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Everything posted by Mrloud15
You created several new accounts during your last appeal after it was denied including Mrloud16 which posted"forzaire u r now unban" before the appeal was closed. Appeal denied.
So you went from being civil to being rude with the edit? I'm not sure how many times I can say something, but I will give it another go. The banning admin knew of your alt, but they banned the account that broke the rules like we have always done. If you are going to having more than one account, it's your responsibility to know what's going on with them. If you can do that, I would suggest only using one.
I already did a few comments ago. By posting those thread and then evading the ban it showed that you had no intention on follow the rules. Looking back I should have also extended the ban to the forums.
You ban was done about as properly as a ban can be done. You clearly violated the policy I listed above and you received the posted consequence for said action which was a warning. You then violated the same policy after the warning so your account was banned just as policy stated it would be. The was no issue in communication between staff. Reply here saying you have read and understand the rules.
Like I said before, I'm not the one who banned your other forum account. It was another head admin and they followed the"Community Interaction Policy." The account that posted the threads was banned. It's what we have always done in the past, so I'm not sure why you think it's our responsibility to read your mind and take actions based on that. I think it's more than fair to expect you to keep track of what's going on with your accounts if you are going to use more than one. Why did you make those thread with your other account instead of this one, and what was the point in making them?
Thank you. Unbanned.
I have not forgotten about your appeal, but I have been busy/thinking of how to handle it. I will reply tonight or tomorrow.
Head Admin Changelog and Announcements
Mrloud15 replied to schererererer's topic in News & Information
Added LadyRavenOwl as an Event Admin. -
Please help me welcome LadyRavenOwl as the new Event Admin! She has been playing on the servers since mid 2011 and has been helping out as a mod from July 2011 to February 2012 and recently from December 2013. You may know her from on the recent maze events, her cake shops on S, or creating the awesome mazes arenas on S! For those who are wondering what the Event Admin will do, they are in charge of leading the event server, coming up with ideas for events, coordinating players and staff, helping out server admins with running events on their respective servers, etc. LadyRavenOwl will bring a lot of experience, ideas, and a new perspective to the new Event Admin position and I look forward to working with her!
Thank you. Unbanned.
Hello everyone, We need to have a donation drive sometime soon, so I figured I would start a thread about planning it. The goal of the drive will be to provide funding for the servers for another year, and according to Deaygo we would need $4500 to do that. Here are a few things that we need to discuss before moving forward. What type of event should we have? When should we have the drive? How can we get the word out about the drive? I would like to ask everyone to comment asap so we can get this thing moving.
Apologies for the late reply. You have it set so you will receive an email when you are warned by a staff member on the forums, so you did receive a notification. The account that posted the threads was banned, and it's not our responsibility to ban every possible account you have if you break a rule on one of them. If you have multiple accounts it's your responsibility to know what's going on with them, and if you can't handle that I would suggest only having one account. If you recall from the first appeal you made, I said that we will reevaluate your ban on your appeal date, and in order to be unbanned you need to show that you intend to at least follow the rules, but your actions since that first appeal have indicated that you do not intend to follow them. I would like to avoid having to ban you from one of our other services, but if you continue to not follow the rules it may escalate to that point. Make a new appeal on the 10th.
Hello TheHcuber, please read the rules and reply here stating you have read and will follow them.
Hello BCB, sorry for the wait. Please read the rules and reply stating that you have read and will follow them. Also, please take note that your history will be taken into account when deciding your ban length if you are ever banned again.
Just wanted to let you know that I have seen this, and I will reply tomorrow.
Hello cbbcbail, you have been unbanned. Please check out the rule and this before you start playing, and have fun. Ban information: Ban for cbbcbail on c.nerd.nu for homophobic language - nerd.nu/appeal by WickedCoolSteve on 2011-11-24T20:24:38 (no more bans, no notes)
Sorry for the wait. On the 22nd your account, MasterAzuk, was suspended from the forums for 24 hours by another headadmin because of 2 inappropriate treads you started. Before the suspension on MasterAzuk was up you posted several times on the forums under this account (EeHee2000). Because of this your ban is extended by 2 weeks for evading, and your new appeal date is January 10th. Also, I would have been happy to unban you and then close your appeal. However, your actions have prevented me from doing so. Stop evading you bans and you will be unbanned.
Hello EeHee, I just wanted to let you know that I have seen this, and I will reply tomorrow.
No meetings where promised for each server, and none have happened since the general meeting. The general meeting took place on September 27th. The most recent PvE meetings took place on July 26th and August 2nd. The most recent Creative meeting took place on June 8th.
This is a huge issue that needs to be fixed
Mrloud15 replied to bmx20042004's topic in Minecraft General
I figured that I would show you that the sadmins do listen to you guys and have used the communities' suggestions for the current and past revs since there seem to be a lot of talk going around saying they have not. Now I will agree with you guys that there should be communication about rev 28, and I'm working with the sadmins to set something up similar to what we have done in the past. While that is in the works, I can tell you that the sadmins are looking at a quite a few player suggested ideas for the new rev. Now let's start with how the last 3 revs came to be starting with the current rev, rev 27. Survival Rev 26 feedback - 41 players contributed to the thread which was was the base for rev 27. Rev 27 also had a few player suggested ideas from the Survival General Meetings. The General meeting, we (since I was a sadmin at that time) spent over 7 hours over 2 meetings listening to you guys and want you wanted out of S, and many more hours going through all of the suggestions posted in the google forum. One of the most popular ideas that came out of these meetings was a citadel based server which is what happened for rev 26. Rev 25 was a test rev where we could test out some of the plugins we were going to use for the citadel based rev 26 and to allow us time to build the map and configure the plugins. I have seen you post a link to all of the threads with the tag "Survival" a few times, so I went trough the first 4 pages, 100 posts, and collected all of the threads where players suggested ideas, the sadmins have asked for feedback from players, and where the sadmins have asked for ideas or suggestions. (Please note that they are not in any order) It's not hard to find plenty of examples of how the communities ideas, suggestions, and feedback have shared the recent revs. To be fair you can also find plenty of examples of were ideas were suggested and not implemented on the servers. This could be for several reasons like the idea was not well received, there were issues with plugins, plugins needed to be created, we have not had the opportunity to test the idea out yet, etc.. Survival Ideas and Suggestions | Survival Changelog People who actually play on Survival, what changes would you like to see the next revision Survival Rev 28 Planning Thread Survival Rev 27 A survival Idea Survival Suggestions / Feedback Survival General Meeting Survival Rev 26 Feedback Enderpearl Cooldown: Part V - The Result Srev 26 - Plugin changes/additions PvP Rankings Ideas Survival Revival: Take it old school Does anybody have ideas for making Survival more accessible? I need them for my poll. Enchanting Survival Server General Meeting. Please read this and share your ideas for improving the Survival Experience. We need your help! Consequences For Dying [survival] Any chance of SimpleClans coming back? Public Arenas SimpleClans Feedback Thread Combat Tag Feedback Thread A possible solution to the SafeBuckets problem? Survival General Feedback Thread Survival - Too PVP Heavy? Enderpearl Cooldown Killstreaks Enderpearl Cooldown: Part II - A New Poll -
Thank you. Unbanned.
Collecting Opinions on the "Ted Cult/Group"
Mrloud15 replied to kittypuppet's topic in Minecraft General
This thread is the first time I have heard of this issue. -
Please help me welcome TheAcademician as the newest sadmin! She will be moving from the tech admins to join Mumberthrax, redwall_hp, and BeastBruiser as a sadmin! She has been helping out as a mod since December 2012, and a tech admin since February 2013. Some of you may know her for the awesome plugins CobraCorral and CobraFeats or from the cities of Egreth or Sanctuary. We are looking forward to the experience, ideas, and a new perspective she will bring to Survival!
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Hello coolluc787, please read the rules and reply here once you have done so. Ban information: Ban for coolluc787 on c.nerd.nu for grief on survival nerd.nu/appeal by Mrloud15 on 2014-02-08T20:45:20 (no more bans, 1 notes)