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Everything posted by Trooprm32

  1. Original Revised Feel free to fix anything up I may have crucially missed. I will work on the other sections I feel comfortable with aswell.
  2. As your very well know, I banned you for Xraying. Whether it was you or not is a non-issue. You are solely responsible for your account, and any rulebreaking applies to the account it took place on, regardless of who was controlling it at the time. You are banned for 1 month, please re-appeal on December 24th to be unbanned, thanks.
  3. Thank you and please be sure to make sure your account is secure by changing your password. If another moderator would unban Periwinkle123, it would be much appreciated.
  4. Diamond this is a duplicate appeal, please refer to his current open one. Closing.
  5. Hi periwinkle, please go and read the rules HERE, and post back here once you have done so to be unbanned. Ban info; Ban for periwinkle123 on c.nerd.nu for rail/lava player trap nerd.nu/appeal by totemo on 2012-03-18 21:01:08 (no more bans, no notes)
  6. I like the idea of having a list and running through them to eliminate names that are clearly not suitable for nomination, and then going into more detail with the names that make it through.
  7. Closing due to inactivity. Please re-appeal after reading the rules to be unbanned.
  8. Closing, please follow Sapphric's instructions, and appeal on the 28th to be unbanned.
  9. Just a couple of things I can think of at the moment that would be nice to have: //info and //count. Edit: No //count lol, but //rotate and //flip are definitely needed.
  10. True enough. /region rename would also add all existing owners to the new named region, and it may not be easy to distinguish who originally created the region as well, so it could get sticky in regards to that.
  11. /region rename exists, atleast on PvE, and is also an admin only command.
  12. I banned you for xraying, so you will be banned for the standard 1 month. Please post back here after reading the rules: no earlier than December 6th to be unbanned.
  13. So just a quick bump here. I know we touched up on the activity of admins, but didn't really discuss mods in the meeting. Are we going to do a active mod list cleanup soon? Can we measure activity levels in different ways this time as well; mainly based off in-game activity with the forum being a subset. The previous cleanup was poorly done IMO, and many of the inactive staff haven't been active since that time, and even before that. It goes to show we can't depend on peoples promise of activity, but have to see activity trends as a drawing point. If this is currently being discussed, just let us know here; it's OK as long as I know there is progress being put towards this.
  14. As you probably know, I banned you for xray a couple months ago. As your time would have been up by now, please go ahead and read the rules HERE, and post back to be unbanned.
  15. As someone who primarily plays PvE, not a chance. This would break pve personally for me, because I play it to avoid pvp and hostilities, and enjoy the freedom to explore the map without restricting me to a certain area. If S wants to test this system themselves on their server thats fine, but leave us alone here.
  16. Hi skiflea, please wait for Sapphric to reply to you appeal. If he hasn't done so within 2 days, feel free to bump you post. Ban info; Ban for skiflea on c.nerd.nu for Illegal PvP via doppelgangers nerd.nu/appeal by Sapphric on 2014-10-28 01:42:32 (no more bans, 3 notes)
  17. According to the Whenisgood data, this time is the only good option to get as many people in the meeting as possible.
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