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Everything posted by Trooprm32

  1. Both of you have been added. I forgot to mention, [redacted].
  2. Spawn is mostly complete, but we figured it would be nice to let some mods help out. Since most of us are slightly mediocre with interiors, we figured some help was required, so now is your opportunity to add your mark to spawn! The theme is an abandoned coastal pirate village. Mainly what needs to be done; Buildings filled and furnished according to their purpose (Which will be marked at their entrance.) Ruinifying spawn. Not too much, but it needs a "worn down" feel Spawn is pretty dark, so maybe some lighting solutions to fit the theme The boat is entirely off limits for editing, but you can look at it. Spawn is blocked off by a close world border, so no exploring. Remember this isn't meant to give you a leg up on the competition! If you would like to help out, post here so I can add you to the whitelist. The server is on 1.8, so you'll need the corresponding client in order to connect. Using [redacted], one of us should be able to /mode you once you join. And remember, anything here, or at spawn is strictly confidential, and shouldn't be shared with anyone else. Added peoples: Switchviewz, Socarch26, StatelyFandango, Wondrland, Silversunet01, pez252, nealsmith
  3. Hey OGX, since this is a very old ban, I'm going to unban you now. Please read the rules, and have fun! Ban for ogxclaw on c.nerd.nu for Import From MCBans by Console on 2011-06-02T21:43:12 (1 more bans, 1 notes)
  4. Regarding Subreddit/Mumble/IRC: Changing the subreddit name would most likely not be an option, since we can't migrate everyone over. IRC is similar, but would be easier to handle, maybe a reroute? -I don't know how things work- As for mumble I don't see any reason for it to not be changed, but again, I don't know the technical limitations
  5. Hey this ban is pretty old now, so I'll go ahead and unban you. Make sure your account is secure by changing the password and remember to refresh yourself on the rules at nerd.nu/rules. Ban info; Ban for azura0611 on c.nerd.nu for Griefing on C nerd.nu/appeal by trevorman on 2013-02-18T16:06:01 (no more bans, no notes)
  6. Hey guys, we have been actively working on the new rev for the past while, and it will hopefully be coming soon, so stay tuned!
  7. Closing for extended inactivity. Please reappeal to be unbanned.
  8. Hi, thanks for reading the rules. I'll go ahead and unban you now. Ban info; Ban for sprremix on c.nerd.nu for griefing, nerd.nu/appeal by Verros on 2011-12-05T11:01:01 (no more bans, no notes)
  9. Hi XKX, you were banned back in 2012 for using homophobic language. Since it is an old ban, I'm going to unban you, be sure to read the Rules before you play! Ban info; Ban for XKXK61 on c.nerd.nu for homophobia nerd.nu/appeal by totemo on 2012-05-09T11:33:15 (no more bans, no notes)
  10. Hey, since this ban is super old, I'm going go ahead an unban you. If you do happen to play on our servers be sure to check out the rules here first: http://www.redditpublic.com/wiki/Rules Ban info; Ban for molly_morbid on c.nerd.nu for Abusive in chat to players, personal attacks by Skuld on 2011-04-21T22:17:49 (no more bans, no notes)
  11. Hi crafty, since this ban is super old, I'm going to unban you now. Be sure to read the rules, and have fun! Ban Info; Ban for crafty123white on c.nerd.nu for minor griefing nerd.nu/appeal by Amaranthus on 2011-09-30T18:58:13 (1 more bans, no notes)
  12. Since it's a fairly old ban, I'm going to go ahead and unban you. Please read and follow the rules during your time here! Ban Info; Ban for Flashplayerman on c.nerd.nu for griefing nerd.nu/appeal by travismaybe on 2012-02-06T19:59:36 (1 more bans, 1 notes)
  13. If you are using 1.8, anvils and enchantment tables seem to glitch out. Try using 1.7.10.
  14. I originally discovered this server through the link on /r/minecraft. Without having that link and subtle free advertising we will just be another server... I do however agree we need a unified identity.
  15. Closing, player can appeal on stated date.
  16. Since Rcub appears to be inactive; I'll handle this appeal now. Please read the rules and change your password to ensure account security, and post back once you have done so.
  17. Since it well past your ban length, I'm willing to unban you. Please read the rules and post back here to be unbanned. Ban info; Ban for Deathstalkr on c.nerd.nu for Xray on Survival nerd.nu/appeal by Trooprm32 on 2014-08-24T12:27:22 (no more bans, no notes)
  18. Hi Mc_chef. You, or whoever was on your account was banned for griefing a large farm near spawn, by spamming 800+ wool everywhere on and around it. I'll be willing to unban you as soon as the Rules are read, and please be sure to secure your account! Ban info; Ban for mc_chef on c.nerd.nu for Griefing on Pve nerd.nu/appeal by Trooprm32 on 2015-01-01T21:21:41.504 (no more bans, 1 notes) Screenshots:
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