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Everything posted by Trooprm32

  1. Trooprm32

    PvE Map Poll

    I really liked Rev 11 which had a more realistic ocean with realistic islands, and less huge expanses like the 1/3 map of mesa of the current rev. I really like the idea of having an outer hostile/amplified-ish area that totemo is describing, but NOT using terrain control(please no). Lowering the ore plump in the central vanilla regions, and raising it on the outer parts would give a greater incentive to build there.
  2. Ban info; Ban for dumbsquirrel on c.nerd.nu for Xray on S nerd.nu/appeal by Trooprm32 on 2014-12-28T08:48:50.097 (no more bans, no notes) You didn't just keep the xray mod on your client, you used it to mine 27 veins of diamond. You will be banned for 1 month until January 28th. In the meantime, please read the rules HERE, and make a new appeal on the stated date. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Y5FMF
  3. From what I recall, public viewing of the Survival modreq portal but revoked due to harassment from other players in regards to reports. People are more likely to report others for spawn killing, logging, and verbal harassment if they don't know about it. This is what I remember being told back in the day.
  4. Since this ban is old/banning moderator is no longer on staff, I'll handle this appeal. Please read the rules Here, and post back to be unbanned. Ban info; Ban for eitaner on c.nerd.nu for griefing on s nerd.nu/appeal by Naughts73 on 2012-06-25T00:03:18 (no more bans, 2 notes)
  5. Please read the rules here, and post back to be unbanned Previous appeal thread: https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/2779-thespanishslime-trooprm32/?hl=thespanishslime
  6. Images actually lock up my client for a few seconds, most noticeable when i accidentally mouse over jauris. :/
  7. If we're talking in analogies, elections and representative leaders have a overall minor affect on peoples everyday lives; I wouldn't trust most people to vote IRL either. Server admins have a clearer presence than the president in what we do in game or in real life respectively. It's because Admins have a bigger impact on our gameplay that I couldn't see a typical democracy system working properly.
  8. This is better. I have no problem with community suggestions and input, but enabling them to dictate admins is not the route to go.
  9. I never said I approved of the new Sadmin choice, or the fact that they hardly play on the server to begin with. I really admire the Sadmins, but I agree they need more of a presence on their home server. The thing is, playtime doesn't automatically make someone a quality mod or admin candidate, there are a lot of factors to take into account, which is something I simply cannot see the community being capable of.
  10. And how do you expect the community to know who would make a good admin? Admins nominate others for admins because they know what that players' skills are, and assume they can handle or are responsible enough for the position. Being a player or even a mod is a whole different ballgame in terms of responsibility.
  11. Thrawn stepped down as a head admin https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/2831-head-admin-changelog-and-announcements/?p=22296
  12. Looking through MCP, no, most of it wouldn't belong in Public mod chat.
  13. Hi, please read the rules here, and post back here when you do to be unbanned. Ban info; Ban for mrsappattack on c.nerd.nu for chat spam by C45Y on 2011-10-15T20:52:19 (no more bans, 1 notes)
  14. I think having a flat map would be the best plan for the PvE area. Wiping plots would be good if done by last edit date on the plot, maybe 2 weeks?
  15. I've seen this idea mentioned before; Having a world similar to the redstone world, which is exclusively for PvE/Survival planning/testing. This way the true creative map isn't populated by half constructed builds, and test projects.
  16. Please follow my instructions from the previous appeal: Read the rules, and post back here when you do. Link to previous appeal; https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/2727-shoobox-trooprm32/
  17. It's much appreciated the time you spent working on these servers, hope all goes well for you! Adios
  18. Replying via msg to staff atleast was fixed on Pve, surely it could transfer over to S.
  19. This is a new header that will go before the first header "useful plugins" Recommended Client Mods and Tutorials In this section we will cover the recommended client mods, what they do and how to use them, as well as an installation tutorial. World Edit CUI Being almost necessary for moderators doing protections, WECUI visualizes world edit selections in order to easily identify where the bounds begin and end. Being a very straightforward mod it only requires one command, being //sel. This will clear your active position markers, removing your selection. Example image of a cuboid selection Here Watson Crafted by our very own totemo, Watson visually displays logblock edits, draws vectors between them according to edit date, utilize annotations for quick return points, and a whole lot of other super useful features. /w display on: Will turn on the watson display if it doesn't automatically happen. /w help: Will give you a list of commands ingame. Example of visualized Logblock Here The visual display depends solely upon using the Coords param in world edit and how much pages of edits you have scrolled through. /lb time 12h player playername block 56 coords /lb page 2 /lb page 3 /lb page 4 The above will show you the first 4 pages of player's diamond edits visually, and will draw vectors from edit to edit accordingly. When dealing with grief modreq's, you'll generally want to know what the griefer has done before, and after griefing an area. This is where /pre and /post come in. /pre ##: Shows ## of edits before the block you queried by location, whether it be with the coal ore, or the Coords param. Defaults at 45 without a number. /post ##: Shows ## of edits after. After finishing a modreq, or just wanting to clear your screen of the visualized edits, simply use /w clear. Annotations are useful for many different reasons. If you want to save a list of edits by a player, and want to be able to return easily afterwards, anno's are for you. You can add an annotation by logging a block with the coal ore, and using /Anno add <text>. This will give you a text box on that logblock spot, which can be teleported to at a future date. Both must be saved for that to be possible, which is where Watson's /w file save comes in. These save files can be loaded up showing all previous saved visualized logblock items, as well as annotations. Anno add <text>: Adds an annotation at the last logged block. Anno list: Shows a list of annotation in your current watson display. Anno tp <number>: Teleports you to a specific loaded annotation. /w file save: Saves your current LB display with a filename of the last person logged using logblock. /w file load: Loads a Watson save according the file name /w file list: Shows your current Watson saves /w file delete: Deletes a save. Watson also add a few non-logblock related tools. The built in calculator /calc, and a chat highlighter. The highlighter can be used to make players names stand out for future reference. /hl: List of all the highlight commands /hl add <colour> <pattern>: Adds a colour, pattern to a word or name which follows the specified parameters. Screenshots also base its name off of the last logged player, and sorts them into folders in your /minecraft/screenshots directory. For more in-depth Watson, please visit the Readme Here. Client Mods Installation Tutorial <Insert whatever redwall does here!>
  20. I do not agree with outlawing swearing in its entirety. I am against people using hateful words directed at others in a serious manner.
  21. This is how most bans are dealt with; mod or admin discretion. I'm not going to confide in someone else whenever I want to make a ban, so why should this be any different? If anything, these types of bans are put into greater consideration than other bans already.
  22. I was actually planning on writing a recommended mods section, would be happy to incorporate a tutorial in it :D
  23. Original Revised These reply boxes just decimate formatting.
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