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Everything posted by Mrloud15

  1. Hello pumpkinpeyes, You are unbanned. Ban for pumpkinpeyes on c.nerd.nu for built a swastika. nerd.nu/appeal by katiewills on 2014-05-19T14:49:33 (no more bans, no notes)
  2. Thank you for reading through the rules. Unbanned.
  3. Hello everyone, We have come up with a list of possible mods after many weeks of discussion. Everyone on this list has been contacted and asked if they would like to be included in this vote. A few things to keep mind before you vote: "Yes" means "I am supporting this person, and want to see this person as a moderator." "No" means ""I don't think this person should be a moderator." "Don't know well enough" means "I don't know this person well enough to make a decision." The results are public, so anyone will be able to see who you voted for. As always, if anyone has any concerns about anyone on this list please contact myself (Mrloud15) or another headadmin (Cyotie911, jchance, or schererererer). Voting will end in 1 week, May 5th, and new mods will be announced no later than 1 week, May 12th, after voting has ended.
  4. Just a quick comment to say that I'm fully aware of this situation and jchance has pretty much summed up anything I would say.
  5. This is why having 2 threads for pretty much the same thing is not a good idea! -4?
  6. You where banned for voting using the username: "[redacted]_goes_moo". As I'm sure you are aware given your choice of words and the player, the player in your username has had an issue with harassment with players using similar remarks. I'm setting your ban is set at 1 month (4 weeks) from in game and mumble. Please make a new appeal on May 2nd and we can reevaluate your ban. Ban information: Ban for AvadaKedavra03 on c.nerd.nu for Harassment. nerd.nu/appeal by Mrloud15 on 2015-04-04T21:11:52.447 (no more bans, 1 notes)
  7. Sorry about that. I made a list a week or so ago, but got side tracked and forgot to post it in admin chat to get the other admins' opinion on what needs to be edited and whatnot. We can compare it to the list Switch made and get the final list of thread to moved over in let's say 2 weeks just to be safe.
  8. Hello everyone, Please only remove notes you made, and leave removing notes for inactive staff members to the head admins.
  9. Please help me welcome SwitchViewz as the new Event Admin and ExcessiveToker as the new Creative Admin! SwitchViewz has been playing on the servers since November 2012 and has been helping out as a mod since May 2014. You may know him from the Friday Night Gaming events, helping to build some of the holiday lobbies, UMC and Whiteoak on PvE. For those who are wondering what the Event Admin will do, they are in charge of leading the event server, coming up with ideas for events, coordinating players and staff, helping out server admins with running events on their respective servers, etc. ExcessiveToker has been playing since late 2013 and has been helping out as a mod since January 2015. You may know her from Potlandia on Creative. Both of these people will bring a lot of experience, ideas, and a new perspective to the admin teams they are joining, and I look forward to working with both of them!
  10. Hello Avada, I have not forgotten about your appeal and I will reply sometime tomorrow.
  11. We set the lower limit at 3 when we first added simple clans back in rev 23 and I don't recall the reason why. It's up to the current Sadmins if they would like to change the lower limit to 2.
  12. Hello ScipioWarrior, Please make sure something like this does not happen again. You are now unbanned. Ban information: Ban for ScipioWarrior on c.nerd.nu for Racist remarks nerd.nu/appeal by Mrloud15 on 2015-04-04T21:12:45.674 (no more bans, 4 notes)
  13. I think anything from 1k to 1.5k would work well.
  14. BUMP for creative's and pve's description. ಠ_ಠ
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