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Revision 33 Poll & Feedback!


Revision 33 Poll  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Map Type: What kind of terrain are you looking forward to seeing?

    • Fully WorldPainter/WorldGenerated [Current]
    • 50/50 WorldPaint and vanilla terrain (Similar to revs: 26,27,28,30 and 31)
    • Full vanilla ( Default minecraft terrain)
    • Other: (Please comment)
  2. 2. Multiverse Checkup: How are you feeling about our current multiverses?

    • Everything is alright the way it is.
    • I believe there are one or two that need to be removed . . . (Please comment)
    • I believe there are one or two that need to be added . . . (Please comment)
    • I don't know enough about multiverses to make a judgement.
  3. 3. Spawn City Checkup: Our previous polls show that most prefer to leave spawn city the way it is, has anything changed?

    • I like Spawn City the way it is still.
    • Something specific (theme, location, plot #s, ect) needs to change! (Please comment)
    • Spawn City needs its own world. (Please comment)
    • I hate Spawn City, Let's nuke it! (Please comment)
    • Other: (Please comment)
  4. 4. Map Features: Please check all that you would like to see in our upcoming revision. (Please write any concerns you may have in the comments) [Multiple Choice]

    • Cardinal Roads (Roads premade for citybuiding and easier travel)
    • Pixelart Valley (Designated area for pixelart creations)
    • Bigtown ( A place to build a mini statue of yourself )
    • Spawn City Suburbs (Plots for houses)
    • Spawn City Downtown (Plots for large buildings, skyscrapers, ect.)
    • Other/Something's missing on this list!: (Please comment)
    • Map size: Smaller map please. [Current size: 10k x 10k ]
    • Map size: Too small, need a bigger map! [Current size :10k x 10k ]
  5. 5. Map related poll questions end here.

    • I am not satisfied with the questions. I have more I wish to vocalize that wasn't prompted!! (Please comment)
    • I'm satisfied with the map questions, and they helped me provide more in-depth feedback in the comments
    • I won't be commenting, i'm too busy to provide feedback outside the poll itself
  6. 6. Rule and Instruction Clarity: Are Creative's rules clear? Is it easy to get started building on C for new players? [Multiple Choice]

    • Yes: the rulebook, links and board of helpful commands at spawn are enough
    • No: The rules are not made clear enough and/or it is difficult for players to get started on C (Please comment)
    • We should have a tutorial area for new players that review these rules and help new users get started easier (Please comment)
    • We just need a few extra signs that encourage new users to behave and read the rules (Please comment)
    • Rules are too vague/inconsistent/confusing (Please comment)
    • Active players on C are not helpful or friendly enough to new players, and often scare them away (Please comment, do not use specific names please)
    • Other: (Please comment)
  7. 7. Player Collision Checkup: How are we feeling about unit/player collision being turned on?

    • I like player collision!
    • I do not like player collision.
    • I'm indifferent on this topic.
  8. 8. Mobs: How are you feeling about mobs on C? [Multiple Choice]

    • I like it the way it is, 6 pets is enough for anyone.
    • We need more pets allowed per person. (Please comment)
    • Can we please have spawners? (Please comment)
    • People have too many pets, help i'm drowning in animals!! (Please comment)
  9. 9. Creative's Claiming Policy: Claims will be reduced to what space is used after 1 month of no significant progress. Claims over 500x500 are prioritized in this.

    • Current land claim policies are for the best, and should not be changed.
    • I dislike land claims policies on C, and they should be changed. (Please comment)
    • I like the policies in concept, but in practice they are a mess and effect me negatively & unfairly. (Please comment)
  10. 10. Games and Activities: Does C have enough events, games and activities for players to engage in?

    • C desperately needs more fun activities to be involved in. (Please comment)
    • I don't really care much for events and games and/or speedbuild is enough for me!
    • I have suggestions for games and activities that I would like to suggest! (Please comment)
  11. 11. WorldEdit: Would starting off the first month of a revision without WorldEdit benefit the productivity of the revision? (Feedback much desired in comments) [Multiple Choice]

    • Yes: I think it would be interresting to consider starting a revision without WorldEdit for the first month. It would be a nice challenge, and help promote quality builds
    • Yes: This would interest me if there was a prize for the best build over that month period
    • Yes: I think this would greatly bring together players, and promote a sense of community!
    • No: I think this would impact me negatively as a builder
    • No: It will drive new players away from our server
    • No: I need to flatten large areas for my builds, and use a lot of copy/pasting.
    • Maybe: It would be something new and interesting to try out, but would have to be monitored closely, just in case we get an overwhelming push to re-enable WE
  12. 12. Working with the Cadmin team: How would our big city builders feel about getting specific landmarks and areas designed to be compatible with cities?

    • Absolutely, I would love to see terrain/landmarks suited for easy city building! I would like to work with this terrain instead of having to flatten my own area. (Please comment)
    • Absolutely not: It may stir up conflict, just give us some relatively flat areas like normal.
    • Other: (Please comment)
  13. 13. Working with the Cadmin team: Would city builders like to work with Cadmins to schedule tours of their cities and towns as events?

    • Yes, this would give me a really good opportunity to explain the lore of my city, and show off my worldbuilding skills. (Please comment)
    • No, I just want people to enjoy my builds and discover things at their own leisure.
    • Yes, I am not a city builder but this sounds interesting and fun.
    • No, I am not a city builder, and I am not interested.
  14. 14. Working with the Cadmin team: Player and Cadmin coordinated events. One-time events that specifically involve player builds and help reward patience and effort, but without the stress of winning a competition (like our post office contest)

    • Yes please! This would greatly motivate me to help build fun and exciting builds for everyone to enjoy. This may also revive our PvP arenas!
    • No, just no (Please comment)
    • Other: (Please comment)
  15. 15. How long should our next revision last?

    • Exactly 175 days (5.8 months) . Nothing more, nothing less.
    • 2-3 Months
    • 4-6 Months
    • 7+ Months
    • I don't care.

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Hello everyone! It's that time again when we are gathering input from all of you, so that our next map will be everything you hope and dream!

This poll and discussion is be a bit different than normal, and includes some non-typical prompts, along with our regular map feedback. We highly encourage comments and feedback to this post in regards to these topics.

Revision 32 [our current revision] will be running until approximately early September. The official launch date of 33 will be released exactly 1 month before, as always.

Please take your time carefully reading through the poll, options and consider writing out an explanation of each of your answers, as it helps us immensely. Direct discussion between players and the Cadmin team are key here, and we will be actively replying to messages on this thread. Please remember that you are absolutely free to bring up any concerns here regarding our next revision on this post.

Since this poll will longer and more thorough than previous ones, we're aiming to keep the discussion going here for a good two weeks.


Bullets below are dedicated to summaries of player concerns and ideas, as well as their responses for visibility.





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4. I'll only address one thing out of this list, and that's cardinal roads. I would like them to more mimic the style of the roads uses in player cities for ease of connections aesthetically. Roads used in this current revision are good guidelines to go off of, I think.

6. Most non-griefer new players that I meet on a day to day basis are typically asking the same questions. "How do I get a plot? How do I claim a piece of land?" There should be some obvious spot in spawn (or a sign to teleport them there) that a player could go to and be clear on how they should get started. I believe WETutorial covered this briefly in one of the rooms, however, I think such a thing deserves it's own designated area to get the idea across.

8. I only ask for spawners based on my short lived intent to try my hand at a zoo this Rev in my city, but I found that the 6 pet limitation and the eventual despawn of said pets made it basically impossible. 

9. This is more of a moderator issue than a player issue, but I believe that a 500 x 500 modreq claim should be open for moderators to handle if the player who requested has a known track record for filling up their plots, such as all the major city builders. Of course, if the moderator is not sure, I then believe it ought to be handled by the Cadmins. From what I hear, most good plot-filling players get a bit apprehensive when their request for a big chunk of land is elevated just for its size.

10. Speedbuild is fun and all, but it only comes once a week. While I don't have any game suggestions unfortunately, I do think that maybe one or two more scheduled games during the week would be a good impact on the server's population. It would give everyone a reason to be excited to come to C after a long day of work or school or something. 

12. Designated spots wouldn't be a bad idea, though I think the player should have a say in the terrain they want if they're searching for something specific. For example, next rev I would be looking for a beach, a big flat (or relatively flat) field, and then a big mountain behind it all (for lore terrain accuracy more or less). But that just gets tedious for the cadmins developing the terrain. Other than that, I think how players incorporate their cities into the terrain and use said terrain to their advantage is undoubtedly interesting. So I suppose I'm sort of mixed here.

13. UM, HELL YEAH. I'm needy for the attention. And maybe it'll motivate me to actually finish projects...

Hope I didn't miss anything. And I hope my answers made sense. I took the drowsy allergy meds tonight, so my English skills are probably garbage. Just let me know if there's anything you didn't understand. 

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First, Mew said she would like to simplify the roads, but I would say to keep them as highways, as I am planning to upgrade the highways, add signs, etc.:


4. I'll only address one thing out of this list, and that's cardinal roads. I would like them to more mimic the style of the roads uses in player cities for ease of connections aesthetically. Roads used in this current revision are good guidelines to go off of, I think.

Hey, I'm PERFECTLY okay with your opinion. If the cardinal roads are a basic 1 way-each way type, I'll cancel my plans.


6. I'd like to see a tutorial room, extra signs, and more in depth rules to steer players away from breaking rules. I'd think it would really help get players to be.. well... players.

8. Spawners. Yaaas. Yaaass. Yaaaaaaaaassss. YaaasSss.

10. I would really like to see more events and stuff strewn about C! Like how P sorta does, have adventures and etc. with items you need to collect, etc. As always, really far fetched idea, might not be added.

12. Yes, I would really like to see landmarks and etc. around rivers and lakes and oceans to help players make cities easier. The only disadvantage though is people might fight over and/or start wars over land, so be careful about it.

13. Yes, I would really like to see people touring around my city, not just frolicking around, but seeing major things! I would also not like, lock down the city when there's not a tour going on.



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I don't play that much anymore but I have a piece of feedback I'd like to give. I think a large portion of the map should just be complete flatland. My reasoning for this is twofold. Currently a bunch of people need flat areas to build and will therefore bulldoze large areas to make them suit their needs, which causes ruined landscapes. If a bunch of the world was just flat maybe we wouldn't have that problem (potentially).


Alternately you could tier areas more so they would maybe not be completely flat but could have smaller variations.  

Also, the current WE/brush-tools allows us to essentially build mountains, oceans, whatever so there is less need for huge terrain.

P.S. I personally love the worldpainted maps as I've let the mods know, if I was the only person playing the entire map would be covered in glorious terrain, but a bunch of people do not want that. 

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2. A docks area was missing from this poll, will there still be plans for a docks/pier for ship builds next rev?

3. Diagonal and curved roads would be real nice.

6. Current spawn rules are easy to understand. But two suggestions:

First, change "open world build" to "FREE BUILD" in big, bold letters. Have that placed near the the top of the rule signs - we have way too many new players joining and asking "how do u get a plot?"

Secondly, there should be a separate sign-board explaining the rules and etiquette about region claiming.

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4. Lets make more roads than cardinal roads... or lets expand individual contributor's ability to add more roads to the server by creating a unique road claiming policy. Either one works. 

10. People who think C needs more events don't regularly play on C, and as someone who does regularly play on C, I absolutely think we don't need more events. Simple. 

11. Absolutely not. I play on C currently because of the World Edit and the community. Without the World Edit, cities would stall like crappy prop planes and nothing would be accomplished during the first month of intense building. Without the World Edit, the server will fall into its player loss crisis far quicker and it will become necessary to reset the map more quickly -- possibly even before World Edit would be reinstated after a month. Don't kill off your main selling point when the traffic will be the greatest. Please don't do it and don't consider the idea farther than that. 

12. Let's not, and here's why: these landmarks are just going to create trouble and it's not worth it. If this is implemented, let there be plenty of landmarks so people can share them, because otherwise, it's going to be a shit show. 

Also, not sure where this pieces in, but I think PvE test builds should be banned from the overworld and should be confined to the test build world. It's annoying that P players build their test builds in regions that end up disrupting our world, and I'd be really interested in them using space that isn't actively being built in by C players. Thoughts from the admins would be appreciated. 

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6. i think the rules and signs are mostly fine, but I'm not a new player so I may not be best at giving input on this. probably good to weight input from newer players more on this question. i suppose we could have an in-game tutorial command that walks players through the information to various FAQs in the chat window - just as long as it's not cumbersome. but that might take away from the charm of players actively explaining stuff to newbies if they're instead just told "run /help" or whatever command.

I will say maybe there ought to be a /commands command or something. to list all of the novel commands available. that or http://wiki.nerd.nu/wiki/Commands could be updated with all the CH/etc. commands

edit: also, i do think a newbie tutorial area might be cool, if it were done well. i don't think it HAS to be done, but it might be cool.

edit: i would suggest one rule change: allow potions. please. at the very least allow them in specific regions with admin/mod approved flags. it would make pvp arenas much better, and testing minigame maps much better as well.

8. as far as I'm aware, the only argument against letting players have more pets would be any lag that it might produce. i doubt very much that increasing the limit to anything below, say, 30, would pose a risk. I might be wrong. i suppose if several players brought all of their pets to one location it might cause issues - but ideally a technical solution to that would be that if >x pets are in a chunk at a time, they start despawning - but are still available in the player's pet list to respawn elsewhere. I think at the very least increasing from 6 to 15 might be okay with no changes to prevent edge cases.

I think spawners would be nice if they can spawn monsters or if admin-placed ones can have custom metadata for making clever dungeons or challenge courses/puzzles - especially on the minigame planning world. I understand the server is set to peaceful, so this would mean it would need to be at the very least set to easy, and WG set to deny monster spawns in the global region, with the specific region in which the spawner is to be used having an override for that flag.

10. i like speedbuild. more events might be fun. not necessarily all admin-run, but maybe admin-facilitated. I think if there were some way for the warring groups to have proper battles in special events, that might be exciting. I'm not sure what sort of plugins would be needed to enable that - it would need at least a special arena of some sort in which builds could be pasted. this would be especially cool in the space world, i think. and some means of enabling weaponry to induce explosions in enemy vessels. maybe some sort of turn-based system with copy-pasting units and implementing explosions xD. it'd probably need a tech to do work though so not something the cadmins could easily do on their own. or i guess if it was turn based, it could be run with a cadmin team doing the moving and enforcing the rules.

I also think it would be fun to have some build schools, maybe redstone classes or design classes. not sure how that would work, and it wouldn't necessarily have to be cadmin-run, just would need someone or some multiple ones to teach, draw up a curriculum and plan to manage the events/classes. maybe just like little workshops or something. we've got some really talented builders on C who have the artisan skills - maybe whoever runs the classes/workshop events can coax individuals to give classes on their style of doing X or Y. I suppose there is a potential there for argument if there are artistic differences in opinion, but ideally whoever is running things would be able to smooth that out, especially after a few trials and developing experience. the redstone one might be a lot easier, especially if it's the basics, since it's pretty much all technical. maybe a worldedit class. etc.

I think if the classes were done well, even some PvE players might be interested.

I personally think it'd be REALLY cool if there were some big projects that we could do together like making an adventure map or something. That might really be something that players would have to organize on their own, but if it were to happen ideally the cadmins could be collaborated with to supply the space or whatever else, within reason. not exactly an event per se, but a community project i guess. Just something big for everyone to work on. Managing how work would be apportioned out, who would be allowed to do what, how newbies would be involved or how people would be set to where their skills are strongest... that would be tricky, hence why it might ought not be a cadmin-led thing, but perhaps cadmin-advised/facilitated... anyway, just a thought right now. definitely would need fleshing out to ensure it was functional and reduce the potential for drama and conflict in its process.

12. I'm not really a city builder so i have no opinion on this.


Edited by Mumberthrax
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had another thought re: 6. rules/signs/newbie-intro. a while back dumbo made this suggestion about using books:

and i made the /book commands as a technical implementation of most of it. This could be one option for making a simple, to-the-point guide for new players which could be added to inventory on firstjoin the same way the rules book is. all that would be required is like one line of code copied and edited (or the books.msa file edited to allow an admin to mark certain books as firstjoin books, but that's slightly more initial work) This is a system that already exists in the server cconfigs that would seem to fit the need well enough, without the effort of designing a tutorial area (though obviously there are some benefits to having a visual tutorial over a written one).

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Also, I forgot to mention my thoughts on 8: 

Can we somehow make it so mobs cannot be spawned in a region that isn't owned by the person who spawns them in? Oddly enough, the people who are spawning animals everywhere tend to do it in regions other than their own, and it's kind of annoying since the animals are impossible to remove if you aren't their owner and can sometimes become an impediment to build progress.

Blocking mobs from being spawned in other people's regions would be great. I think spawners are also overkill for the server and are unnecessary.  

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4. A larger space area would be nice. People wanted to build in space this rev, but the area is so small that there's hardly any space between neighboring builds, and not enough space for larger space build designs.

10. Speed build attracts a lot of people for the time that it occurs, and having more events with variety could hopefully help with the drop off in player numbers as the rev goes on.

12. This is probably going to create a lot of conflict at the beginning of the rev because there are only so many landmarks that you can fit into the map.

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4 hours ago, Zomise said:

I would like to bring up the amount of players on C. What are your plans to increase the player numbers and attract new players?

by getting this poll and map done successfully so we have a map and revision people are going to like.

also, if you notice in the poll there are a few regarding potential new events, and the want for such.
if you are talking about advertising, i'm not sure what you're asking from us in particular. Advertisement for nerd.nu is hard enough as it is

I've heard mention in the past of staff and players working together to make youtube videos. P does this fairly often, does it actually work for bringing in new players? A large quantity of new players i've found find us through server lists, making voting one of the most efficient methods of bringing in new players. If it would benefit our current playerbase in whole by trying to encourage our regulars to vote more, it may be worth it.

questions 10, 13 & 14 are directed at new events or games that could potentially become a thing, that may give newer players incentive to stick around if they know they can get their build featured in an event, or be around to play spleef on a weeknight. It might shake things up, and that's why we're looking into feedback for how this will be received with our current playerbase.

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I don't really play much anymore, but here's my opinion on a couple things:

- Keep WE throughout the whole rev. Most people get their projects started during the first month or so of rev, and can get so much more done with WE.

- Having flatlands/landmarks for city building would be nice. I've seen quit a bit of nice terrain destroyed in order to put a city in.

- I think having a small tutorial area for new players "how to request protection" "how to use WE" "how to report grief" etc etc would be nice.

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I would like to see a pre-built DerpU in the map, something to give players a bit of encouragement to build, something to show people cool building tricks, nice wall designs and cool interior design tricks. I personally would love to visit! You could also make it quite large with a few extra rooms and allow players to design things to be submitted into the build, thus getting player participation and maybe helping to give the server a bit more of a sense of community.


I'd like to see something similar to P where you walk through a few basic tutorials, however you aren't forced to prove you've looked at them so people that know the rules don't have to spend ages getting out of spawn. Just something you walk by and can look at.


I'm not a fan of not being able to kill animals or move them, a parrot flew in the way of my build because I'd given it seeds, and I couldn't place blocks so it was just a bit of a pain. I think natural mob spawners would be cooler than pets. I don't really like the stacking pets thing it looks very odd and can be very annoying for some players. Having said that, I don't think that players should be able to place spawners, and there should be limitations to the placement of them with modreqs. Perhaps use them as a prize. E.g. win the pvp contest and an admin shall place you a spawner where you like. regular naturally spawned mobs could be cool to just have aswell just have a mob culling plugin added to prevent too much of a build up of them.


Speed builds are great fun, however more games could be introduced, spleef competitions could be fun, if the right prizes are awarded, like I said for number 8 things such as mob spawners would make cool prizes, also plots near spawn. I'd like to see more pvp tournaments and spleef tournaments organised. I feel you could get teams to participate, (hear me out on this one) we have a few cities that always get built on creative, if we asked for city builders to form teams with their own city, you could provide an award system at spawn for the different cities, so there'd be something to show off about your city other than it looks nice (just an idea).


You know my stance on this haha, I love the idea of pre requested areas of the map. Provided that the player has proven they do use their land, or are committed to building. This could be tricky to prove, it does give long term players a bit more of an advantage which we often stray from however I think it's something we actually should reward.


I'm sure people would like it, but I know myself and I'd probably just fly off in the middle of it. It's quite fun talking to builders though about their builds, something a little less formal.


I'm not very good at explaining when I write stuff down, so if you have any questions I'll try to explain my ideas in mumble to you.

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On 7/27/2017 at 0:17 AM, Mewcifer said:

Hope I didn't miss anything. And I hope my answers made sense. I took the drowsy allergy meds tonight, so my English skills are probably garbage. Just let me know if there's anything you didn't understand. 

It's alright, your replies were well written.

I'd like to say in regards to #4 that's a great idea for us to consider. We have a little bit of time to discuss which standard of road would be best suited to be compatible with our large cities. If you like, you can have a chat with other big city creators and see if you can come up with form of standardized road.

Even though a tutorial area didn't get the most amount of ticks, i'm still going to be highly considering it, along with a few new signs to encourage new users to behave better.

Pets are a tricky topic for even us, and with the feedback on demand for spawners, it's likely we'll be looking into making this possible on admin request.

As much as I would like to not have to worry about large claims, we tend to take on large claims as admins for several reasons: keeping track of when we need to do region cleanups, assuring no drama is caused by large claims, assuring we can keep in contact with the requester, ect. I wouldn't say it's a good idea to favor those who have a good record, and I feel like this falls under unfair advantages/bias. We make sure that everyone is innocent until proven guilty, rather than guilty until proven innocent. It's only after a while into a revision do we start denying regions to people who have too many without using them.

Given that a lot of feedback suggests we should have events that focus around player's builds. After seeing the feedback it's likely we'll have a weekly or bi-weekly event for featuring player-made games, arenas, builds and other things. We hope this encourages players to build things that are fun for everyone. This is just one idea however, if there is a minigame you know people are dying to see every week, or even have speedbuild multiple times in a week, it's not an impossibility.

After seeing the feedback, and considering the negatives, we're mixed too. It's likely that we will not specifically be working with players, but still creating city friendly areas to the map. Each will be unique, and players will be able to claim them in a normal manner.

It's likely that if we do player driven events, that city tours may fall under this category (for those who want it). If this is the case, we encourage you to create an objective for those participating (such as a scavenger hunt, or other).

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On 7/27/2017 at 0:42 AM, trouble1234567 said:

I don't play that much anymore but I have a piece of feedback I'd like to give. I think a large portion of the map should just be complete flatland. My reasoning for this is twofold. Currently a bunch of people need flat areas to build and will therefore bulldoze large areas to make them suit their needs, which causes ruined landscapes. If a bunch of the world was just flat maybe we wouldn't have that problem (potentially).


Alternately you could tier areas more so they would maybe not be completely flat but could have smaller variations.  

Also, the current WE/brush-tools allows us to essentially build mountains, oceans, whatever so there is less need for huge terrain.

P.S. I personally love the worldpainted maps as I've let the mods know, if I was the only person playing the entire map would be covered in glorious terrain, but a bunch of people do not want that. 

We've been working a lot in our past revisions to make the map more city friendly, you can look forward to this more in this upcoming map!
I get what you mean about making the areas in different teirs--this is actually my specialty and i'd love to incorporate this kind of terrain.
We're always trying to keep a good balance of compatibility and beauty, without essentially turning C into a flatworld.

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On 7/27/2017 at 0:35 AM, Abitcat said:



Thank you for replying!

Seems you are really into the idea of having a tutorial area-- it'll likely happen!
Same with mob spawners, if we can do it--you'll be seeing it next revision.

I notice you specifically are talking about scavenger hunts here, and that's good. It seems that everyone else appears to be on that same page as well. Scavenger hunts are really fun, and they have such potential to be incorporated into player builds. We're happy to see such positive feedback for that, and it's easy to incorporate.

We're going to try and make just enough city compatible areas with landmarks. We hope that you wouldn't fight over areas to begin with, but after reading a bit of feedback it's likely that a large majority of the map will be essentially city compatible anyways, so worst case scenario you won't end up with a world painted landmark. As trouble mentioned in his reply, WE now allows for much easier terrain manipulation, and players who have the motivation can easily transform their area into something even more incredible than we lay out.

In my reply to Mewcifer, you can see lots of what will be happening in regards to the city tours, or rather the potential, you should discuss with eachother what you'd like to see out of the city tours, or expand on just the possibility of a scavenger hunt.

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On 7/27/2017 at 0:45 AM, TokenChineseGuy said:

2. A docks area was missing from this poll, will there still be plans for a docks/pier for ship builds next rev?

3. Diagonal and curved roads would be real nice.

6. Current spawn rules are easy to understand. But two suggestions:

First, change "open world build" to "FREE BUILD" in big, bold letters. Have that placed near the the top of the rule signs - we have way too many new players joining and asking "how do u get a plot?"

Secondly, there should be a separate sign-board explaining the rules and etiquette about region claiming.


Ah yes, docks! Nice catch-- I forgot about those. I'll let Bardidley know they absolutely cannot be taken away, everyone loves them.

Dumbo is the master of curved roads, we'll get him right on it this revision. If you take a look at some other replies to feedback you will see other possibilities of roads changing as well, what are your thoughts on those?

That's an odd, but good suggestion. No use in not trying it!
Also, yes we will be having this and/or a tutorial area.

Thank you TB for replying, we hope you stay with us for this next revision, and even if you don't please visit!

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On 7/27/2017 at 0:55 AM, AvadaKedavra said:

4. Lets make more roads than cardinal roads... or lets expand individual contributor's ability to add more roads to the server by creating a unique road claiming policy. Either one works. 

10. People who think C needs more events don't regularly play on C, and as someone who does regularly play on C, I absolutely think we don't need more events. Simple. 

11. Absolutely not. I play on C currently because of the World Edit and the community. Without the World Edit, cities would stall like crappy prop planes and nothing would be accomplished during the first month of intense building. Without the World Edit, the server will fall into its player loss crisis far quicker and it will become necessary to reset the map more quickly -- possibly even before World Edit would be reinstated after a month. Don't kill off your main selling point when the traffic will be the greatest. Please don't do it and don't consider the idea farther than that. 

12. Let's not, and here's why: these landmarks are just going to create trouble and it's not worth it. If this is implemented, let there be plenty of landmarks so people can share them, because otherwise, it's going to be a shit show. 

Also, not sure where this pieces in, but I think PvE test builds should be banned from the overworld and should be confined to the test build world. It's annoying that P players build their test builds in regions that end up disrupting our world, and I'd be really interested in them using space that isn't actively being built in by C players. Thoughts from the admins would be appreciated. 

Adding more roads than normal probably wouldn't be too difficult, however making a new policy on road claiming might. We don't exactly understand what you mean by this, and maybe it would be best expanded on?

We've been seeing a lot of feedback saying that same exact thing. While it's likely we will adding these "one-time" events, here and there to keep things fresh, we're not 100% decided on anything just yet. Even if we do have another weekly event, it's ok because nobody is going to be forced to participate, so you don't have to hold your breath.

#11 was definitely not something that was being pushed for, this was testing the waters. It's complete negative feedback was expected, and anything related will be set aside unless someone really wants to pull up an argument here in comments that we absolutely need something like this.

We already incorporate several landmarks into the map every revision, but usually lack city-friendly ones. It won't be any different than revisions are now really, and we will definitely be considering the possibility of people getting greedy /potentially fighting over landmarks (so we'll make sure we make enough)

Ah, thank you for bringing that up, that's something i've heard from multiples of people, and we have a testworld dedicated to it. It's very likely you will be seeing a rule dealing with PvE testbuilds, or testbuilds in general being restricted to only to that world. This isn't a for-sure yet, there's much discussion to be had, but i'm glad you've brought it up here.
(I've seen several instances of this taking place and sometimes it makes me wonder why we have a PvE testbuild if nobody uses it.)

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On 7/27/2017 at 0:52 PM, AvadaKedavra said:

Also, I forgot to mention my thoughts on 8: 

Can we somehow make it so mobs cannot be spawned in a region that isn't owned by the person who spawns them in? Oddly enough, the people who are spawning animals everywhere tend to do it in regions other than their own, and it's kind of annoying since the animals are impossible to remove if you aren't their owner and can sometimes become an impediment to build progress.

Blocking mobs from being spawned in other people's regions would be great. I think spawners are also overkill for the server and are unnecessary.  

I believe this may already be possible to flag a region to keep nonmembers from being able to spawn pets. I can ask dumbo about it!
If i'm correct, would you like me to help you get your regions flagged so that this won't be possible?

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On 7/28/2017 at 8:22 PM, Andrew4210 said:

4. A larger space area would be nice. People wanted to build in space this rev, but the area is so small that there's hardly any space between neighboring builds, and not enough space for larger space build designs.

10. Speed build attracts a lot of people for the time that it occurs, and having more events with variety could hopefully help with the drop off in player numbers as the rev goes on.

12. This is probably going to create a lot of conflict at the beginning of the rev because there are only so many landmarks that you can fit into the map.

I know you're speaking for a few people here, so we'll make sure that the space world has the appropriate size next revision.

Yeah, we're hoping it can bring in new players too, without straining our current players.

We already incorporate several landmarks into the map, and never really seen fighting over them before. There's already been a lot of feedback expressing that C players couldn't handle themselves under these circumstances, so we may make city friendly areas have less impressive landmarks, or just focus on making the terrain city compatible.


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  • 5 weeks later...

8. I think it would be cool if mobs could be incorporated into builds more. The current limit of 6 really limits what you can do in this regard. To stop people from spamming mobs everywhere, I think we should keep the default limit, but allow more mobs to be spawned in by admins if people modreq for them.

10. For one thing, please sometimes do speedbuilds on a different day. I can almost never participate due to my IRL work schedule. Also, I would love to see a return of spleef.

12. I myself am not a city builder, so I'm not really sure how valid my opinion is on this. It sounds like a cool idea though. Maybe if you do what P does where they don't upload the carto for the first week so that players have to go out and find these landmarks themselves so they don't all get claimed within 5 minutes.

15. I find the first option to be oddly specific. Is this a reference to something?

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