawn camping. Removing them will encourage players to create their own shops on the roads, which leads to players having more options. Yes players will have to travel a bit to get there instead of just being able to go straight to spawn, but that's part of the risk and reward of playing on S. Of course I've been largely inactive this revision due to many other things getting in the way, but this was my previous opinion and it still holds true. 

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Personally I'm against making any part of survival pve. One of the main aspects of having spawn as a pvp zone is it adds the element of risk. If you travel down the roads with goods, you are most at risk at spawn as it's where all the roads meet. It could open up some other problems of people running into it to avoid pvp, obviously we could handle that, but it would still be a bother. There are tones of exits around spawn for you to escape, if you don't want to risk the shops at spawn, you can always stick to the auction or just get your materials the vanilla way. There are good arguments for having spawn set to pve but my personal opinion is against it.

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Should be no surprise that camping spawn is a thing this rev. This is what happens when you remove beds. Spawn is a predictable and easy place to find kills/targets.

And there are 4 different directions people can flee in, as well as tunnels away from spawn so you can avoid the central drop area. If people are getting camped at spawn it is through lack of attempting to avoid combat and not through fault of design or removal of beds

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I think Spawn shops should be set to pve and everything else to pvp, it adds the challenge that Survival creates to get to the portal on time without getting killed, but you can buy product in store without getting killed repeatedly, although I have seen new players struggle by getting killed in the portal so maybe that should be PVE too. Also under spawn Is pretty much ok- used for friendly 1v1's with friend's, since spawn camping isn't a "thing" anymore, players are allowed to make the decision to jump down, or go out a tunnel to the roads. Shops/portal-PVE. Everything else- Stays the same

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And there are 4 different directions people can flee in, as well as tunnels away from spawn so you can avoid the central drop area. If people are getting camped at spawn it is through lack of attempting to avoid combat and not through fault of design or removal of beds


I understand about the tunnels. I agree with you. If you drop down and die it is on that player for not taking a tunnel. I would not blame no beds on that. All I was trying to say was the bed removal did help cause the high population/occupancy of spawn in rev29. And so we have a high occupancy or population of people at spawn looking for fights. I was using the phrase "camping" as "occupy for long periods of time" not as "to kill someone over and over and over at a fixed location".  

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At the end of the 14 day time period No Change is the most popular, with 8 votes, 2 more than the next closest option (2nd and 3rd were tied on 6 votes each)


Thank you everyone for your feedback, we will leave the shops as they are. If you anything else you wish to discuss or potentially get a poll up about please don't hesitate to drop me a PM.



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